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As you know, the unequal distribution of : tempertures, a masses water and ond enbles| the Earth to be divided into major bioclimatic environments, or extensive regions that as a rule | 7 form zones that coincide with the different climates. In this unit we will study each of these zones. _ We will begin by locating them on a map and then examining their climate, vegetation and landscape. We will also analyse the impact of humans on the environment, as well as the consequences and possible solutions. : ——_ aD The prefix un- means not or to remove. Consider the words unequal, uneven and unload. With a classmate, find more words using this prefix. — The central image presents the average temperatures and annual Precipitation levels of a number of places on Earth. 'n pairs answer the following questions and complete the activities, graphs? Which of the places represented has the highest annual average temperature and which has the lowest? In which places does it rain more and in which does it rain the least? Using an atlas find the geographical coordinates of the places referred to in the previous question and answer the following uestion: in what climatic zone are they located and why? Analyse these images of landscapes. Then answer the following question: a) What differences can you detect? b) Which places have trees and which do not? c) What do think is the reason for these differences? | | | How ore temperatures and precipitation levels represented in the | | a eee 8 The major bioclimatic zones: the torrid zone g General characteristics The torrid zone is roughly located between the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Its most significant feature is its high average temperature, which is always above 18 °C. There are three types of torrid climate: equatorial, tropical and desert, They each have different precipitation levels. The torrid desert bioclimate is azonal and is found in various regions around the world, We will therefore study it separately, @ The equatorial bioclimate The equatorial bioclimate covers the narrow strip to the north and south of the equator. Temperatures there are constantly high, at around 25 °C all year round, The atmospheric temperature range (the difference in temperature between the hottest and coldest months) is approximately 3 °C. Annual precipitation levels exceed 1500 mm and the amount of Precipitation is distributed regularly over the year. Therefore, there is just one hot and humid season. As a result, equatorial rivers are regular and have a high volume of water. Vegetation in the equatorial climate is characterised by rainforest, also known as jungle. It consists of dense woodland, which remains green all year round. It consists of many different vegetation species, which are distributed at different heights and therefore compete for light and space. Singapore Skills progress derstan 1 Using an atlas, name one country with an equatorial climate and one country with a tropical climate in America, Asia and Africa,

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