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Ph.D. Research Scholar, 2 Director, Dept. of Post Graduate Studies In Panchakarma, S.D.M. College of Ayurveda and Hospital,
HASSAN- 573201.

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Published by Atreya Ayurveda Publications, Ilkal-587125 (India) All rights reserved.

Received on: 23/04/14, Revised on: 18/04/14, Accepted on: 30/04/14


Sex is quite natural and during the course of evolution from unicellular organisms to human beings it has
under gone to a series of changes. In the primitive organisms of the animal kingdom, the union of any two
kind of sexual identities like male and female did not affect the is production. But even in the primary
living being also the attraction and aversion to likes and dislikes can be noticed, they stick on the favorable
situations this is a natural approved theory regarding the drives on basic instincts. Even though, an effort to
make the environment favorable can be seen during the development of all living being. At last it is reached
to human evolution; so far most advanced man manipulates the entire world itself for his own comfort for
the time being. This is considered as the human effort for satisfaction by the action of mind and sensory
faculties. Mind is considered as the most powerful equipment man does have which contributes to the
human enquiry for pleasure.

Keywords: Ayurveda, Sex, Sexuality, Kama, Vajeekarana

INTRODUCTION: Sex is quite natural and during the course of

Sex or sexuality is neither a forbidden thing evolution from unicellular organisms to
nor a vulgarity to avoid; while it is a human beings it has under gone to a series of
universal phenomenon transformed to the changes. In the primitive organisms of the
present generation having, as a heritage, animal kingdom, the union of any two kind
which has undergone multiple of sexual identities like male and female did
metamorphoses during the centuries passed not affect the is production. But even in the
by. It is diffusely extended to personnel life, primary living being also the attraction and
human relationships, social life, spiritual aversion to likes and dislikes can be noticed,
thoughts, and cultural activities. they stick on the favorable situations this is a
natural approved theory regarding the drives

Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2014 | Volume 2 | Issue 4 35

Abdul Khader, Gurdip Singh: Concept of Sexuality in Ayurveda

on basic instincts. Even though, an effort to words we use verbally to explaining sex like
make the environment favorable can be seen copulation, coitus, intercourse, sexual
during the development of all living being. relationship are not able to cover the apt
At last it is reached to human evolution; so meaning, it is something more than that3.
far most advanced man manipulates the The basic meaning of sex is still indefinite
entire world itself for his own comfort for the and imperfect. It is not a mere act of coitus
time being. This is considered as the human with or without the aim of reproduction. Man
effort for satisfaction by the action of mind can live without intercourse but he is not able
and sensory faculties. Mind is considered as to continue life without the expression of sex
the most powerful equipment man does have in any way.
which contributes to the human enquiry for
Sex and Sexuality:
In English language the word sex in used to
Regarding sex the approach of the person is
indicate man woman relationship. But
playing a great role, which is, attributed to
presently the word altered to sexuality to
human mind that influence the experience in
indicate the same and sex in popularly used
different ways of which he gets satisfaction
to denote gender identity only. Now this
and dissatisfaction. Due to ignorance, over
concept is considered as more scientific4.
control (forced celibacy)religious approach,
and by indulgence of free sex he loses the The word sex in derived from a Latin word
God’s gift of pleasure. ‘Secare’ means to cut and separate. In a
Greek legend it is told that previously man
We can see in the study of sexology, the
was an awkward animal as a combination of
impacts of the above dialectical influence of
man and woman having four hands and four
these different approaches clearly of in a
legs which lived very much satisfaction.
hidden manner, in different generations2.
Seeing this Greek god Zeus became jealous
Almost all kind of sciences have taken the and separated them with the propulsion of a
subject to study in their own perspective like lightning which he used as his weapon and
philosophy, religions, psychology, drove them to distant provinces of the world.
psychiatry, anthropology, sociology, It is considered that since then the separated
physiology, cosmetology ,Gynecology, male and female are seeking their better
endocrinology, Ethologic nomology, (science halves due to the inspiration of‘ love’ in
of law) arts and literature. between them5. According to Holy bible the
What is sex? women are made up of male’s ribs and the
Both words love and sex are very much Hindu concept regarding this as the
familiar to us in day today life since sovereign soul divided itself to be the male
centuries, but when we think to define it or to and female, everything shows the intrinsic
analyze it, during the attempt only identify attraction in between as made for each other6.
the difficulty to do the same, why because of Human physiology also reveals the truth that
the physical, psychic, social and spiritual and in man presence of woman and vice versa.
behavioral influence on the experience. The While being separate individuals, there are

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Abdul Khader, Gurdip Singh: Concept of Sexuality in Ayurveda

several similarities and dissimilarities in man use sex to promote their business and to
and woman Even though the perpetual achieve their ambitions.
curiosity seen in them to join each other is One thing is definite, sex reduces mental
considered as love that exists in all living tension, and satisfactory sexual experience
being. provides a vision to approach problems in a
Why sex is important? more relaxed manner. It adds to wishful
Continuity of mankind is through thinking and abolishes loneliness.
reproduction and the same is connected to An active attempt, to understand even one
sexual intercourse also. Even though sexual other person, through love will be occurred.
act is not meant for reproduction only, sexual The close bodily relation will lead to deep
act becomes inevitable only in the latest and sincere love and sustained mental
species of animal kingdom. In the primitive relation.
species like amoeba and bacteria it is Concepts Regarding Kama (Sex):
entertained in other methods like self-
The concepts about sexual matters are always
division in to two independent organisms.
developed form the society, parents, friends, and
There is no discrimination like male and media. Then we assume the experience as our
female also. That means without sexual own and frame our concepts.
instinctive and act itself generation can be
The resources of sexual drive like brain,
continued, like wise without reproduction
physique, mind and concerned organs will be
man and woman can enjoy pleasure of sex is
more or less unique in different persons but their
also a fact. Normally sex is related with
sexual responses may be apparently quite
reproduction but the purpose of sex in not
only reproduction but also it undergoes to
other measures. The most common habit of Vatsyayana describes Kama as being of two
masturbation itself questions the necessity of types viz. Samanya and Visesha. (Kamasutra II
a female partner. P12) The favorable kinetics of the five sense
organs (Indriya) in their respective objects of
Masturbation ,adultery, erotic talks, lustful
perception (Vishayas) in association with the
interaction, interest to pornography, normal
mind conjugated with the soul is referred as
sexual act during marital life, premarital sex,
samanya Kama. actual responses may be
sex after menopause is never intended for
apparently quite different.
The visesha Kama is of two types. Apradhana
Physiologist consider reproduction as natural
and Pradhana. The pleasurable feelings
commitment while Divine worshipers
experienced with help of sparsanendriya, by
consider it as divine, some persons think it is
kiss, embrace, caress, etc of the cheeks, breasts,
meant only for reproduction very few
groin region etc is apradhana Kama. When such
persons induce so much importance to sex
activity is prolonged for some time sperm
and consider it is providing the unbreakable
ejaculation and climatic joy associated with it, is
binding to the social relations, some people
experienced. This is pradhana Kama8.
sell sex for earning money same time some

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Abdul Khader, Gurdip Singh: Concept of Sexuality in Ayurveda

Why sex is important among purushartha? 2. Follicle stimulating Hormone (FSH)

Sex is only one among them but the continuity 3.L.H – Is the primary stimulus for the secretion
of human race in possible with that only, human of testosterone by thetestis.
existence in this world continues with 4.F.S.H – Stimulates spermatogenesis11
procreation and it is the main part of life cycle.
Psychic factors that affect gonadotropin
Jeevatma (Atma +mana) enters the body at the
secretion and sexualactivity
time of male female union.
Many psychic factors feeding especially from
Normal sexual function-Why dysfunction?
the limbic system of the brain into the
Sex is nothing but motivation both hypothalamus can affect the rate of secretion of
psychological and physiological, for behavior GNRH by the hypothalamus and therefore can
associated with procreation and exotic pleasure. also affect most other aspects of sexual and
The abnormalities related with sexual enjoyment reproductive function in both male and female.
are considered as sexual dysfunctions9.
Physiology of sexual act in Ayurveda:
Sexuality is a complex entity involving several
aspects, including desire, libido, pleasure, sexual Susruta states that there are a total number of
life, intercourse, erection, ejaculation, orgasm, 500 muscles in the body of which 10 are in the
happiness etc. It cannot be defined easily. vamkshana, 3 in guda, 2 each in vrishana and
Actually the purpose of sexual function is vastisira. There are one muscle each in medhra
connected with reproduction. But it is not meant and sivani. A unique concept that ayurveda
only for procreation. forwards in consideration of structural anatomy
is, the seventh kala is called sukradhara kala. 12
Normal sexual function
This kala is said to be spread all over the body
This might be different in each and every and it is described that just as ghee is present in
individual. This is due to the complexity of the whole of the milk and jaggery is present in
Human behavior. Sexuality is diverse and the whole of the sugarcane juice sukra is all-
determined by a complex interaction of factors. pervasive in the body. It is expressed during
Even though, William Masters and Virginia sexual stimulation, collects two angula below
Johnson have framed a progressive time and to the right of the bladder, and is ejected out
schedule for sexual response from the point of through the urinary outlet. Gananathsen, in
stimulation to the end of the response10. Pratyakshasarira, modifies this reference of
Physiology of Male Sexual Act collection on the right side alone as dvangule
A major share of the control of sexual function dakshinevame; implying that collection isat
in both male and female begins with secretion of either side, Ghanekar is in agreement with this
Gonadotropin Releasing Hormone (GNRH) by modification. The sukradharakala itself has been
the hypothalamus. This hormone in turn equated by him to the mucous membrane of the
stimulates the anterior pituitary gland to secrete vesiculae seminalis, vas deferens etc. Susrutha
two other hormones called gonadotropic describes 30-adhogami dhamani in the body of
hormones. which two are responsible for the formation of
sukra and two, forits expulsion 13. Charaka
1. Leutinizing Hormone (LH)

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Abdul Khader, Gurdip Singh: Concept of Sexuality in Ayurveda

considers vrishana (Testicles)and sepha (Penis) The intermediary or vehicle that establishes
as the moola of sukravahasrothus14. connection between the mind and the sense
Susruta considers vrshana and stana (breasts) as organ is the principle of vata, says Susruta 20.
the mula of sukravahasrotas, trauma to which Since the experience of climatic sexual joy is
causes klaibya, chiratpraseka, or raktasukrata. essentially tactile, the role of tvak and sparsana
Medhra, along with vasti, is considered as the cannot and should not be overlooked. In fact,
mula of mutravaha srotas by Susruta. Trauma to sparsanendriya is the gateway for all sensory
these sites is supposed to cause stabdamutrata. perception21. In garbhavakranti sarira, Charaka
says that sparsa, sparsnam, preranam,
Role of mind in sex:
dhatuvyuhanam and chesta are vayvatmaka 22.
The object of human mind is infinite: i.e., all Tvak is the seat of vata and sparsanendriya.
that thinkable, is its object; there is no boundary Here, it would do well to remember the
.Here thinking includes all sorts of higher observation of Susruta in Nidana sthana that
mental activities such as contemplation, vitiation of Vata in the tvak causes supti where
evaluation, deduction meditation and tactile response is dimmed. It is said that the
imagination Our Acharya have described mind cannot function without tvak. Therefore
Kama as manovikara. Susrutha says that, mind cannot function effectively if tvak is
Krodha, Soka, Bhaya, Harsha, Vishada, Irshya, affected as in supti. When vata vitiates is Sukra
Abhyasooya, Dainya, Matsarya, and Kama are it leads to apravrtti or vikrta pravrtti of the
manovikara.Ashtanga Hridaya simplifies them dhatu. Vitiated vata in the organs of sensory
as mental diseases caused by external factors perception cause indriyavadha23.
The beauty of this description is that it is totally
Dealing with sexual aberration, measures of compatible with the basic mechanics of erection
their choice the sukravahasira of these subjects as recognized by the modern day physiologists.
swell up and dilate due to excitement, pleasure They believe that erection is initiated as a
and stimulation, resulting in erection of the penis psychogenic even owing to various stimuli that
. In a different context, Susrutha says that go on to cause dilation and filling of lacunar
ejaculation of sukra occurs when the mind is spaces by blood leading toerection.24
happy and pleasurable, and the body is engaged
Susruta, however, has mentioned in passing that
in sexually stimulating congress with a desirable
during sexual congress the vayu produces teja,
woman (S.Sa 4/45)18. Charaka says that
and that vayu and teja act in tandem to express
ejaculation during coitus is a result of chesta as
sukra into the yoni25.
well as sankalpa. Thus it is evident that the mind
plays a paramount role in sexual gratification. Reasons for ejaculation of Sukra:
Charaka has listed Daurmanasyam as the first Ayurveda enumerates 8 factors responsible for
cause for causing avrshya, and sankalpa as the the ejaculation. They are described under:-
foremost among vrshya 19. 1. Harshath: Excitement (sexual fantasizing
In reality, the two indiriya that maintain which may lead to erection, Production and
proximate relationship with the physiology of ejaculation of sukra)
erection are the mind and the penile organ itself.

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Abdul Khader, Gurdip Singh: Concept of Sexuality in Ayurveda

2. Tharshath: Passionate strong desire for sex stimulation so prana and udana united make the
(women) cognitive aspects of sexual response.
3. Sarathwath: Fluidity of semen 3. Vyana and Apana – By considering the
4. Paichilyath: Sliminess location, activity and other features of vyana
vayu the above description is suitable for
5. Gouravath: Heaviness
explaining the haemodynamics in the
6. Anuthwath: Atomicity mechanism of erection.
7. Pravanabhavath: Tendency to flow out At the peak level of continuous stimulation,
8. Druthawath Maruthasya: By the force of vyana vayu itself responsible for the emission of
Vayu, which will help in the flow of semen.26 sukra, which is controlled by sympathetic
In the analysis of the above 8 factors it can be activity. The further steps of ejaculation, i.e.
noticed that3 to 7 factors are clearly the quality antegrade ejaculation with forceful spurts and
of semen and the 1,2 and 8are the propagating bladder neck closure is controlled by apanavayu,
factors. Hence, when these 3 factors become apanavayu is responsible for the Nishkramana of
abnormal that cause to premature ejaculation.. sukra, moothra etc27.

For the details of the involvement of Manas Normal Sexual Function in Male:
and Vayu in thematter of ejaculation Normal sexuality is difficult to define. Sexual
It is responsible for the functional format of behavior is diverse and determined by a complex
mind. The control and the stimulation are the interaction of factors. Sexual response is a true
bipod activity of same initiation, which is psycho physiological experience.
antagonistic in nature. William Masters and Virginia Johnson observed
The normal function of vata leads to. the different physiological responses during
sexual response. It includes four stages viz.
a. Chestavegapravarthana
excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution.
b. BudhiHridayendriyaChithadhruk
DSM IV consolidates the Master’s Johnson
c. PrayaSarvakriyastasminprathibaddha etc. excitement and plateau phase into a single
All the sub components of vata have influence excitement phase. In the plateau phase high
onphysiology of sukradatu. Out of the five-sub levels of sexual arousal are maintained and
component of vata, prana, udana, vyana and intensified potentially setting the stage for
apana have direct connection in the psycho - orgasm.
physiology and haemo dynamics of the sexual Details of various kind of sexual act:
response cycle in the male.
In Ayurvedic concept of sexual act, fore play
1.Prana – Mano dharana, Budhi dharana should be performed which may have soft
(holding proper intellect and mental function) caressing, hugs and kisses through that all
2.Udana carrying outexcitation so it is mental tension and dislikes between partners
responsible for the recollection, imagination, will be relieved and released. This may make
fantasizing etc. along with a control over the each of them happy and will make each other in
a sensual mood. While describing foreplay the

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Abdul Khader, Gurdip Singh: Concept of Sexuality in Ayurveda

author of kamasutra says the male partner should viz. foreplay, coitus, and after play. A critical
have a gentle approach in sexual matters i.e. the analysis would reveal to anyone that though
embrace(Alingana), kissing (chumbana), Nail classical Ayurvedic treatises have dealt with the
pinches (Nakhachedas), softbites latter two aspects, the aspect of foreplay has not
(Dasanachedas), thrashing (prahanana) and been sufficiently addressed, even if that is
grunting(silkritha) would have to be performed advised.
slowly and softly to increase Raga (Raga CONCLUSION:
sandhukshanartha). Vatsyayana, advises many
Even in this century, misconceptions regarding
methods, for sexual expression and sexual
sex are prevailing in the society, which causes
intercourse. He divides it into 8 anga-
severe deviation from the proper practice of sex.
eachcontains 8 steps- totally it is 64, these 8
The importance of sex is never ending; still it is
anga are, Alingana,Chumbana, Nakhacheda,
the base of ever-unbreakable family set up and
Dasanacheda, Samvesana,Seelkritha,
social living. Proper sex reduces mental tension;
Purushayitha and Auparishtaka.
it adds to wishful thinking and abolishes
The first 4 angas describes 32 types of fore play loneliness. The resources of sexual drive like
and the rest of three describes the performance brain, physique, mind and concerned organs are
during actual sexual intercourse and the last almost alike in man but the response is
eight type is regarding oral sex. individually different. Ancient Indian books like
Ignorance Related to Sex: Even in educated Kamasutra provides a bulk of knowledge and
people also sexual knowledge is very less. vision for better practice of sex. Mind and its
Especially in a country like India this ignorance attributes play the major role from the point of
is very crucial. Inthe educational institutions also initiation (arousal) to the end of sexual act
sexual education is not provided promptly. (orgasm). Analysis reveals, mind and Vata have
Ayurveda is a collective wisdom, a large body of the supervisor and employee role on sexual act.
knowledge gathered from innumerable sources, Modern scientists give more importance to
mainstream or otherwise. Inputs from little physiological and neurological responses; hence
known health care systems, prevalent practices mind and its role are ignored generally in
in isolated pockets, folklore medicine etc. that sexology. Sexual dysfunction and abnormal sex
do not come under mainstream ayurveda. are different; first isthe functional problem
second is the deviation from normal function.
The sex-act itself, for better understanding, has
to be broken up into its three basic components
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no. 4, 1st edition, Varanasi: Chaukhamba 12,Verse no. 8 Reprint 2007, Varanasi:
Surbharti Prakashan; 1994; p. 350. Chaukhamba Surbharti Publication; 2007; p.250.

26. Vaidya Brahmanand Tripathi, Editor, Charaka Cite this article as: Abdul Khader, Gurdip
Samhita of Charaka chikitsastana, chapter Singh. Concept of Sexuality In Ayurveda.
2,Verse no. 4, Reprint 2007, Varanasi: Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine
Chaukhamba Surbharti Publication; 2007; p.46. (JAHM). 2014; 2(4).p.35-43.
27. Vaidya Brahmanand Tripathi, Editor, Charaka
Samhita of Charaka . Sutrasthana, chapter

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Journal of Ayurveda and Holistic Medicine | April, 2014 | Volume 2 | Issue 4 43

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