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In all honesty, I originally decided to register for the course out on an interest

in studying with you for another semester, but there are also a number of things
about the field of musical criticism that I find particularly interesting and exciting.
Making efforts to analyze, evaluate, and understand music on a deep level are
extremely useful pursuits in the interpretation of music, particularly when
interpreting music from disparate cultures, or music that is the product of diverse
musical philosophies. I hope to grow in my abilities to discern, recognize, and
cultivate an acute sensitivity to the concepts and significance contained in musical
performances and compositions, and to develop the necessary skills to clearly and
simply describe those ideas in verbal language in a way that would be
comprehensible to anyone.
When given the opportunity to study anything on a deep level, the amount of
subtlety and complexity contained therein always surpasses expectations. Pre-
conceived notions, even if true, are only a small part of the story that fail to
encompass any work of art in its entirety. My intentions and goals for the course are
to go beyond my own pre-conceived notions about musical interpretation and
composition, and to open doors to their true subtlety and complexity, hoping to give
all musical thought and expression the sincere consideration it deserves.

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