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Many people think that luck is the most important element to achieve the success.

Personally, I disagree with this point of view and follow the idea that one's can achieve
their purpose only when they try their best.

On the one hand, people who are painstaking tend to succeed. Firstly, successful people
always hard-working in attaining their goals. For instance, Steve Job - the cofounder of
Apple- worked hard from 1976 and spent almost half of his life to make Apple a huge
success. Secondly, there are many disabilities people over the world, but, instead of
giving up, they try their best and obtain their goals. Nick Vujicic - a motivational speaker
- did not have any luck with his disabilities, but he studied hard to gain degrees, travels
the world to inspire others by his example.

On the other hand, there is a strong reason why people do not have to be lucky to
achieve their aims is that the success does not depend on luck. Firstly, faith of the luck
makes people fail. For example, students who expect to luck in the exam without
studying hard will definitely fail. Secondly, people who were born with a silver spoon in
month is unsure success if they do not use their gain For instance, 18 -years old - Brain
Blackwell, who had excellent academic performance in high school, killed his parents
because they did not allow him to swipe card.

In conclusion, although sometimes people need luck to get success, I would argue that
the most important factor for success is effort.

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