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On Wii may provide a different experience than playingXbox according to a study from Missisippi State


Individuals who play Wii remote and Wii nunchuck are enemies after playing video games. They used
traditional controller. The additional feeling of immersion in the game it seems increased the potential
for aggressive response following the play a violent game.

Dr Williams says that movement control increases the connection with the game, and the player is
surrounded and entered the game. This is the objective of technology.

Research in the studio has 70 men using 2 different video game controllers play one video game, the
difference is up to the player. Naturally-mapped controllers they show the character of the game. This is
a higher virtual level. Feel as if you are moving up in the video game.

Players are the great enemies in first 10 minut video games, and enemies does not last long. Concern
as a parents would be where the industry heading. There must be controls impact hostility
andprotection measures or ethical policies will industry enact to make sure that as technology advances
smaller impressionable children are protected .- said Dr Wiliams

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