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Q: Add Some feature attributes can be conveyed by?

1 Symbology

2 Labels

Q : GIS user has to look for this hidden data . why ?

it is not possible to display all attributes on a map

Q : What is the Method used to view or find data:

1- Identifying Features: (Fastest way)

( tool bar – tool- identify button- to click on the feature)

2- Selecting Features Interactively (Comparing attributes of

several features )

Selecting Features by Attributes:

(When you are looking for a specific feature)

How ?

write a query that automatically select features meeting a

specific criteria

4- finding Features:( specific information about the feature)

Provide Arc Map with information( name…..)

and see which feature belongs to

Q : What is the kind of information that can belong to a feature


2_ Pictures

3_ Text Documents

4_ Web Pages ( By a hyper link)

Q: What is the procedure to create hyper link :-

1_Add document path or URL-address to field in attribute(
effected when you make many hyper link )

2_ click on feature and specify URL-address or document path

( easy when you make few hyper link )

Note : GIs strength because :

1 show things with sympolgy

2 tell us about

* Query tool : it is a data base tool

Q : what is the most power full selecting tool ?

Select feature by attribute

Q : When we use hyper linked ?

When we need to associated feature with thing cant be stored as


Q : why we use selection tolerance in selection ?

1 _ to avoided duplicate the selection

2 _ to increase feature selection precision

Q : how to select more than feature in the same time ?

Change inter active selection method by adding current

Kind of Attribute Table

1_ Descriptions of Features (Name, Price, Date …… )non spatial data

2_ spatial Information ( stored in shape field ) ( Point, Line,

Polygon ) – enable ARCH map draw feature –

The shape field in layer use to :

1_ specify the feature type

2 _ store each feature geographic location

Q : Non spatial tables can added to attribute be tables in 2

methods ?

1_ JOINE : make big table

2_ RELATE : tow table separate but linked

Q : - deference between relate and join : -

Join One big table Need common field with one

to one
Relate tow table separate but linked One to one
One to many
Many to one
Many to many

Relate and join need to common field

Q : when we use join / relate

Join :when each record in the la attribute has no more. than one
matching record in the non-spatial table in

Relate when each in the layer attribute may have more than
one matching record in the non-spatial table

--If we do join to one – many relation we lose information

-- We use aliases to get table name as prefixes to fields > why ? to

prevent name duplicate

List by drawing List just the layer that have shape or drawing
List by source List all kind of table
Features selection can be done

1_ according to their Attribute values [Chapters 8 & 9l

2_Spatial relationships

Note: The spatial relationship can be to other features in the

same layer or in another layer

There is 4 Main Types of Spatial Relationships

1- Distance

2- Containment

3- Intersection

4- Adjacency

5_ other 13 type extend from these 4 type

How can I select feature by location

1_ choose tow layer

2 _ specify spatial relations

What is the ( sql )

Its powerful language use to define one or more criteria that can
consist of attributes , operation and calculations


GIS projects usually start with different data sets

data sets might vary in format, extent, projection...etc

Q: what is the Geoprocessing

"operations performed on spatial data to create a new data set"

What is the software used for Geo processing

Arc Toolbox

Q: define Arc Toolbox

Software with same interface of ArcGIS used for accessing,

organizing & managing a collection of geo processing tools,
YOU streamline dataset

Q: List of 3 problem for doing preparing data before analysis ?

1_ data set are not always exactly the condition you need

2_ Not having all attribute you want

3_ layers might have more features than needed

Q : Geo processing operation include ? –

1_Geographic feature overlay

2_Feature selection and analysis

3_Topology processing

4_Restart processing

5_ Data conversion

-- Dissolve tool

A geoprocessing command that removes A boundaries between

adjacent polygons that have the same value for a specified

-- Clip tool

A command that extracts features from one feature class (layer)

that reside entirely within a boundary defined by features in
another feature class
Q : techniques for preparing data
1_ too much featute :- geo processing tools ( dissolve / clipping )

2_ fewer feature :- making selection on layer and crating a new


How we do dissolving :-

Arc toolbox – data management – generalization – dissolving

Q : output from geo processing data as :-

1_ Shape file :- store the geometry of feature with same


2_ Geodatabase :- store the geometry of feature with more


Q: Summarize the attribute value of dissolved feature :-

Done by variety statistic operation ( sum , avg , min , max )

----Geo feature classes automatically minted by arc map

----- creating graphs

Column / pic / scatter graph

Save as 1_ grf to add document or 2 _ map document

To export data we choose exporting tool box

----Definition and attribute query

Resembles and deference

Resembles Both write an expression to find feature

deference In attribute very feature satisfy will selected
In definition very will displayed and the rest
will hide

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