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Good Afternoon my respected teacher and my dear classmates. My topic is all about
Terrorism.Just like always, we have again assembled to discuss and exchange our thought
process on the most pertinent issues that concern us and our country at large. And today, we are
going to discuss yet another burning issue from which the whole world is suffering, i.e.
Terrorism. Since I feel so strongly about this subject; I have chosen this topic in order to raise
awareness of my students and make them realize in what ways it has affected the world. Though
my personal opinion is not different from the rest of the world, I would still like to share it with
you all and say that terrorism has caused a major havoc on our planet and unsettled the lives of
everybody. It is owing to the growing terrorist attacks that many brave soldiers and countless
innocent people are losing their lives; the world’s economy has suffered a serious breakdown and
most important of all it has created a fear in everyone’s heart that their lives are not safe

If you reverse the clock time, you will realize that the history is replete with the horrifying
incidents of terrorist attacks. We can never sleep carefree at night, cannot walk freely on streets
because in some way or the other we live under a constant threat of attack that hovers around and
mainly because of the growing terrorist attacks and cases of murder. This is the reason we are
often being told by our loved ones to avoid being at crowded places, especially during the festive
seasons. Terrorism is that activity, which is purposely carried out by a group of men or several
terrorist organizations to generate fear or panic amongst the masses with the sole aim to cause
damage to their lives and property. It is such a hideous exercise to unsettle people’s peaceful
lives and destroy their families.

The wound of Mumbai Terrorist Attack, i.e. 26/11 is still not healed and the world is witnessing
an alarming rate of increase in such activities: from Pakistan bomb attacks to terrorist attacks on
Mumbai Taj Hotel, from the Twin tower attack in America to bombings in London. These
heinous activities are carried out by the terrorist groups without any fear in their hearts.

Unfortunately, people like us become terrorists, whose minds are brainwashed by the terrorist
organizations (belonging to such places as Afghanistan, Iraq and Taliban), to that extent that they
are even willing to become suicide bombers and become appalling examples of human weapon
to be used by the terrorist groups.

The aim of these terrorist activities is to wear down the social, economical and political
machinery of our country or other countries in the world. As per the statistics revealed to the
public, the country US spends nearly $5 million every year in order to combat terrorism. In fact,
our country is also showing an active participation to uproot this issue; through an alliance called
POTA, which is formed by our Indian government to deal with this growing threat.

So let’s take a pledge together that we will put every bit of our efforts to stop these heinous
activities of crime and murder and strengthen our country by enlightening the people and raising
their consciousness towards it.

Thank You!
Poverty in the Philippines Speech
Hello my name is Zahid Merali and I’m standing in front of you today to talk to you
about a very important issues. This issue is poverty in the Philippines. Poverty is a very
big issue especially in the Philippines because it affects people just like you and me,
people who have dreams and goals but could never imagine of achieving them. In the
Philippines more than 30% of people fall below the poverty line and about 12% are in
extreme poverty meaning they use less than 2 to survive dollars a day. I want everyone
here to close their eyes for a moment and try to imagine what I’m about to tell you.
Imagine yourself living next to a garbage dump, waking up every morning knowing that
there is nothing you can do with your life but try to survive, imagine not being able to
eat breakfast and lunch but only eating one small meal a day, Imagine your mom
working in a factory with very dangerous machinery and only bringing home a couple
dollars after a full day of work. Imagine spending you days looking through the garbage
dump trying to find any recyclable material that you can sell. Children just like you and
me live like this every day. This work is very dangerous because of the environment
they are at risk of many diseases such as pneumonia or tuberculosis. This is the life of
many children and adults in the Philippines.

The poverty level in the Philippine has only gotten worse since 2006 and there are
many reason for this. The main one being the rapid growth of the population. The
Philippines has one of the fastest growing populations in the world at 2.3% a year.
There has been an increase in more than 4 million poor people since the 1985. Since
the growth of the population has quickly increased this has become a major problem
because there is already insufficient resources to support the population and this also
will leave less resources to improve their economy as well as reduces job opportunities
and causes more and more to fall below the poverty line. Currently The unemployment
is 7.4% .Since the Philippines is a bunch of small islands they face difficulty in job
creation due to not being able to attract more foreign investments.

Over many years the government has been trying to poverty by focusing more on
agricultural work in order and try and create more jobs, but this will take many years
and by the time these jobs are created more will die. Apart from the government There
has also been help from many people and companies such as the Asian development
bank also known as ADB. ADB is an organization that tries to help those in poverty in
Asia and the pacific and spread knowledge to others. ADB produced a book called
Poverty in the Philippines causes constraints and opportunities this books explored the
many ways someone could be trapped in poverty. Many don’t know about this issue
and I feel as if that is a big reason why the Philippines are still facing poverty after such
a long time. Poverty- the Philippine scenario is a book written by Ruth S.Callanta that
shows you the many different aspects of the life of someone in poverty. Through theses
books and through you, we can spread knowledge to those who don’t know about this

So you may be thinking that you are only one person and that nothing you can do will
even make a difference? Well I’m here to tell you that you are wrong and that you can
help all those who are in need in many different ways. Philippines charity is a nonprofit
organizations that gives 100% of your donation straight to those in need. You can find
them at The reason way I chose to tell you about this charity is
because of the unique ways it allows you to help others such as donating money,
sending ecards, sending used clothing or even just by letting you click their ads. With
each click on their site you are donating money without even knowing. With every
donation you could be saving a life or giving someone a way out.
There is enough in this world for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed,
this was said by Mahatma Gandhi and I truly believe that this is the truth. It is not the
fault of those in poverty but ours because we have the chance to help them and make
the world a better place for everyone. With the rising population it will be harder than
ever to help those in need but it is not impossible. So please go home talk to your
family, talk to your friends get as many people as you can involved and one day I
promise you we will see a change.

He is the first one to run errands for his teachers. He is the good boy of the
class, who does not play pranks, who is always sitting in the front row and
listening carefully to every word of his teacher.

He is sincerely writing down all the notes given by the teacher. He sits
quietly and does not let others disturb him when he is not studying nor does
he disturb others. His work is always up-to-date, he is the first one to
submit his home work and if any child fails to do so, he informs the teacher.
He keeps a record of all the students who do not submit their work on time.
Image Source:
All the students of his class are afraid of him for they know that he will not
hide any thing from the teachers and would inform them if they do any thing
wrong. This good boy or girl of the class stands up and ensures discipline
when the teacher is not in the class. He switches off the fans and light
when not required and ensures that all students are moving in a proper line
whenever they are leaving the classroom.


“The ideal student does not fight with others, and also never abuses. He is
always polite and ready to help whenever he can. He is bright and is
among the toppers of the class. He comes to school smartly dressed up,
never forgets to put on his belt or tie, wears polished shoes and is always
punctual in reporting to school. He is also very regular in coming to school
and takes leave only when he is not able to get up from the bed due to

His parents are proud of him and he is the blue eyed boy of his teachers,
who cannot stop themselves from praising him. He is always honest and
truthful and is trusted by his teachers because he is very responsible and
dependable, However, this good boy is not very popular with the other
students of the class thus he is at times a loner who has very few friends.

The other students of the class do not talk freely in his presence because
they are afraid he may | inform the teachers.

But according to me, an ideal student is the one, who is good in everything,
is responsible but is also fun loving and enjoys with all the pranksters of the
class. He is righteous and has the courage to condemn any act of his
friends which he thinks is not correct but he is loyal to them and avoids
informing his teachers about little things. But, when he feels things are
going out of hand he uses his discretion and takes the advice of his teacher
Speech about Eternal life
Eternal life becomes possible through a right relationship with God. This message is
divided into two parts, "What must I know?" and "What must I do?" Our understanding
and active response are helped by the Holy Spirit, the revealer of truth and the
empowerer of action. Everything is grounded in the Bible, that is in the Scriptures of
the Old and the New Testaments. It requires our humility to accept that this is God's
gift to those who believe, and cannot be a reward for our own efforts and

"What must I know?" is about recognising our need to find or return to God, whose
kingdom is in eternity. It explains what is required to satisfy that need. This includes
how our reconciliation with God requires changed attitudes and lifestyle. These are
possible through the life and death of Jesus. His life, in charactor and action, provides
our example. His death on the Cross, by which he took the punishment for sin, enables
our forgiveness, and makes possible the overcoming of evil desires. A necessary life of
goodness in preparation for eternity comes through the transforming and empowering
ministry of the Holy Spirit. Believing in Jesus as resurrected Lord brings us into the
family of God, and the promise of resurrection life for ourselves.

"What must I do?" is really about what you are willing to let God do.
There needs to be a willingness to change and a readiness to believe the words and
promises of Jesus. Believing requires a commitment and an openness to receive all that
God has for us. This includes a new and transformed life which is available through the
ministry of the Holy Spirit. It is a life of inspired and empowered service, not to seek
reward, but to show gratitude for the promised gift, "that whoever believes shall not
perish but have eternal life".

Important life-changing decisions have to be made, so please read on to find out more.

Following this we have a longer and more in-depth study. It is called "Can you tell me
the way?" It is intended for those who are seriously wanting to continue with something
of a more detailed nature. Please click the link on the left to access.
Speech About Facing Life Challenges

Life itself is a series of challenges, whether large or small. How do we habitually

respond to daily life? Do we easily panic and become frantic, or do we stay positive
and energetic? Do we make small problems big, or do we make big problems small
and dissolve them into nothing? How we face the normal events of each day is
generally how we will face the bigger challenges.
Let's look at some of the qualities of people who become negative and panic versus
people who respond positively and energetically. Panicky people don't have control
over their mental energies. Because their minds are unfocused, they exaggerate
events. Their confusion complicates things and even small challenges appear to be big
problems. They usually react emotionally to situations, so they easily become
irritable, anxious, and excitable. Because of their emotionality, people who panic are
often undependable and are unable to take appropriate action.

Negative people make everything a problem. They generate an incredible amount of

mental and physical stress. When anything comes up that disturbs their comfort zone,
they think and say things like, "It's too difficult. I can't do it. I never did it before. I
don't know how. Why is this happening to me?"

Succumbing to negative emotional states creates nothing but more negative reactions,
such as jealousy, hatred, blame, fear, and depression. That helps neither us, the
situation, nor the people around us. The moment negative emotions hit us, we have to
see the urgency of generating some positive energies, instead, and start doing
something good for the environment and others.

If we are often frantic, we should ask ourselves if we have the habit of procrastinating.
Procrastinating itself contributes to a frantic mind. How? If we habitually postpone
doing what needs to be done--whether in our physical surroundings, our health, our
relationships, or whatever--neglect eventually catches up with us. If we are not used to
taking timely action and life finally forces us to get things done, we can easily become
frantic and filled with worries.

We cannot afford to be frantic. There is nothing, great or small, that is worth getting
nervous or agitated over. Rather than creating mental problems, we should deal with
life both energetically and peacefully. That is why we need to make a practice of
always keeping our mind focused on consciousness and taking care of things on time,
both big and small. By training ourselves to have a clear vision of the consequences of
our actions (or non-actions), we can stay ten steps ahead. Then we won't become
nervous or frantic as we face our day, no matter what arises.

If we want to successfully face life's challenges, we need a positive mindset, based on

wisdom. With our minds focused, balanced, and aware, we can respond to any
situation or challenge from that state. By perceiving and acting through clear
perception and wisdom, rather than through feelings, we can objectively size up a
situation in the moment and set right energy in motion.
Creative and positive people never buckle under when a challenge arises, or hesitate
to do what needs to be done. They have the attitude that each challenge which comes
is cajoling them to wake up. It is telling them that the problem that seems so difficult
is nothing if they are resourceful. By taking initiative to facilitate or fix a situation,
they simplify life for themselves and others.

We, too, can have the confidence to tap into our inner inspiration. We have to say to
ourselves, "Accentuate the positives and forget the negatives. Focus on uplifting
thoughts and doing something good."

The life which is not useful, positive, and contributing is wasted. We don't want to
waste this precious gift of life. So, if we spend all of our energy in positivity, we won't
have any energy left for negativity or self pity. By seeing life's challenges as positive
pinpricks, like acupuncture-- stimulating, not pain-inducing--we can creatively and
inspiringly face each day.

We should make our motto: "Think in positives, act in positives, and live in
positives." With this kind of attitude we will always say to ourselves, "Nothing is a
problem. I will see every problem which comes as a challenge. So let the challenges

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