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by : Annisa Suci Fajreha (16-067)

I am going to tell you guys about the one of the most deadly diseases in this world because it
can attack anyone, anytime and anywhere. The name is heart attack. Heart attack is a fatal
occurrence of coronary thrombosis, typically resulting in the death of part of a heart muscle. A
heart attack is a medical emergency, in which the supply of blood to your heart becomes block,
blocked your blood flow to the heart and the result is blood clot.

Other terms used for a heart attack include myocardial infarction, cardiac infraction and
coronary thrombosis. An infarction is when the blood supply to an area is cut off and the tissue
of that area is dies. A heart attack is often confused for a cardiac arrest. While they are both
medical emergencies, a heart attack is the blockage of an artery leading to the heart. And a
cardiac arrest involves the heart stopping the pumping of blood around the body. A heart
attack can lead to cardiac arrest.

During a heart attack, the heart muscle losses blood supply and is damaged. Your chest feels
discomfort and pain. The risk of a heart attack increases when a man is over 45 and a woman is
over 55. Why a heart attack attacks men faster than attacks women? Because women have an
estrogen hormone and men do not have that hormone.

There clear symptoms of a heart attack are a feeling of pressure, tightness, pain on your chest,
squeezing, or aching in the chest or arms that spread to the neck, jaw, or back can be a sign of
this disease. But more other possible signs and symptoms you can see to identify this disease. It
likes coughing for a long time, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, face seeming gray in color, feeling
awful, sweaty, and shortness of breath. Why did patient who had problem with their heart and
they had problem with their lungs to? Because we know, that the heart located near with your
left lung. They just apart with a very thin layer that called pleura. So that why if you had a
problem with the heart, you will had a problem too with your lungs. The patient will feel
normally constant, although it may sometimes come and go.

Heart attack can be so much fatal, it is vital to recognize the warning signs that an attack is
occurring. There are four warning signs listed by the American Heart Association (AHA) as being
crucial signs of an attack. These include, discomfort, pressure, squeezing, or fullness in the
chest that lasts several minutes or resolves then return. You will feel pain or discomfort in the
arms, neck, jaw, back or stomach. You sudden shortness of breath and being lightheaded and
ofcourse a cold sweat.
There are two types of complication that can happen following the heart attack, the first occurs
pretty much straightaway and the second happens later on.

An immediate complications are arrhythmias, cardiogenic shock, hypoxemia, pulmonary

edema, DVT or deep vein thrombosis, myocardial rupture and ventricular aneurysm.
Complications that can occur later are angina, congestive heart failure, edema, loss of erectile
function, loss of libido, and the last is pericarditis.

The best way of preventing a heart attack is to have a healthy lifestyle and you can visit a
doctor to get a good advice for living a healthy life. You should stop smoking. Then balanced
your diet, doing an exercise three times a week, get a good quality of sleep, control your
cholesterol, blood pressure and blood glucose. Keep away from alcohol. Maintaining a healthy
body weight. Avoiding stress where possible. And don’t put yourself under pressure.

If you see the people who is attacks by a heart attack, you should call an emergency unit.
During you wait for an ambulance you should doing a CPR or cardio-pulmonary resuscitation as
fast as possible because if you don’t do that the person can’t be helped. And if the ambulance
has come send the patient to the hospital to have a defibrillator, so you can save their life.

Most people will need several kinds of a medications or treatments after a heart attack. The
aim of these measures is to prevent future heart attacks. They may include, aspirin, beta
blockers, ACE or angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, and CABG (coronary artery bypass

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