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Name of my University

My Department
My Class Name
Author: My name
Exam Name: Version
Current Term

Name: Card:

Instructions for this test:

• Make sure you finish before the end of the exam time
• There is only one correct answer in all multiple choice questions
• Don’t cheat!

Good Luck!

Instructions on how to use RndTexExams (DELETE THIS IN THE FINAL VERSION)

• The switch statements for the text of the questions, including main text and answers are defined as @Text
for version 1—Text for version 2@. For each question, fell free to define as many versions as needed.
• You can define the right answer in each version of the test by assigning the character [!] or [ver] in the
right answer for version ver. See the rest of the file for examples.

1. Which one is the correct answer in the next five alternatives?

(a) Choice 1
(b) Choice 2
(c) Choice 3
(d) Choice 4
(e) Choice 5 - CORRECT
2. Consider the following statements:
I The color of the sky is generally @blue—red@
II R has a @high—low@ number of packages for empirical research in Finance
III Microsoft word is @better—worse@ than latex for creating structured documents
Are correct:

(a) [1] I and II

(b) II and III
(c) I, II and III
(d) [2] Only III
(e) Only I

1 Random test #
3. Which of the next answers do you think is the correct one? (there are three versions of this question. This is
version @1—2—3@)

(a) Choice 1 - Incorrect in all versions

(b) [1] Choice 2 - @Correct in version 1—Incorrect in version 2—Incorrect in version 3@
(c) [3] Choice 3 - @Incorrect in version 1—Incorrect in version 2—Correct in version 3@
(d) Choice 4 - Incorrect in all versions
(e) [2] Choice 5 - @Incorrect in version 1—Correct in version 2—Incorrect in version 3@
4. Consider the following statements:
I Latex is @good—bad@ for structured documents
II Working with R and latex is a @good—bad@ choice for writing up and marking tests
III We @love—hate@ R
Which statements are true?

(a) I e II
(b) [1] I, II e III
(c) Only III
(d) I e III
(e) [2] None of the other options

2 Random test #

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