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FEU-IAS –Medical Technology Department on Laboratory Management 1st Sem.



1.Traditional “closed” laboratory has discrete sections in hematology, chemistry,
microbiology, and blood bank, generally separated into
rooms or sections.
2. “Open” laboratory discrete services are placed in one large room with portable
walls that can be adjusted as needed based on volume.
3. Core laboratory common type of consolidation has been hematology and Advantages include handling stat
chemistry laboratories (“chematology”) requests, improving off-shift workflow,
and avoiding chronic staffing problems

4. Regional laboratory Specific low-volume or expensive laboratory services For example, consolidation of all virology
currently provided by more than one regional hospital or PCR testing into one hospital
laboratory, that are consolidated into one hospital laboratory.
5. Reference laboratory Traditional full service laboratory that handles all types of
testing, especially esoteric tests.

6. Point-of-care Laboratory testing that is brought to the patient's bedside. (e.g., glucose, pregnancy, activated
Test menu is generally limited to a few basic chemistry and clotting time, blood gases).
hematology tests
Rapid response laboratory that is often located in or near Provides critical laboratory tests such as
7. Stat laboratory an emergency department or surgical suite. hematocrits and blood gases.

8. Limited service Laboratory provides limited menu of routine (like CBC,

chemistry panel, prothrombin time) and/or specialty
services (like fertility testing) on a stat or non-stat basis.
Includes downsized hospital labs that retain stats and some
routine tests but send most work to an off-site core

Reference Topic: Functions of Management- Planning

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