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Article 1: Name

Section 1. The official name of the organization shall be “Filipino American Student
Organization” also known as F.A.S.O.

Article II: Purpose

Section 1. The primary purpose of F.A.S.O. is to establish an organization in which
Filipino-American students can affiliate with one another, those who are interested in
Filipino culture, and to educate others about Filipino culture through community
involvement and campus events.

Article III: Membership

Section 1. The Filipino American Student Organization shall guarantee that
membership shall be granted to any who are interested in the purpose of the organization
regardless of their age, race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation,
gender identity and/or gender expression, marital or veteran status, and physical or
mental impairment.

Section 2. Members who have paid dues and are enrolled with California State
University, Chico will be considered active members with access to all benefits and
responsibilities listed within the Constitution.

Clause 1. Dues will be paid every semester at a price of $20.00.

Clause 2. Active members are required to table two times a semester.
Clause 3. Active members must adhere to organizational policies and practices.

Section 3. Voting will only be granted to members who are considered active within the
organization, as stated by the Constitution.

Section 4. An active member will lose their membership and be suspended if a rule is
broken from the Constitution or conduct in place by the California State University,
Chico until further investigation by officers.
Article IV: Officer Positions and Roles
Section 1. The roles that shall be held within the Filipino American Student
Organization shall be the President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Social Chair,
Cultural Chair, Public Relations, and Historian. The President, Vice-President, and
Secretary shall collectively make up the Executive Board and all the officers shall
collectively make up the Board.

Clause 1. President
Part 1. Shall be the executive figure of the organization and be responsible for
Part 2. Shall be the official representative of F.A.S.O. to all outside groups and
Part 3. Shall chair and oversee all official committees at their discretion.
Part 4. Shall preside over all meetings of the organization.
Part 5. Shall always act for the benefit of F.A.S.O.

Clause 2. Vice President

Part 1. Shall assist the president in their duties and other officers at their discretion.
Part 2. Shall enforce all bylaws and policies of F.A.S.O., unless otherwise indicated.
Part 3. Shall preside over the duties of the President in their absence or in the case
that they are unable to.
Part 4. Shall be first in line of succession to be President.

Clause 3. Secretary
Part 1. Shall be in charge of keeping minutes, records, and important documents of
Part 2. Shall, in conjunction with the President, create the agenda for the Board

Part 3. Shall oversee the Constitution and must have their approval for major
Constitution changes.
Part 4. Shall be second in line for succession to be President.

Clause 4. Treasurer
Part 1. Shall maintain all financial records of F.A.S.O.

Part 2. Shall oversee the disbursement of funds to wherever necessary.

Part 3. Shall oversee and maintain the bank account and all financial assets of
Part 4. Shall sign off on all necessary financial paperwork.
Part 5. Shall be the third in line for succession to be President.

Clause 5. Social Chair

Part 1. Shall oversee all socials that occur within F.A.S.O.

Part 2. Shall be in charge of organizing a monthly social for the general membership
of F.A.S.O.
Part 3. Shall be a liaison between F.A.S.O. and the community to encourage social
Part 4. Shall not be in line for succession of President.

Clause 6. Cultural Chair

Part 1. Shall oversee all cultural events that occur within F.A.S.O.
Part 2. Shall be in charge of teaching the Filipino culture to those who attend
meetings and introducing to the members.
Part 3. Shall be knowledgeable in Filipino culture to accurately speak and inform
others of Filipino culture.
Part 4. Shall be a liaison among the community for outreaching about Filipino
Part 5. Shall not be in line for succession to be President.

Clause 7. Public Relations

Part 1. Shall oversee all correspondences and collaborations between
F.A.S.O. and other entities.
Part 2. Shall maintain a good standing with organizations on and
around campus.

Part 3. Shall maintain a positive image of F.A.S.O.

Part 4. Shall be the main liaison between F.A.S.O. and other organizations with aid
from the officers when needed.

Part 5. Shall not be in line for succession for President.

Clause 8. Historian
Part 1. Shall take on the role as both Historian and as Webmaster.
Part 2. Shall oversee all social media accounts associated with F.A.S.O.
Part 3. Shall maintain all pictures gathered throughout the year to keep for
future reference.
Part 4. Shall be the one responsible for submitting to the archives of the
library to permanently document F.A.S.O. throughout the years.
Part 5. If necessary, shall be split into the role of Historian and Webmaster
with Webmaster maintaining social media and Historian documenting
pictures and other key mementos of the year.

Section 2. All officers shall be in charge, or co-chair, a committee whenever the need

Article V: Election Process

Section 1. Officers shall be nominated at a general meeting by the common
membership. The membership shall be informed of the nomination process at least two
weeks in advance.
Clause 1. Only active members may be nominated to hold an officer role.

Section 2. Officers shall be selected by a simple majority vote of the total voting
membership present at elections. Elections will be held within the month of April with
two weeks of advance notice and officers shall serve for one calendar year starting Fall
Clause 1. Newly elected officers must shadow the current officers to ensure a smooth
transition between terms.

Section 3. Removal of an officer can only be done by a 2/3 majority vote by the total
voting membership. Removal of an officer is to adhere to guidelines established within
the Constitution.

Section 4. Replacement of any officer will be conducted by special elections as deemed

fit by the officers.

Article VI: Meetings

Section 1. Meetings shall be held biweekly unless otherwise stated by the Board
through any form of communication.

Section 2. Officer meetings shall be held every week.

Section 3. Appointed committee meetings shall meet as needed and report all activities
to the next general meeting of F.A.S.O.

Section 4 Special meetings may be called at the request of a simple majority vote of all
rdeArticle VII: Decision Making Process
Section 1. The general process for decision making shall be by simple majority, 51% or
greater, of those voting members present at the scheduled meeting.
Section 2. A veto may be performed by the general membership if they do not approve of
legislation passed by the current Board of officers and will require a 2/3 majority vote to
Clause 1. A 2/3 of total voting membership will be required in order to veto
Clause 2. A minimum quorum of at least 50% of the total membership will be required
to initiate a vote to veto.

Article VIII: Alcohol

Section 1. No members, collectively or individually, shall purchase for, serve to, or sell
alcoholic beverages to a minor unless it is otherwise stated in the state Business and
Professional Code section 25628 and 25662.

Section 2. The possession, sale, or use of any other drugs in an illegal manner while on
organization premises or during an organization even is forbidden.

Section 3. No member shall operate a motor vehicle during an organization event while
under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Section 4. Neither the organization nor any member of the organization shall possess
alcoholic beverages in any park in the City of Chico.

Article VIX: Advisor

Section 1. A faculty/staff advisor, as specified by the University, shall be selected and
removed by a simple majority of the voting membership; length of term for advisor(s) is
subject to change. New advisor(s) will be selected as needed.

Article X: Amendment Process

Section 1. This constitution may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the total voting
Clause 1. A quorum of a minimum of 50% of the membership in attendance at the
meeting discussing the amendment must be present in order for voting to occur.
Article XI: Disbursal of Assets
Section 1. If the organization ceases to exist, for whatever reason, the Executive
Committee will disperse all assets to the Cross Cultural Leadership Center. Should no
officers be available, the director of Student Life and Leadership (or an appropriate
university official) shall be authorized to make the disbursal.

Article XII: Bylaws

Section 1. Bylaws may be enacted as necessary.
Clause 1. Bylaws may be initiated by any regular voting member
Clause 2. Bylaws must be passed by a 3/4 vote of the voting quorum one week after the
presentation of the new bylaw.

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