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signals may be found in widely divergent vations that mRNA molecules localize spe- O. Amster-Choder, Science 331, 1081 (2011).
protein localization pathways, not just during cifically within a bacterium predict the exis- 4. M. A. Lande, M. Adesnik, M. Sumida, Y. Tashiro, D. D.
Sabatini, J. Cell Biol. 65, 513 (1975).
protein secretion. tence of pathways that mediate this localiza- 5. G. Blobel, B. Dobberstein, J. Cell Biol. 67, 852 (1975).
Additional work will reveal whether tion, and these components will need to be 6. G. Blobel, B. Dobberstein, J. Cell Biol. 67, 835 (1975).
mRNA signals represent a general pro- identified. It appears that mRNA can con- 7. A. F. Palazzo et al., PLoS Biol. 5, e322 (2007).
8. D. M. Anderson, O. Schneewind, Science 278, 1140
tein localization strategy or if they remain tribute not simply to encoding proteins, but
exceptional examples. For example, a recent to delivering them as well. 9. P. Montero Llopis et al., Nature 466, 77 (2010).
report revealed that several transcripts in E. 10. This work was funded by the Intramural Research Pro-
coli and Caulobacter crescentus also local- References and Notes gram of the NIH National Cancer Institute Center for
1. L. Shapiro, H. H. McAdams, R. Losick, Science 326, 1225 Cancer Research.
ize specifically, but that they remained very (2009).
close to the chromosomal site where they 2. G. Blobel, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 77, 1496 (1980).
were synthesized (9). In any case, the obser- 3. K. Nevo-Dinur, A. Nussbaum-Shochat, S. Ben-Yehuda, 10.1126/science.1201001

Infants and children grasp surprisingly
Science Starts Early sophisticated correlational and causal patterns.

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Frank C. Keil

nfants and young children can exhibit only has to notice how often certain syllables tations based on information that is collected
striking confusion about how the world occur but also needs to infer higher-order in brief time windows after the occurrence of
works, from failing to grasp that wind patterns arising from those syllables. One the critical event (such as a possible collision)
causes waves, to being mystified about how study (2) showed that 5-month-old infants (4); these post-event decision-making win-
babies are created. Indeed, some researchers can handle this challenge by rapidly tracking dows are similar to those measured in adults.
have characterized a child’s knowledge of the not only the sounds of the syllables but also Thus, it appears that certain sequences of
world as a bundle of misconceptions awaiting visual patterns associated with each syllable. events automatically elicit thoughts of causa-
replacement with correct concepts through In the experiment, infants looking at a com- tion at all ages.
education (1). puter screen were repeatedly presented with Older infants expand on these inferences
Evidence is mounting, however, that abstract patterns of syllables and shapes. An of causality to sense more abstract and sub-
young children are often quite adept at uncov- “ABB” pattern, for instance, could be repre- tle causal relationships. In one recent study
ering statistical and causal patterns and that sented by certain shapes corresponding to (5), 11-month-olds were shown animations
many foundations of scientific thought are the syllables “di ga ga.” When presented with of two sets of blocks: one initially ordered
built impressively early in our lives. This a new pattern (ABA) with new syllables— into a neat array, the other scattered into dis-
growing understanding of how children such as “le ko le”—the infants looked longer order. Then, a screen obscured the blocks and
acquire many of the thinking skills used in at the shapes on the screen than if the new either a lifelike “animate” agent appeared,
science has implications not only for educa- syllables were in the old ABB pattern. This such as an object with a face, or an “inani-
tion but also for understanding how all of us suggests that they recognized it as a new, mate” agent, such as a ball. Finally, the screen
make scientific progress in the face of igno- unfamiliar correlation. was removed, revealing that either an orderly
rance and incomplete knowledge. Other research ( 3) has found that stack of blocks had become disordered or the
For cognitive psychologists, scientists 6-month-olds can take the next step and infer opposite. By measuring how long the infants
have long presented an intriguing puzzle. causation from certain kinds of correlations. looked at various combinations, the research-
Whether a biologist or a geologist, scientists In these experiments, researchers measured ers concluded that the infants learned that
routinely, and with seeming ease, call upon how long infants looked at animations show- only the animate object could cause disor-
a diverse set of cognitive skills to do their ing “collisions” of shapes. In some anima- dered blocks to become orderly but that both
jobs. They detect correlations, often between tions, one object “launched” a second one, the animate and inanimate agents could scat-
seemingly unrelated phenomena. They infer causing it to move, as when two billiard balls ter an orderly pile.
causation from these correlations. If all goes collide. When shown animations in which Once out of infancy, children become
well, they uncover the mechanisms that the balls reversed roles, infants looked lon- able to examine more complex networks
explain it all—and then share their knowl- ger at the new pattern than at the original of correlations to infer causal patterns,
edge and build upon it by acquiring knowl- one. They did not react as strongly, however, including hidden ones, and they readily do
edge from others. when the original and reversed animations this using sample sizes too small for tradi-
Each of these abilities has early origins. contained half-second gaps between the tional statistical tests of significance. They
Consider, for example, how children respond moment when the first object stopped mov- are particularly sensitive to the usefulness
to the challenge of noticing correlations as ing and the second one started to move. This of “intervening on a system”—or manipu-
they encounter them in the flow of experi- suggests that the infants recognized these lating conditions—to separate causal links
ence. For instance, an infant learning lan- events as noncausal, or unrelated. from those that are just correlational. For
guage, upon hearing streams of syllables, not Later studies showed that infants make example, when confronted with a novel box
causal interpretations by integrating infor- consisting of gears and a switch, preschool
Department of Psychology, Yale University, New Haven, CT mation in ways that closely mirror adults. children are easily able to figure out cause-
06520–8205, USA. E-mail: For instance, they will form causal interpre- and-effect relations, and rule out mere cor-

1022 25 FEBRUARY 2011 VOL 331 SCIENCE

Published by AAAS

relations, by manipulating key components Another top-down expectation that children tial to scientific progress. Thus, all scientists
and observing the consequences (6). Thus, bring to living things, but not to artifacts, is must outsource some understanding to other
they anticipate a key motivation of experi- an “essentialist bias”: the idea that some- experts by grasping the coarse causal and
mental design, in which some variables are thing you can’t see (e.g., “microstructural correlational patterns associated with distinct
manipulated while others are held constant. stuff ”) causes what you can see (“surface areas of expertise. We are only beginning to
In addition to figuring out the causal rela- phenomena” such as feathers or fur) and is understand how they find the right depth of
tions underlying novel devices, children are the essence of the thing being observed. This analysis in their own areas for optimal prog-
also sensitive to highly abstract causal pat- is a guiding principle in much of formal sci- ress and then link that work to research done
terns associated with specific “domains” that ence, even as it can also lead to false infer- by others (14).
correspond roughly to formal areas of sci- ences, such as that species are defined by Future studies must explore how chil-
ence, such as biology, physical mechanics, fixed essences (11). dren, and adults, can build upon these foun-
and psychology. For example, while being Science education should build upon dations. How, for instance, can we prevent
completely ignorant about the biological these early-emerging cognitive founda- the essentialist biases and other narrowing
details, most preschoolers do know that food tions. Like the vast majority of adults, chil- strategies that children use to understand
gets transformed after it enters the body and dren need instruction about detailed mecha- the world from lingering into adulthood
that the transformed version is critical for nisms, but they also bring to the classroom and impairing scientific reasoning (15)?
helping the body to grow and to move (7). a rich repertoire of skills that enable them Imbuing organisms with fixed essences, for

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example, can impair understanding of natu-
ral selection (16), and a child’s assumption
that order is created by intentional agents (5)
can ultimately impair recognition of other
order-creating forces such as those at work
in evolution. Finally, we need to examine
the relationship between implicitly tracking
patterns and explicitly characterizing their
natures. Taken together, these future studies
will continue to transform how we all think
about the scientific skills of children. Rather
than bumbling babies, they are individuals
who—right from the start—are deeply inter-
ested in and can learn surprisingly fast about
the patterns of nature.

References and Notes

1. D. Gil-Perez, J. Carrascosa, Sci. Educ. 74, 531 (1990).
2. M. C. Frank, J. A. Slemmer, G. F. Marcus, S. P. Johnson,
Dev. Sci. 12, 504 (2009).
3. A. M. Leslie, S. Keeble, Cognition 25, 265 (1987).
4. G. E. Newman, H. Choi, K. Wynn, B. J. Scholl, Cognit.
Psychol. 57, 262 (2008).
5. G. E. Newman, F. C. Keil, V. A. Kuhlmeier, K. Wynn, Proc.
Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 107, 17140 (2010).
6. L. E. Schulz, A. Gopnik, C. Glymour, Dev. Sci. 10, 322
Budding scientist. Many aspects of scientific understanding appear early. 7. K. Inagaki, G. Hatano, Curr. Dir. Psychol. Sci. 15, 177
Some of these “core knowledge” domains to track patterns and infer causality in ways 8. S. Carey, The Origin of Concepts (Oxford Univ. Press, New
York, 2009).
may have origins in infancy and then become that constrain and support learning about 9. W. K. Ahn, J. K. Marsh, C. C. Luhmann, K. Lee, Mem. Cog-
combined into larger conceptual systems in specific mechanisms. Educational strate- nit. 30, 107 (2002).
childhood (8). gies that leverage those skills, such as con- 10. T. L. Griffiths, J. B. Tenenbaum, Psychol. Rev. 116, 661
A child’s understanding of the world is necting mechanism information (e.g., natu- 11. S. A. Gelman, The Essential Child: Origins of Essential-
not driven simply by assembling correla- ral selection) to a higher-level causal pat- ism in Everyday Thought (Oxford Univ. Press, New York,
tions in a bottom-up manner. Instead, even tern children already know (e.g., adapta- 2009).
12. R. A. Duschl, H. A. Schweingruber, A. E. Shouse, Eds., Tak-
very young children bring to most learning tion), will have a huge head start over those ing Science to School: Learning and Teaching Science in
situations broad intuitions and expectations that do not (12). Grades K-8 (National Academies Press, Washington, DC,
about plausible and implausible patterns. The study of formal science is also 2007).
This kind of top-down analysis enables them informed by studies of children. Recent 13. D. M. Sobel, K. H. Corriveau, Child Dev. 81, 669 (2010).
14. M. Strevens, Depth: An Account of Scientific Explanation
to rule out or narrow an overwhelming range research reveals how all of us are able to

(Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge, MA, 2009).

of possible correlations (9). For example, in accumulate knowledge with only partial 15. P. Bloom, D. S. Weisberg, Science 316, 996 (2007).
thinking about biological phenomena such understanding of mechanisms outside our 16. A. Shtulman, L. Schulz, Cogn. Sci. 32, 1049 (2008).
17. Preparation of this essay was supported by NIH grant
as disease or inheritance, children may make own narrow areas of expertise (13). Scientists R37-R37-HD023922 to F.C.K. Thanks to K. Lockhart for
different inferences from patterns of covari- use their senses of more abstract causal and comments.
ation than they do for physical phenomena correlational patterns to navigate and rely on
such as collisions or rotating gears (10). the divisions of cognitive labor that are essen- 10.1126/science.1195221 SCIENCE VOL 331 25 FEBRUARY 2011 1023

Published by AAAS
Science Starts Early
Frank C. Keil (February 24, 2011)
Science 331 (6020), 1022-1023. [doi: 10.1126/science.1195221]

Editor's Summary

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