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Journal of Andrology, Vol. 21, No.

1, January/February 2000
Copyright q American Society of Andrology

Semen Cryopreservation in Minireview

Domestic Animals: A Damaging and
Capacitating Phenomenon

JANICE L. BAILEY, JEAN-FRANÇOIS BILODEAU, tilized ova with frozen-thawed ram semen were
AND NATHALY CORMIER approximately 20% less than with fresh semen (Maxwell
et al, 1993). The fertility of cryopreserved semen plum-
From the Centre de Recherche en Biologie de la
mets to unacceptable levels with vaginal or cervical in-
Reproduction, Département des Sciences Animales,
semination (Eppelston and Maxwell, 1993). In stallions,
Université Laval, Québec, Canada.
satisfactory techniques for semen cryopreservation have
not yet been developed (Samper and Morris, 1998). In-
The genetic improvement of agriculturally important spe- terest in conserving transgenic lines has stimulated a
cies and disease control are of fundamental importance to surge of effort toward mouse sperm conservation; how-
the success of a sustainable agri-food industry. In this ever, in vitro fertilization rates with cryopreserved epi-
sense, artificial insemination (AI) is arguably the most didymal sperm were, at best, 62% that of unfrozen con-
important tool contributing to the advancement of modern trols (Storey et al, 1998).
animal production. Through AI, 1 ejaculate from a ge- At present, it is generally accepted that the consequenc-
netically superior male can be used to impregnate multi- es of sperm cryoinjury caused by the cryopreservation
ple females to maximize the distribution of agriculturally procedure are impaired transport and poor survival in the
favorable genes. As well, AI eliminates physical contact female reproductive tract (Salamon and Maxwell, 1995).
between animals, thus limiting the spread of sexually This concept has led to the routine use of oviductal in-
transmitted diseases. Successful semen cryopreservation semination by laparoscopy rather than vaginal or even
enhances these advantages of AI over natural breeding. transcervical insemination in sheep. Similarly, surgical in-
Long-term storage facilitates semen transport over dis- semination of cryopreserved porcine semen directly into
tances, permits the quarantine of semen, and enables ex- the oviducts achieved fertility rates comparable to those
tended use of superior germplasm, even after the sire’s with fresh semen (Polge et al, 1970). When the interval
death. For agriculturally important animals, semen cryo- between insemination and ovulation is reduced, fertiliza-
preservation is an established industry worldwide, partic- tion rates increase (Parrish and Foote, 1986; Kemp and
ularly for dairy cattle. Genome resource banking to pre- Soede, 1997), supporting the hypothesis that sublethal
serve the biodiversity of endangered species or valuable cryodamage is an effect of the freeze-thaw procedure. The
transgenic lines also would benefit from sperm cryopres- goal of this minireview is to describe recent findings on
ervation. the mechanisms by which cryopreservation initiates
For many mammals; however, effective semen cryo- ‘‘cryo-capacitation,’’ thus reducing the functional life
preservation is not a reality because a large number of span of sperm.
sperm are apparently infertile following freezing and
thawing. Compared to fresh, 8 times more cryopreserved Sperm Damage Due to Cryopreservation
bovine sperm were required to achieve equivalent fertil-
The sperm plasma membrane is the primary site of dam-
ization rates in vivo (Shannon and Vishwanath, 1995).
age induced by cryopreservation (Hammerstedt et al,
Although AI in pigs with fresh, cooled semen is increas-
1990, Parks and Graham, 1992, Watson, 1995). Cryomi-
ingly popular, the fertility of cryopreserved semen re-
croscopic examination of ram sperm loaded with a marker
mains about half that of fresh semen (Crabo, 1991). Fol-
for membrane integrity revealed that exposure to low tem-
lowing either transuterine or oviductal insemination of su-
peratures followed by warming differentially affected the
perovulated ewes, conception rates and percentage of fer-
plasma membranes over the principal-piece, midpiece,
and head, with the head membrane inevitably damaged
Correspondence to: Janice L. Bailey, PhD, Centre de Recherche en (Holt and North, 1994). Further investigation showed sig-
Biologie de la Reproduction, Département des sciences animales, Univ- nificant membrane permeabilization after sperm were ex-
ersité Laval, Québec, Québec, Canada G1K 7P4 (e-mail:
posed to a high salt concentration followed by restoration
Received for publication July 23, 1999; accepted for publication Sep- of osmotic equilibrium as would be generated during a
tember 22, 1999. freeze-thaw cycle. Because of the temperature and os-
2 Journal of Andrology · January/February 2000

motic effects, both freezing and thawing induce tremen- also destroys the selective permeability of sperm mem-
dous alterations in cell water volume, which confer con- branes to calcium, thus leading to excessive intracellular
siderable mechanical stress on the cell membranes (Ham- levels, which reduce motility and lead to necrosis (Simp-
merstedt et al, 1990; Noiles et al, 1993, 1995). son and White, 1986; Robertson et al, 1990).
Noiles et al (1995) observed a temperature-dependent Cryopreservation (in the presence of a cryoprotectant,
discontinuity of the water permeability of mouse sperm typically glycerol) is considered to be a more moderate
plasma membranes between 4 and 08C. These data sug- treatment than cold shock, since a subpopulation of sperm
gest that a membrane-phase transition occurs between 4 survives and maintains fertilizing capacity, notwithstand-
and 08C in mouse sperm during the freezing process, ing an overall reduction in the percentage of motile and
which is associated with elevated membrane fragility due viable cells. In contrast to what might be a logical asso-
to imbrittlement. At physiologic temperatures, freeze- ciation, the computer-assessed motility of bovine sperm
fracture electron micrographs of bull and boar head plas- immediately after thawing is not correlated with fertility
ma membranes exhibit a random distribution of mem- (Bailey et al, 1994). Furthermore, despite preservation of
brane proteins (de Leeuw et al, 1991). On cooling, phase adequate motility, cryopreserved human sperm exhibit
transitions change sperm membrane ultrastructure such significant membrane damage as indicated by subnormal
that particle-free regions in the bull and protein aggre- hypo-osmotic swelling tests (Check and Check, 1991).
gation in the boar replace the random distribution. Be- Indeed, after cryopreservation, surviving bull and human
cause boar sperm are known to be sensitive to cooling, sperm contain more intracellular calcium than before, re-
the difference between these species may indicate differ- flecting impaired membrane selective permeability mech-
ing intensities of damage. These ultrastructural modifi- anisms (Bailey and Buhr, 1994; McLaughlin and Ford,
cations are not fully reversible on rewarming. Head plas- 1994).
ma membranes isolated from cryopreserved porcine Once sperm approach the site of fertilization, they at-
sperm are less dynamic than those from unfrozen sperm tach transiently to oviductal epithelial cells, experience
and do not undergo the fluidity changes observed in mem- capacitation and hyperactivation, bind to the oocyte zona
branes from fresh or even cooled cells (Buhr et al, 1989). pellucida, undergo the acrosome reaction, penetrate the
Morphometry measurements indicate that cryopreserved zona, and finally fuse with and penetrate the oolemma.
bull sperm have reduced head size compared with un-
Impaired sperm membrane function due to cryopreser-
frozen sperm, possibly reflecting permanent modification
vation inevitably affects each of these processes and so
of membrane architecture (Gravance et al, 1998). Cryo-
diminishes the likelihood of successfully fertilizing an oo-
preservation does affect lipid composition and organiza-
cyte in vivo. Certainly poorly motile sperm are less likely
tion of sperm plasma membranes in rams (Hinkovska-
to arrive at the site of fertilization in vivo or penetrate the
Galcheva et al, 1989) and boars (Buhr et al, 1994). Trans-
oocyte vestments. Moreover, the motile sperm population
bilayer-phospholipid asymmetry also is disrupted in ram
itself is adversely affected by cryopreservation; when
sperm plasma membranes after cryopreservation (Hin-
equal numbers of motile cells are inseminated, the fertility
kovska-Galcheva et al, 1989; Muller et al, 1999). Ultra-
of fresh semen is superior to that of frozen-thawed semen
structural damage to membranes due to cryopreservation
(Watson, 1995).
destabilizes them, predisposing sperm to gross morpho-
logic defects, such as missing and abnormal acrosomes. The structural reorganization of sperm head plasma
Phase transitions and other ultrastructural modifications membranes after cryopreservation appears to disrupt the
of the plasma membranes during cooling and rewarming ability of the sperm to interact normally with cells of the
may play a role in the poor fertility of cryopreserved female genital tract. Dobrinski et al (1995) used differ-
sperm. It seems plausible that reorganization of sperm ential fluorochrome labeling to distinguish the binding of
membrane lipids disturbs the lipid-lipid and lipid-protein fresh and cryopreserved stallion sperm to oviductal epi-
interactions required for normal membrane function thelial cells in vitro. Fewer cryopreserved sperm attached
(Parks and Graham, 1992). Sperm from domestic mam- to the cells than fresh semen, and similar findings were
mals do not survive rapid cooling to 08C (cold shock). obtained with fresh and frozen-thawed bull sperm (Gold-
Therefore, sperm are always protected from sudden tem- man et al, 1998). Moreover, cryopreserved equine sperm
perature shifts from the time of semen collection and dur- were less able to bind homologous zonae pellucidae than
ing processing until the cryoprotectant is added. Plasma those stored at room temperature (Dobrinski et al, 1995).
membrane disruption due to cooling or freezing favors In pigs, sperm stored at 188C penetrated fewer zona-free
the loss of cations and enzymes from sperm (Harrison hamster eggs than did fresh sperm, and penetration by
and White, 1972), providing some explanation for early cryopreserved sperm was markedly compromised (Clarke
observations that cold shock irreversibly depresses sperm and Johnson, 1987). Reduced sperm binding is likely a
motility and metabolic activity (White, 1993). Cold shock consequence of membrane injury, possibly by structural
Bailey et al · Mechanisms of Sperm Cryo-Capacitation 3

damage to the sperm receptors or by incomplete receptor al, 1997). Conversely, when the balance between ROS
aggregation. production and detoxification by antioxidants is disrupted,
The elevated intracellular calcium levels of cryopre- an excess of ROS creates oxidative stress. ROS such as
served sperm and their reduced capacity to maintain nor- H2O2 are known to arrest motility and block oxidative
mal concentrations of this cation (Bailey and Buhr, 1993, metabolism in sperm (Tosic, 1947). Also, ROS decrease
1994; McLaughlin and Ford, 1994) may also partly ex- oocyte penetration by sperm and block sperm-egg fusion
plain the poorer fertility of sperm post-thaw. Intracellular in the mouse via a mechanism involving oxidation of
calcium levels increase in sperm during capacitation (Par- sperm -SH groups (Mammoto et al, 1996). Sperm DNA
rish et al, 1999), hyperactivation (Suarez et al, 1993), and damage by ROS also has been reported, which has serious
the zona pellucida–induced acrosome reaction (Bailey consequences for postfertilization development (Aitken et
and Storey, 1994; Florman, 1994). Recent research sug- al, 1998).
gests that the calcium regulatory mechanisms during ca- The generation of ROS by several potential sources
pacitation (Parrish et al, 1999) and the acrosome reaction occurs during cryopreservation. Increased ROS produc-
(Florman et al, 1998) are complex, involving intracellular tion by both human sperm and seminal leukocytes during
stores and voltage-dependent calcium channels. Disrup- cooling to 48C was reported by Wang et al (1997). In
tion of capacitation and/or the acrosome reaction would somatic cells, ROS leakage from the mitochondrial re-
severely compromise the fertilizing potential of sperma- spiratory chain has been evaluated at 2 to 5% (Boveris,
tozoa, which may account for observations that the in 1977), and this is probably a major source of ROS pro-
vivo fertility rates of cryopreserved bovine semen are cor- duced by sperm. Contaminating leukocytes in the semen
related with the ability of the sperm to moderate internal can produce large amounts of ROS if stimulated (Krausz
calcium levels (Bailey et al, 1994). et al, 1992). Aitken et al (1997) hypothesized that an
NADH/NADPH oxidase could exist on sperm as occurs
Mechanisms of Membrane Damage on many other cell types. Specifically, the activation of
Much of cryopreservation sperm damage depends on the an aromatic amino acid oxidase following the death of
structural stability of the plasma membrane (de Leeuw et ram and bull sperm has been identified as a major source
al, 1993). Differences among species in the sensitivity of of ROS production in the semen of these animals (Tosic,
their sperm to cooling are largely attributable to compo- 1947; Upreti et al, 1998). The release of this oxidase from
sitional variations of the sperm plasma membranes. The dead sperm in egg yolk extender reduces the motility and
susceptibility of the plasma membrane to undergo lipid- viability of the remaining living bull sperm (Shannon and
phase transitions during cooling is inversely related to the Curson, 1972).
proportion of cholesterol present (Drobnis et al, 1993). Unsaturated fatty acids, which predominate in sperm
Lower cholesterol levels are present in bull and ram membranes, are susceptible to peroxidation (Halliwell and
sperm, which are considered to be sensitive to cooling, Gutterridge, 1984), and the consequences are numerous,
than in rabbit and human sperm, which are less suscep- ranging from membrane damage, inhibition of respiration,
tible. Moreover, the effectiveness of glycerol as a cryo- and leakage of intracellular enzymes (White, 1993). Lipid
protectant is partially attributed to its ability to prevent peroxidation derivatives, such as 4-hydroxynonenal, have
some of the phase transitions during cooling by increasing been shown to be mutagenic and abolish sperm motility
the water permeability and fluidity of sperm plasma mem- in ram semen (White, 1993). Slaweta et al (1988) reported
branes (Noiles et al, 1995). Susceptibility to cold tem- that lipid peroxidation in bull sperm increases after cryo-
peratures also seems to be linked to a high ratio of un- preservation. Moreover, Trinchero et al (1990) observed
saturated to saturated fatty acid content of the sperm plas- that frozen-thawed bull sperm are more easily peroxidized
ma membrane. Again, species can be segregated in 2 clas- than fresh sperm. Recent studies indicate that cryopres-
ses, those with high levels of saturated fatty acids and ervation decreases the antioxidant defenses of whole se-
those with lower quantities (White, 1993). Bull, ram, and men. Loss of superoxide dismutase activity occurs in
boar sperm (sensitive), have a higher ratio of unsaturated cryopreserved human and bull semen when compared
to saturated fatty acids (.2.5), whereas more resistant with fresh semen (Lasso et al, 1994; Bilodeau et al, in
sperm from rabbits, dogs, and human beings have lower press). Moreover, cryopreservation reduced bull sperm
ratios (;1). glutathione levels by 78% (Bilodeau et al, in press).
An increasing number of studies show that reactive ox- Observations that addition of antioxidants to semen im-
ygen species (ROS) play an important role in fertility/ proves sperm quality provide indirect evidence for the
infertility. Several reports indicate significant physiologic damaging effects of ROS on sperm function. Studies to
roles of ROS during normal sperm function, including preserve unfrozen semen revealed that controlling oxi-
hyperactivation, capacitation and the acrosome reaction, dation by exogenous antioxidants in the extender, such as
and zona binding (Kodama et al, 1996; de Lamirande et catalase, greatly helped maintain sperm quality (Foote,
4 Journal of Andrology · January/February 2000

1967). Inclusion of natural antioxidants such as a-to- Sperm changes associated with capacitation and cryopreservation*
copherol and ascorbate had a protective effect on meta- Capacitation Cryopreservation
bolic activity and cellular viability of cryopreserved bo- CTC fluorescence pattern B CTC fluorescence pattern B
vine sperm (Beconi et al, 1991; 1993). Plasma membrane reorganiza- Plasma membrane reorganiza-
tion and fluidization tion and destabilization
Capacitationlike Changes Due to Cryopreservation Elevated intracellular calcium Elevated intracellular calcium
Watson (1995) suggested that cryopreservation-induced Generation of reactive oxygen Generation of reactive oxygen
species species
modifications to sperm membranes make them more re- cAMP-mediated protein tyrosine Appearance of tyrosine-phos-
active to their environment after thawing such that cryo- phosphorylation phorylated proteins
preserved sperm are in a partially capacitated state. In- Able to fertilize oocytes in vitro Able to fertilize oocytes in vitro
deed, numerous groups have reported that cooled or cryo- * CTC indicates chlortetracycline; cAMP, cyclic adenosine monophos-
preserved sperm exhibit capacitationlike behavior and, phate.
even a decade ago, it was observed that freezing and
thawing reduced the time required for tiger sperm to pen-
etrate zona-free hamster eggs (Byers et al, 1989). More
recently, Pérez et al (1996) showed that cryopreserved accompanies heparin-induced capacitation in vitro (Par-
ram sperm undergo capacitation more quickly than fresh rish et al, 1999), although its mechanism of entry is un-
controls as assessed by reactivity to calcium ionophore clear. As previously discussed, restructured membranes
and the chlortetracyline (CTC) fluorescent assay. CTC and altered lipid-protein associations are thought to favor
fluorescence also revealed a greater proportion of pattern calcium influx during cryopreservation. Visconti et al
B (‘‘capacitated’’; Ward and Storey, 1984) sperm due to (1998) speculated that during capacitation, membrane
cooling and immediately after thawing in mice (Fuller and modifications stimulate adenylyl cyclase to initiate cyclic
Whittingham, 1996), bull (Cormier et al, 1997), ram (Gil- adenosine monophosphate–mediated tyrosine phosphor-
lian et al, 1997), and boar (Maxwell and Johnson, 1997). ylation of sperm proteins. Furthermore, elevated sperm
Furthermore, sperm were confirmed to be functionally ca- calcium levels are thought to trigger an intracellular sig-
pacitated by cooling or cryopreservation, as reflected by naling cascade that has recently been associated with ca-
their ability to fertilize homologous oocytes in vitro with- pacitation. To test whether cryopreservation induces the
out any pretreatment normally required by uncooled signal transduction events associated with capacitation,
sperm (Cormier et al, 1997; Fuller and Whittingham, the presence of phosphotyrosine-containing proteins was
1997). evaluated in bull sperm immediately after thawing. In
The mechanism by which this cryo-capacitation occurs support of this hypothesis, a series of tyrosine phosphor-
is not fully understood and is complicated by the fact the ylated proteins was evident in cryopreserved sperm im-
onset of normal capacitation has yet to be elucidated. Ca- mediately after thawing (Bailey and Bérubé, 1998). In
pacitation of mammalian sperm is associated with reor- contrast, fresh bovine sperm require incubation for at least
ganization of the head plasma membranes due to phos- 4 hours with heparin for these phosphorylated proteins to
pholipid redistribution and cholesterol removal (Langlais be visualized (Galantino-Homer et al, 1997).
and Roberts, 1985; Lin and Kan, 1996). Watson (1995) Given their importance in fertility/infertility, a role for
speculated that cryopreservation introduces a sublethal ROS in sperm cryo-damage is not unlikely. In vitro ca-
modification of the sperm membranes, which renders pacitation and tyrosine phosphorylation of sperm proteins
them more sensitive to the environment after thawing. As are correlated with superoxide anion generation in human
outlined above, cooling and cryopreservation also modify sperm (de Lamarinde et al, 1998). Conversely, both su-
sperm membrane architecture and behavior. Similarities peroxide dismutase and catalase inhibit capacitation and
in the membrane changes associated with capacitation and tyrosine phosphorylation (Leclerc et al, 1997). It is tempt-
cooling or cryopreservation are evident, based on the in- ing to speculate that cryo-capacitation is at least partly
creased incidence of sperm displaying the CTC pattern B induced by ROS activity generated during sperm pro-
after either of these phenomena. Furthermore, based on cessing.
flow cytometric analysis of CTC stained sperm, Maxwell
and Johnson (1997) suggested that pattern B reflects Conclusions
membrane destabilization and calcium influx to the cell. In summary, it is clear that cryopreserved and capacitated
Thus, the CTC pattern B fluorescence induced by cooling sperm share several characteristics (Table 1). Harrison
and cryopreservation appears to be related to sperm ca- (1996) described capacitation as a ‘‘window of destabi-
pacitation in the functional sense, as these treatments fa- lization’’ within which sperm acquire fertilizing ability
vor sperm fertilization in vitro. but are susceptible to membrane degeneration and spon-
In bovine sperm, an increase in intracellular calcium taneous acrosome reactions should they not fertilize. In
Bailey et al · Mechanisms of Sperm Cryo-Capacitation 5

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