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Treating diabetic ulcers

Francesco Tecilazich, Thanh Dinh & Aristidis Veves†

Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center and
Microcirculation Lab, Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA

1. Introduction Introduction: Diabetic foot ulceration is a serious secondary complication of

diabetes mellitus and the most common cause of hospitalization in diabetic
2. Normal aspects of wound
patients. The etiology of diabetic foot ulcerations is complex due to their
multifactorial nature. Thus, addressing all of the factors involved remains
3. Development of diabetic foot
instrumental in wound healing.
Areas covered: The first part of this review focuses on the pathophysiology of
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4. Current therapies diabetic foot ulceration and wound-healing impairment. The second part
5. Future therapies reviews the standard treatments, including advanced wound-care products
6. Conclusion and new therapeutic approaches currently under investigation. The reader
7. Expert opinion will understand the most up-to-date research regarding the unique patho-
physiology of diabetic foot ulceration along with the basic cornerstones of
current recommended standard therapy.
Expert opinion: Diabetic foot ulceration is a serious complication that can
lead -- potentially -- to devastating lower-extremity amputations. Proper
adherence to standard treatment strategies can potentially prevent the
need for amputation.
For personal use only.

Keywords: chronic inflammation, diabetes mellitus, diabetic foot ulcer,

endothelial dysfunction, growth factors, neuropeptides, peripheral neuropathy,
peripheral vascular disease, wound healing

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4):593-606

1. Introduction

Current statistical data from the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) and the
World Health Organization (WHO) show a dramatic worldwide increase in diabe-
tes mellitus (DM). In 2000, nearly 250 million people were affected by DM. This
corresponds with a global prevalence that is estimated to be 2.8%; a near doubling
of this number -- to 400 million (a projected prevalence of 4.4%) -- is expected in
the next two decades [1]. Because of its secondary complications, the life expectancy
of diabetic patients is on average 10 years shorter than nondiabetics [2]. Diabetic foot
ulcer (DFU) is a common secondary complication of DM, with an estimated 15%
of patients with diabetes expected to develop a foot ulcer within their lifetime [3].
More importantly, DFU us the most common cause of hospitalization in diabetic
patients [4], resulting in lower extremity amputations in about 15% of cases [3].
DFUs are the originating source of 85% of all amputations [5], representing a total
annual cost of 4 billion dollars in the United States alone [6].

2. Normal aspects of wound healing

At the host level, normal wound healing requires sufficient circulation, proper nutri-
tion, adequate immune status, and the avoidance of traumatic mechanical forces.
At the microscopic level, normal wound healing involves a complex, well-
orchestrated series of biological and molecular events consisting of cell migration,
cell proliferation, and deposition of extracellular matrix (ECM) [7]. This cascade
of wound healing can be divided into four different and overlapping
physiological phases.

10.1517/14656566.2011.530658 © 2011 Informa UK, Ltd. ISSN 1465-6566 593

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Treating diabetic ulcers

3. Development of diabetic foot ulceration

Article highlights.
. Diabetic foot ulceration (DFU) is the most common DFUs are the result of various etiological factors and are char-
cause of hospitalization in diabetic patients. Because of acterized by an inability to self-repair in a timely and orderly
the high incidence of treatment failure, DFU often leads manner [9]. DFU occurs as a consequence of the interaction of
to amputations (in 15% of the cases).
several contributory factors, which may be divided schemati-
Neuropathy, trauma, ischemia, and infection are the
main factors related to DFU. cally into intrinsic (neuropathy, peripheral vascular disease,
. Standard care should be applied first (debridement, off and diabetes severity) and extrinsic (wound infection, callus
loading, restoration of blood flow, treatment formation, and excessive pressure to the site) [10].
of infection). Several studies have examined the risk factors for the devel-
. Advanced wound care should be applied only if the
opment of DFU. Most agree that a triad of factors contributes
standard care fails. It includes cell therapy, negative-
pressure therapy, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, to ulceration (Figure 1). These include the presence of periph-
extracorporeal shock-wave therapy. eral neuropathy, foot deformities, and acute or chronic repet-
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itive trauma. Peripheral neuropathy in the diabetic foot results

This box summarizes key points contained in the article. in loss of sensation, changes in foot structure with subsequent
deformity, and skin changes resulting in a foot more vulnera-
ble to injury with poor defenses. Peripheral sensory neuropa-
thy is responsible for the pain insensitivity, whereas
The first phase is hemostasis, which involves the forma- autonomic neuropathy causes impaired sweat-gland function,
tion of a fibrin plug consisting of platelets firmly enclosed resulting in dry, atrophic skin. Motor neuropathy commonly
in a network of fibrin, fibronectin, vitronectin, and throm- causes intrinsic muscle wasting with a characteristic foot with
bospondin. Besides providing mechanical protection to the joint contractures and prominent bones to the metatarsal
wound from pathogenic microorganisms, the plug relea- plantar region with limited fat padding (Figure 2) [11]. Internal
ses pro-inflammatory mediators, such as cytokines and or external traumas are generally the next key component and
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growth factors. The cytokines function to recruit neutro- these are usually related to the development of abnormally
phils, monocytes, and lymphocytes, which trigger the high foot pressures during walking. Internal traumas are
next -- inflammatory -- phase. typically the result of repetitive stresses from high-pressure
In the inflammatory phase, the recruitment of neutro- areas whereas external traumas derive from the environment
phils, monocytes, and lymphocytes serves several functions: (ill-fitting footwear, object in the shoe, etc.).
these cells act as a defense against contaminating microor- In addition to the triad of risk factors described in the liter-
ganisms by producing a wide variety of proteinases and reac- ature, impaired wound healing has been implicated as a signif-
tive oxygen species; they are involved in the phagocytosis of icant cause for poor healing in the DFU. Other causes of poor
cell debris; and, most importantly, they release growth fac- wound healing in DFU include infection and ischemia.
tors and cytokines, which initiate the proliferative phase of Recent investigation has revealed that impairments at the
wound repair. microvascular level, as well as abnormal expression of growth
The proliferation phase starts with the migration and pro- factors and other cytokines, may be involved in the altered
liferation of keratinocytes and of dermal fibroblasts. These healing process.
cells will later migrate into the provisional matrix and deposit
an ECM. During this phase, initiation of angiogenesis results 3.1 Chronic inflammation
in the formation of new blood vessels, with nerve roots Over the last decade, it has steadily been recognized that DM
sprouting at the wound edges. Wound contraction starts is a disease based fundamentally on inflammation. Both
when the deposition of ECM is coupled with angiogenesis type 1 and type 2 diabetes are characterized by the chronic
and re-epithelialization. As wound contraction begins, the upregulation of pro-inflammatory cytokines. In type 1 DM,
fourth and final phase -- remodeling -- is characterized cytokines like interleukin (IL)-1a, IL-4, and IL-6 are acutely
by ECM remodeling and formation of scar tissue, with elevated during hyperglycemia and persist elevated for hours,
subsequent closure of the wound. even after the restoration of euglycemia [12]. In type 2 DM,
Much investigation has focused on defining the difference the pro-inflammatory cytokines IL-1, tumor necrosis factor
between acute and chronic wounds. Acute wounds heal read- (TNF)-a, IL-6, and CCL5 (RANTES) are released from var-
ily, following the wound healing progress in an orderly pro- ious cells, such as immune cells and adipocytes, and have
cess through all of the phases. However, chronic wounds been implicated together with several other mediators in the
such as DFU tend to stagnate during the healing process development of insulin resistance [13,14].
and exhibit biochemical and pathophysiological abnormalities In DM, a nonsequential release of pro- and anti-inflammatory
that result in stalling of the wound in the inflammatory phase. cytokines results in an imbalance that leads to impaired tissue
Thus, the path to wound closure does not follow an orderly repair and weakened cellular and humoral immune defense
and reliable progression of healing [8]. mechanisms [15,16]. Clinical investigations, both in patients

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Tecilazich, Dinh & Veves

Neuropathy infections. This finding could possibly indicate impaired

immunological responses in diabetic patients [19]. Decreased
immune-cell infiltration has been shown in early-stage
DFUs, and there is a persistence of neutrophils and macro-
phages in chronic nonhealing wounds. These changes in
inflammatory-cell recruitment are consistent with alterations
in growth factor expression [20].
Impaired healing
3.2 Peripheral arterial disease
Neuropathy Peripheral vascular disease (PVD) in diabetes is characterized
by impairment at both the microcirculation and macrocircu-
lation levels. Macrovascular disease is morphologically similar
Trauma in diabetic and nondiabetic patients, with the only exception
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Trauma of anatomic location of disease. In diabetes, there is a propen-

Ulceration sity for macrovascular disease to target the infrageniculate
arteries of the calf, specifically, the posterior and anterior tib-
ial and the peroneal arteries [21]. Unlike the common macro-
Chronic foot ulceration, vascular presentation, microcirculatory disease is unique to
amputation DM. In microvascular disease, there is no occlusion or nar-
rowing of the capillary lumen. Instead, the fundamental struc-
tural change in the diabetic small vessels is the thickening of
Figure 1. The pathway to foot ulceration. Sensory neuro-
the basement membrane.
pathy, associated with pain insensitivity, is the first compo-
These changes play a central role in the development of
nent of the pathway. Internal or external traumas are next
key component. Impaired wound healing is the
DFU and their subsequent failure to heal. Over the last
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third component. decade, surgical intervention of PVD to address macrovascu-

Modified from [5]. lar disease in the patient with diabetes is commonly per-
formed to address nonhealing DFUs with good success.
However, following revascularization, cutaneous microcircu-
lation, although greatly improved, cannot be completely
restored with the revascularization of the large vessels [22]
and patients with DM complicated by neuropathy, may still
fail to heal an existing ulcer.
In addition to the structural changes in the basement mem-
brane, the microcirculation itself is dysfunctional. Capillaries
have reduced elasticity (and thereby vasodilating capacity)
and the cellular migration and nutrient exchanges that nor-
mally occur at these levels are impaired. These abnormalities
are due to endothelial dysfunction, smooth-muscle-cell dys-
function and nerve axon reflex (NARV, also known in physi-
ology as the Lewis triple-flare response; Figure 3) impairment.
The exact causes of endothelial dysfunction and of smooth-
muscle-cell dysfunction remain unknown, but it has been
shown that the microcirculation fails to react and vasodilate
Figure 2. Changes related to motor neuropathy. Extensive appropriately in patients with diabetes compared to healthy
wasting of the intrinsic muscles of the foot results in clawing controls [23,24].
of the toes and prominent metatarsal heads. The functional impairment of the microcirculation has
been attributed to reduced expression of endothelial nitric
with diabetes and in experimental animal models, demonstrate oxide synthetase (eNOS) and poly(adenosine diphosphate
defects of chemotactic, phagocytic and microbiocidal activities (ADP)-ribose) polymerase [24,25]. Interestingly enough, the
of neutrophils that contribute to the high susceptibility and expression of eNOS is reduced in peripheral neuropathy,
severity of infections typical of DM [17,18]. suggesting a relationship between neuropathy and endothe-
In a prospective clinical study comparing neutrophil activ- lial dysfunction. Under conditions of stress, such as pain
ity and the levels of IL-1b in patients with healing and non- and trauma, the C fibers secrete peptides [e.g., substance P
healing DFU infections, dysfunction of neutrophils and a (SP), neuropeptide Y (NPY), neurotensin (NT), and others]
dysregulation of IL-1b were noted in the patients with DFU that exert vasodilation and increase vessel permeability. This

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Treating diabetic ulcers

Painful stimulus
tissue. In fact, they have been shown to be mitogenic for
fibroblasts and keratinocytes. VEGF have been identified as
C-nociceptive fiber a major regulator of both vasculogenesis and angiogenesis [31].
stimulation Levels of VEGF increase during trauma and ischemia and
they have also been shown to stimulate wound angiogenesis
cell in a paracrine manner. NGF is essential for the development
Retrograde stimulation and survival of certain sympathetic and sensory neurons the
central and peripheral nervous systems, as all members of
the neurotrophin family of polypeptides. GM-CSF is
Vasodilatation involved in angiogenesis and is mitogenic for keratinocytes.
Substance P
All of these growth factors have been found in wound fluid
Histamine and are known to be integral in the chemotaxis, migration,
stimulation, and proliferation of cells and matrix substances
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necessary for wound healing. Therefore, changes in the

Figure 3. The nerve--axon reflex. The stimulation of the expression pattern of these growth factors in DFUs can poten-
C-nociceptive fibers causes retrograde stimulation of the tially diminish granulation tissue formation and maintain
adjacent fibers, which release active vaso dilators [such as chronicity of the ulcer.
histamine, substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide
(CGRP)]. The final result is hyperemia during injury
3.4 Endothelial progenitor cells
or inflammation.
Neovascularization occurs in both physiologic and pathologic
conditions and may arise both from pre-existing vessels
represents a protective mechanism, and it has been shown to (angiogenesis) and from new blood vessels (vasculogenesis)
be impaired in diabetic patients with and without neuropa- through the key contribution of bone marrow-derived endo-
thy [26], with the largest reduction observed in neuropathic thelial progenitor cells (EPCs) [32]. In 1997, Asahara et al. first
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feet. This characteristic impairment at the foot level can be identified circulating EPCs contributing to neovasculariza-
considered a functional ischemia and it may be another tion [33]. This discovery led to the understanding that EPCs
possible mechanism that explains poor wound healing play an important role in both angiogenesis and in maintain-
in DFU. ing the integrity and function of vascular endothelium [34].
Recent studies have shown that the levels of circulating
3.3 Growth factors EPCs are a marker for vascular function and cumulative car-
As previously discussed, growth factors play an enormous role diovascular risk and that they predict the occurrence of car-
in the normal healing cascade. Growth factors influence the diovascular events and death from cardiovascular causes [35].
wound-healing process both through inhibitory and stimula- Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that that EPCs con-
tory effects on the local wound environment. A multitude of tribute to neovascularization during atherosclerosis [36], post-
growth factors is present in wound healing. The most promi- myocardial infarction [37], endothelialization of vascular
nent growth factors include: platelet-derived growth factor grafts [38], wound healing, limb ischemia [34,39,40], retinal and
(PDGF), fibroblast growth factor (FGF), vascular endothelial lymphoid organ neovascularization [41,42], vascularization
growth factor (VEGF), epidermal growth factor (EGF), nerve during neonatal growth [43], and tumor growth [44].
growth factor (NGF), and granulocyte/macrophage-colony Under normal conditions, EPC levels are relatively low; the
stimulating factor (GM-CSF). numbers increase in response to trauma or ischemia. The
PDGF plays a major role in wound healing, acting as a recruitment of EPCs from the bone marrow to the systemic
mitogen on fibroblasts, vascular smooth muscle cells, endo- circulation, and then to the homing sites of neovasculariza-
thelial cells (EC), neurons, and macrophages and as a chemo- tion, is subject to regulation by many factors, including che-
tactic for neutrophils, macrophages, and fibroblasts. PDGF mokines and growth factors; however, the exact mechanism
also enhances proliferation of fibroblasts, stimulates the pro- of EPC mobilization is not entirely elucidated and is still
duction of ECM by these cells, and triggers fibroblasts to under investigation. Aicher et al. demonstrated that VEGF-
acquire a myofibroblast phenotype [27,28]. FGF (with the A activates eNOS in bone marrow [45] and that, subsequently,
exception of FGF7) stimulate proliferation and regulate the nitric oxide activates matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9).
migration and differentiation of cells of mesodermal, ectoder- Activated MMP-9 is responsible for the release of a stem-
mal, and endodermal origin. FGF are mitogenic for several cell--active cytokine (soluble Kit ligand) that shifts EPCs and
cell types present at the wound site, including fibroblasts hematopoietic stem cells from a quiescent to a proliferative
and keratinocytes [29]. Furthermore, FGF1 and FGF2 niche and stimulates their mobilization to the peripheral
stimulate angiogenesis [30]. EGF [including its member blood [46].
transforming growth factor (TGF)-a] play an important As previously discussed, restoring blood flow to the site of
role in re-epithelialization and in the formation of granulation injured tissue is a prerequisite for mounting a successful repair

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Tecilazich, Dinh & Veves

response, and is part of the proliferative phase. When the for- corticotropin-releasing factor (CSF), a-melanocyte-stimulating
mation of new blood vessels occurs within the provisional hormone (MSH), and NT [52-57]. The role of SP, NPY, and
wound matrix, granulation tissue develops. The possible role CGRP in wound healing is under investigation.
of EPCs in DFUs is currently under investigation, as the SP is widely distributed in both the CNS and PNS [58-60];
role and function of EPCs has been poorly defined. in patients with diabetes, SP-positive nerve fibers [61] are
shown to be reduced. SP is released from peripheral neurons
3.5 Other possible pathogenetic factors in response to noxious stimuli. It promotes vasodilatation,
3.5.1 Muscle metabolism leukocyte chemotaxis, and leukocyte--endothelial-cell adhe-
Recent studies from our unit have investigated the hypoxia of sion. In this way, SP elicits the extravasation, migration, and
tissue in diabetes. These studies have revealed that hypoxia is subsequent accumulation of leukocytes at sites of injury [62].
present even in the absence of peripheral artery disease (PAD) It is evident that dysregulation in the SP pathway in diabetes
and may be related to impaired wound healing. In normal can significantly impair the wound-repairing process.
physiology, the concentration of ATP in the muscle tissue is Like SP, NPY is also important for both the inflammatory
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maintained at a steady-state level by the creatine kinase reac- and angiogenic phases of wound healing. Levels of NPY in the
tion. This mechanism works as long as the supply of oxygen skin are reduced in patients with diabetes [63]. The angiogenic
and other nutrients to the cells is sufficient to maintain the action of NPY consists of stimulating EC proliferation and
phosphocreatine (PCr) reserve [47]. When energy demand is migration leading to angiogenesis [64]. Interestingly, the con-
greater than mitochondrial capacity, or in the presence of tractile response of vascular smooth muscle to NPY was
ischemia, the concentration of PCr drops and the phosphate shown to be reduced in rabbits with alloxan-induced diabetes
moiety for the conversion of ADP to ATP is depleted, mellitus [65] and the deletion of one of its receptors (Y2) in
resulting in increased Pi concentration. mice resulted in blockage of NPY-induced angiogenesis and
Recent findings from our unit demonstrate that muscle delayed wound healing [54].
metabolism and tissue hypoxia (as evidenced with an CGRP is generated from the alternative splicing of the cal-
increased Pi/PCr ratio) are present in the foot muscles of dia- citonin gene, both in the CNS and the PNS. In the PNS,
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betic patients with or without neuropathy in the absence of CGRP is co-stored and co-released with SP [66]. CGRP is a
PAD (Figure 4) [47-51]. Further investigation into these novel very potent vasodilator and also has a stimulatory effect on
techniques may help identify screening and treatment angiogenesis via enhancement of VEGF release [67]. It is has
strategies to better address DFU. been clearly shown that, in humans, diabetes decreases its
expression, release, and action; moreover, in diabetic rats,
3.5.2 Skin oxygenation CGRP-mediated vasodilation is significantly reduced [68].
Skin oxygenation of diabetic patients with neuropathy has
been shown to be reduced and has been implicated as a poten- 4. Current therapies
tial cause of impaired wound healing. In our unit, hyperspec-
tral imaging (MHSI) has helped quantify skin oxygenation by The cornerstones of DFU treatment have long been advo-
combining the chemical specificity of spectroscopy with the cated as including: regular debridement, wound-pressure
spatial resolution of imaging [48]. Initial studies in DFU off-loading, revascularization when appropriate, adequate
have validated this method as a valuable method of measuring treatment of infection, and wound care. In addition, advanced
wound oxygenation; it also has the potential to predict future wound-care therapies have been developed to the address the
areas of DFU. biochemical inadequacies found in the chronic wound.
Recent findings from our unit have shown that there are These advanced wound-care therapies target the deficient
changes in oxygen delivery or extraction, as manifested by cytokines and growth factors, thus providing a stimulus to
MHSI measurements of oxygen saturation in the skin of the the nonhealing DFU.
forearm and foot of patients with diabetes, with or without A fundamental tool in the management of DFU is the
neuropathy. Moreover, we found lower oxygen saturation lev- assessment of the wound area, either by measuring the maxi-
els in the presence of neuropathy in the foot. These changes mal width and length of the ulcer [69] or through wound trac-
are present both under resting conditions, in which no ings (Figure 5) [69]. By comparing the wound area at different
changes are seen in skin blood flow, and after induction of visits, the clinician can determine the rate of wound healing,
endothelium dependent vasodilation [48]. which is fundamental in determining the therapeutic strategy,
as described in more detail in the Expert Opinion section.
3.5.3 Neuropeptides
Neuropeptides act by binding to specific high-affinity 4.1 Debridement
receptors on various cells in the skin, such as immune The goal of debridement is to remove all necrotic, dysvascu-
cells, Langerhans cells, ECs, mast cells, fibroblasts, and lar, and nonviable tissue to obtain a red, granular bed
keratinocytes. The neuropeptides involved in wound healing (Figure 6). Removal of all nonviable tissue allows for greater
include SP, NPY, calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP), visual assessment of the wound base and also promotes the

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4) 597

Treating diabetic ulcers

A. 4 *

2 §


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C. 2

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* *


Figure 4. Results of the PCr/Pi ratio. (A) Significant differences were found in all groups. The PCr/Pi was significantly higher in
the control group (C), followed by the non-neuropathic group (DM), and was lowest in the neuropathic group (PDN) (* vs zvs
p £ 0.0001). (B) Results of the total 31P concentration. The 31P concentration was similar in the control and the non-
neuropathic group and lower in the neuropathic group (*vs §p £ 0.0001). (C) Results of the foot lipid/water ratio. The ratio
was similar in the control and the non-neuropathic groups and lowest in the neuropathic group (*vs §p £ 0.0001).

release of growth factors. Several debridement techniques to remove the apparatus. However, because of its significant dis-
have been described but the gold standard for DFU debride- advantages (considerable skill and time for application, possible
ment remains sharp debridement with a scalpel blade or a skin lesions, and the inability to assess the wound daily) the use
tissue nipper [70,71]. of TCC is not very common.
Although pressure reduction is significantly less than TCC,
4.2 Pressure off-loading and the patient’s compliance cannot be assured, other off-
As ulcerations occur in high-pressure areas of the insensate foot, loading devices (such as the half shoe and short-leg walker)
the reduction of pressure is essential for achieving healing of are more commonly used because they are easy to use, readily
plantar DFUs. Different methods can be employed to obtain accepted by patients, and relatively inexpensive. In addition to
a reduction in foot pressure; success rates vary. The most pop- these devices, felted foam dressings can provide adjunctive off-
ular off-loading techniques are total contact casting (TCC), loading. These dressings are fashioned from a felt-foam pad
half shoes, short-leg walkers, and felted foam dressings. and offer customized pressure relief with an aperture corre-
TCC involves the use of a well-molded, minimally padded sponding to the site of the ulceration. The felted foam must
plaster cast to distribute pressures evenly to the entire limb, be changed every 1 -- 2 weeks to ensure integrity of the dress-
and has been considered to be the most effective means of off- ing. Interestingly, a comparison between off-loading techni-
loading diabetic foot ulcers as measured by the wound healing ques showed that felted foam dressings in combination
rate [72]. The main advantage and likely effectiveness of the with a surgical shoe or half-shoe are more effective then a
TCC is the forced patient compliance secondary to the inability short-leg walker or a half-shoe alone [73].

598 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4)

Tecilazich, Dinh & Veves

to a low-fat diet. Medications may include antiplatelet ther-

apy, anticoagulants, and low-density-cholesterol-lowering
drugs. The endovascular/surgical approach for PAD may be
achieved with different techniques: angioplasty (with eventual
stent positioning), endoarterectomy, grafting, or by-pass.
However, this topic is beyond the objective of this paper, we
therefore refer our readers to other more specialized
reviews [74].

4.4 Treatment of infection

Diagnosis of infection is based primarily on clinical appear-
ance, relying on the five clinical signs: erythema, edema,
pain, tenderness, and warmth (Table 1). When infection of
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an ulcer is suspected, debridement of necrotic tissue, drainage

of all purulent collections, and deep culture of the wound
should be performed before starting a broad-spectrum, empir-
Figure 5. Wound tracing may yield far more reproducible
ical antibiotic therapy. Empiric antibiotic selection should be
results in measuring wound size than simply length by based on the suspected bacterial pathogens and then modified
width measurement. in accordance to the culture data. Additionally, antibiotics
selection should be optimized to minimize toxicity and to
be cost effective.
Antibiotic therapy can be discontinued when the evidence
of infection has resolved, even if the ulcer has not fully healed.
Continuation of antibiotics beyond this point has not demon-
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strated any positive effect on wound healing and the

recommended guideline is 2 weeks of therapy, although recal-
citrant infections may require longer courses [75]. In such cases
of severe soft-tissue infection, the duration of antimicrobial
therapy is based on response to the antibiotics and both
patient and wound should be monitored closely.

4.5 Wound care

To ensure optimal management of DFU, the effective use of
dressings is essential to provide an appropriate wound-
healing environment. In recent years, the concept of a clean,
moist wound-healing environment has been widely accepted.
Benefits to this approach include prevention of tissue dehy-
dration and cell death, acceleration of angiogenesis, and facil-
itation of the interaction of growth factors with the target
cells [76].
Recently, the concept of wound-bed preparation has been
widely touted for wound healing. Wound-bed preparation
involves the creation of a healthy wound bed by managing
Figure 6. A diabetic foot ulcer after surgical debridement. bacterial load and moisture levels within the wound. To that
Adequate debridement is achieved when all callous and end, many clinicians advocate the use of antimicrobial wound
necrotic tissues have been removed and a clean, red and
products, such as those that contain silver or iodine. Despite
granular base is revealed.
the widespread use of these dressings, no randomized, con-
trolled clinical trials have evaluated their clinical effectiveness
4.3 Revascularization in preventing or eradicating infection.
In case of an ischemic or neuroischemic wound, restoration of
vascularization (always after resolution of eventual infection) 4.6 Advanced wound-care products
is fundamental to re-establish arterial flow to the foot. The As previously described, many growth factors are decreased in
treatment of PAD consists in lifestyle changes, medical chronic, nonhealing diabetic ulcerations. Becaplermin -- one
therapy, and endovascular/open surgery. Lifestyle changes of the first wound-care products approved by the US Food
consist of weight loss, cessation of smoking, and adherence and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat growth-factor

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4) 599

Treating diabetic ulcers

Table 1. Clinical manifestations of infection and wound-healing process: they fill the wound, recruit cells,
corresponding infection severity. and help lay down ECM proteins essential to wound heal-
ing. LSEs are available for epidermal, dermal, and composite
Clinical manifestations Infection (epidermal and dermal) wounds and are commercially
of infection severity offered in both autograft and allergenic form. The latter
are produced from neonatal fibroblasts and keratinocytes
Wound lacking purulence of any manifestations Uninfected
of inflammation using tissue-engineering technology. The first LSE commer-
Presence of ‡ 2 manifestations of inflammation Mild
cially available was Apligraf a composite graft containing
(purulence, or erythema, pain, tenderness, warmth, both epidermal and dermal components. Apligraf has
or induration), but any cellulitis/erythema extends shown to significantly increase the wound-healing rate and
£ 2 cm around the ulcer and infection is limited to decrease the median time to complete wound closure [79].
to the skin or superficial subcutaneous tissues; The other commercially available LSE is Dermagraft,
no other local complications or systemic illness
which consists of a metabolically active tissue containing
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Infection (as above) in a patient who is systemically Moderate

normal dermal matrix proteins and cytokines. A prospective,
well and metabolically stable but which has ‡ 1 of
the following characteristics: cellulitis extending randomized, multicenter study, showed that Dermagraft-
> 2 cm, lymphangitic streaking, spread beneath the treated ulcers were associated with more complete and rapid
superficial fascia, deep-tissue abscess, gangrene, healing and that, moreover, they showed a reduction in
and involvement of muscle, tendon, joint or bone the ulcer recurrence rate compared with conventional
Infection in a patient with systemic toxicity or Severe therapy [80].
metabolic instability (e.g., fever, chills, tachycardia,
hypotension, confusion, vomiting, leukocytosis,
4.7 Preventive surgery
acidosis, severe hyperglycemia, or azotemia)
The treatment of diabetic foot ulcers may also require the use
Of note, in the setting of severe ischemia all infections are considered severe of surgical techniques to address underlying infection or bio-
(adapted from [103]). mechanical faults resulting in increased pressure points. Surgi-
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cal intervention to debride infected tissue, drain purulent

deficiency -- addressed the decreased concentration of platelet- collections, and resect osteomyelitis is essential for adequate
derived growth factor-BB (rhPDGF-BB). As discussed above, wound healing [81]. In instances where a diabetic foot ulcer is
PDGF-BB is a mitogen and chemotactic agent for connective complicated by foot deformities caused by Charcot deformity,
tissue and stromal cells, and it increases wound vascularization the biomechanical faults should be addressed through recon-
by stimulating endothelial cell proliferation and movement. structive surgery to ameliorate the offending boney prominen-
In pilot and subsequent studies, becaplermin increased the ces [82]. Finally, the role of prophylactic surgery to correct foot
incidence of complete wound closure and decreased the time deformity prior to the development of foot ulceration has
to achieve complete wound healing [77]. Of note, in 2008 recently been advocated as a successful preventive strategy [83].
the FDA added a black-box warning to the safety labeling
for becaplermin to warn of the increased risk for cancer mor- 4.8 Negative-pressure wound therapy
tality in patients who use three or more tubes of the product; Negative-pressure wound therapy (NPWT) provides an envi-
it should therefore be used with caution in patients with ronment of subatmospheric pressure to wounds by putting a
known malignancy. dressing into the wound cavity, connecting the dressing to a
Another class of advanced wound-care product is the liv- vacuum pump, and sealing the area with an adhesive film.
ing skin equivalents (LSE), which includes the only two The tube is connected to a vacuum device that delivers a con-
products currently approved and available for use in diabetic trolled negative (i.e., suction) pressure in the range of -50 to
foot ulcers: Apligraf (Organogenesis, Inc., Canton, MA, -125 mmHg. Negative pressure 125 mmHg is the advised
USA, distributed by Novartis Pharmaceutical Corp., East amount of negative pressure because it corresponds to the
Hanover, NJ, USA) and Dermagraft (Advanced Tissue maximum increase in blood flow of 125 mmHg [84].
Sciences, Inc., La Jolla, CA, USA). LSEs offer distinct NPWT has been shown to assist in wound healing by
advantages over traditional skin grafting: their use is nonin- reducing the perilesional edema that mechanically compro-
vasive, does not require anesthesia, can be performed in an mises the microcirculation, promoting the delivery of oxygen
outpatient setting, and avoids potential donor-site complica- and nutrients to the wound bed, removing waste products,
tions such as infection and scarring [78]. These tissue- and -- finally -- by exerting a mechanical tissue stress on the
engineered skins are believed to facilitate wound healing by wound bed that stimulates cellular proliferation [85]. As Arm-
both filling the wound with ECM and inducing the strong and Lavery stated in 2005, NPWT is a safe and effec-
expression of growth factors and cytokines that contribute tive treatment for complex DFUs. In fact, their work on
to wound healing (Table 2). Although the exact mechanism surgical wounds showed that the treatment with NPWT
is unknown, it is speculated that the growth factors resulted in a higher proportion of healed wounds and
and cytokines exert multiple positive effects on the enhanced healing rates than with standard treatment [86].

600 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4)

Tecilazich, Dinh & Veves

Table 2. The cytokine expression in ApligrafTM and healing process. As a result, treatments that address the underly-
human skin. ing structural and functional impairments that contribute to
prolonged wound healing are being investigated for their diag-
Human Human dermal ApligrafTM Human nostic and therapeutic benefits. Future therapies need to rely
keratinocytes fibroblasts skin on the successful integration of mediators of different pathways
involved in wound healing, such as the impaired microvascular
FGF-1 + + + +
FGF-2 - + + + function, diminished activity of growth factors, cytokines,
FGF-7 - + + + neuropeptides, and the hypoxic tissue environment.
ECGF - + + +
IGF-1 - - + + 5.1 Cell-based therapies
IGF-2 - + + +
Cell therapy is an emerging and exciting modality for promot-
PDGF-AB + + + +
TGF-a + - + + ing wound healing. Interestingly, numerous studies have
IL-1 a + - + + investigated the potential of stem cells, keratinocytes, and
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/13/15

IL-6 - + + + fibroblasts for the treatment of chronic wounds, but few

IL-8 - - + + studies have explored these strategies in diabetic wounds.
IL-11 - + + +
Concerns about immune rejection have increased interest
TGF-b1 - + + +
TGF-b3 - + + + in autologous cell therapy. Unfortunately, fibroblasts from
VEGF + - + + diabetic patients demonstrate an altered phenotype, including
reduced proliferation and response to growth factors. This
ECGF: Endothelial cell growth factor; FGF: Fibroblast growth factor; represents a limit in the use of autologous fibroblasts in these
IGF: Insulin-like growth factor; IL: Interleukin; PDGF: Platelet-derived growth
kinds of patient [91].
factor; TGF: Transforming growth factor; VEGF: Vascular endothelial
growth factor. To date, the use of stem cells in diabetic wound healing has
been evaluated only in animal models, but the early results are
quite encouraging. Mouse diabetic wounds injected with
For personal use only.

4.9 Hyperbaric oxygen CD34+ cells healed much more rapidly and showed a dra-
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) involves the intermittent matic acceleration in revascularization [92]. Because of their
inhalation of 100% oxygen in chambers pressurized above key role in wound healing, EPCs have become an attractive
1 atmosphere absolute (ATA; 1 ATA is defined as the atmo- stem-cell candidate [93]; however, like fibroblasts, autologous
spheric pressure at sea level and is equivalent to 101.3 kiloPas- EPCs could be of limited use in patients with diabetes
cals). The benefit of HBOT is based on the premise that because they have shown impaired proliferation, adhesion,
wounds often are hypoxic and that raising tissue oxygen levels and incorporation into vascular structures [94].
eventually improves wound healing. However, besides
increasing oxygenation of the hypoxic wound tissues and 5.2 Neuropeptides
angiogenesis, HBOT has been demonstrated to have an anti- As discussed above, it is becoming more and more evident
microbial effect, enhancing the neutrophil killing ability, as that the peripheral nerves and the cutaneous neurobiology
well as a stimulatory effect on fibroblast activity and collagen contribute to normal wound healing by acting through a
synthesis [87,88]. Generally, the chamber is pressurized to bidirectional connection between the nervous and immune
2 -- 2.5 ATA, the patient breathes via head tent, face mask, systems. These signaling pathways become impaired in the
or endotracheal tube and the goal is to increase the arterial presence of diabetic neuropathy, contributing to chronic
PO2 to about 1500 mmHg [89]. Recently the results of a ran- wounds and ulcers. The neuropeptides commonly implicated
domized, placebo-controlled clinical trial on Hyperbaric in impaired diabetic wound healing are SP [56] and NPY [53].
Oxygen Therapy in Diabetics with Chronic Foot Ulcers Current research aims to reconstitute the neuropeptide--
(HODFU) were published. The results support the benefit cytokine signaling axis through neuropeptide supplementa-
of adjunctive treatment with HBOT but the significance tion as a future therapy to counteract wound-healing
in healing rates between the groups was obtained abnormalities specific to diabetes.
9 -- 12 months after treatment completion. The fact that there
was a considerable time delay in ulcer healing raises questions 5.3 Gene therapy
as to the therapeutic benefits of HBOT [90]. Gene-therapy studies for diabetic wound healing have primarily
been limited to animal models and targeted toward the delivery
5. Future therapies of growth factors and cytokines. The use of gene therapy has not
been clinically approved for the treatment of wound healing and
Despite this current multifaceted approach, treatment success of several hurdles interfere with growth factor therapy: the short
DFU has demonstrated limited success. Furthermore, compel- half-life of growth factors (they are rapidly degraded by proteases
ling evidence suggests that DFU that fail to heal within 20 weeks in the wound), the need for large amounts of purified
are more are likely to result in a prolonged and protracted recombinant material, and the toxicity associated with repetitive

Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4) 601

Treating diabetic ulcers

doses. One possible way of overcoming these challenges is to growing health problem on a global level. Aggressive treat-
reprogram somatic cells to induce the synthesis and secretion ment with periodic debridement, treatment of infection,
of the growth factors. Methods commonly employed include adequate pressure offloading, use of moist wound dressings,
genetically modifying autologous cells in vitro (via viral vectors, judicious use of advanced wound-care products, and tight
liposomes, or naked DNA) and transplanting them back to the glycemic control, have been proven to be the best means
host tissue. In a diabetic wounded mouse study, PDGF lentiviral of treatment. However, as previously discussed, their
vectors were successfully transfected into the regenerating etiopathogenetic characteristics make the treatment of these
dermis of the wounds. The lentiviral PDGF-treated group wounds difficult with a high incidence of failure and
showed enhanced angiogenesis and collagen deposition, but consequent amputations.
re-epithelialization did not differ among the groups [95].
In a similar diabetic wounded mouse study, a plasmid 7. Expert opinion
expressing TGF-beta-1 was injected in the wound bed
followed by electroporation and electrical stimulation. Results Currently, the cornerstones of the treatment of full-thickness
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/13/15

indicated that the electrical and genetic effects worked DFUs consist of adequate debridement, off-loading of pressure,
synergistically to promote wound healing [96]. correction of ischemia, treatment of infection, and local wound
In another diabetic wounded mouse study, an adenovirus care. To address all of these issues requires the coordinated work
encoding VEGF-C was injected intradermally around the of a multidisciplinary team comprising a nurse with special
wound. Eight days after the injection, the treated animals expertise in wound care, orthotists and prosthetists, physical
showed a significantly accelerated wound healing with therapists, podiatrists, vascular surgeons, and diabetologists.
enhanced angiogenesis and lymphangiogenesis compared to However, even when optimal treatment is provided, only a por-
the controls [97]. tion of ulcers (up to 50%) will be healed after 12 -- 20 weeks [69].
However, there are potential problems to use of viruses as vec- To improve this outcome in a cost-effective manner, it is
tors; for instance, toxicity, immune and inflammatory responses, strongly recommended that a standardized treatment regimen
and gene control and targeting issues. Furthermore, there is is followed, with periodic evaluation of treatment effectiveness.
For personal use only.

always the potential risk of viral replication. Nevertheless, viral In fact, due to their significant cost, advanced wound-
vectors are the first choice in most gene therapy studies. care treatment should be reserved for those wounds that have
demonstrated a failure to properly progress to healing in a linear
5.4 Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy fashion. The best way to identify which patients need advanced
Extracorporeal shock-wave therapy (ESWT) is a novel wound care is through assessment of the wound-healing rate
biophysical treatment that consists of the application of a after every 4 weeks of therapy. Patients who achieve a wound-
mechanical stimulus in the form of shock waves. In addition healing rate of 50% or more should continue receiving the stan-
to possessing tissue-regenerative properties, ESWT exerts dard therapy. The remaining patients with a healing rate less
anti-inflammatory and pro-angiogenic effects through the than 50% should instead be selected for more aggressive thera-
upregulation of VEGF (via HIF-1-alfa activation) and the pies, such as advanced-care products. This evaluation should
down-regulation of necrosis factor kB, respectively [98]. be performed every 4 weeks to reassess the treatment
Several studies over the last years have demonstrated the pos- regimen. It should be emphasized that advanced wound-
itive effects of ESWT in animal model on wound size, angiogen- care products must always be considered an adjunct to the stan-
esis, and inflammation [99,100]. Moreover, a study on venous and dard treatment of debridement, offloading, ischemia and
diabetic chronic wounds showed that ESWT determined a sig- infection management.
nificant wound size reduction, necrotic tissue decrease and blood The currently available advanced wound-care products
flow increase in the treated subjects compared to the con- include local growth factors, LSEs, and NPWT. New thera-
trols [101]. A recent randomized clinical trial conducted to evalu- peutic approaches, such as cell-based therapies, are currently
ate the effect of prophylactic ESWT on wound healing after vein in design to produce numerous growth factors and ECM pro-
harvesting for coronary artery bypass graft surgery, has shown teins simultaneously. Stem cells or cell therapies are capable of
improved healing in the treated group in comparison to the con- expressing a host of favorable wound modulators, thus bear
trols [102]. Thus, although the precise mechanisms are only the potential of providing the chronic wound a rich supply
beginning to be elucidated and further investigations are of growth factors and cytokines necessary for wound healing.
required, these encouraging results seem to indicate that However, it remains unclear how effective these therapies
ESWT may represent a promising future therapeutic option in might be as they are currently under investigation and not
chronic non healing wounds. currently commercially available.

6. Conclusion Declaration of interest

DFUs are chronic wounds resulting from repetitive trauma The authors state no conflict of interest and have received no
in an insensate foot. They represent a significant and payment in preparation of this manuscript.

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Francesco Tecilazich MD, Thanh Dinh DPM &
Expert Opin. Pharmacother. Downloaded from by Nyu Medical Center on 06/13/15

Aristidis Veves† MD DSc

Author for correspondence
Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
Joslin-Beth Israel Deaconess Foot Center and
Microcirculation Lab,
Harvard Medical School,
330 Brookline Avenue,
Boston, Massachusetts 02215, USA
For personal use only.

606 Expert Opin. Pharmacother. (2011) 12(4)

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