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Review articles by : Prili R Padja (1503041)

Article identity
Writer's name : Sri Raihan S.Pd (representative of BkkbN of Aceh Province)
Website address:


Narcotics, Alcohol, Psychotropic and Addictive Substances Other, or
commonly known as the drug abbreviation was originally discovered and developed for
treatment and research. However, various drugs are then misused to seek temporary
enjoyment and to avoid problems that eventually lead to addiction and addiction or

Teenagers are a group that is vulnerable to drugs because in addition to having

dynamic properties, energetic always want to try, they are also easily tempted and easily
despair so easily fall into deviant behavior, one of them drug. Various drug-related
legislation rules for medicinal purposes and for non-abuse of drugs. Rotation,
cultivation, production and consumption.

Through the research conducted by Hawari (1990), data and number were
obtained, at the time of the incident (continued use) began to use at the age of 13-17
years old as much as 97% and the youngest age 9 years. At scheduled few seconds most
of the drug (80%) of friends with reasons to eliminate anxiety, moodiness, taste and
sleep. As much as 36% is used to obtain pleasure / pleasure alone. In addition, this drug
may also have a negative impact, among others, can damage the familial relationship,
reduce interest in learning and can cause a lot of violence. Patients with drugs can be
recognized easily, meaning the drug causes people can not think and behave normally.
factors that cause drug abuse among adolescents, among others:
1. Internal factors
a) Religious observation is limited to fulfilling the obligations solely, without being
followed the correct deepening
a) Great curiosity to try, without thinking about the consequences
b) The desire to experiment and follow trends or styles
c) The desire to have fun
2. External factors
a) - Unfavorable family condition
b) The surrounding environment is not able to prevent and overcome drug abuse
c) Free association of teenagers with inappropriate environment
d) There are too many drugs circulating in the community.
Things you can do to minimize adolescents in drug abuse as follows:
1. Inculcate education and raise awareness of religion, seek information and
positive and useful things
2. Selective in choosing friends
3. Avoid the inappropriate environment
4. Finding out the facts about drugs includes the consequences that will be
5. Creating religious life in marriage and creating an atmosphere of affection
between both parents and children.
This solution is not fully applicable and applicable, but at least we can minimize
drug abuse among adolescents, because adolescence is the asset of the nation's progress
in the future. SAY NO TO DRUGS!!!

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