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Boiler Efficiency Indirect Method For coal Fixed Boiler

no parameter nilai satuan

1 fuel firing rate 5599,17 kg/hr
2 steam generator rate 21937,5 kg/hr
3 steam temp 377 C
4 steam pressure 43 kg/cm3
5 feedwater temperature 96 C
6 %CO2 in flue gas 14 %
7 %CO in flue gas 0,55 %
8 average flue gas temp 190 C
9 ambient temp 31 C
10 humidity in ambient air 0,0204 Kg/kg dry air
11 surface temp of boiler 70 C
12 wind velocity around the boiler 3,5 m/s
13 total surface area of boiler 90 m/s
14 GCV of bottom ash 800 m
15 GCV of fly ash 452,5 kCal/kg
16 ratio of bottom ash to fly ash
17 fuel analis in %
18 ash content in fuel 8,63 %
19 moisture in coal 31,6 %
20 carbon content 41,65 %
21 hidrogen content 2,0413 %
22 nitrogent content 1,6 %
23 sulfur content 0 %
24 oxygen content 14,48 %
25 GCV of coal 3501 kCal/kg
26 cp flue gas 0,23 kJ/kg
27 CP WATER 0,45 kJ/kg
no step Hasil Perhitungan Satuan

1 step 1- find theoretical air 4,9118924 kg/kg of coal

step 2-find theoretical CO2 %
moles of N2 0,1356485 mol
moles of C 0,0347083 mol
(CO2)t 20,373905 %
step 3-to find excess air supplied
3 actual CO2 measure in flue gas 14 %
% excess air supply 45,169911 %
4 step 4-to find actual mass of air supplied 7,1305898 kg/kg of coal
5 step 5-to find actual mass of dry flue gas 7,5440212 kg/kg of coal
step 6-find all losses
7,880173 %
heat loss in dry fuel gas (L1)
Heat loss due to formation of water in fuel
3,4400365 %
Heat loss due to moisture in fuel(L3) 5,9169894 %
Heat loss due moisture in air(L4) 0,2972851 %
6 Heat loss due to partial conversion C to
2,583075 %
Radiation and convection loss(L6) 0,25 %
Heat loss in fly ash(L7) 0,1115417 %
Heat loss from the bottom ash(L8) 1,77 %
Efisiensi 77,75 %
(Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Uap)

Nama Anggota Kelompok : 1. Hikam Al Khasyaf

2. Imam Nur Sodiq
3. Jenis Muhamad Sopandi
4. M.Muzakky Alwy A.T.H
5. M.Najmi Edharsyah
6. Marvin Satrio Utomo
7. Mugabe Gomos
Nama Instruktur /Dosen : Ika Yuliani,ST,.MT

D4 – Teknologi Pembangkit Tenaga Listrik


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