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Tutorial-2 Water pollution

1. Incoming wastewater, with BOD5 equal to 200 mg/L, is treated in a well-run secondary
treatment plant that removes 90 percent of the BOD. A five-day BOD test with a standard
300-mL bottle, using a mixture of treated sewage and dilution water (no seed) should be
conducted. Assume the initial DO is 9.2 mg/L.

(a) Roughly what maximum volume of treated wastewater should be put in the bottle if
DO should be at least 2.0 mg/L at the end of the test?

(b) If the mixture is made of half water and half treated wastewater, what DO should be
expected after five days?

2. A standard five-day BOD test is run using a mix of four parts distilled water and one part
wastewater (no seed). The initial DO of the mix is 9.0 mg/L, and the DO after five days is
determined to be 1.0 mg/L. What is BOD5? What is the ultimate BOD if the reaction rate
constant k is 0.345 day-1?

3. It is necessary to measure the BOD removal rate for a primary wastewater treatment plant.
Two samples of raw sewage are taken on the way to the plant and two samples on the
way from the plant. Standard five-day BOD tests are run on the four samples with no
seeding, produced the following data:
Sample Source Dilution DOi, mg/L DOf, mg/L
1 raw 1:30 9.2 2.2
2 raw 1:15 9.2 ?
3 treated 1:20 9.0 2.0
4 treated ? 9.0 >0
(a) Find the BOD5 for the raw and treated sewage, and the percent removal of BOD in
the treatment plant?

(b) Find the DO that would be expected in sample # 2 at the end of the test.

(c) What would be the maximum volume of treated sewage for sample # 4 that could be
put into the 300-mL BOD bottle and still have the DO after five days remain above 2
4. The oxygen sag caused by a cannery reaches a minimum DO equal to 3.0 mg/L.
Upstream from the cannery, the river DO is saturated at 10.0 mg/L, and it has no BOD of
its own. Just downstream from the discharge point, the DO is still essentially saturated
(i.e. consider the initial oxygen demand deficit to be zero so the downstream deficit is
proportional to initial BOD). By what percentage should the BOD of the cannery waste
be reduced to assure a healthy stream with at least 5.0 mg/L DO everywhere?

5. The ultimate BOD of a river just below a sewage outfall is 50.0 mg/L, and the DO is at
the saturation value of 10.0 mg/L. The deoxygenation rate coefficient kd is 0.30/day, and
the reaeration rate coefficient kr is 0.90/day. The river is flowing at the speed of 48.0
miles per day. The only source of BOD on this river is the sewage outfall.

(a) Find the critical distance downstream at which DO is at minimum

(b) Find the minimum DO

(c) If a wastewater treatment plant is to be built, what fraction of the BOD would have to
be removed from the sewage to assure a minimum of 5.0 mg/L everywhere

6. Determine the surface area of a primary settling tank sized to handle a maximum hourly
flow of 0.570 m3/s at an overflow rate of 60 m/d. If the effective tank depth is 3 m, what
is the effective theoretical detention time?

7. A groundwater has an alkalinity of 250 mg/L. The Ca2+ concentration is 80mg/L, Mg2+
concentration is 36.6 mg/L and Na+ is 23 mg/L. The pH is 8.0. Determine the total,
carbonate, and noncarbonated hardness present in the raw water.

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