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Theory Into Practice

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Video Games in Education: Why They Should Be

Used and How They Are Being Used

Leonard A. Annetta

To cite this article: Leonard A. Annetta (2008) Video Games in Education: Why They
Should Be Used and How They Are Being Used, Theory Into Practice, 47:3, 229-239, DOI:

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Published online: 14 Oct 2009.

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Theory Into Practice, 47:229–239, 2008
Copyright © The College of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University
ISSN: 0040-5841 print/1543-0421 online
DOI: 10.1080/00405840802153940

Leonard A. Annetta

Video Games in Education:

Why They Should Be Used
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and How They Are Being Used

Today’s K–20 students have been called, among practical rationale for and experiences with inte-
other names, the net generation. As they matricu- grating video games into the K–20 (kindergarten
late through the education system, they are often through graduate school) curriculum.
exposed to materials and manipulatives used for
the past 40 years, and not to the digital media
to which they are accustomed. As student scores
continue to regress from Grade 3 to Grade 12
and technical jobs once housed in the United
States continue to be outsourced, it is critical to
expose and challenge the Net Generation in en-
(2005) expressed “deep concern about the
United States’ ability to sustain its scientific
vironments that engage them and motivate them and technological superiority through this decade
to explore, experiment, and construct their own and beyond” (p. 1). The report called for a
knowledge. The commercial popularity of video sense of urgency and for immediate action to
games is beginning to transpose to the classroom; secure a prosperous future for this country and
but is the classroom ready? Are teachers and it’s children. How can this monumental task be
administrators ready? This article provides a accomplished? How can educators reach children
who have been called the Net Generation?
Leonard A. Annetta is an Assistant Professor of sci-
ence education at North Carolina State University.
Theory (Why Video Games)
Correspondence should be addressed to Leonard
A. Annetta, North Carolina State University, Col-
lege of Education, Poe Hall 326-H Box 7801, 2310 In 2003, a movement was started for using
Stinson Drive, Raleigh, NC 27695-7801. E-mail: video games in teaching and training. This ini- tiative, known as serious games, has changed the

New Media and Education in the 21st Century

way that educators viewed instruction to meet industry is capable of taking. There is a need for
the needs of the Net generation. Serious games the federal government to drive the movement
have impacted the military and firefighters (Har- forward with both financial and political support
mon, 2003; Macedonia, 2002), medical (Cos- (FAS, 2006).
man, Cregan, Martin, & Cartmill, 2002; Hmelo Examples of games developed as a result
et al., 2001), and higher business education (Bos, of this drive that can be used for educational
Shami, & Naab, 2006). purposes are now described. One serious ed-
Video games are one of the many ways that ucational game, Immune Attack (
the Internet has changed how a generation of immuneattack), was developed by the FAS,
young people socialize and view entertainment. Brown University, and the University of Southern
Today, avid game players willingly pay monthly California. This first-person strategy educational
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online game fees as readily as their parents pay game was created as an alternative means to
light bills—and anxiously wait in line for new teach complex biology and immunology topics to
video games the way their parents used to queue students. Here, a teenage prodigy with a unique
up for concert tickets (Irvine, 2004). Although immunodeficiency must teach his immune sys-
video games have been around for over 30 years, tem how to function properly or die. The human
it has not been until recently that technology body serves as the playing field and immune cells
has allowed for the metamorphosis of video face off against bacterial and viral infections.
games into descriptive narratives and storylines. Each subsequent level of Immune Attack features
Today’s video game industry approaches yearly a different infection with a new type of immune
revenues of $15 billion and approximately 3.38 cell for the player to train, and the player must
billion hr of game play (Entertainment Software scan and interact with various objects to train
Association, 2006). The game playing population his immune system to fight off the invading
falls between the ages of 10–34, with the majority pathogens.
of the population between 14–19. Games are not Yet another example of an educational com-
just played; they are talked about, read about, puter game is Food Force (
fantasized about, cheated at, altered, and become Created by the United Nations World Food Pro-
models for everyday life and for the formation of gram in 2005, this serious game engages users in
subjectivity and intersubjectivity. There is a poli- missions to distribute food in a famine-affected
tics, an economy, a history, a social structure and country to help it recover and become self-
function, and an everyday lived-experience of the sufficient again. The player becomes a scientist
game (de Castell & Jensen, 2003). Craft (2004) who has joined a team of United Nations experts,
believed that the method of instruction embod- including a nutritionist, a logistics officer, a
ied in video games has potential for nonself- pilot, an appeals officer, and the director of food
referential disciplines, particularly science; such purchasing.
games have been developed by Chris Dede (River Discover Babylon (
City) and Sasha Barab (Quest Atlantis). is the result of the collaboration among the Uni-
This notion has caught the attention of those versity of California—Los Angeles’s Cuneiform
inside the Washington, DC Beltway. The Federa- Digital Library Initiative, the FAS Learning Tech-
tion of American Scientists (FAS, 2006) called nologies Project, Escape Hatch Entertainment,
video games the next great discovery, as they and the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore. This
offer a way to captivate students to the point that multiplayer serious game is characterized by his-
they will spend hours learning on their own time. torically and scientifically accurate information,
Most video games developed by commercial 3D photorealistic simulations, as well as ques-
game companies focus primarily on first-person tion and answer management tools intended to
shooter and sports games, and are not educational foster learning. The game is designed to engage
by design. The report stated that commercial children ages 8–14 in challenges and mysteries
video games are not an investment that private that can only be solved through developing an

Annetta Video Games in Education

understanding of Mesopotamian society, business the education and skills that adults acquire in
practices, and trade. primary and secondary schools (Organization for
Quest Atlantis ( Economic Cooperation and Development, 2001).
start/index.html), a National Science Foundation In the 21st century, income and wealth will
(NSF) funded-project developed by researchers at come from applying technology and new ideas
Indiana University, serves as one final example to create new products and processes. Adding
of 3D multiuser virtual environments created value to products and processes is the key to
to immerse children (ages 9–12) in educational growing jobs and income in this new economic
tasks. Users travel to virtual places (e.g., Unity, environment (Aubert & Reiffers, 2004). Why is
Ecology, Culture, and Healthy World) to perform this so important? Because jobs once located in
educational activities (Quests). Students conduct the United States are now being outsourced or
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environmental studies, research other cultures, off-shored.

interview community members, and develop ac- The workers of the 21st century must have sci-
tion plans to complete their quests (Barab & ence and mathematics skills, creativity, informa-
Luehmann, 2003). Further examples include En- tion, and communication technologies skills, and
vironmental Detectives, developed by the Ed- the ability to solve complex problems (Business-
ucation Arcade, and River City, developed by Higher Education Forum, 2005). The transforma-
Chris Dede from the Harvard Graduate School tion of learning in many other countries provides
of Education. Both of these games strive to teach models to consider how linking education and
research-related inquiry skills. the economy might benefit students, businesses,
These educational games commonly require and society (Kozma & Voogt, 2003). The use of
the use of logic, memory, problem-solving, crit- sophisticated information technologies in every
ical thinking skills, visualization, and discov- aspect of education has the potential to provide
ery. Moreover, the use of these gaming tech- a powerful lever for this transformation (Jones,
nologies requires that users manipulate virtual 2003).
objects using electronic tools and develop an The United States has benefited greatly from
understanding of the complex systems being being the global innovation leader in the devel-
modeled. Generally speaking, these educational opment and use of advanced technologies, and
games seem to be effective in enhancing moti- video games and game play can facilitate the
vation and increasing student interest in subject development of 21st century skills. The United
matter, yet the extent to which this translates into States is not developing its workforce with skills
more effective learning is less clear. The lack in expert thinking and complex communications
of empirical data, due primarily to the scarcity to meet the needs of the 21st century, global,
of systematic investigations into the cognitive knowledge-based economy (Levy & Murnane,
impact of serious games, forces us to turn to 2004). Jenkins (2007) described what some of
prior work investigating the impact of interactive the new literacies that contribute to 21st century
computer simulations for hard evidence. skills might look like (Table 1).

21st Century Skills Play

If educators are to reach tomorrow’s leaders The idea of playing to learn is not a new
today, it is crucial that they design curricula concept. Sociologists and anthropologists have
around the foreseen skills needed to be successful tended to treat play as a human activity in
in the 21st century. Competitive advantage for which they analyze the principal characteristics
a region, state, or nation is now built on the observed in the age of the player (Caillois, 1961).
skills of its general workforce as opposed to its This stems from Groos’s (1898) theory of pre-
geography, trade laws, research labs, and patents. exercise, which led him to affirm that people do
And critical to that competitive advantage are not play because they are young, but people have

New Media and Education in the 21st Century

Table 1
New Media Literacies

New Media Literacy Description

Play Capacity to experiment with one’s surroundings as a form of problem-solving.

Performance Ability to adopt alternative identities for improvisation and discovery.
Simulation Ability to interpret and construct dynamic models of real-world processes.
Appropriation Ability to meaningfully sample and remix media content.
Multitasking Ability to scan one’s environment and shift focus as needed to salient details.
Distributed cognition Ability to interact meaningfully with tools that expand mental capacities.
Collective intelligence Ability to pool knowledge and compare notes with others toward a common goal.
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Judgment Ability to evaluate the reliability and credibility of different information sources.
Transmedia navigation Ability to follow the flow of stories and information across multiple modalities.
Networking Ability to search for, synthesize, and disseminate information.
Negotiation Ability to travel across diverse communities, discerning and respecting multiple
perspectives, and grasping and following alternative norms.

a youth because they must play to practice. Play adult (Bruner, 1983). These lines are becoming
systematically confronts the child with a learning blurry, as more adults are engaging in video games.
situation that could only be located within his or Rieber, Smith, and Noah (1998) argued that
her area of close development. That is, it would digital games engage players in productive play,
involve a task located slightly above the acquired which gives reason for renewed optimism for
skills (Vygotsky, 1967). using games to support learning in leveraging
Childhood is a time for constructing the re- the increasing power of the computer to immerse
lationship between the world through play. The the player in interactive simulated worlds. Games
decision, the initiative of the player who orga- allow the player to better understand the logic
nizes the activity, the rule, whatever its origin, behind rules and express themselves as individ-
the absence of consequences (gratuity or futil- uals through the roles that they portray within
ity), and the uncertainty of the results scaffolds a game. If individuals are able to successfully
learning (Brougere, 1999). Childhood is a period participate in video games and simulation, it is
during which people learn to play and when because, as children, they learned to master rules
they progress in mastering the structure of the through play (Corbeil, 1999).
surrounding world. Learning to play is learning Clegg (1991) argued that the instructional
to master situations marked metacommunication context that envelops gaming is a more impor-
(Bateson, 1972). If early childhood already wit- tant predictor of learning than the game itself.
nesses the use of play for educational purposes, Specifically, how the game is contextualized, the
it is also the time for building this structure. kinds of cooperative and collaborative learning
Older children and adults will continue to use activities embedded in game play, and the qual-
this structure to entertain themselves and to learn. ity and nature of debriefing are all critically
This sends us back to the dual logic of play, enter- important elements of the gaming experience.
tainment/education from early childhood (Myers, Engaging simulations provide an environment for
1999). the cycling of assimilation and accommodation,
Individuals must relearn to pretend—learn that which is referred to as cognitive disequilibrium
things are not as they seem but within the context and resolution. Simulations succeed as teaching
of a controlled and negotiated action between tools when they initiate cognitive disequilibrium
players. This is most noticeable in the disconnect and resolution while allowing the player to be
between role play and game play from child to successful (Piaget, 1975).

Annetta Video Games in Education

Learning Designing human-centered educational games

that have rich storylines is not a magic bullet,
Students of the Net generation live in media-
nor is it an easy undertaking. The implications
saturated environments as they spend an average
for designing educational games include blended
of 6.5 hr per day engaged with various media
motivation and self-regulated learning (Rieber
(Roberts, Foehr, & Rideout, 2005). Educators
et al., 1998). Today’s gamers learn differently
and scientists repeatedly return to the conclusion
within the context of virtual worlds. How they
that one advantage of educational games is that
learn and what they learn is often mutually
games tend to generate a much higher level of
exclusive. Gee (2003a) stated that the practice of
students’ positive emotional engagement, thus
learning a video game is an enculturation practice
making the learning experience more motivating
that involves not only learning the mechanics of
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and appealing (Rieber et al., 1998), improv-

game play, but learning how to negotiate the
ing participation and achievement (Jayakanthan,
context of play, the terms and practices of a
2002). Games can motivate passive students to
game’s players, and the design choices of its
contribute more than they would in a traditional
developers. These levels of engagement are what
learning environment (Tanner & Jones, 2000).
Gee called internal and external design grammars
Video games motivate learning by challenging
for a given domain. These design grammars are
and providing curiosity, beauty, fantasy, fun,
consistent in any competitive or collaborative
and social recognition. They reach learners who
play environment.
do not do well in conventional settings (Dede,
A player learns to think critically about the
simulation while at the same time gaining em-
By representing the simulations through gam-
bedded knowledge through interacting with the
ing conventions, educators can potentially in-
environment. By allowing the player to take on
crease engagement while fostering deeper learn-
new identities, solve problems through trial and
ing, as learners engage in critical and recursive
error, and gain expertise or literacy, video games
game play whereby they generate hypotheses
have potential for nonself-referential disciplines,
about the game, develop plans and strategies, ob-
particularly science (Craft, 2004). Games provide
serve their results, and readjust their hypotheses
learners the opportunity to learn by doing, expe-
(Gee, 2003b). The stereotype that video games
rience situations first-hand, and role-play. This
solely contribute to antisocial, obese children
establishes the proliferation of gaming in today’s
was debunked through research on the Com-
learners (Rickard & Oblinger, 2003). Virtual
puter Games in Education project of the United
learning environments allow for development of
Kingdom. The motivating power of games and
higher levels of learning and collaboration skills
their ability to encourage cooperation were felt
(Gibbs, 1999), and improved practical reasoning
to support the work of schools in developing
skills (Wood & Stewart, 1987).
independent, but social individuals (Kirrirmuir,
The video games in education conversation
2002). Simply put, students are more likely to
can be couched in developmental psychology
achieve if attempts are made to make the learning
(play), learning theory (constructivist), and 21st
environment more congruent with that preferred
century skills. The power of these teaching and
by students (Faser & Walberg, 1991).
learning tools is not readily apparent in the lit-
Stealth learning, coined by Douglas Crock-
erature. What follows explains how video games
ford in 1987, is designed at making a fun game
are being used at one institution.
with no overt teaching involved but to have the
enjoyment enhanced as one learns more about
the subject matter (Falstein, 2005). It can be Practice (How)
argued that learning takes place best in story-
based, human-centered circumstances (Cognition The power of video game technology can be
and Technology Group at Vanderbilt, 1993). embraced in many ways. Two such applications

New Media and Education in the 21st Century

are now described. The first use of video games through the inclusion of a Voice over Internet
is as a platform for distance learning. The second Protocol solution, real-time conversations were
application is as an instrument for teaching and exchanged and both the instructor and student
learning course material. were visually captivated in the 3D world. More-
over, students enrolled and taught in the Wolf
Den are exposed to immersive artifacts that can
The Wolf Den
be manipulated as easily as in the real world.
Popular commercial video games follow a An example minigame created in the Wolf Den
rigid storyline where a plot thickens through var- allows students enrolled in the distance course
ied scenes and game players interact with com- to enter the laboratory and test water samples
puter agents that aid in the movement through a through microscopes and use the chemicals that
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narrative toward a common goal. Today’s video they would have used in the traditional setting
games, not unlike their Hollywood counterparts, (Figure 1). This not only is a safe way of
have various genres. What seems to get the performing potentially dangerous science activ-
most attention are first-person shooter games. ities, but also begins to answer the question of
However, the most popular games, especially for how science can be delivered from a distance
girls, are role-play/action-adventure games. while giving the students authentic laboratory
Because of their rich storylines, video games experiences.
easily lend themselves to established instruc- The students exposed to Wolf Den had very
tional practices such as problem-based learning. positive attitudes toward the delivery method
At North Carolina State University’s College and the interactions within the virtual learning
of Education, a virtual world was created as a environment (Annetta, Murray, Gull-Laird, Bohr,
platform for distance learning and video game & Park, 2006). This is consistent with results
creation for practicing teachers. The Wolf Den, as from Richardson and Swann (2003), where social
it is called, is a virtual leaning environment where presence is also seen to influence not only online
synchronous (real-time communication and in- activities generally designated as group projects,
teraction), online courses are taught and where but also those usually designated as individual
students engage in the design and creation of projects. In addition, students with high overall
role-play games. Specifically, a course entitled perceptions of social presence scored high in
Introduction to 3D Multiuser Online Role-Play terms of perceived learning and perceived sat-
Games1 introduces inservice science teachers to isfaction with the instructor.
the game creation process.
A driving force of the pervasiveness of the
Internet is the convergence of voice, data, and
video networks and the deployment of converged
services (Lazar, 2004). Katz (2005) argued that
convergence is less a technical exercise than a
social one. It promises technology-mediated col-
laboration and community. As high-speed con-
nectivity becomes more pervasive and service
converge increases, students enrolled in distance
courses desire synchronous interaction without
leaving the comfort of their home. Synchronicity
can be valuable for virtual communities, provided
that members actually take advantage of the
synchronous technology design by interacting
(Blanchard, 2004). Wolf Den not only provided Figure 1. Laboratory in the Wolf Den virtual world
a quality distance-learning platform, but also at NC State University.

Annetta Video Games in Education

Garrison and Anderson (2003) defined social ence who are partnering with the Kenan Fellows
presence as the ability of participants in a com- Program (an elite teacher group) to harness the
munity of inquiry to project themselves socially untapped potential of inexpensive, online mul-
and emotionally as real people through commu- tiuser video games to improve the IT skills and
nication. Online learning environments that fea- science achievement of students in grades 5–9.
ture mainly asynchronous text-based computer- Fifteen teacher leaders and 60 participants (in-
mediated communication have been criticized for cluding seven guidance counselors) are learning
their lack of support for social presence, and how to use this technology to increase student
this lack of support for social presence may science and math achievement and motivate their
impact the sense of belonging and acceptance students to enter STEM-related careers.
in a group (Rovai, 2002). Wolf Den provided Much of the literature describes the potential
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a rich setting for online social presence. The of games or how off-the-shelf software can be
ability to work collaboratively is at the heart used in the classroom (Gee, 2003a, 2003b; Pren-
of social presence theory (Garrison, Anderson, sky, 2001; Squire, 2001). HI FIVES is unique in
& Archer, 2000). Social presence is a strong the sense that it is providing a tool for teachers
predictor of satisfaction with computer-mediated so that they may create video games for their
communications (Gunawardena & Zittle, 1997). individual classes. Further, students learn the
Annetta and Holmes (2006) reported that us- game design and creation process so that they
ing avatars, digital representations of oneself, can construct video games as a form of per-
increased social presence and built a stronger formance assessment. Through a drag-and-drop
community of practice. Students who had a graphical user interface wrapped around the Half-
choice of which avatar they would like to be Life2TM game engine, participants in HI FIVES
reported greater course satisfaction and felt closer are creating immersive, multiuser games without
to their classmates and instructor than students knowledge of 3D art or computer programming.
who only could choose a male or a female The development software, called Virtuoso, was
avatar (Figure 2). The theme that arose as to made available to the public in August 2007 and
why students with avatar choices reported greater can be attained from the project Web site.3
satisfaction was one of individuality. Those stu- All of the attributes garnered from the Wolf
dents with choices could be unique, giving them Den are being incorporated into HI FIVES. The
a sense of individuality. Deindividuation is a state idea of community of practice and social pres-
in which people lose their individuality because ence are at the forefront of the research being
group members do not feel that they stand out conducted. Active learning through the immer-
as individuals and/or individuals act if they are sion of games is showing positive impact on the
submerged in the group (Festinger, Pepitone, & Net generation participating in the project. As
Newcomb, 1952). This is a major detraction in opposed to passively watching videos, students
online learning. are actively learning content. Further, through an
Individuality is arguably what makes the tra- integrated database, teachers are able to ascertain
ditional classroom successful in that students can real-time data from student decisions in the game
be themselves. This is never more important than they created.
at the college ages where students blossom into Games created in HI FIVES have been used
adulthood and create the personalities that will in multiple ways. Because of the rich storylines,
propel them through life. teachers have been creative in how the stories
portrayed in their games can be a microcosm of
a theme from a teaching unit. For example, a
HI FIVES (Highly Interactive Fun
fifth grade teacher in the project created a game
Internet Virtual Environments in Science)2
about simple machines. The game, entitled Dr.
HI FIVES is a joint effort of researchers in Friction’s Lair, was about an evil professor who
science, distance education, and computer sci- came into the classroom and stole the simple

New Media and Education in the 21st Century
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Figure 2. Avatars representing students in the Wolf Den.

machines. The students were excited about doing Conclusion

a lab on pulleys, levers, wedges, etc., but when
they arrived to class the next day, the teacher told If this is the present of how video games
them their equipment was stolen. A note was left are being used in education, then what is the
behind explaining why the simple machines were future? There is much to be done in this area
gone and how the students could get them back— and what follows is an outline of potential future
if they were brave enough. The note was signed research on video game technology as it pertains
by Dr. Friction. The students had to go on the to education.
computers and find the six simple machines that
had been stolen. After the students played the
game, they used the traditional simple machines Haptics
the next day in class. Using the five senses behaviorally impacts
Other teachers have used their games as home- working memory. Video games generally incor-
work assignments, test and unit reviews, and porate only sight and sound. However, with such
even virtual labs. The critical piece could be the hardware devices as the Novint FalconTM ,4 the
students constructing games as the teacher takes ability to integrate force feedback into virtual en-
on the role of pedagogical and content expert. vironments is not only becoming more possible,
It is well documented that people learn best by but also more cost-effective. Research done on
doing (e.g., the Constructivist paradigm) so why haptic (embracing the sense of touch) feedback
not allow students to construct games? In the can serve as a framework for work on how touch
summer of 2007, students were introduced to enables memory from a video game narrative.
the game creation in HI FIVES and that line of
research has the potential to be the most powerful
use of video games in education. Textbook Replacement
Video games in the classroom are not a re- For various reasons, such as cost and student
placement for good teaching. They are merely a health, in the form of documented back problems
supplement that engages students in the content from carrying large quantities of books, school
and provides an avenue for them to learn difficult systems are moving away from using textbooks.
concepts of the real world in an environment in Textbooks are being replaced by photocopies
which they are comfortable. and in some cases, Podcasts, wikis, blogs, Web

Annetta Video Games in Education

sites, and audio books. Text in video games is Ahlers, and Driskell (2002), these questions can
what often drives the narrative within the game. start to be answered. Garris et al. presented
If expository text, graphics, and video could an input–process–output model of instructional
be embedded within an environment of virtual games and learning that elaborates (a) the key
missions, then students and teachers would have features of games that are of interest from an
a virtual one-stop shop. instructional perspective; (b) the game cycle of
user judgments, behavior, and feedback that is a
hallmark of engagement in game play; and (c) the
Distance Education types of learning outcomes that can be achieved.
Although Wolf Den shed light on the potential As video games in education are gaining
of using video game environments for distance attention, it becomes more and more critical that
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learning, the research thus far is just the tip of the empirical research be done on why and how
iceberg. Although massively multiplayer online games can impact students. There is much to be
(MMO) games are the most played computer learned and it is crucial that anyone interested
games, large lecture classes lend themselves to in making games for educational purposes band
be replaced by these worlds and delivered from together to answer these questions. Revisiting
a distance. As large courses are often just lecture, the report, Tapping America’s Potential: The
virtual environments can place hundreds of stu- Education for Innovation Initiative (Business
dents and an instructor in a virtual environment Roundtable, 2005), there is a sense of urgency for
where classes can be taught in a synchronous immediate action to secure a prosperous future
learning environment. Also, rather than giving for this country and it’s children. Video games
students an avatar from which to choose, creating might be the call to action.
one’s own avatar might allow for more individu-
ality and great social presence.

Home School/Virtual School 1.

The home school and virtual school market 2. NSF Project ESI–0525115.
is growing exponentially in the United States. 3.
As parents and virtual school administrators look 4.
for strategies to help students learn, video games
in the form of a distance learning platform and
mission-based content can be the vehicle that
engages and creates a social atmosphere.
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and engages students? Although most agree that ber 2, 2006, from
games can be both engaging and instructive, eq/eqm06/eqm0633.asp
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and community in a synchronous virtual learning
characteristics of instructional games. Implicit environment using avatars. International Journal of
in the research literature is the notion that if Instructional Technology and Distance Learning,
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features, one can harness the power of games
to engage users and achieve desired instructional Aubert, J., & Reiffers, J. (2004). Knowledge economies
goals. Using the framework set forth by Garris, in the Middle East and North Africa: Toward new

New Media and Education in the 21st Century

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Steps to an ecology of mind: Collected essays in Craft, J. (2004). A review of what video games
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