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Theme: Industry Safety

SUBJECT: English
NAMES: Dania Erazo, Nathalia Aveiga
TEACHER: Armendaris Patricia
Industrial safety is a necessary and obligatory field in every company in which the processes by
which the risks in the industry are minimised are constantly applied and renewed. Every industry
must have the responsibility to comply with a set of rules and conditions that must be provided
to its workers in order to guarantee their safety and protection. For example, in a company
where chemicals are developed, the employee must be protected from radiation, some leakage
from a toxic liquid, or inhalation of polluting gases. Every chemical company must provide its
workers with the maximum protections to avoid an accident. That's basically the function of
industrial security.

A very important aspect of industrial safety is the use of statistics, which allows you to warn in
which sectors accidents usually occur to extreme precautions. Technological innovation, the
replacement of machinery, the training of workers and the usual controls are some of the
activities related to industrial safety. However, industrial safety is relative, because even though
a company offers the highest standards of quality, it is impossible to determine when an
accident will happen, and it is also unlikely to know whether the safety of that industry will be
adequate for Restricting the effects of the damage caused will depend on the magnitude of the

It is also noteworthy the use of industrial security in environmental matters, since the same not
only protects and defends the integrity of the employee, but also advocates the environmental
conditions of space in which the factory or company. Industrial safety is responsible for
implementing filters to minimise the emission of polluting gases or products that may be toxic
to the flora and fauna near the structure

Rubber boots

Foot protection with high quality rubber and PVC boots for various types of work where it is
required to be free of water, protection against oils, acids, diluted detergents, hydrocarbons and
low temperatures.


The accident visibility Vest is paramount to its use, for people who perform activities in
hazardous areas where vehicles or mobile equipment travel, either at low or high speed.


With extensive assortment of gloves to choose according to the type of work that is developed,
the protection of the hands is essential to avoid some damage to the skin of the user.

Lenses and helmets

The lenses, helmets and masks we offer are resistant against high impact, are certified products
which exceed the standard ANSI Z. 87.1.2010. Providing all the safety and protection necessary
for the user.

Respiratory and auditory

Products for respiratory protection in places with particles, gases, vapors, fumes, chemicals in
the environment that harm health. As well as hearing protection with ear plugs and earmuffs
for work with excessive noise, or to prevent between water, sand or wind.


 Asfahl, R. (2000).Seguridad Industrial y Salud, México; Pearson Educación, Cuarta

 Ramírez, C. C, (2002).Seguridad industrial: Un enfoque integral, México; Limusa Noriega

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