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2 head and neck

Kathryn T. Chen, MD, Shannon H. Allen, MD, and John A. Ridge, MD, PhD, FACS*

Anatomic Considerations Preoperative Evaluation

The parotid (“near the ear”) gland, the largest of the When a patient presents with a mass at the angle of the
salivary glands, occupies the space immediately anterior to mandible, a neoplasm within the parotid is a strong consid-
the ear, overlying the angle of the mandible. It drains into eration. The type of resection performed depends on on
the oral cavity via the Stensen duct, which enters the oral preoperative clinical suspicion for benign versus malignant
vestibule opposite the upper molars. The gland is invested disease.
by a strong fascia, and its “parotid space” is bounded supe- A thorough history should be secured and a complete
riorly by the zygomatic arch, anteriorly by the masseter head and neck examination undertaken. Clinical findings
muscle, posteriorly by the external auditory canal and the worrisome for malignancy include facial pain, facial nerve
mastoid process, and inferiorly by the sternocleidomastoid palsy, a fixed or nonmobile mass, and cervical lymphade-
muscle. The masseter muscle, the styloid muscles, the pos- nopathy and should be documented.4 Ultrasound evaluation
terior belly of the digastric muscle, and a portion of the ster- cannot adequately demonstrate the deep lobe of the parotid.5
nocleidomastoid muscle lie deep to the parotid [see Figure 1]. For parotid masses clinically suspicious for malignancy,
The parotid gland is separated from the submandibular computed tomography (CT) with intravenous contrast or
gland by the stylomandibular ligament, which is a continu- magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with gadolinium encom-
ation of the investing fascia between the styloid process and passing the skull base to clavicle is warranted. Involvement
the angle of the mandible. of bone, muscle, or pharyngeal mucosa will require extend-
Terminal branches of the external carotid artery, the facial ed resection and may (rarely) necessitate mandibulectomy
vein, and the facial nerve are found within the gland. or maxillectomy. If involvement is suspected, the surgeon
Parasympathetic innervation to the parotid is via the otic should also be prepared to resect the facial nerve, and
ganglion, which gives fibers to the auriculotemporal branch appropriate counseling regarding anticipated deficits should
of the trigeminal nerve. Sympathetic innervation to the be provided to the patient. Consultation with a reconstruc-
gland originates in the sympathetic ganglia and reaches tive surgeon may be prudent if resection will include the
the auriculotemporal nerve by way of the plexus around the mandible or create a substantial cutaneous defect.
middle meningeal artery.1
Lymphatic channels and nodes may be found within the Operative Planning
parotid space. The majority of lymph nodes are found in the
In general, there are three types of operations undertaken
superficial layer between the gland and fascial layer, but a
for the parotid gland: subtotal, superficial, or total paroti-
second lymphatic system exists in the deep space as well.
dectomy. The term subtotal parotidectomy has sometimes
Lymph drainage is to the cervical nodes.
been interchangeably used with superficial parotidectomy
The facial nerve trunk exits the stylomastoid foramen and in the literature but might be considered as any parotid
courses toward the parotid. Once inside the gland, it com- resection less than a total parotidectomy. Obtaining
monly bifurcates into superior (temporofrontal) and inferior informed consent for parotidectomy entails discussing both
(cervicomarginal) divisions before giving rise to its terminal the features and the potential complications of the proce-
branches, which innervate the muscles of facial expression. dure. It is appropriate to address the possibility of facial
The variations of facial nerve anatomy within the parotid nerve injury, but in doing so, the surgeon should not
can be complex, but the common patterns are well known neglect other, far more common sequelae, such as cosmetic
and their relative frequencies well established.2,3 They deformity, earlobe numbness secondary to division of the
have little to no impact on the conduct of parotidectomy. posterior auricular nerve, and Frey syndrome (gustatory
The portion of the parotid gland lateral and superficial to the sweating). Even conditions that are expected beforehand
facial nerve (about 80% of the gland) is designated as the may prove distressing or debilitating for the patient. The
superficial lobe; the portion medial and deep to the facial risk of complications such as nerve injury is greater in cases
nerve (the remaining 20%) is designated as the deep lobe. involving reoperation or resection of malignant or deep
Deep lobe tumors often present clinically as retromandibu- lobe tumors. However, the overwhelming majority of
lar or parapharyngeal masses, sometimes with displacement parotid tumors are benign and lateral to the facial nerve.
of the tonsil or the soft palate appreciated in the pharynx. Accordingly, in what follows, we focus primarily on super-
ficial parotidectomy, referring to variants of the procedure
where relevant.
* The authors and editors gratefully acknowledge the contribu-
Excellent lighting, correctly applied traction and counter-
tions of the previous author, Leonard R. Henry, MD, to the
development and writing of this chapter. traction, adequate exposure, and clear definition of the
surgical anatomy are essential in parotid surgery. The use of
Financial disclosure information is located at the end of this chapter magnifying loupes and headlights is recommended. General
before the references. anesthesia without muscle relaxation should be employed.

ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

© 2013 Decker Intellectual Properties DOI 10.2310/7800.2030

2 head and neck 6 parotidectomy — 2

Zygomatic arch


Sternoclediomastoid muscle

Posterior digastric muscle

Figure 1 Anatomic boundaries of parotid space. The

parotid space is bounded by the zygomatic arch supe-
Stylohyoid muscle riorly, the external auditory canal and mastoid process
Masseter muscle
posteriorly, and the sternocleidomastoid muscle inferi-
orly. Additionally, the masseter muscle, the styloid
muscles, and the posterior belly of the digastric muscle
lie deep to the gland.

The use of electromyography (EMG)-based facial nerve begins immediately anterior to the ear, continues downward
monitoring has not been found to be associated with a past the tragus, curves back under the ear (staying close to
lower incidence of long-term permanent facial nerve injury6,7 the earlobe), and finally turns downward to descend along
and, as such, is not routinely used. However, it may be the sternocleidomastoid muscle [see Figure 2]. All or part of
useful in reoperative cases, where the anatomy of the facial this incision may be used, depending on the circumstances.
nerve may be distorted and its location obscured by scar. The incision is marked before draping.
The patient is placed in the supine position, with the head Skin flaps are then created to expose the parotid gland. A
elevated and turned away from the side undergoing opera- tacking suture is placed within the dermis of the earlobe so
tion and with the neck slightly extended. The table is posi- that it can be retracted posteriorly. Skin hooks are used to
tioned to allow the first assistant to stand directly above the apply vertical traction. The anterior flap is created superfi-
patient’s head while the surgeon faces the operative field. A
cial to the parotid fascia to afford access to the appropriate
small cottonoid sponge is placed in the external auditory
dissection plane. Vertically oriented blunt dissection mini-
canal, where it remains for the duration of the procedure to
mizes the risk of injury to the distal branches of the facial
prevent otitis externa from blood clot in the external audi-
tory canal. The skin is painted with an antiseptic agent. A nerve, which become more superficial than the proximal
single perioperative dose of an antibiotic is administered. origins [see Figure 3]. The face is observed for muscle motion.
The patient is draped in a fashion that permits the operat- The flap is raised until the anterior border of the gland is
ing team to see all of the muscle groups innervated by the identified. The facial nerve branches are rarely encountered
facial nerve and to move the head if necessary. To this end, during flap elevation until they emerge from the parenchyma
we employ a head drape that incorporates the endotracheal of the parotid. If muscle movement occurs, the flap has
tube and anesthesia circuit. This drape secures the airway, been more than adequately developed. The anterior flap is
keeps the tube from interfering with the surgeon, and retracted with a suture through the dermis.
permits rotation of the head without tension on the endotra- The posteroinferior skin flap is then elevated in a similar
cheal tube. The skin of the upper chest and neck is widely manner. Careful dissection is performed to define the
painted and draped with a split sheet to allow additional relationship of the parotid tail to the anterior border of the
exposure in the unlikely event that a neck dissection or a sternocleidomastoid. During this portion of the procedure,
tracheotomy becomes necessary. The nose, the lips, and the the great auricular nerve is identified coursing cephalad and
eyes are covered with a sterile transparent drape that allows superficial to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. Uninvolved
observation of movement during the procedure and permits branches of this nerve should be preserved, if possible, to
access to the oral cavity (if desired) [see Figure 2]. prevent postoperative numbness of the earlobe.8,9 The
parotid tail is dissected from the sternocleidomastoid muscle
Operative Technique and should not be violated. Vertical traction is applied to the
gland surface with clamps to facilitate exposure.
step 1: incision and skin flaps A favorable skin crease, if available, may be used for
The incision is planned so as to permit excellent exposure the incision to improve the postoperative cosmetic result;
with good cosmetic results. It may usually be placed in a however, it is important to keep the incision a few millime-
skin crease to help conceal the resulting scar. The incision ters from the earlobe itself. A wound at the junction of the

ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

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Figure 2 Parotidectomy. (a) The recommended head position and

incision. A transparent drape is placed over the eyes, the lip, and the
oral cavity. (b and c) The head drape incorporates the hose from the
endotracheal tube.

earlobe with the facial skin will distort the earlobe and subsequent dissection back toward the main trunk (the
create a visible contour change. An incision behind the retrograde approach). For a superficial parotidectomy, our
tragus may lead to similar problems. preference is to identify the main trunk first (unless it is
thoroughly obscured by tumor or scar).
step 2: identification of facial nerve
Once the skin flaps have been developed and retracted, Antegrade Approach
the next step is to identify the facial nerve. Usually, the The dissection plane is immediately anterior to the carti-
nerve may be identified either at its main trunk (the ante- lage of the external auditory canal. The gland is mobilized
grade approach) or at one of the distal branches, with anteriorly by means of blunt dissection. To reduce the

ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

2 head and neck 6 parotidectomy — 4

Figure 4 Parotidectomy. Dissection of the gland parenchyma is

carried out over the branches of the facial nerve to minimize the risk
of nerve injury. Each division of the substance of the gland should
reveal more of the facial nerve.

tympanomastoid suture is not easily appreciated in every
case. In addition, deep lobe tumors may displace the nerve
Upper from its normal location. For appropriate and safe exposure
Temporal division of the nerve trunk, it is preferable to mobilize several centi-
meters of the parotid, thereby creating a trough rather than
a deep hole. Small arteries run superficial and parallel to
Zygomatic the facial nerve; these must be divided. In particular, the
stylomandibular artery enters the stylomastoid foramen
alongside and superficial to the nerve. Use of the electrocau-
tery this close to the nerve is potentially hazardous, and
Lower division
bipolar current or suture ligation is preferred. Bleeding is
typically minor but nonetheless must be controlled.

Retrograde Approach
As noted, when the main trunk cannot be exposed, the
most common alternative method of identifying the facial
Marginal nerve is to find a peripheral branch and then dissect proxi-
mally toward the main trunk. Which branch is sought may
depend on factors such as the surgeon’s comfort with the
anatomy and the known consistency of the nerve branch’s
Figure 3 Parotidectomy. (a) The creation of the anterior skin flap location. In this setting, tumor bulk is often the deciding
superficial to the parotid gland. (b) Branches of the facial nerve, factor.
including superior and inferior divisions and distal branches.
The anatomic relationships between the nerve branches
and various landmarks can be exploited for more efficient
identification. For example, the marginal mandibular branch
risk of a traction injury, tissue is spread in a direction that of the facial nerve characteristically lies below the horizontal
is perpendicular to the incision and thus parallel to the ramus of the mandible.13 Often the facial vein can be traced
direction of the main trunk of the nerve [see Figure 4]. The superiorly toward the parotid on the submandibular gland;
nerve trunk can usually be located underlying a point about the nerve branch can then be found coursing perpendicu-
halfway between the tip of the mastoid process and the larly across and superficial to the vein [see Figure 5]. The
ear canal. buccal branch of the facial nerve has a typical location in the
Another commonly employed method is to identify the so-called buccal pocket—the area inferior to the zygoma and
tragal pointer, or the tip of the external canal cartilage. The deep to the superficial musculoaponeurotic layer, which
dictum is that the nerve is typically found slightly anterior contains the buccal fat pad and Stensen duct in addition to
and inferior to this landmark and 1.0 to 1.5 cm deep, the buccal branch.13 The zygomatic branch of the facial nerve
although distance can vary considerably.10,11 Other anatomic lies roughly 3 cm anterior to the tragus, and the temporo-
landmarks that facilitate identification of the nerve include frontal branch lies at the midpoint between the outer
the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and the tympano- canthus of the eye and the junction of the ear’s helix with the
mastoid suture. Of these, the tympanomastoid suture is preauricular skin.7 Nerve branches to the eye should be dis-
closest to the main trunk of the facial nerve.12 The clinical sected with particular care: even transient weakness of these
utility of this landmark is limited, however, because the branches may be associated with substantial morbidity.

ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice

2 head and neck 6 parotidectomy — 5

Tragal pointer

Buccal fat pad

Mastoid process


Facial nerve
Posterior belly a
digastric muscle

Facial vein

Marginal branch VII


Figure 5 Dissection of the facial nerve. (a) Antegrade approach. Shown are the relationships between the main trunk of the facial nerve,
mastoid process, tragal pointer, posterior belly of the digastric muscle, and tympanomastoid suture. (b) Retrograde approach. Shown are the
relationships between the distal branches of the facial nerve and the horizontal mandibular ramus, facial vein, and buccal fat pad.

Troubleshooting by a tumor) and serves to guide the parenchymal dissection.

Special efforts should be made to ensure that the cartilage Although some surgeons advocate the use of hemostatic
of the ear canal is not injured during exposure of the facial devices for parenchymal division,15,16 our practice is to
nerve trunk. Any injury to this cartilage must be avoided, or divide the substance of the parotid gland sharply and use
else the patient will hear an intense whistling as air enters ligatures as appropriate when bleeding is encountered.
the closed-suction drain after operation. Usually, there is no significant hemorrhage: loss of more
The anxiety associated within isolation of the nerve trunk than 30 mL of blood is rare.
may be alleviated somewhat by keeping in mind that the The parenchymal dissection proceeds directly over the
nerve typically lies deeper than one might expect. In a study facial nerve. We favor using fine curved clamps for this
of 46 cadaver dissections, the facial nerve was found to lie portion of the procedure. To prevent trauma to the nerve,
at a median depth of 22.4 mm from the skin at the stylomas- care must be taken to resist the tendency to rest the blades
toid foramen (range 16 to 27 mm). The diameter of the nerve of the clamp on the nerve during dissection. Each division
trunk was found to range from 1.1 to 3.4 mm.14 In our of the gland should reveal more of the facial nerve [see
experience, the facial nerve trunk is slightly larger than the Figure 4]. When this is the case, the surgeon can continue the
nearby deep vessels, but their presence limits identification parenchymal dissection with confidence that the nerve will
unless they are divided. not be injured. As a rule, if a parenchymal division does
Some surgeons advocate the use of a nerve stimulator not immediately show more of the facial nerve, it is in an
to aid in identifying the facial nerve trunk or its branches; improper (potentially unsafe) plane.
however, we have substantial reservations about whether We do not regularly resect the entire lateral lobe of the
this measure should be employed on a regular basis [see parotid unless the tumor is large and such resection is
Complications, Facial Nerve Injury, below]. Knowledge of required on oncologic grounds. The goal in resecting the
the anatomy and sound surgical technique are the keys to a substance of the parotid is to obtain sound margins while
safe parotidectomy; it is potentially hazardous to rely too preserving the remainder of the gland and limiting manipu-
much on practices that may diminish them. lation of the nerve it harbors. This so-called partial superfi-
cial parotidectomy, or subtotal parotidectomy, has been
step 3: parenchymal dissection shown to reduce the incidence of Frey syndrome without
Once identified, the plane of the facial nerve remains increasing the rate of recurrence of pleomorphic adenoma.17
uniform throughout the gland (unless the nerve is displaced The plane of dissection is developed along facial nerve

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branches until the lateral margins have been secured. This The use of interrupted skin sutures instead of a continu-
is the portion of the procedure during which the risk of ous suture allows the surgeon to perform directed suture
nerve injury is highest. Once the lateral margins have been removal to drain the rare postoperative hematoma or fluid
secured, the parenchymal dissection can proceed from deep collection instead of reopening the entire wound. We main-
to superficial for the excision of the tumor. The vertical tain gentle pressure over the surgical bed with an unfolded
portion of the dissection (perpendicular to the plane of the surgical sponge during extubation to limit bleeding that
nerve branches) seldom poses a threat to the integrity of the may be engendered by coughing during extubation.
facial nerve, but care must be taken to maintain appropriate
margins. If division of the Stensen duct is required, the distal
Postoperative Care
remnant may be either left open18 or ligated.
Caution is appropriate in the resection of deep lobe Facial nerve function is evaluated in the recovery room,
tumors. Tumors medial to the facial nerve may displace it with particular attention paid to whether the patient is able
laterally. Thus, after establishing the plane of the facial to close the eyelid. The patient resumes eating when nausea
nerve, the surgeon must remain vigilant when dissecting (if any) abates. Pain is generally well controlled by means of
near the tumor to keep from injuring the nerve. Once the oral agents. At discharge, the patient should be warned to
substance of the gland obscuring the tumor has been protect the numb earlobe against cold injury. The closed-
removed, the nerve branches in the area of the tumor are suction drain is kept in place for 5 to 7 days (until the first
retracted to allow exposure of the deep portion of the gland postoperative visit) to minimize the risk of salivary fistula.
and facilitate resection. Traction injury to the nerve may still
result in transient facial weakness.
facial nerve injury
Complete superficial parotidectomy with full dissection
Facial nerve injuries include both intraoperative transec-
of all facial nerve branches is seldom necessary, although
in some cases, it is mandated by tumor size or histologic tion and paralysis. Transection or partial resection of the
findings. Removal of the entire superficial lobe with the facial nerve may be intentional, as in the case of a locally
intention of obtaining a larger lateral margin is rarely useful advanced cancer with preoperative nerve dysfunction or
because the closest margin is usually where the tumor is direct invasion, but can also be inadvertent. If the injury is
nearest the facial nerve. Even temporary paresis of the tem- discovered intraoperatively, it should be repaired if possi-
porofrontal branch of the facial nerve may have devastating ble. Primary repair—performed with interrupted fine per-
consequences, and dissection near this branch is usually manent monofilament sutures under magnification23—is
unnecessary in treating a benign tumor in the parotid tail. preferred if sufficient nerve is available for a tension-free
After complete resection of cancer, any close margins anastomosis. If both transected nerve ends are identified but
remaining after nerve-preserving resection can be addressed tension-free repair is not feasible, interposition nerve grafts
by means of postoperative radiation therapy, usually with may be used. A sensory nerve harvested from the neck (e.g.,
excellent results.19 the great auricular nerve) is often employed for this pur-
The question of whether to sacrifice the facial nerve pose. If the nerve is injured (or deliberately sacrificed) in
almost invariably arises in the setting of malignancy. In our conjunction with treatment of malignancy, use of nerve
view, this measure is seldom necessary. Benign tumors tend grafts from distant sites may be indicated24 but is seldom
to displace the nerve, not invade it. Sacrifice of the nerve necessary because uninvolved sensory nerves are almost
probably does not enhance survival.20,21 Although this issue invariably to be found in the neck Recovery of facial nerve
remains a subject of debate, our practice, like that of others,22 function following grafting occurs at a mean time of 6 to
is to sacrifice only those branches intimately involved 7 months.23,25
with tumor. Repair, if feasible, should be performed [see Facial nerve function should be assessed immediately in
Complications, Facial Nerve Injury, below]. the postanesthesia care unit to establish a baseline as tran-
sient paralysis may worsen over time. However, if unex-
step 4: drainage and closure pected facial nerve dysfunction is identified immediately
Before closure, absolute hemostasis is confirmed (includ- following the operation and if the surgeon is unsure of the
ing hemostasis during the Valsalva maneuver, which is anatomic integrity of the nerve (ideally, a rare occurrence),
approximated by transiently increasing airway pressure to the patient should be returned to the operating room for
30 cm H2O1). We sometimes then confirm the integrity of the exploration so that either the continuity of the nerve can be
facial nerve with a nerve stimulator. A 5 mm closed-suction confirmed or the injury to the nerve can be identified and, if
drain is placed through a stab incision posterior to the infe- possible, repaired. When the surgeon is certain that the
rior aspect of the ear in a hair-bearing area. The tip of the nerve is intact, facial nerve dysfunction may be approached
drain is loosely tacked to the sternocleidomastoid muscle, expectantly, in anticipation of recovery24; however, this may
with care taken to avoid direct contact with the facial nerve. take many months.
The wound is closed with the drain placed on continuous Facial nerve paralysis is generally secondary to traction,
suction. The skin is closed with interrupted 5-0 nylon compression, or ischemic insult. Studies have found that
sutures. Bacitracin is applied to the wound. No additional transient paralysis of all or part of the facial nerve occurs
dressing is necessary or desirable [see Figure 6]. in 17 to 100% of patients undergoing parotidectomy26–29

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c d

Figure 6 Parotidectomy. Shown is drainage and closure after parotidectomy. (a) A closed-suction drain is placed in the operative bed and
loosely tacked to the sternocleidomastoid muscle. (b) Interrupted monofilament sutures are used for the skin. Bacitracin is applied. No addi-
tional dressings are used. (c) Photograph of a patient’s wound being drained after parotidectomy. (d) Photograph of a patient’s wound being closed
after parotidectomy.

depending on the extent of the resection and the location of surgery. Indeed, indiscriminate use of nerve monitoring and
the tumor. Factors predictive of facial nerve palsy following nerve stimulators may imbue the surgeon with a false sense
parotidectomy include prolonged operative time and larger of security and cause him or her to pay insufficient attention
tumor sizes.28,30 Recovery of nerve function can take between to the appearance of nerve tissue. There are grounds to fear
6 months and 1 year29–31; fortunately, permanent paralysis is that reliance on the nerve monitor may limit the surgeon’s
uncommon, occurring in fewer than 5% of cases.28,32 ability to identify the appearance of the nerve or its branch-
Nerve monitoring has been advocated to reduce the inci- ses. Transient nerve dysfunction may follow inappropriate
dence or severity of facial nerve injury, particularly in the (or even appropriate and unavoidable) trauma to or traction
setting of resection for a recurrent parotid tumor.33 To date, and pressure on nerve trunks. Nerve monitoring does not
however, no randomized trial has demonstrated that intra- prevent such problems; moreover, it adds to the cost of
operative facial nerve monitoring or nerve stimulators yield the procedure and lengthens the operating time.6,7 Some,
any significant reduction in the incidence of facial nerve in fact, have suggested that nerve stimulators may actually
paralysis after either primary parotidectomy or recurrence increase transient dysfunction. Accordingly, our use of nerve

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stimulators is selective and limited to reoperations. Manage- 7 days (to facilitate adhesion of the skin flaps to the underly-
ment of enduring facial nerve paralysis (from any cause) ing parotid parenchyma). Salivary leaks are usually attribut-
is beyond the scope of our discussion and constitutes a able to gland disruption rather than to duct transection
surgical subspecialty in itself. and therefore tend to resolve without difficulty.48 Once a
sialocele has formed, repeated aspiration and compression
hemorrhage dressings are generally effective for treatment and typically
Hemorrhage is a rare event and is usually secondary to resolve within 2 weeks.45 Anticholinergic agents have been
inadequate intraoperative hemostasis. Additional factors used in this setting as well.46,47,49,50 Low-dose radiation,51
that may contribute to bleeding include antiplatelet medica- completion parotidectomy, botulinum toxin injection,47,52
tions and anticoagulants, which should be discontinued in and tympanic neurectomy53 have all been employed in
an appropriate time frame prior to surgery. refractory cases.
Bleeding may manifest postoperatively as a hematoma or
cosmetic changes
persistent oozing at the surgical incision site and almost
always presents within the first 24 hours.34 Although hemo- Parotidectomy creates a depression anterior and inferior
stasis may have been established intraoperatively, increased to the ear, which may extend behind the mandible and may
venous return on emergence from anesthesia may disrupt reach a significant size in patients with large or recurrent
clotted or ligated vessels in the surgical bed (thus, pressure tumors. This cosmetic change is a necessary feature of the
is typically applied at the surgical site during extubation, as procedure, not a complication; nonetheless, it should be dis-
noted above). It is important to remember that the parotid cussed with the patient before operation. Many augmenta-
space is not easily compressible given the skeletal and tion methods, using a wide variety of techniques, have been
muscular boundaries, and pressure is unlikely to resolve an devised for improving postoperative appearance (as well
expanding hematoma once it develops. Thus, it is always as alleviating Frey syndrome).37–41,54,55 All of these methods
prudent to return to the operating room for hemostasis have limitations or drawbacks that have kept them from
when bleeding is suspected postoperatively. having wide application and acceptance. None has gained
overwhelming favor.
gustatory sweating (frey syndrome)
Gustatory sweating, or Frey syndrome, occurs in most Outcome Evaluation
patients after parotidectomy; it has been seen after subman-
With proper surgical technique, superficial or partial
dibular gland resection as well. The symptom complex
superficial parotidectomy can be performed safely and
includes sweating, skin warmth, and flushing after chewing
within a reasonable operating time. The requirement for
food and is caused by cross-innervation of the parasympa-
blood transfusions should be vanishingly rare. Given ade-
thetic secretomotor fibers supplying the parotid gland and
quate exposure, good knowledge of the relevant anatomy,
cutaneous sympathetic receptors of the sweat glands and
limited trauma to the nerve, and appropriate use of closed-
blood vessels in the overlying skin. The reported incidence suction drains (see above), complications should be uncom-
of Frey syndrome varies greatly, apparently depending on mon. Although patients may tolerate parotidectomy on
the sensitivity of the test used to elicit it. When Minor’s an outpatient basis, we prefer to keep them in the hospital
starch iodine test is employed, the incidence of Frey overnight. Patients should be able to leave the hospital with
syndrome may reach 95% at 1 year after operation.35 minimal pain, comfortable with their drain care, by the
Fortunately, the majority of patients have only subclinical morning of postoperative day 1.
findings, and only a small fraction complain of debilitating
symptoms.35 Most symptomatic patients are adequately Financial Disclosures: None Reported
treated with topical antiperspirants; eventually, however,
they tend to become noncompliant with such measures,
preferring simply to dab the face with a napkin while References
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sialocele (salivary fistula)
Sialocele, a collection of salivary fluid underneath the skin 3. Bernstein L, Nelson RH. Surgical anatomy of the extrapa-
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ACS Surgery: Principles and Practice


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