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Abbreviations MEANING

A.C. Before meal (ante cibum)

ACTH Adreno cortico trophic hormone

AD. As desired

AM. Morning

AMALG Amalgam filling

AMA Against medical advice

A and P Auscultation and percussion

APC Aspirin, Phenacetine & caffeine

AQ Aqueous

BID Twice a day (bis in die)

B.M Bowel movement

B.M.R. Basal metabolic rate

B.P Blood pressure

B.R.P. Bathroom privilege

BUN Blood urea nitrogen

oC Centigrade

C.B. C Complete blood count

CC Cubic centimeter

C.N. S. Central nervous system

Co2 Carbon dioxide

C.S. F. Cerebro- spinal fluid

D and C Dilatation and Curettage

D/NS Dextrose in normal saline

D/W Dextrose in water

Dx Diagnosis

EEG Electro encephalogram

E.E.N.T. Eye, ear, nose, throat

ECG Electrocardiogram

oF Fahrenheit

F.B.S. Fasting blood sugar

F.H.B. Fetal heartbeat

G.I. Gastro intestinal

G or Gm Gram

gr. Grain

gt. Drop (gutte)

gt. Drop (gutte)

gtt. Drops

G.U. Genito urinary

GYN. Gynecology

HCL Hydrochloric acid

Hb Hemoglobin

HS At bed- time (hours of sleep)

H2o Water

I.V. Intravenous

I.V.P Intravenous pyelogram

KI. Potassium iodide

L. P Lumbar puncture

NaCl Sodium Chloride

NOCTE At night

N.P.O. Nothing by mouth (nothing by os)

O.P.D. Out Patient Department

O.R. Operating room

PM After noon

PRN As needed, when necessary

Pt. Patient

Q. Every

Q.D. Every Day

Q.H. Every Hour

Q.I.D. Four times a day

Q.N. Every night

Q.O.D. Every other day

R.B.C. Red blood count or red blood cell

Rh. Rhesus factor

Rx Prescription, take

Sol. Solution

SOS If necessary

STAT Immediately -at once

S.C Subcutaneous

T. I.D Three times a day

T.P.R. Temperature, pulse, respiration

Tsp Teaspoon, tablespoon

U.R. Upper right

WBC White blood cells

Wt. Weight

U.R.Q. Upper right quadrant

U.L.Q. Upper lower quadrant

UTI Urinary tract Infection

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