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Script , September 2013

H. Abul Hayat, SKM, M.Kes.²
Safrijal, SE, M.Pd.³

"The Correlation Between Education Level And Work Terms With The Nurses
Compliance In The Use Of Personal Protective Equipment In The Inpatient
Ward General Hospital Of Langsa Year 2013 "

Chapter VII + Page 51 + Table 8 + Schema 2 + Attachment 10


Compliance is a form of obedience to the rule in running the established procedure. To

prevent the transmission of infection from patient to nurse or reverse, the nurse must be
obedient in carrying out the principles of universal precautions, for nurse, application of
universal precautionary principle is the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
Personal protective equipment is the tools used by a person or healthcare workers in order
to protect themselves from exposure to hazardous substances or materials that can cause
harmful effects to the health workers themselves. The purpose of this study was to
determine the correlation of the level of education and work term with the compliance of
nurses in the use of personal protective equipment in general hospital of Langsa. The
sample selection method is by proportional stratified random sampling and instrument
used was a questionnaire. The samples in this study were all nurses who served in
inpatient ward general hospitals of Langsa with the number of respondents 56 people.
This type of research is Analytical correlation with cross-sectional design. The data
finding through this research conducted in general hospital of Langsa obtained
approximately 31 nurses (55.4 %) were obedient in the use of PPE . There is a significant
correlation between level of education and compliance of nurses in the use of PPE, P
value = 0.03 (P value < 0.05). There is a significant correlation between work terms with
the compliance of nurses in the use of PPE, P value = 0.02 (P value < 0.05).
Nurses are expected to be motivated in improving their knowledge with continuing
education and can continue to exist run action procedures in accordance with applicable
standards, especially relating to the use of personal protective equipment, and can be a
model for new nurses.

Keywords : Compliance Usage of PPE, Education Level, Work Term.

Bibliography : 21 (2007 - 2013).

1. Student of STIKes Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa.

2. Lecturer in STIKes Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa.
3. Lecturer in STIKes Cut Nyak Dhien Langsa.


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