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Minutes of the Helmsdale and District Community Council

Meeting held in the Community Centre

Thursday 5th August 2010-08-23


Evelyn MacKenzie (Chairman)

Edward MacKay (Vice Chairman)
Garry MacMillan (Treasurer)
Ann Houghton (Secretary)
Stan Amey
Malcolm Bromley
Margaret Cairns
Annie Cowie
Rosemary Findlay
Roz Shorrock
Lorna Smith
Christine Sutherland
Cllr Deirdre Mackay
Pete Carson (Local Development Officer)
Jean Sargeant ( Timespan)
Nicola Henderson (Timespan)

Elizabeth Fraser
Barbara Jappy

The Chairman opened the meeting by paying tribute to Rita Findlay.

She was for many years Chairman of the Community Council and will
be sorely missed. The Community Council had sent flowers and a
condolence card to members of her family.

Police Report

PC MacKenzie and PC Wilson attended this months meeting. PC

MacKenzie had just returned from holiday. He had nothing to report that
was of any consequence but because of the problems of parking etc in
Helmsdale it had been agreed that the Traffic Warden would now be
attending on a weekly basis.

The police were asked if anything could be done about 3 vehicles that
are parked at the end of Golf Road. There had been complaints that
sometimes they were causing obstruction, and as there was a car park at
the rear of Golf Road, could the residents be spoken to by the police?

PC MacKenzie thought the better way to deal with this was for a
member of the public to approach the resident informally to explain the
problem. Rosemary Findlay knew the person concerned and agreed to
broach the matter with him.
Evelyn had been asked to raise the matter of speeding vehicles at the
railway crossing in Kinbrace. This has become more hazardous since
the removal of the cattle grille. It is very dangerous for children in the
area and some of the speeders are local residents. Roz asked if as there
are no signs to the contrary this is a national speed limit and therefore
could there be a lower speed limit in the village.
Again PC MacKenzie preferred the personal approach and if this failed
then the Police would certainly approach the culprits but a warning
would be preferable to a caution or prosecution.

The police left at 7.45pm

The minutes of the last meeting were approved as a true record. They
were proposed by Annie Cowie and seconded by Rosemary Findlay.

Councillors Report

Cllr Mackay attended Housing/Social Work Committee yesterday (4th

August) – 3 important reports on planned major changes to Community
Care for elderly and L.D. Following on from the meeting with Council
Exec, officials and senior Cllrs at recent Ward Forum Cllr Mackay has
met with Bill Alexander Director of S.W. and Mgt Davidson, Chair
H.S.W. to further discuss HDDG. expression of interest in being a pilot
for delivery of certain aspects of community care.
Malcolm Bromley – Helmsdale is becoming more of an ageing
All members present agreed that it would be good for Helmsdale to be in
the pilot scheme.

At the Education Committee today principle of Highland Council

transferring all culture and leisure facilities to an arms length
organisation. Although there will still be savings measures this option
would protect from the anticipated closure of may facilities including
libraries and Museums.

Ward Forum – next Wednesday 10th August in the Community Centre at

7.30 pmCllr Mackay advised that the topic of next Tuesday’s ward
forum is community care. Bob Silverwood, Area Manager and Donellen
MacKenzie, Project Officer will make presentations on the proposed
changes. This is an excellent opportunity to re-inforce Helmsdale’s
willingness to participate in a pilot scheme. Evelyn said she would be
away and asked if Edward could attend on her behalf and anyone else
who was free to attend.

Glen Loth – Cllr Mackay had been approached by Diana Royce asking
that plans, began by the late Cllr Rita Finlayson , to have Glen Loth
classified as an Area of Great Landscape Value, be progressed. It was
felt this would be fitting tribute to Rita as well as protecting a valuable
local asset. Cllr Macky will speak with Planning officials and report
back to the CC. It was agreed by all present that this was a very good
suggestion. Lorna Smith asked if the owners had been contacted?
Evelyn – everything had been followed through before when the plan
was first put forward.

Treasurer’s Report

Community Council Account £396.67

Christmas Lights Account £2094.57

There were two donation envelopes from McColl’s for the Christmas
Light Fund.

Local Development Officer

The Chairman welcomed Pete Carson the new Local Development

Officer to the meeting.
Pete Carson spoke briefly about his new role as Local Development
Officer for Helmsdale and District. His is a new post and is designed to
co-ordinate and support local efforts of the Local Development Group
and to look for ways to integrate all local voluntary and community
based actions in order to support the wider aims of the community. He
hopes to work with the local communities to assist with the stimulation,
planning and evaluation of development ideas.
Pete was the “local bobby” here in Helmsdale for 5 years and came back
for the Games most years after he left. He still has many friends in the
area. His office is at the Community Centre and he can be contacted on

Stan – thought it would be good to be co-ordinated so that there would

not be duplication.

As far as the core paths was concerned this could be one of the ways that
the Development Officer could help with filling in the required forms
which takes knowledge gleaned from the public and the time it takes up.

Margaret – had heard rumours about the compulsory purchase of land.

Pete categorically denied this was the case and had registered on behalf
of the Community and interest in any land or property that was to come
on the market for sale in the Helmsdale area.

Matters arising from the Minutes

Ann – Letter written to the Youth Club in support of their application to

use the land at the School
Ann- Had written to Mr Neil Gillies Director of TEC Services re: the
toilets asking if someone could attend one of our meetings to discuss
temporary alternative solutions to upgrade the condition of them.
Ann – had emailed PC Stephen MacKenzie re: parking problems in
Ann – William Sutherland at the moment is having surgery so not
contacted him til after he recovers
Ann – Had contacted Transerve about the sight line being obscured onto
the A9 from Simpson Crescent
Ann – Minutes cannot be placed on the Notice Board – anyone wanting
to have a copy of the minutes can contact any member of the CC and ask
for a copy or there are copies in the Library, Notice Board in the CC, the
Post Office, Timespan and on the Web
Malcolm Bromley asked if the minutes could be put into the Northern
Times but it was pointed out that discussions had take place on
numerous occasions and the CC had agreed not to publish in the
Northern Times.

Old Distillery site – It was agreed the Pete Carson would be co-opted
onto the sub committee appointed to deal with this matter and the sub
committee would now meet and progress with the acquisition of this
land. Deirdre will contact the planning office again and liaise with

Notice Boards Malcolm asked about new notice boards – they are too
expensive for the CC to obtain but it is understood the Development
Group are looking into new ones.


Ann – had received complaints of cyclist riding on the paths. As some

front doors open onto the paths it can be quite dangerous. It was agreed
that members should tell any cyclists they know not to ride on the paths.
This opened a discussion about the cycling proficiency tests for children.
Rosemary and Pete Carson thought it would be good to apply to use the
car park at the Club. Rosemary to action.

Edward- Helmsdale in Bloom – enquired what the man who watered the
flowers was paid and was he really needed as sometimes he was
watering after it had rained. Margaret a member of the Helmsdale in
Bloom committee explained that there was a schedule of days for
watering and it could not be helped if it rained on the previous days and
as so much money was spent on plants they needed to be tended.
Edward was just suggesting the cut back to save the Helmsdale in loom
some funds.

Stan – re Mr Ellis. Ann had circulated an email from Mr Ellis to quote.

In it he set out a proposal to restore a coppice regime in the woodland
which would radically improve the health of the trees, improve
biodiversity and provide a sustainable source of wood fuel for the
community. Ideally, any work done in the woodland would involve the
Development Group on a voluntary basis for which, as a coppice and
greenwood instructor, he would be happy to provide free training.
Material cut from the woodland as part of the management regime could
be stored and made available free of charge for pensioners of the village
as fuel over the winters, skills in traditional woodland management and
craft could be taught and developed to make a wide variety of products
ranging from gates, fencing, benches etc that could be installed as and
where needed. Sutherland Estates are to be contacted about the scheme.
Stan said he thought the man was very knowledgeable. Pete Carson had
a meeting with Mr Ellis and after was going to put a proposal to the
Development Group for discussion.

Annie had received a wreath catalogue and it was agreed by all present
that she continue to order the wreaths for the memorials.

Margaret – had received complaints about the path opposite the Club
- What was happening about the Saturday appointments? It
was agreed to wait and put questions to the Practice
Administrator who may be attending the next meeting.
- There had been complaints about a bad drain between 8 and
9 Glebe Terrace the grating is split

Jean Sargent – update

The last exhibition had been a great success and members of the CC
attended earlier to a pre exhibition to see what had been done. Jean
could not attend the last meeting because it was the Timespan AGM.

She wanted to address some of the points brought up at the last CC

meeting. The Arts bring in valuable funding but this does not mean that
heritage events cannot go ahead. School children were attending lots of
entertainment groups at Timespan. There have been amongst some of
the entertainment - field walking and Knitting classes attended by both
girls and boys. These all are part of the Curriculum for Excellence in
School. As far as the criticism of Timespan having more space for art
there is only the gallery. Edward thought that now there were more
people employed on wages than when it first started with volunteers.
Jean explained that there are not enough volunteers and funding is
available for management and Timespan actually employs 10 staff.
Timespan needs to employ professional staff because Timespan wants to
remain a valuable employer in the area. As an Accredited Museum it
has to stick to strict guidelines. Stan – it is important to state that not all
exhibitions will please everyone. CC criticism is meant to be
constructive. Rosemary pointed out that the bullet that had not been
displayed was now in the exhibition. Timespan welcome anyone to visit
and all artefacts can be brought up on the computer and lots of
information is available for anyone to see.

Pete Carson – Had received complaints about the gravel path to the War
Memorial – Deirdre to action
Notice Board – he hope to resurrect it as a public and
information board.

Public participation – Mrs Wood thought that the members of the public
should be encouraged to speak and take part at the CC Meetings. This
was accepted by the members present and the CC hoped that this was the
case. In addition the CC also pointed out that elections to the CC took
place every 4 years and anyone who wanted to could apply. In the past
there has been a shortage of applicants. The Chairman pointed out that
one member wanted to resign this last election but was persuaded to stay
because without her there would not be enough members to form the CC.

Meeting closed at 9.25pm

The next meeting of the Community Council will be on Thursday 2nd

September at 7.30pm in the Community Centre

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