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How to get rid of allergies without medicine?

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Home Ayurveda How to get rid of allergies without medicine?

to get Rid of allergies without medication. You just need strengthen the digestive fire, expel toxins,
and to start the mechanism positive changes in your own life.

When I lived near the world trade Center in new York city before September 11 2001 attack the
towers come down. Before that I never had allergies. And after that day I couldn't breathe without
inhalers with steroids - I started having allergic asthma. Six months later, I came to the seminar
where we did different types of breathing practices. Immediately after the three-day seminar, all my
allergies are gone, and since I'm not on any medications.

According to Ayurveda, the causes of Allergy are low levels of Agni, or digestive fire, and high levels
of toxins (as well as heredity and other factors). In my case toxic emissions from the burning building
entered the body and has weakened my Agni.

What's happening?
In an attempt to cope with the high volume AMA, the immune system aktiviziruyutsya. It reacts to the
harmless allergens as if they are the most dangerous invaders. The results are different symptoms,
from a stuffy nose to hives. The paradox is that, in fighting with an external allergen, the immune
system is distracted from its main enemy, and the internal AMA, which years zashlakovyvaet body.

What can I do?

you Can make life easier for the immune system. This, according to Ayurveda, is achievable by
strengthening the Agni and reduce AMA.

to completely get rid of seasonal allergies, you need to go on a healthy lifestyle and to follow
some rules:

1. Click on the sattvic vegetarian food. The sattvic diet consists mainly of fresh grain, nuts, vegetable
oils, fruits, vegetables and legumes. These products help to get rid of AMA. They are highly
digestible and do not create toxic waste. With these products you can forget about problems with

2. Free flow of prana, your life force, essential for the health of the immune system. If prana flows
freely, the body will be easy to get rid of toxins. Says world-renowned doctor of Ayurveda, Robert
Svoboda, from the prana there are no obstacles if you have every day moving the body, breath and
intestines. It is also important Abhyanga or self-massage daily. Oil during Abhyanga penetrates
deep into the tissue and stimulates the release of toxins. After Abhyanga it is important to take a
bath or go to the steam room - so the toxins released by massage, will be released through the

3. Ayurvedic herbal formulation triphala will help to gently cleanse the body. Dissolve a teaspoon of
triphala powder in a Cup of hot boiled water in the evening and drink in the morning before
Breakfast. (Consult your physician before taking any herbal preparations, because the assignment
can be individual and you may be prescribed another drug).

4. Meditate daily at least 15 minutes. It will signal your immune system to become so acutely on all

We discussed General guidelines for getting rid of toxins and reduce the effects of allergies. Now
let's look at treatments more specific ways.

Begin by determining your type of imbalance, to develop a program that would have an impact
exactly on the characteristic symptoms.

the Three main types of imbalances associated with the three doshas - kapoi, Pictou and wool. the
Allergies Kapha type

the Most common types of allergies. Symptoms include runny nose, nasal congestion, and
abundant, mostly white mucus.

How to get rid of?

Practise Kapalabhati, or Shining skull breath.

Description: take 30-45 circles strong exhalations through the nose with closed mouth and long
passive inhalations that occur by themselves, when relaxing the stomach.

• once or twice a day use a Neti pot (a teapot for nasal irrigation), to reduce drastically the
congestion of the sinuses. Fill the Neti pot with warm water and add some salt. Tilt your head to the
side and slowly pour water into the top nostril. Water will flow out through the bottom and wash away
all impurities and allergens.

• After treatment with the Neti pot-and then drop special oil for the nose. It can be purchased at
Indian markets or make your own by mixing a tablespoon of sunflower oil with one drop of
eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus Globulus). Instill a few drops in each nostril morning and

• Use when cooking with cinnamon, cardamom, cloves, ginger, black pepper and garlic.

• avoid too salty and too sweet foods, dairy products, meat and eggs.

• Every day do a brisk massage with mustard oil before taking a warm shower.

• exercise at least an hour a day to increase your heart rate.

• Fast every week on the same day. During the day just drink warm ginger tea. the Allergies
Pitta type

Symptoms: rash, redness of the eyes, discharge in the form of yellow and green mucus, or mucus
with blood. How to get rid of? Practice Nadi-sodhana, alternate breathing. Do this pranayam
every morning before Breakfast. Description: with the thumb of the right hand close the right
nostril and inhale through the left; close left middle finger and exhale through the right. Inhale
through right and exhale through the left. Continue alternating the breath.

• Every day do you massage coconut oil for 15 minutes, and then take a warm shower.

• When cooking, use coriander, turmeric, saffron and fennel.

• avoid spicy and fried foods, and citrus.

• Fast once a week fresh vegetable juice.

• Use a special device for eyes - a small glass container for the eyeball - if there is a feeling that
"burning" eyes. Pour into a container of rose water, put them over your eyes. When the eye is
immersed in rose water, look up and throw them. (If tanks not Russian pharmacies, use cotton
swabs dipped in rose water). the Allergies Vata type


a dry cough, nasal congestion without a large amount of mucus and pains in different parts of the

How to get rid of?

Practise Ujjayi, or the breath of the Hero.

Description: make the sound "haaa" with an open mouth. Close your mouth and make the same
sound, reducing throat muscles. Should get a sound similar to the sound of the ocean.

• Every day do self-massage with warm sesame oil for 15 minutes, then take a hot bath or

• In cooking use ginger, Cayenne pepper, sugar, salt, cloves, cinnamon, mustard seeds and
black pepper. Do not eat raw vegetables.

• Fast once a week on Khichdi (Indian dish of rice and dal).

Allergies can severely damage the existence, but the disease doesn't must manage your life. To get
rid of allergies, I personally have decided to move from new York to the leafy suburb of San
Francisco. Every morning I go outside and get up to the mountains, breathe the fresh air and
imagine how with each cycle of breath I take natural medicine. Perhaps you are not ready for such a
drastic change. Then you can start with small steps: each day, practice pranayama, eat properly,
exercise regularly, and follow the above tips. Maybe this will help you to get to the root of your
allergies, instead of just getting rid of symptoms with drugs. the 7 tips of Ayurveda medicine:

1. During the day, drink fresh ginger tea.

2. Do not overeat.

3. The main meal should be lunch.

4. Eat foods from whole milk and whole grains.

5. Fasting once a week.

6. Practice deep belly breathing.

7. Exercise regularly.

Anna El Vattar was born and raised in Moscow, and at age 18 moved to the United States. In 2007
Anna graduated from the Ayurvedic Institute in Albuquerque where she studied with Dr. Vasant
Lada. She currently teaches Ayurveda in San Francisco and is writing a book about personal
transformation. ©2018 Copyright

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