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Mathematics and Computer Science

2017; 2(1): 6-13
doi: 10.11648/j.mcs.20170201.12

Applications of B-transform to Some Impulsive Control

Benjamin Oyediran Oyelami
Department of Mathematics, Plateau State University, Bokkos, Nigeria

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To cite this article:

Benjamin Oyediran Oyelami. Applications of B-transform to Some Impulsive Control Problems. Mathematics and Computer Science.
Vol. 2, No. 1, 2017, pp. 6-13. doi: 10.11648/j.mcs.20170201.12

Received: September 4, 2016; Accepted: January 17, 2017; Published: February 21, 2017

Abstract: In this paper, B-transform is applied to some impulsive control models and closed solution forms for the models
obtained. The problems solved via the B-transform are the third order linear impulsive control systems with bang-bang control,
Impulsive delay control systems, Impulsive heat control systems, the Impulsive diffusion problem and the impulsive Gross
berg control model. Simulation for the bang bang model show that the solutions are negative and positive in some for given
time interval. The solutions also exhibit non-periodic and non-oscillatory behaviour in the given interval. The solutions of
impulsive diffusion model possess singularities in given interval of simulation.
Keywords: Impulsive, Control Systems, Bang-Bang, B-transform

ICS ([9]).
1. Introduction Impulsive control systems are found in biological systems,
Impulses are small perturbations acting on a system for for examples (See,[4, 9-10, 19]) and in engineering systems
short moment of times and can take the form of “jumps”, (See[9,15-18]) and also have applications in economics
rapid changes in the system or “shocks”, short-time wherein the state of an economy of a country can be
mechanical impacts on two or more moving systems etc ([3, regulated in a desired way by implementing some policies
12]). which has impulsive attributes.
Many impulsive physical and biological processes occur in Impulsive control systems are useful in biomedicine where
nature; the thermionic current in a vacuum tube is not smooth control is strictly needed to regulate biochemical substance in
flow of electrons but is subject to fluctuation due to the the cells and tissues. ICS also useful in the design of an
random emission of electron from the cathode. This automatic temperature controlled swimming pool, incubator,
phenomenon is called the small-short effect and was nuclear reactors, or heating and cooling system in biological
discovered by Schotty [7]. This effect can be explained with and physical systems that heat or temperature is required to
the help of impulsive theory [9]. be impulsive [9]. The use of impulsive haematopoiesis
Impulsive control systems (ICS) are control systems control model to measure the replacement of the blood by
characterized by short time jumps and shocks that act on the new blood cells as a result of use of drug, or food supplement
system rapidly. The impulses may act on the state variables and have been obtained together with controllability criteria
describing the systems or on the control variables regulating for the model (See for example [15]).
the systems ([4, 6, 15, 17-18]). It is worthy to note that the B-transform was developed by
The solutions of ICS are often discontinuous and are not Oyelami and Ale (See [7, 9, 14]) for finding closed solution
integrable in the ordinary sense of the word as most forms to the fixed moment impulsive systems. B-transform
hypotheses in the control systems normally assumed. This has been applied to solve problems on sickle cell anaemia,
peculiarity makes ICS not easily accessible to most existing HIV/AIDs, fish-hyacinth problem, heart and gas enclosure
concepts and theorems in the control systems ([9, 16]). problems and problem of regulation of cerebrospinal fluid in
Therefore the existing concepts, theories in CS need to be children with swollen heads (see [4, 7, 8, 11]). Also related to
strengthened or new ones developed before applying to the B-transform is the B-stability which was developed and
applied to solve some impulsive control system problems ([4,
Mathematics and Computer Science 2017; 2(1): 6-13 7

In the recent times several models are evolving in attempt
( )
such that x ( tk ) = x tk− . That is, the function x(t ) is left

to some challenging problems in science and technology. continuous at t = tk .

Some of these problem are from the control systems that of
impulsive family. We will mention in particular solutions of 3. Methods
the KdV-Burgers equation, Bagley-Torvik and Painlevé
equations [1-2]. Varieties of methods have been developed to 3.1. B -Transform
find solutions to the above equations. The motivation in this
B-transform can be apply to a fixed moment impulsive
paper is make use of the B-transform method to find closed
differential equation of the form
solution forms to the following problems: bang-bang control,
model for a third order linear impulsive control systems, i

impulsive delay control systems, Impulsive heat control x(t ) = f (t , x(t )), t ≠ tk , k = 0,1, 2,... 

systems, the impulsive diffusion problem and the impulsive ∆x(tk ) = I ( x(tk ))  (1)
Gross berg control model. Moreover, we propose to study the 
0 < t0 < t1 < t2 < ... < tk , lim k →∞ tk = +∞ 
approximate solutions of the impulsive diffusion problem
control model. Where f and I in the eq. (1) are assumed to continuous
It is worthy to note that the B -transform has a lot of
and satisfy all the conditions the guarantee the existence and
potential applications unexplored yet. It is, therefore,
the uniqueness of the solution of the eq. (1) (See [3, 9, 16]).
recommended that more concerted efforts be devoted to the
In [7] we introduced the B -transform of a function x(t )
with impulses occurring at some fixed moments during the
evolutionary process as
2. Preliminary Definitions and Notations
Bn′ x(t ) = xc (q) + xI (q) (2)
Throughout the paper we will use of the following
where xc (q ) and xI (q ) are the components of the B -
C(ℜ+ , ℜ) the set of continuous functions defined on transform and are defined as
ℜ+ = [0, +∞) taking values in ℜ . ∞ n′

C ∞ (ℜ+ ) the set of smooth functions defined on ℜ+ . xc (q) = Lc x(t ) = ∫ e − t / q x(t )dt , t ≠ tk , k = 0,1, 2,… (3)

We consider the impulsive fixed moments {tk } ,

k = 0,1, 2,… such that 0 < t0 < t1 < t2 < ⋯ < tk < a, a is
− tk / q n′
positive constant. xI (q) = LI x(t ) = ∑e
t0 < tk < t
I ( x(tk )) (4)
We define the functions
f : (0 a] × k → ℜ n′ = 0,1, 2,… is the order of the transform. For sake of
g : (0 a] × k → ℜ simplicity, we often choose n′ = 1 . The advantage of taking
n′ = 1 lies in the derivation of the inverse transform.
and let J = (0, a ] and J imp = {tk }i =1 , we introduce the
The inverse transforms for components of xc (q ) and
+ xI (q ) can be obtained as follows:
following piecewise continues function PC (ℜ , ℜ) as
follows: v + i∞
xc (t ) = ∫ x (q )e sq dq (5)
Definition 1: v − i∞ c

We say that the function x : ℜ+ → ℜ belongs to class ′

PC (ℜ+ , ℜ) if: x (t ) = ∑ ψ (t
to < tk < t
k , q ) I ( x (tk )) (6)
i. The restriction of x to J most be continuous
Jimp v + i∞ n′

function; ψ (t k , q ) = ∫ dq e− tk / q + sq
. (7)
v − i∞
ii. There exist two limits such that
The B -transform is valid in some sets. In [14] symbolic
s → tk
( )
lim x( s) = x tk− programming method in Maple software was introduced to
s < tk find the inverse B-transform and the solutions to the
( )
lim x( s) = x tk+ .
s → tk
impulsive diffusion model and the Von-Foerster –
Makendrich model were found.
s > tk
Our first application of B- transform is to find closed
The left and right limits of x(t ) at t k respectively exist solution form to the third order linear impulsive systems with
bang-bang control. The bang-bang control models are found
8 Benjamin Oyediran Oyelami: Applications of B-transform to Some Impulsive Control Problems

extensively in many engineering applications. We will make u ( x, 0) = φ ( x ) 

use of the B-transform to find solutions to some classes of 
u (0, t ) = a0 (t )  (11)
the third order linear impulsive control systems with bang-
bang control. u (l , t ) = a1 (t ) 

3.2. Third Order Linear Impulsive Control Systems where u ∈ PC (ℜ, ℜn ) the control variable
Consider a third order linear impulsive control system v, ai ∈ C(ℜ , ℜ), i = 0,1; βk , φ ∈ C (ℜ ).
+ ∞ +

Our next application is impulsive diffusion problem; such
x(t ) + xɺ (t ) = µ (t ), t ≠ tk problems are extensively found in the molecular biology,
(8) neural network. Impulsive diffusion models also have a lot of
∆x(tk ) = Bk x(tk )
applications in real life, especially in water and sanitation
problems, and in population dynamics ([14]) and complex
For t , T ∈ [0, +∞ ) assuming µ (t ) is bang-bang control
chemical reaction systems.
such that | µ (t ) |≤ 1 for all t ≥ 0 and x(T ) = xɺ (T ) = ɺɺ
x(T ) = 0 .
x(0) = x0 , xɺ (0) = xɺ0 and ɺɺ
x(0) = ɺɺ
x0 . 3.5. Impulsive Diffusion Problem
In our next application, we consider the algebraic We consider the application of B-transform to the
impulsive delay control systems with impulsive variable following impulsive diffusion problem described the
being regarded as linear combination of some impulsive following differential equations
variables and the control variable regulating the system
contains impulsive delay variables. 

N N −k
∂ 2
+ β1u, x ≠ xk , k = 0,1,⋯ 
du Dv u
= ∑∑akj uik vik + 2
3.3. Impulsive Delay Control System dt k = 0 j = 0 δ ∂x 2 

dv N N −k
Dv ∂ u 2

Consider an Impulsive delay control system = ∑∑bkj uik vik + 2 + β v , y ≠ y , k = 0,1, 2, ⋯ (12)
δ ∂y 2
2 k
dt k = 0 j = 0 
xɺ (t ) = Ai , j x(t ) + ∑ in=1∑ nj =1Bij x(t − ci hi ) + Du (t ), t ≠ tk , k = 0,1, 2,... ∆u (t = tk ) = I1 (u ) = ∑ in=1ai uik + bk + f1 (u k ) 
 
∆x(t = tk ) = ∑ kN=1ak x(tk )  

u (t ) := ∑ k =1ki x(t − tk )
 (9) ∆v(t = tk ) = I 2 (v) = ∑ in=1bi vik + ck + f 2 (vk ) 

 Then the impulsive system can be approximated by
N N −k
dui Dv 
For strictly increasing impulsive times {tk } such that = ∑∑akj uik vik + 2 (ui −1 − 2ui + ui +1 ) + β1ui 
dt k = 0 j = 0 δ 
0 < t0 < t1 < t2 < ⋯ < tk , lim tk = +∞ N N −k 
k →∞ dvi Du
= ∑∑bkj ui vi + 2 (vi −1 − 2vi + vi +1 ) + β 2 vi 
k k

dt k = 0 j = 0 δ 
( Aij )
( Bij )
are n × n constant matrices of n
 (13)
∆ui = I1 (ui ) = ∑ai ui + bk + f1 (ui )
k 
dimension N , x(t ) ∈ R , t ∈ℜ = [0, +∞) 
( Aij ) is the i =1

growth rate matrix for the state vector x(t ) . ( Bij ) , n

∆vi = I 2 (vi ) = ∑bi vik + ck + f 2 (vi ) 
ak , ck , hi , D and k i are some real life parameter describing the i =1 
impulsive delay control system. The sequence
∞ + The system in the equation (13) is approximation to the
{Bi hi }i =1 ⊂ l (ℜ ) is assume to be convergent such that |
system in the equation (12). It is assumed that the behaviour
θ := mini, j , k [| Bi hi |,| γ k |,| τ k |] of the solution to the equation (13) will not be significantly
Bi hi |l 2 ( ℜ+ ) → Bh as i → ∞, ,
different from the parent equation in the equation (12).
ki = (k1 , k2 ,?, kn )T .
3.6. Impulsive Grossberg Model
3.4. Impulsive Heat Control Systems
Most general form of Gross berg model is in perturbed
Consider the impulsive heat control systems given by form as follows

∂u ∂ 2 u  dx i  N 
= + F (t , v), t ≥ 0, 0 ≤ x ≤ 1  = a i( x i ) bi ( x i ) - ∑Cij g i( x i ) + h(t , xi , u(t )) (14)
∂t ∂x 2  dt  j=1 
N  (10)
u (t = tk , x) = Bk u (t , x) = ∑β k φ (tk )u (tk , x)  where ai ( xi ) is the neural output related to internal activity
k =0
of the neuron; b( xi ) is the neural activity as it jumps from one
Subject to
Mathematics and Computer Science 2017; 2(1): 6-13 9

synapse to another; xi is the activity of the neuron and Cij the By residue theory this is equal to
activity of the synapse being in form of excitatory and
q 3 tq
inhibitory synapses; gi ( xi ) is the neural output. Assume that lim (1 + q ) e = −e − t
q →−1 1+ q
ai(0) = 0, bi(0) =0 and g(0) = 0,and h(t, x, u(t)) is a non-linear
perturbation function with control variable u(t). For insight In the same vein, using the same theory we have
impulsive analogue of the Grossberg model (See [9])
The matrix (Cij ) and the functions ai ( xi ), b( xi ) and gi ( xi ) 
B −1 (q 2 ) = ∫ Cq3 etq dq = t 
are continuous such that 
 N  
f (t , xi ) = a( xi ) b i( x i ) - ∑Cij g i(xi ) + h(t, x i, u (t ))
 j=1 
−1 q
( )
B 1+ q = e −t 

If bi ( x) = xi +1 − β i xi = c = constant then the equation
becomes neural network describe by an impulsive differential Therefore,
equations of the form: ...

x(t ) = −e − t x 0 + txɺɺ0 + ∈± e− t + ∑φ (tk , t ) I ( xk ) 
dxi N
 
= cai ( xi ) − ∑ Cij gi ( xi ), t ≠ tk , k = 0,1, 2,⋯   (18)
dt j =1
 φ (tk , t ) = ∫ Ce −tk / q +tq dq 
 
∆xi |t = tk = βi xi (tk )  (15)

0 < t0 < t1 < t2 < ⋯ < tk , lim tk = ∞  We have taken ∈± := ±1. we simulate the solution to the
k →∞
 model using the equation (18) for
• ••
∈1 = 0.02, u 0 = 1, u 0 = 0.5, β = 0.02 and plotted the graph for
4. Results and Discussion x(t ) using Maple 17 version and it is the Figure 1 below:
Applying B-transform to the third order linear impulsive
control system we have

∞ 1 
ɺ − t / q dt = x0 +
LC ( xɺ ) = ∫ xe xC ( q ) 
0 q 
 (16)
... 1 1
x0 + x0 + 2 xC (q ) 
LC ( x) = − ɺɺ
q q 


q3   1 ∈
xC (q ) = x0 + 1 +  ɺɺ
 ɺɺ x0 + 1 
q + 1   q q 


x(q ) = xC (q) + xI (q)

= xC (q ) + ∑Be
t0 < tk < t
− tk / q
x (tk )
q3 ... q2
x(q ) = x 0 + q 2 ɺɺ
x0 + ∈±1 + ∑ I ( xk )e − tk / q
1+ q 1+ q t0 < tk <1
Figure 1. The plot for solution impulsive bang bang control.
In the Figure 1 the solution continue increasing for t ∈ ℜ ,
x(t ) = B−1 ( x(q))(t ) it is non-oscillatory and no-periodic in the given interval and
has zero x(t ) = 0 at t=1.5 seconds. Figure 2 has similar
But behaviour but zero at about t= 0.5 seconds and simulation
period in the interval 0 ≤ t ≤ 50 seconds.
 q3  q3 tq
B −1   = ∫C e dq
 1+ q  1+ q
10 Benjamin Oyediran Oyelami: Applications of B-transform to Some Impulsive Control Problems

We observe in the Figure 3 the solutions of the impulsive

bang- bang control model for given parameters is negative
for 0 < t < 7.8 and positive otherwise. The solution is found
to be non-oscillatory and non- periodic and the Figure 4, the
solution is negative for −∞ < t < 1.8 and positive otherwise.
The solution also exhibits non-periodic and non-oscillatory
behaviour in the given interval.

• ••
Figure 2. Plot of x(t ),∈1 = 0.03, u 0 = 10, u 0 = 0.05, β = 0.05 .

Application of B-transform to the impulsive delay control

system yields

Bc ( x(t − Bi hi )) = ∫ x(t − Bi hi )e −t / q dt

− Bi hi / q  x (q) + 0 x(t )eti / q dt 

 c ∫ − Bi hi i i
Figure 3. The solution of the impulsive delay control system.

r ∞
Bc x(t ) = ∑k j ∫ x(t − t j )e −t / q dt
j =0

( )
= ∑k j e j xc (q) + ∫ x(t1 )e −ti / q dti 
−τ / q 0

j =0

 − τ0 
Bc ( xɺ (t )) = − x0 + x(q), Bc ( A0 x(t )) = A0 x(q ).

  1 
xC (q ) =  A0 +  e − Bi hi / q −  I   − x0 − e − Bi hi / q ∫ x( s )e − s / q ds

q    − Bi hi
 
+ e−t0 / q u (q) + e−τ i / q ∫ u (ti )e−τ1 / q dti 

− ti 


xI ( q ) = ∑ I ( x(t ))e
t0 < ti < t
− tk / q

= ∑ ∑ I ( x(t )) = ∑ ∑
t0 < tk < t 0 < γ k < t
ae i
0 < tk < t 0 <
tk / q γ k / q
e xI (q ). • ••
Figure 4. The plot of x(t ),∈1 = 0.02, u 0 = 10, u 0 = 0.05, β = 0.05, I ( xk ) = 2− k .
k <t

x(q) = xC (q ) + xI (q) Application of B-transform to Impulsive heat control

Therefore, and
1 Let u (t , x) = u (t )u ( x) Therefore,
2π i ∫ C
x (t ) = x ( q )etq dq
Mathematics and Computer Science 2017; 2(1): 6-13 11

u ′( x )  1 et / k ,
uɺ ( t )
= = −k  q = q+
 q 2  
u (t ) u( x)

2 k
⇒ u / ( x) + ku ( x) = 0  B  2 =
 
 (19)  kq − 1   1 −t / k
∆u (t = tk , x) = ∑β k φ (tk )u (tk )u ( x)   − 2 k e , q = q−
∆u (tk ) = ∑β k φ (tk )u (tk )   q  1 t/ k
 − e−t / k )
B 2  = (e
 kq − 1  2
. 1  t/ 1
∏ (1 + ∑B ϕ (t ) ) e .. u ( x) = − e−t / k  uɺɺ0 − et / − e−t / k  uɺ0
k k
− k ( t − tk )
u (t ) = u0 e
t0 < tk < t
k k (20) 2 k   2 

Application of B-transform to u ′′( x) , we set If we take k = (nπ )2 . Then,

u (q) =
uɺɺ0 − 2
un ( x ) =
e x / nπ − e − x / nπ uɺɺ0 )
kq 2 − 1 kq − 1
− e x / nπ − e − x / nπ uɺɺ0
1 x 1 x
= sinh uɺɺ0 + sinh uɺ0
1 2nπ nπ 2 nπ
2π i ∫ C
u (t ) = u ( q )etq dq
Where C is a continuous continuing the poles of u (q ) ∞

which are q+ = 1
and q− = − 1
. u ( x) = ∑un ( x) sin nπ x
k k n =0

u ( x, t ) = u (t )u ( x ) = u0 Π t0 <tk <t (1 + ∑ t0 <tk <tβ k φ (tk ) ) ∑ ∞n = 0un ( x )e − nπ (t −tk ) sin nπ x 

 (21)
un ( x ) := 2π1 n sinh nxπ uɺɺ0 + 12 sinh nxπ uɺ0 

Where u( x, t ) is the solution to the impulsive heat model.
− tq
We note that 1
dt = 1.
We attempted to simulate the solution to the above model, 0
it was found that possess some singularities in the interval The system in the equation (12) which was approximate by
0 ≤ t ≤ 100 . Applying B-transform to the impulsive diffusion the system in the equation (13) can be transformed into
model we have tridiagonal differential algebraic system of the form:
 du  1 ⋅
Lc  i  = −u0i + uic ( q) X 1 = X 1T AX 1 + α AX 1
 dt  q
N N −k ⋅
= q ∑∑akj uik uik X 2 = X 2T AX 2 + α AX 2
k =0 j =0

Dµ ∆X 1 = α X 1 + b1 + f1 ( X 1 )
+ (ui −1 − 2ui + ui +1 ) + β1ui
∆X 2 = α X 2 + b1 + f 2 ( X 2 )
 dv  1
Lc  i  = −v0i + vic (q )
 dt  q Where α = Dv
, A1 = tridiag[1, −2,1] = A2
N N −k
= q ∑∑a u u k k

k =0 j =0
kj i i f1 ( X 1 ) = f ( X 1 ), f 2 ( X 2 ) = f ( X 2 ).

+ (v i −1 − 2vi + v i +1 ) + β 2 v i Apply the B-transform we have
∞ _
∞ _
1 T
Lc (u v ) = ∫ u v e −t / q
dt = ∫ ∫uik vik e− ( qt + t / q ) dtdt1 X 1c − X 0 = X 1 AX 1 + α A1 X 1
k k k k
i i 0 i i q 0
X 2 c − X 0 = X 2 AX 2 + α A2 X 2
12 Benjamin Oyediran Oyelami: Applications of B-transform to Some Impulsive Control Problems

X 1I = α X 1I + b1 + f1 ( X 1 ) Therefore

X 2 I = α X 2 I + b2 + f 2 ( X 2 )

_ T
X 1 (q ) = X 1c + X 1I = X 10 + X 1 AX 1 + α A1 X 1 + α X 1I + b1 + f1 ( X 1 )
X 2 (q) = X 2 c + X 2 I = X 20 + X 2 AX 2 + α A2 X 2 + α X 2 I + b 2 + f 2 ( X 2 )

Therefore applying the inverse B-transform we have applications in the engineering. The study in this paper
should be extended to control systems with impulsive delay
X ic (t ) = 1
2π i ∫X ic (q)etq dq, i = 1, 2. functions and more other applications in engineering,
Ci science and technology.
X iI (t ) = 1
2π i ∫X
iI (q)etq dq, i = 1, 2.

X (t ) = X ic (t ) + X iI (t ) References
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