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Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 146 (1998) 362±366

Excitonic model of track registration of energetic heavy ions in

a,* b
Noriaki Itoh , A. Marshall Stoneham
Osaka Institute of Technology, 1-79-1 Kitayama, Hirakata, Osaka 573-0196, Japan
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London, Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK


The consequence of generation of dense electronic excitation along the paths of energetic heavy ions is discussed,
emphasizing the fates of electron±hole pairs. It is pointed out that a substantial part of the energy imparted to electron±
hole pairs in the materials in which excitons are self-trapped is converted directly to defect formation energy but do not
contribute to heating. However, the thermal spike model can be an appropriate macroscopic model of the track reg-
istration of the materials in which excitons are self-trapped, because energy deposited to the material remains along the
ion paths. The energy imparted to electron±hole pairs is di€used away from the ion paths in the materials in which
excitons are not self-trapped. This explains the reason why the critical stopping power for track registration is higher in
these materials. The diculty for application of the thermal spike model to these materials is pointed out and it is
suggested that nominal defects in densely excited region nucleate fragmental tracks. Ó 1998 Published by Elsevier
Science B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 61.80Az; 61.82Ms; 61.80Jh; 71.35Aa

Keywords: Swift heavy ion; Radiation e€ects; Electronic excitation; Heavy-ion track; Thermal spike; Exciton; Self-
trapped exciton; Amorphisation; Defect cluster

1. Introduction microscopes can be scaled by electronic stopping

power of the materials [1]. Clearly, the process has
The registration in solids of the tracks of heavy its origin in the electronic excitation of material.
ions of energies above 1 MeV per nucleon is one of The presence of the critical stopping power implies
the few phenomena which link geological time- that the density of this electronic excitation must
scales to events occurring in femtoseconds. Track exceed a critical value for tracks being registered.
formation occurs for incident ions which have Table 1 lists the threshold stopping power for a
above a critical (threshold) stopping power. The number of inorganic materials. The tracks can be
track radius observed by transmission electron continuous or fragmented. Continuous tracks are
registered by heavy ions of stopping power in the
range of 1±5 keV/nm in some materials, including
Corresponding author. SiO2 and LiNbO3 [2,3]. Tracks are amorphous for

0168-583X/98/$ ± see front matter Ó 1998 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 1 6 8 - 5 8 3 X ( 9 8 ) 0 0 4 4 8 - 0
N. Itoh, A. M. Stoneham / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 146 (1998) 362±366 363

Table 1 atomic processes, and so the character of the

The threshold stopping power for track registration and defect damage cannot be predicted. Nor is it clear just
formation in materials
how the electronic excitation energy is transformed
Material Threshold stopping power Ref. into thermal energy for the thermal spike to be
(keV/nm) e€ective. The energy of the incident ions is ®rst
imparted to some class of electronic excitation and
SiO2 2 [2]
mica 5 [1]
only subsequently becomes ionic motion. It is
LiNbO3 7 [3] important to trace the conversion of energy from
Y3 Fe5 O12 4 [1] electronic to lattice. We believe that both processes
Al2 O3 21 [6] should recognise the potential self-trapping of ex-
MgO 20 [7] citons [11] in the track-forming materials, whether
Bi 31 [8]
Si ) [9]
as the energy localisation process causing damage
(as in the breakdown model [12]) or as the route by
which electronic energy is transformed into heat
these materials. For alkali halides, the threshold within 1 ps. Indeed, the process of exciton self-
stopping power has not been obtained with the trapping gives a further possible description of
same accuracy as for the materials listed in Table 1. track registration, and one which can be regarded
Heavy ions of stopping power of about 10 keV/nm as including the other two descriptions [13,14].
creates tracks in LiF, detected by chemical etching The purpose of the present paper is to examine
and small angle X-ray scattering. Tracks are even the consequences of electronic excitation along the
larger than that for SiO2 [4,5]. However, in some paths of energetic heavy ions in insulators. We
insulators, such as MgO and Al2 O3 , the threshold emphasise that the consequences of the generation
critical stopping power is much higher, in the of excitons and electron±hole pairs at high densi-
range of 20 keV/nm, and the tracks formed by ions ties must be taken into account. We believe that
near the critical stopping power are fragmented the di€erences in the critical stopping power in the
[6,7]. Even higher critical stopping powers are insulators, described above, can be explained in
needed for track registration of high-temperature terms of the strength of exciton±phonon coupling.
oxide superconductors [1], metals [8] and semi- Self-trapping of a dense cluster of excitons (with a
conductors [9]. Track registration depends local density close to the molecular density, i.e. one
strongly on the properties of the materials. exciton for almost every molecular unit) induces
The mechanism of track registration is still either amorphisation or heavy damage. Although
controversial. Fleischer et al. [10] ®rst suggested the thermal spike model appears to be an appro-
that the cause of track registration is dielectric priate macroscopic description of the phenomena
breakdown due to electric ®eld induced between for insulators in which excitons are self-trapped as
electrons ejected from an ion path and positive well, and although it appears to work for metals as
ions left after ionization. An alternative model, the well, the model appears to be oversimpli®ed.
thermal spike mechanism, assumes that the port- Closer examination of the consequences of the
ion of solids that exceeds the melting point is formation of exciton clusters is needed.
amorphised or damaged. The thermal spike ap-
pears to be able to explain the dependence of track
radius on stopping power for those insulators for 2. Excitation along the ion path
which the critical stopping powers are in the range
of 1±5 keV/nm [3], and also for metals [8]. In the The primary interaction of energetic heavy ions
thermal spike model, it is assumed that all energy with non-metals excite electrons from the valence
imparted to electronic excitation is transferred to band and core bands, producing energetic elec-
phonon energies within 0.1 ps. trons, called d rays. The d rays cause further
Both these models are incomplete. It is not clear excitations of the same nature, and also interact
just what ``breakdown'' means in terms of basic with phonons. Electronic excitation by d rays
364 N. Itoh, A. M. Stoneham / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 146 (1998) 362±366

continued for a time of order 10 fs, so long as their 3. Relaxation of densely excited tracks
energy is higher than the band-gap energy. Since
the excitation cross section is inversely propor- The fates of the excitons in the exciton cluster
tional to the excitation energy, the number of core are threefold [18,19]: Auger recombination, di€u-
holes will be less than the number of holes in the sion from the ion path, and lattice deformation
valence band. Furthermore, the core holes are ®l- (damage or heating) due to the self-trapping pro-
led with electrons from the valence bands, emitting cess of the excitons. The ®rst (Auger) process
Auger electrons, within about 10 fs. Therefore, in converts the energy possessed by electron±hole
about 10 fs after the incidence of an energetic pairs to heat; the second (di€usion) process takes
heavy ion, the energy is imparted to the creation of energy away from the path. The last process,
energetic holes in the valence bands and energetic which occurs only in material in which excitons
electrons in the conduction band, and these have can self-trap, converts the energy of electron±hole
low energies, and are incapable of further ioni- pairs to lattice deformation. The deformation can
sation. Since the ranges of d rays are short, the involve defect production; it may also involve
energy deposition is con®ned within a short dis- large thermal vibrations.
tance along an ion path. Thus, dense electron±hole In materials with weak exciton±phonon inter-
pairs are generated along an ion path, accompa- action, as is well documented in Si and Ge, the
nied by heating. Given the high density of elec- excitons at low temperatures form exciton mole-
tron±hole pairs, they should convert to excitons in cules and exciton droplets, in which excitons are
a short time, forming an exciton cluster [15]. separated typically by the exciton Bohr orbital. At
The number of electron±hole pairs created by high temperatures, because of low binding energy
ionising radiation at low excitation densities is es- between excitons, they undergo di€usion sepa-
timated to be E/W, where W is a parameter 2±3 rately. In any case, in the weakly coupled materials
times the band-gap energy EG [16]. Thus, from a for which excitons are not self-trapped, the exci-
half to 2/3 of the input energy is converted to tons di€use away from the ion paths, and either
phonons: it consists of the energy (<EG ) possessed interact with defects or are annihilated by radiative
by the electrons and holes decelerated to an energy recombination. Di€usion takes at least 1/3 of the
below the band-gap energy after a series of ionising electronic energy away from the ion paths.
collisions, and the energy imparted to phonons In materials in which excitons are self-trapped,
directly from energetic d rays. The extremely high lattice relaxation competes with di€usion and with
density of excitation along ion paths may alter the Auger transitions. According to the measurements
cross section of d rays, as described later, but the of the lifetime of free electrons in SiO2 [20], self-
pictures described above will be maintained along trapping of an isolated exciton takes place 160 fs
the densely excited part of the ion path. after excitation. The self-trapping time may be
The range of d rays can be evaluated using shorter for dense excitons because of their inter-
formulae developed by Katz et al. [17]. These action. The di€usivity of excitons has not been
formulae give the density of electron±hole pairs in measured, but it is governed by di€usivity of holes,
ion tracks in SiO2 , for which track radii have been which is too small to be measured. Suppose that
evaluated by transmission electron microscopes the di€usivity of excitons is of the order of 1 cm2 /s.
[3]. It is found that the average concentration of The time constant for a jump over a molecular
excitons in the track is approximately 0.8 of the unit is then of the order of 10 fs, so that the mo-
molecular density of the material [14]. This rela- tion of excitons before self-trapping is extremely
tion holds over the range of stopping power from limited.
the critical stopping power 3 to 20 keV/nm. Since Auger recombination of excitons in an exciton
the range of d rays does not depend strongly on cluster can be regarded as a resonant energy
material, we can presume that the density of ex- transfer from recombination luminescence of an
citation per molecule in solids become almost exciton to electron-excitation of a neighbouring
unity at a stopping power of 5 keV/nm. exciton. Following Dexter [21], we estimate that
N. Itoh, A. M. Stoneham / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 146 (1998) 362±366 365

the resonance energy transfer from a molecule in tion is inversely proportional to the excitation
solid to a neighbouring molecule of SiO2 requires energy. Thus, the local density of energy near the
more than 100 fs. Thus, it appears that the cluster ion path cannot increase in proportion to the
of excitons will relax before other two competing stopping power, even though a Gaussian form of
processes (Auger and di€usion) can be e€ective. A energy deposition is assumed in the thermal spike
highly distorted region should form along the model. However, these diculties are avoided
path. It is likely that almost all input energy to within an exciton self-trapping description. Qual-
electronic excitation will be localised along the ion itatively, the essential feature of the thermal spike
path, as either the defect formation energy or model is energy input along ion path, and this
thermal energy, if excitons are self-trapped. feature can be retained. Apart from a certain un-
Clearly, the self-trapping of excitons can in¯uence known parameter, such a thermal model may be
the critical threshold. able to predict qualitatively some of the features of
Self-trapping of an isolated exciton involves track registration, such as the track radii, even in
local rearrangement of bonding and accompanied the case where heating is not the direct cause of
by a large lattice distortion [22]. The relaxation of track registration. The same key qualitative fea-
a cluster of excitons is somewhat similar to a hot tures can be explained equally if we use a mecha-
zone in collision cascades; every atom in the lattice nism based on the relaxation of excitons.
is highly displaced, and there is an electronic ex- In materials in which excitons are not self-
cited state [23]. Electronic excitation will clearly trapped, the critical stopping power is higher by a
a€ect the interatomic bonding, and amorphisation factor of 4±8. Since there is no source of localisa-
is an obvious possible consequence of the relax- tion of electron±hole pairs, at least 1/3 of the en-
ation of such an exciton cluster. This is especially ergy will di€use away from the ion path. It may be
so in materials such as SiO2 , which are easily argued that 2/3 of the input energy at the stopping
amorphised; in alkali halides, which are not easily power of 20 keV/nm is sucient to cause melting.
amorphised, the formation of a defect cluster is However, the density of excitation along the path
expected. We note that excitons are self-trapped in is again almost equal to the molecular density for a
all materials of which the critical stopping power is stopping power of 5 keV/nm. It follows that, for 20
1±5 keV/nm. Thus, our arguments seem to be valid keV/nm, the range of d rays is much longer. Again
for all materials in Table 1, of which the critical there is a problem of the overestimation of the
stopping power lies near 5 keV/nm. In view of a energy input along the path of heavy ions. Alter-
large volume change due to formation of self- natively, the localisation of electron±hole pairs can
trapping of excitons [24], our model explains also occur at defect sites, resulting in formation of local
experimental observation of swelling accompanied exciton clusters, which can be converted to a
with track formation [25]. highly distorted region. Since the exciton density is
The relaxation of a cluster of excitons, whether of the order of molecular density, the formation of
it leads to defect clusters or to amorphisation, is such local defect cluster in a cluster of excitons can
accompanied by heating. The thermal spike cal- be regarded as nucleating defect clusters or
culation indicates that the temperature reaches a amorphisation. This model can explain why the
maximum about 10 ps after the passage of ions tracks are fragmented in these materials.
and then starts to fall afterwards. Furthermore,
the energy used for amorphisation or formation of
defect clusters directly from exciton clusters does 4. Conclusion
not contribute to temperature rise therefore, the
thermal spike model appears to overestimate the The occurrence of the self-trapping of excitons
temperature rise. A further problem for the ther- in¯uences the critical stopping power for track
mal spike model is that the range of d rays in- registration in insulators. Those materials in which
creases as the density of excitons approaches the excitons are self-trapped have critical stopping
molecular density, since the ionisation cross sec- powers near 3±5 keV/nm, those in which excitons
366 N. Itoh, A. M. Stoneham / Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 146 (1998) 362±366

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