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Recipes for Emotional Health

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“As a behaviorist optometrist, I prescribe these energy remedies on a

daily basis with great success in the elimination some of the emotional
blocks to good vision. Simple and yet profound.
Good job with the book.”
Larry A. Jebrock, O.D.
Behavioral Optometrist

“I use some of the techniques described in this book in clinics I

conduct at Kaiser Hospitalfor patients suffering from panic attacks,
anxiety and phobias. This energy based therapy is remarkably rapid
and effective in alleviating emotional stress. The two fold approach to
disseminating this information will be a very valuable tool for both
individuals needing relief from trauma and for professionals working
in the fields of health and psychology.”
Howard Leibgold, M.D.
Kaiser Hospital, Vallejo, CA

“Thank you, Dr. Wright, for your valuable contribution to the evolving
field of energy therapies. This is the kind of book we need so that
anyone can learn the steps to healing their own emotional problems.
Healing no longer has to be hard or take a long time, especially if you
apply the powerful techniques in Be You Own Therapist.”
Carol Tuttle, Master Rapid Eye Therapist (MRET)
Author of Remembering Wholeness: A Personal Handbook for Thriving
in the 21st Century

“Susan, you are great and what you do works!”

Linda and Tim Wayiyama
Wayiyama Chiropractic Clinic
Fukuoka, Japan
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“This is a dynamite book that will give you the tools and an approach
to solve your problems quickly and easily. I have tried and experi-
mented with many different approaches and Rapid Response Therapy
works for me.”
Linda Haynes, Former Telecom Executive

“Dr. Wright provides easy to follow instructions to live a life without

fear. Goodbye anxiety!
Randy Peyser, Author of Crappy to Happy:
Small Steps to Big Happiness NOW!

“Be Your Own Therapist” is the premier book for people who want to
heal themselves quickly and easily. This is a simple and easy to under-
stand book that supports us with modern day living and all the stress-
es we face. It gives us solutions that we can implement ourselves. I’m
thrilled Susan finally delivered us a process we can use that helps
increase happiness, stability, cure phobias, and fears. I am grateful to
Dr. Wright.”
Jill Lublin, CEO, Promising Promotion, a public relations consulting
company. Author of National Best-Seller Guerrilla Publicity
Syndicated Radio Host of “Do the Dream”
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Dear Dr. Wright,

Thank you for your outstanding service to your clients.

When I left your office last Monday, February 24, I admit
that I was skeptical. The question in my mind was how
a life time of panicky feelings could be eliminated in
just one hour.

The answer is that I still don’t know, but I am panic-free and

have been for this entire week. It’s wonderful.

I am also learning how to approach situations without

generating panicky feelings. I had not realized how much
of my thinking was connected to the crazy logic of panic.
Detaching from panic has enabled me to develop new
perspectives on my life.

With much gratitude,

Jim Pfeiffer
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Recipes for Emotional Health

by Susan Wright, Ph.D.


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Copyright © 2003 Susan Wright, Ph.D.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be

reproduced in any form or by any electronic or
mechanical means, including information storage
and retrieval systems, without written permission
from the publisher.

Library of Congress Card Number: 2003104774

ISBN: 1-56550-089-X

Book Design by Illumination Graphics

Grants Pass, Oregon

Published by Vision Books International

Mill Valley, California

Printed in U.S.A.

First Edition

This book is intended to provide accurate and authoritative information on the
subject matter with the understanding that the use of the information is to be
used at the reader’s discretion. The author and publisher specifically disclaim
any and all liability arising directly or indirectly from the use of any informa-
tion contained in the book. If professional medical or psychological advice or
other expert assistance is required, the service of an appropriate and competent
professional should be found.
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This book is dedicated to my teachers, my students, my patients

and my son, all of whom have made enormous contributions
to my work.

“It is better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.”

Chinese Proverb
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Rapid Response Therapy
Chapter 1 2
Background Summary
Chapter 2 10

Scientific and Theoretical Origins of RRT
Chapter 3 18
The Development of the Brain
Chapter 4 23
Keys to the Energy System
Electromagnetic Fields
Morphogenic Fields
RRT and Quantum Physics

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Definition of Terms
Chapter 5 36
Fears, Anxieties and Phobias
Chapter 6 38
The Perturbation
Chapter 7 41
The Thought Field
Chapter 8 43
The SUDS Rate
Chapter 9 45
The Manual Muscle Test
Chapter 10 47
Chapter 11 48
Psychological Reversal
PR Exercises: Diagnosis and Treatment
Exercise 1: Working Alone
Exercise 2: Working with a Partner
Exercise 3: Testing Oneself for Reversal
Exercise 4: Neurological Disorganization
(Collarbone Breathing)

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Chapter 12 61
The Meridians
Exercise 5: The Body Points
Chapter 13 66
The Gamut
Exercise 6: The 9 Gamut
Exercise 7: The Eye Roll

We Are Ready To Begin Healing Ourselves
Chapter 14 70
The Algorithms
Complete Algorithm Chart
Chapter 15 75
Rapid Response Therapy
Exercise 8: Individual and Partner
Assisted Treatment
Chapter 16 80
Using the Treatment Algorithms
Algorithm Exercises
Exercise 9: Phobias (2 categories)
Exercise 10: Traumas (2 categories)
Exercise 11: Addictions
(First choice and 7 alternatives)
Exercise 12: Obsessions
(First choice and 6 alternatives)
Exercise 13: Anger
Exercise 14: Rage
Exercise 15: Guilt
Exercise 16: Depression
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Exercise 17: Pain

Exercise 18: Panic/anxiety
(First choice and 5 alternatives)
Exercise 19: Embarrassment
Exercise 20: Shame
Exercise 21: Jealousy
Exercise 22: Inhalant Type Toxin
Exercise 23: Nasal congestion
Exercise 24: Stress
Exercise 25: Above Average Clumsiness
Exercise 26: Reversal of Words,
Behavior Concepts and Negativity
Exercise 27: Common Fatigue
Exercise 28: East/West and West/East Jet Lag
Exercise 29: TMJ (tempromandibular joint pain)
Exercise 30: Visualization (1 alternative)
Exercise 31: Peak Performance (1 alternative)
Chapter 17 223
Energy Toxins

Chapter 18 230
The Apex Problem

Advanced Affirmations 235
Rapid Relaxation 237
References 239
Index 245
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hroughout my career as a medical doctor who has studied acupunc-

T ture and served on the faculty of a Japanese-founded research insti-
tute and graduate school in human bioenergetics, I’ve watched as the
whole science of human bioenergetics has formally unfolded over the
past twenty-five years in the West.
Currently, what is emerging in the United States is a holistic model
that incorporates both ancient and modern systems, including
tradiItional Chinese medicine, the European perspective on the electrical
study of the meridian system of the body, as well as the Japanese per-
spective on the electro-physiological study of the meridian system.
Dr. Susan Wright now introduces “Rapid Response Therapy” to the
holistic playing field. Rapid Response Therapy is an extremely user
friendly, diagnostic and therapeutic method. Dramatically effective, this
method simply and quickly eliminates phobias, anxiety, grief reactions,
depression and obsessive compulsive behavior.
The non-local nature of negative energy, outside of the person in
space and time, is brought into the body when the person thinks about
a problem. This negative energy response is inherited.
From my perspective as both a medical doctor and a man of science,
Rapid Response Therapy represents one of the first times the lineages of
traditional Chinese medicine, bioenergetics, the electro-physiology of
human bio-energetic, and the behavioral aspect of human bio-energies
are intersecting in a techniques that can be taught easily to patients for
self-treatment and self-maintenance.
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Rapid Response Therapy challenges the supposition that one must
see a therapist once a week, possibly for numerous years, in order the
eliminate phobias and related anxiety states, or for healing to occur. With
Rapid Response Therapy, after one receives some initial guidance, the
technique can be practice by anyone under their own supervision in the
privacy of their own home.
Still in the early years of its use, these techniques seem to be quite
clinically effective. What most impresses me about this work is that it
can be done repetitively by a patient without dependency upon a practi-
tioner. I am also impressed with the simplicity involved in learning the
technique. It can be done anywhere, at any time, while yielding very
powerful results.
Thomas R. Yarema M.D.
Director of the Kauai Center for Holistic Medicine and Research

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have been a licensed, practicing psychotherapist for over 30 years, dur-

I ing which time I have studied and used all of the more traditional
forms of therapy, such as Freudian, Jungian, Adlerian, Cognitive,
Behavior Modification, and Hypnotherapy as well as the not so tradi-
tional, such as Brief/Solution-based, Voice Dialogue, Inner Child,
Narrative, Neurolinguistic Programming, and Eye Movement
Desensitization Response. One thing all of these therapeutic approaches
have in common is the need for professional training.
I have always been curious and rather nontraditional myself, which
is why I remain open to exploring new ideas. However, I know that “the
proof is in the pudding,” so I try out new techniques to see how well they
do (or don’t) work before I decide whether or not to use them in my prac-
tice. There are all kinds of treatment modalities out there with differing
degrees of worth or value. My goal is to help people get well as soon as
possible without compromising my integrity or theirs.
One day, while leafing through a therapy publication, I came upon
an ad for something called Thought Field Therapy, TFTTM, a process
which did not use talk therapy or behavior modification to alleviate
emotional problems. Instead, the therapy was based on the way energy
flows through the body. As bizarre as this seemed, it immediately
caught my interest. I was familiar with acupuncture and knew a little
of the import of the human energy system, so I read further. I was both
fascinated enough to explore the possibilities and, at the same time,

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skeptical about the outcome. Intrigued, I sent for some material. I was
in for a real surprise!
It seemed that TFTTM was a radical departure from both traditional
and nontraditional therapies and flew in the face of most of what I had
!earned about treating people. Based upon using Nature’s own vital body
energy system, it claimed to be able to alleviate, even cure, common psy-
chological problems. That was all very well and good, but did it really
work? I read over the material and decided to experiment on myself first.
No harm done there. It not only worked but, as advertised, it worked fast,
often in minutes.
Using myself as the guinea pig, I tried several different treatments
and noted that they were not only effective, but also that there was no
discomfort involved. Reopening old emotional wounds can be painful.
The mantra often used by professionals when treating patients is, “things
may get worse before they get better.” Since my experience with this new
form of treatment was so painless and effective, I decided to move ahead
and talk to some of my clients about this mystery treatment, give them
information for decision-making, and ask if they would like to try it. The
treatment modality (i.e., a specific TFT algorithm) that I decided to use
first was the phobia technique, primarily because I knew from experience
how difficult phobias are to eliminate. (Some clinical people claim that it
can’t be done.)[1]
A common reaction to emotional stress is “I don’t even want to think
about it. It’s too painful.” Thinking about it is the whole idea behind the
term “Thought Field Therapy.”
My first subject was a client I’ll call “Judy,” who was claustrophobic.
Being enclosed, or just thinking about being enclosed, terrified her. I did
the phobia treatment with her by following the instructions which were
no more complicated than following a cooking recipe. When we were
through, I waited a few minutes before asking if she would be willing to
go into the closet in my office and close the door. She agreed and did so
in complete comfort. No more claustrophobia! The whole process had
taken about ten minutes.
The second client was “Don,” who was unable to assert himself with
his boss or other authority figures. Using the trauma algorithm, we

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began where it all started...with his father. I knew from the material that
we only do one problem at a time. Once we had eliminated his fear of his
father, we followed up, eliminating related fears, one at a time, until we
had worked our way into Don’s present office environment and related
areas of stress. When he returned to work, he reported feeling relaxed and
confident and was able to communicate freely with his boss and others.
As a final test, I treated a mother and daughter simultaneously, using
the anger algorithm. There was so much disagreement and anger
between them they were not able to listen to one another. Ten minutes
later, they were calm and ready to go to work on their relationship.
In all my years of practice, no one ever asked me whether the treat-
ments I was using would be lasting until I began using TFTTM, where this
question came up quite frequently. Do these treatments last? You bet.
I needed to know more about TFTTM. It was time for me to contact
the psychologist who developed this system, Dr. Roger Callahan. I began
to study with him. First, I learned that TFTTM was built upon prior knowl-
edge of Applied Kinesiology, acupuncture, SUDS rates, cognitive affir-
mations and statements, and eye movements (used in Neurolinguistic
Programming), but it is the first treatment to address psychological
problems by using the energy system. Second, TFTTM not only bypasses
talk therapy (cognition-based), but also behavior modification and other
traditional ways of treating emotional distress. Third, I recognized that
Callahan’s novel idea, like most innovations, came about as an inspira-
tion. The genius is in how one puts the information together. Indeed,
new discoveries are often made by using or interpreting past knowledge
and taking them a step further.
My next step was learning the process itself from the ground up.
Each energy meridian, of which there are 12, corresponds to a major
organ of the body. Tapping on specific meridian (alarm) points on the
body frees the energy flow and improves the function of the organ in
exactly the same way that releasing pressure on an artery or vein re-
establishes the flow of blood. In the case of emotional distress, thinking
about a problem brings the blocked energy into the body where it can be
released by tapping on specific meridians in proscribed sequences.
Callahan discovered that tapping on specific points on the body’s merid-

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ians frees the energy flow and improves the function of the mind/body.
He found a way to use this system to quickly diagnose and treat psycho-
logical problems and to eliminate reversals of polarity that could interfere
with the effectiveness of treatment.
Since my TFTTM training, enhanced over the years by hands-on expe-
rience, I have been using energy-based therapy without any adverse
effects on clients, participants in my seminars and in-service training,
and I commonly send algorithms home with my clients for their own
use. Some professionals are jealous of their turf, but I can see no reason
not to teach these techniques to the general public. I am a healer, (some-
one who facilitates healing) and it seems to me that if it is possible to
alleviate emotional pain quickly, the information should be made avail-
able to everyone, from the person in the street to the professional thera-
pist, because it is a real therapeutic departure, not only rapid, but also
safe and easy to use independently. To this end, I have written this book
and have included information directed at both.
From other energy practitioners and my own experience, I have
expanded my knowledge and have included related energy techniques
and refinements of the process. I wanted to use a name that would
encompass the entire spectrum, so I call the expanded process Rapid
Response Therapy (RRT).

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Rapid Response Therapy

e are becoming a nation of therapy consumers. Radio talk show

W hosts interview therapists, and television shows (Maury Povich,
Montel Williams, and others) have psychologists on hand to give advice
to their dysfunctional guests. Oprah Winfrey invites therapists, some tra-
ditional, some not, on her show all the time. Whenever there is a disas-
ter (flood, fire, earthquakes, hurricanes, school shootings, war and relat-
ed disasters), therapy teams are immediately sent in to aid the survivors.
HMO organizations include disaster services in their benefit programs.
Therapy is entering into the fabric of our speeded-up nation, and every-
one is looking for a quick fix.
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Background Summary
here is an ancient fable in which the creator God had one great gift
T that He wanted to give to humankind: the gift of happiness. But God
knew that if it were simply given away, humans might not treasure it. The
idea was to hide the secret so that when discovered, it would be heralded
as the earth shaking event it was. So God went to His angels for advice.
“What do you think?” he asked? The angels thought quietly for some
time. “I have an idea,” said the first angel. “Why not put it on top of the
highest mountain?” But God feared that the mountain would be too eas-
ily climbed and the secret revealed. The second angel suggested putting
the secret deep within the ocean. God considered but rejected that idea.
He knew that humans would soon develop science to explore the oceans
and eventually find it. Finally, the third angel jumped up excitedly and
said, “I’ve got it, I know just the place!” “Where?” God asked. “We’ll hide
it inside each human.” “Perfect,” said God, “they will never think of look-
ing there!” And that is just what he did.

The discovery of Thought Field Therapy, now called TFTTM, unlocked

the secret for healing psychological problems. The energy system flow-
ing through each of us is the key. We have learned how to focus on the
energy system of the body as a means of alleviating common emotional
distress. When we think about a problem, we enter the thought field and

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bring energy, which has remained subtle or dormant in the field, into the
body. Negative thinking traps this energy. Tapping on meridians of the
body frees it. By looking inside ourselves, we have discovered the secret
of happiness, and we are learning how to use it.
The energy system is a third circulatory system, joining the blood
and lymphatic systems as they move through the body. This system is
ancient and is one of Nature’s remedies for stress. When disturbed by
thought processes, this energy system goes out of whack. Knowing the
energy structure of the problem at hand, the practitioner is able to design
and apply precise treatment modalities (algorithms) to eliminate the
affective and cognitive components of the problems being addressed,
bypassing both. How did all this come about? Knowledge from other
fields of therapy kick-started the process.
Rapid Response Therapy (RRT), the subject of this book, evolved
from (a) Applied Kinesiology; (b) Meridian Therapies; (c) the SUDS rate
(subjective unit of distress scale, a stress measurement tool); (d)
Cognitive Therapy; (e) Neurolinguistic Programming; and (f) Thought
Field Therapy.
Acupuncture, the most ancient form of bioenergy advance treat-
ment, is the bedrock of all energy work. It is based upon thousands of
years of Chinese observation and philosophy (not on the modern scien-
tific method). There is evidence of a similar discovery in India that may
even predate that of China. Acupuncture was based upon a kind of road
map that traced twelve major body meridians, that corresponded to
twelve major organs of the body. (There are eight extra meridians and a
network of minor meridians that we do not use in RRT.) They found
that by using these meridians as doorways, they could treat the disease
of the body. [1]
Over time, like acupuncture, most of the techniques mentioned
above were also based upon observation and experimentation, trial and
error, not the scientific method per se. These were the ways by which
many important scientific breakthroughs came about and continue to
come about to this day. Until recently, bioenergy treatment was not

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thought of as having any scientific basis. Now the meridians have been
photographed showing the energy passing through them. [2]
In a recent study done by the National Institutes of Health the panel
report explained that considerable evidence supports the claim that nat-
ural body chemicals that ease pain known as opioid peptides are released
during acupuncture. The needle treatment may also activate the hypo-
thalamus and the pituitary gland, both of which are responsible for
secreting important hormones. [3]
Our second evolutionary cousin is Applied Kinesiology, the study of
how the nervous system affects the muscles. Dr. George Goodheart, a
brilliant chiropractor, studied the ancient art of Chinese acupuncture
and made this knowledge available to others in the field. He knew that
when an energy meridian in the body becomes blocked, illness or pain
surfaces. Since each energy meridian corresponds to a major organ of
the body, by tapping on specific meridians (that is, alarm points) on the
body, the kinesiologist restores the energy flow and improves the func-
tion of the organ in exactly the same way that releasing pressure on an
artery or vein reestablishes the flow of blood. [4]
Using this information together with the Manual Muscle Test (MMT)
is the way in which practitioners of kinesiology diagnose physical prob-
lems. By extending the arm and putting pressure on the muscle, that is
MMT, the kinesiologist can tell where the physical problem lies. In RRT,
this muscle test is used to assist the professional practitioner in diag-
nosing bioenergy blocks. [5] MMT is an unconscious reaction. We do not
know precisely why or how MMT works but it appears to respond to parts
of the nervous system. In RRT, we can also use this test to indicate
whether or not the client is resistant to changing the effects of the prob-
lem (i.e., clinical resistance which we call psychological reversal). If so,
an algorithm to remove the block must be done before we can continue
the treatment.
The SUDS rate, or Subjective Unit of Distress Scale, is used in
many types of therapy to track the effectiveness of treatment. First we
have the client think about the problem and then rate the intensity of

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the problem on a 10-1 scale, ten being the most intense kind of stress
and one indicating an absence of stress. As the treatment progresses,
we check the efficacy of the algorithm by watching variations in the
stress levels.
As part of measuring the SUDS rate, we use positive and negative
statements about the problem being assessed. These statements come
from cognitive therapy, that is, what you say to yourself determines
your emotional state. We ask the client to state the intensity of the prob-
lem as we treat it. We erase the psychological block and then continue.
The phrase “the eyes are the windows of the soul” is more meaningful
than we realize. I am a master’s level Neurolinguistic Programmer (NLP)
therapist and trainer. Neurolinguistic Programming is the study of how
the senses (what we see, hear, feel, taste, and smell) inform the brain.
This is the only way we are presently aware of by which the brain can
receive information. From NLP results, RRT consistently applies specif-
ic eye movement midway through the treatment process. Humming
and counting are also included to access to the right and left hemi-
spheres of the brain. This process, called the gamut, is a kind of refin-
ing technique developed by Dr. Roger Callahan. As RRT treatment pro-
gresses, it is my working hypothesis that the pictures we see when we
are thinking about a problem begin to fade from our minds first, subse-
quently carrying with them related sensory input.
Finally, there is the thought field to discuss. All forms of psycholog-
ical treatment use the thought field. One cannot have a problem with-
out first thinking about it. During the course of each day, many
thoughts go through our heads, some trivial others not so trivial. When
we are not thinking about them, they do not, for all intents and pur-
poses, exist. Indeed, we are what we focus on!
The primary difference between energy based therapies and other
clinical treatments is that they are centered upon what we believe about
the origination of emotional problems and the influence of the energy
system on the thought field. That is what Dr. Callahan brought to the
table with Thought Field Therapy.

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In his book, Why Do I Eat When I’m Not Hungry, Callahan describes
how he used his study of applied kinesiology and linked it to the allevia-
tion of emotional problems. It was, in my opinion, a truly inspired
moment. He had a client he called “Mary” whom he had been treating
for a long time for an intense water phobia. He had used standard thera-
peutic techniques with limited success. One day, while treating his client,
he had a brilliant insight. He knew from his studies that the fear reaction
was located in the stomach and that the stomach meridian was under the
eyes. He asked Mary to tap there, and the rest is history. Mary’s phobia,
which he had worked so hard to eliminate, was completely gone. [6]
From that inauspicious beginning, Callahan formed his theories,
namely (1) creating treatment modalities based in the body’s energy
meridians, i.e., algorithms, to treat other kinds of psychological prob-
lems; (2) discovering a relationship between the polarity present in all
living things and a solution to resistance to treatment; (3) a way to incor-
porate related knowledge into his treatment plan; and finally (4) a way to
diagnose and treat emotional problems by telephone.
Before energy-based therapy, the accepted way of treating psycho-
logical distress has been with drugs, counseling sessions, or both, usual-
ly for months or even years. After years of experience, the effectiveness
of counseling seems to me and others in my profession to depend as
much or more upon the relationship between therapist and client than
upon the treatment being used. RRT is not dependent on drugs, long-
term therapy, or the relationship of therapist and client, and problems
can often be resolved in a matter of minutes or, at most, in a matter of
days. RRT is easy to learn and can now be used by suffering clients on
their own without negative effects. Psychotherapy is expensive, time-
consuming and of questionable outcome. Treating emotional distress
with energy-based therapy is economical, effective, and has no culture,
age, or language barrier. You can safely learn to use it on your own or
with a partner.
Because energy therapy is so effective, so safe, and so accessible to
all, one would think it would be embraced by the psychological commu-

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nity. Not so! One of the biggest problems faced by innovators is resist-
ance from traditionalists. Something new and revolutionary often meets
with hostility from the scientific community, which defends the status
quo until the new discovery, itself time-worn, eventually becomes
accepted orthodoxy. Recently, steps, described below, have been taken to
remedy this situation.
RRT experiments on heart rate variability (HRV) and changes in the
composition of the blood before and after treatment, indicate that treat-
ment alters them. HRV (heart variability rates) are used in cardiac
research centers throughout the world. In July of 1997, Dr. Fuller Royal,
director of a Las Vegas medical clinic, began working with HRV because
it yielded for him information about the operation of the autonomic
nervous system. Because the autonomic system does not respond to
placebo, it is possible to test treatment effectiveness with great accuracy.
Dr. Royal learned to conduct the phobia algorithm by sending for
information on the technique. For some reason, he decided to try it on a
10-year-old boy with learning disabilities and ADD. ADD children have too
much energy trapped in the parasympathetic and too little in the sympa-
thetic nervous system, which is why sympathetic stimulants, like Ritalin,
calm them down. The effect of the phobia algorithm on HRV was phe-
nomena! The child’s heart rate went back to normal and stabilized at a nor-
mal rate. Further experiments yielded the same results for Dr. Fuller. He
decided to take the TFT” training with Dr. Callahan and is continuing his
research with great success.[7 This discovery has spurred further studies.
In his just released book, Tapping the Therapist Within, Dr. Callahan
describes changes in blood composition after treating a fatigued woman
who was a phlebotomist. After taking blood samples before and after the
algorithm was administered, the woman found positive changes in her
blood. Before treatment there was a clumping of red blood cells; after
treatment the consistency of the blood went back to normal. [8]
In 1993, a study was sponsored by Dr. James Figley and Professor
Joyce Carbonell at Florida State University on the effectiveness of the
newer therapies on Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (PTSD). The meth-

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ods studied included were, Neurolinguistic Programming, Traumatic
Incident Reduction, Eye Movement Desensitization Response and
Thought Field TherapyTM. The results were published in the July-August
of the Family Therapy Networker. The volunteer therapists had to meet
the following criteria:
1. The methods had to be extremely efficient, producing in a few
sessions an extraordinary impact on the client’s recovery.
2. The effectiveness had to be verified by 2-300 certified and
licensed clinicians who used them in treating PTSD.
3. They had to come to Florida State University for one week and
do their work in a laboratory setting, using 1-4 sessions per
client while being videotaped and evaluated by area therapists. [9]

Thought Field Therapy won hands down! It worked faster and was
easier to administer. It is now the treatment of choice for victims in
Kosova suggering from PTSD.

Energy based therapy is descended from information provided by
acupuncture, Applied Kinesiology, meridian, cognitive and behavioral
therapies and Neurolinguistic Programming. Pulling all this together, Dr.
Roger Callahan took it a giant leap forward and discovered a way to use
the energy system to alleviate psychological problems. Prior to his dis-
covery, the energy system was used only in relation to physical problems.
He called his theory, Thought Field TherapyTM. This method bypassed
both the cognitive and behavioral traditional approaches to psychother-
apy. Offering direct access to the energy system, it was rapid and safe.
Because TFTTM was not language based, there were no cultural, age
or language barriers to treatment. Once learned, it could be done with-
out the intercession of a therapist and there was no need to know the
details of the problem being addressed. Because it is not necessary to
believe in the treatment for it to work anyway, there is no placebo effect.
Finally, it can be demonstrated in a public forum.

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There is resistance to new and revolutionary discoveries until and
unless they are proven using the scientific method. Energy therapy, like
acupuncture before it, is based upon observation and results. The ways
in which the energy system, body and mind interact is slowly being dis-
covered. It is difficult to do research because, like most new discoveries
outside of traditional thought without “hard science” to back it up,
research is difficult to do...a double bind. On one hand, it must be proven
before it is worthy of research, and on the other, research must be done
before it will be accepted as valid.
Nonetheless, new discoveries are being made which point to the
validity of RRT. We hope that the discovery of the positive effects on
HRV, as a predictor of mortality, will spark more research and open up
experimentation on how RRT influences physical as well as mental

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nderstanding energy disruption as the primary cause of emotional dis-
U tress is a new way of thinking. We are used to our historical depend-
ence on verbalizing our pain and suffering, our wishes and fears, our hopes
and our dreads. Indeed, most of us are quite familiar with talk therapy. RRT
can be used as a complement to traditional therapy, even though we may,
in principle, disagree with the traditionalists about what really causes psy-
chological problems. Exposure, Freudian, Cognitive, and Behavioral ther-
apies are common forms of treatment and have brought much under-
standing regarding the workings of the human mind. Learning how these
treatments evolved will help to give a more comprehensive understanding
of the differences between RRT and other treatment methods.
Exposure, Freudian, Cognitive, and Behavioral therapies are all based
upon the conviction that one must educate or re-educate the individual in
order to change deeply held beliefs, of which practitioners believe troubled
clients may be unaware. Making clients aware of how these problems came
about differ from one therapeutic view to another, but essentially they
agree that re-education is the key to mental health.
1. Exposure Therapy is based upon the idea that exposing the subject
over and over to the initial trauma is necessary to change the victim’s neg-

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ative reaction to it. But, re-experiencing trauma is itself traumatic. RRT
bypasses the trauma and the client experiences no pain.
2. Freudian psychoanalytic techniques are the best known. Freud
made tremendous contributions to psychology. His theories are responsi-
ble for in depth, long-term therapy. He saw the causes of emotional prob-
lems as being rooted in childhood. For Freud and the Freudians, the rem-
edy was psychoanalysis.
One of his most famous cases was the story of Hans. Hans was a
young child who was terrified of horses (a phobia). According to Freud’s
Oedipal theory, Hans lusted after his mother and feared retribution from
his father, and, so, was afraid of him. Hans believed that the punishment
would fit the crime and he would lose his penis, that is, his manhood. (It
is certainly safer to be afraid of horses than to be afraid of the father whom
he could not avoid!) Dr. Freud called this process displacement.
There’s another take on this. Practitioners of RRT believe that the
tendency to have emotional problems is inherited and that phobias
may or may not come from an actual experience. We do not have to
psychoanalyze clients in order to alleviate phobias. Today, we could
cure Hans in minutes.
3. The founders of Behaviorism and Cognitive Therapy were brilliant
scientists who did not believe in creativity, and so did not recognize their
own. Their hypothesis about the cause of psychological problems was
unique at the time and is still popular today. Times change. John
Broadus Watson introduced Behaviorism before World War I. He believed
that the cause of emotional distress had nothing to do with thought.
According to Watson, consciousness and mind are “empty works
with no basis in reality.” Mind and artistic creation were only complete
if the painting “aroused the admiration of others.” [1]
Professor Skinner held more extreme views. He believed that “mind
and ideas are non-existent entities invented to provide spurious explana-
tions.” [2] If this were the case, an artist such as Cezanne would have been
putting dabs of paint on canvas with no idea of what the picture was going
to look like when it was complete until others saw and validated it. [3]

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However, all therapy, including RRT, access the thought field. If you could
not think about a problem, it wouldn’t, to all intents and purposes, exist.
Robert Ellis, Richard Lazarus, and Aaron Beck believed that pho-
bias are caused by the things people say to themselves (cognition)
because they have irrational beliefs which generate specific sentences
which cause problems which must be changed in order for the patient
to get better. [4] Finally, Richard Lazarus added that cognition was “the
necessary and sufficient condition for phobias” and he used fear of
height as his rationale. “Even the infant who shows a fear of falling
from heights is having cognition.” He added that “anxiety, fear, depres-
sion, etc., are triggered by deeply held beliefs and it is necessary to re-
educate the client.” [5] We now believe they were mistaken. Take their
example, fear of heights, better known as acrophobia.
Acrophobia isn’t a fear of heights at all – it is a fear of converging lines
in a vertical down direction and is experienced by all immature land based
animals. These are prepared fears or instincts that keep us from falling and
provide information for future generations. In order to pass on (inherit) a
fear like acrophobia, an ancestor had to take a fall and survive. If he or she
had perished, the fear would have died with them. As learning passed from
one person to another, over time, it entered and continues to enter, the
field of perennial wisdom, race memory, group mind, or collective uncon-
scious (all names for an overarching shared consciousness that contains
knowledge of the millenniums).
An illustration of how fears are (or in this case are not) passed on, can
be found in Madagascar. All animals are afraid of snakes except lemurs.
Why? Because in Madagascar, where lemurs live, there have never been
any snakes. No snakes, no way to pass on the fear.
Acrophobia, on the other hand, is a developmental fear. It does not
appear in humans or young animals until they start crawling and moving
about on their own. For example: When a flat piece of glass which has hor-
izontal lines on one half and vertical lines in a down direction on the other
half is put in front of and infant and a baby chick, both will stop and refuse
to go further as soon as they reach the vertical lines.

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The infant, therefore, who shows a fear when confronted with the per-
ception of heights, doesn’t need to understand height, gravity, laws of
falling, or even the notion of danger or fear. The infant is automatically
afraid when confronted with the perception of being close to converging
lines in a vertical down direction. [6]
Users of LSD have been known to jump out of windows. An odd and
rather esoteric fact is that when LSD is ingested the fear of falling can dis-
appear. How do we know? When a drop of human blood containing a tiny
drop of LSD is injected into a baby chick, the chick will walk across the ver-
tical lines on the glass surface. As maturation takes place, the fear of
heights is subsumed. If it resurfaces at a later date it is an atavism (a
Believe it or not, birds, as fledglings, are also acrophobic, even though
they fly around the heavens. The African Hornbill is an example. The mat-
uration of the Hornbill chicks takes place at 48-hour intervals, the time
between the laying and hatching of the eggs. Mother bird leaves a small
opening in the enclosed nest through which the chicks are fed. When the
oldest is ready to fledge, it begins pecking at the hole, making it larger,
while the next in line frantically tries to fill it back up. Once chick number
one fledges, chick two closes up the hole as quickly as possible. Forty-eight
hours later, the process is repeated until all the chicks are gone. This leads
to highly instructive observation about the role of maturation in the estab-
lishment and disappearance of fears. [8]
I found out how phobias can indeed be inherited when I bought a dog.
I was a married student at Cornell University at the time. My husband and
I went to a pet store to look for a puppy. The owner showed us pictures of
afghan hounds – really fantastic looking animals. Intrigued, we went to her
home in the wooded area of Ithaca, New York, where Cornell is located.
When she whistled, she was surrounded by these weird looking dogs that
bounded out from among the trees. We were delighted to find that there
was litter of pups available. There were four, very friendly and welcoming;
a fifth pup cowered in a corner. Good social worker that I was learning to
become, my choice was the shy boy. Huge mistake. Born phobic, he never

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changed. Whenever someone outside the family appeared, he would run
and hide, so I named him BOO! As he matured, it became clear that he
would never adapt. Eventually, we returned him to the breeder and traded
him for another (very bold) puppy from a new litter.
In deference to the psychologists of the past, they worked with the
information available at the time. We now know that infants do not
have either the beliefs or the language skills necessary to fit their cog-
nitive beliefs. Nor do animals have cognition and yet they, too, have
fears. We have the ability to create a concept in our minds without see-
ing a model or receiving accolades or reinforcement. Mother Nature is
creative. A bird will persist in making a nest that might include 13 dif-
ferent constructions or a spider will spin webs adapted to totally dif-
ferent surroundings, without reinforcement at each and every step
and impossible if they were being guided by fixed rules and non adapt-
able strategies.[9] Yet, no matter what the environment they do adapt,
each tiny action involved in building a finished nest or web (or creat-
ing a painting) is part of a master plan by bird, spider and artist. (See
Part Two).
RRT does not change beliefs; nevertheless, it works. Individuals
have the ability to make decisions to act or not to act. To the cognitive
therapist, the individual is perceived as powerless slave to his/her ego.
If what we say to ourselves were responsible for our behavior and if it
were caused by deeply held beliefs of which we are unaware, how is it
that the behavior expressed by the fearful victims is so easy to see? A
phobia is such a belief and no amount of education is apt to change it.
In closing, there is a belief that comes from the field of medicine.
It is called chemical imbalance and has become a popular modern
diagnosis for emotional distress. It is well documented that emotions
are associated with definite chemical correlates. Chemical agents,
such as caffeine, certain foods, drugs, and inhalants can trigger polar-
ity reversals in the same way as an energy disturbance in the thought
field does. Just the mere thought of being exposed to something one
is allergic or sensitive to will evoke a reaction even though there is no

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cause (bacteria, virus) present: a phobia of the immune system.
However, this chemical response follows, it does not precede, the
effects of bioenergy on the body and mind. Energy is more funda-
mental. When trapped in the thought field, energy triggers the nerv-
ous, hormonal, and muscle systems to react which, in turn, cause the
release of chemicals. The cognitive reaction (awareness) brings up the rear.

Cognitive and Behavior theorists have a rational, materialistic
approach common to most scientists. However, most psychological
problems make no sense and, by definition, are irrational. Cognitive
techniques can be helpful in examining dysfunctional thinking, and in
our treatment format, we use negative and positive cognitive statements
(affirmations) as part of the treatment process. However, our disagree-
ment is about what causes the problems. Cognitive therapists and
Behaviorists believe that the causes of emotional stress stem from what
you say to yourself about the problems (cognition) and the behavior that
is related to it. Psychoanalysts believe the cause is based upon early
childhood experience and that these experiences must be resolved before
the client can get well. Others believe that flooding the client, by forcing
them to relive traumas repeatedly, is another way. Perhaps understand-
ing has become the booby prize of therapy.
Today, it is common for practitioners to believe that emotional prob-
lems are caused by physical changes, that is, systemic chemical imbalance,
the solution is to medicate the client.
Energy therapists maintain that trapped negative energy is the cause
and that the tendency to develop psychological problems is hereditary and
is passed down by ancestral knowledge. Treatment is focused on freeing
and re-circulating the trapped energy by tapping on related energy merid-
ians in proscribed sequences.

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Scientific & Theoretical Origins

of RRT
he benevolence of Natural Law lies in assuring us that miracles are
T open to us, but it does not extend to telling us how to accomplish
them; it is for us to discover the keys, the encoding and decoding, to
which they can be brought to pass.

Robert Rosen, theoretical biologist, Life Itself - A Comprehensive

Inquiry into the Nature, Origin and Fabrication of Life
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The Development of the Brain
luctuation of electromagnetic fields may have influenced the uneven
F development of the human brain. Over time, the brain developed in
three stages: (a) the prehistoric (limbic or reptilian) brain; (b) the mam-
malian or emotional brain; and (c) the neo cortex or cognitive (learning)
brain. The ancestral brain is the storehouse of our drives and instincts;
“filled with ancestral lore and memories. It is faithful to doing what its
ancestors say but is not food for facing new situations. [1]
The mammalian brain is reactive and has “a greater capacity for
learning new things and solutions to problems, but only on the basis of
immediate experience.”[2] These two sections developed slowly, over
eons, enough time to learn to communicate. In contrast, the neo cortex,
the third and final section, developed rapidly, was much larger, and was
seemingly superimposed upon the other two without any clear cut hier-
archic control over the old, creating confusion and conflict. This means
that the old brain can interfere with the new and try to usurp its func-
tion. We received an unsolicited gift and haven’t even begun to use its
potential. [3] We use only 2-3 percent of its circuitry.
The hard-wired brain (that is, the ego) is a storehouse, similar to a
computer. It is informed by the senses, what we see, hear, feel, smell, and
taste – the software. Memories are created by a release of hormones into
the brain. The more hormones, the more fixed the memories. [4] Long-
term memory is like a hard drive, physically recording past experience.

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Billions of nerve cells communicate by relaying chemical and electrical
impulses and are activated every time we see, hear, touch, or smell some-
thing. Most return to their original state. The brain doesn’t record every-
thing and then bury it - until a therapist or hypnotist dredges it up. Most
data eventually evaporates, if it isn’t used.
What we understand as memories are patterns of connection among
nerve cells. If activated repeatedly (rehearsed) or when memories relate
to what we already know or have experienced of importance, particular-
ly to our survival, they are handled automatically and begin to form a
durable network. We use these nets of past experiences to capture new
information. Because our backgrounds vary, we often react very differ-
ently to different aspects of the similar experiences. [5]
Another aspect of the brain that is just now beginning to be under-
stood is the difference in the way in which men’s brains differ from
women’s. “Whatever women do, even just wriggling their thumbs, their
neuron activity is more greatly distributed throughout the brain.” When
a man puts his mind to work, neurons turn on in highly specific areas of
the brain. It may be that the female brain is thicker, allowing more cross
talk between the emotion, intuitive right hemisphere and the just-the-
facts left. Men may be better able to focus intensely. Women react more
forcefully to sadness and detect emotion in others more accurately.
Girls generally speak sooner and read faster because they use both
sides of the brain and are usually more verbally adept for the same rea-
son. Because of this dual access women can recover from stroke or brain
injury more easily. However, men probably have some biological compo-
nent that gives them an edge in spatial tasks. Men and women even work
out for different reasons and gamble differently. For men, it is appearance
and competition; for women, health reasons and escape. [6] I believe that
today, appearance is also a focus for women.
To sum it up, male and female brains do the same things but they do
them differently. This is important in understanding differences in focus
and thinking patterns and important for psychotherapists to learn as well
as the rest of us in dealing with one another.

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The brain is often referred to as the mind. But the connection
between the brain, vital body and consciousness is the real realm of the
mind. [7] The mind is not localized in the brain but permeates the body
and beyond. Somewhere in this framework of body/mind interaction
lays the perturbation, the RRT trigger mechanism for resolving emo-
tional distress.
The mind and body react as one, what affects one affects the other.
If the Behaviorists and Cognitive Mind scientists had been correct,
human thought could not have the far-reaching effects in the physical
world. That is, in areas of mind/body healing, telepathy, hypnosis, dis-
tance healing through prayer, etc., that it has. It is my belief and that of
many noted scholars (e.g., Becker, Young, Greene, Goswami, Bohm,
Sheldrake and others who, even earlier, identified this higher control sys-
tem) that what we call the mind must exist and that it responds to an
overarching eternal connection called consciousness. Recent studies by
Neurologist Antonio DeMasio at the University of Iowa College of
Medicine demonstrate how emotions are linked to distinct areas of the
brain, and that emotions, and ultimately consciousness itself, are inti-
mately linked to vital body systems.
“Some of the most primitive, deepest parts of the brain (the ances-
tral or limbic) are geared to maintaining our need to keep a more or less
steady internal state in terms of blood pressure, body temperature, hor-
monal activity, and other bodily functions” [8] Robert O. Becker came up
with a similar finding years earlier. He called it a primitive second neu-
rological system. According to Becker, “this innate immune system is an
early warning system that arouses the elite fighters of the adaptive
immune system.” [9]
A second referent, following closely on the first, appeared on October
16 in the San Francisco Chronicle. The article supports both the findings
of Robert O. Becker and Antonio DeMasio. The story describes an
acknowledgment of the importance of an innate immune system. (The
immune system with which we are already acquainted is called the adap-
tive system.) The innate system is described as “a rabble of primitive,

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knuckle-dragging indiscriminate foot soldiers that kill by eating their
enemies or developed in tandem over centuries and communicate with
a kind of cross talk.” [10] The mind is not localized in our bodies. It is an
adhesive and holds sway over the brain and the vital body. (More can be
found on this topic in the following chapter.)
Suppose we are not limited to the space between our ears! What if
we have more than one brain? New information suggests just that, that
the brain, as far as the body/mind is concerned, is not localized, but trav-
els through our bodies by means of the blood. Anywhere there is blood
there is a substance functioning like brain tissue, which, in turn, can
affect the functioning of the brain, as well. [11]
We also have gut feelings which reside in our gut brain. The gut and
the brain make the same hormones, it seems, and share chemical recep-
tor sights, so they talk to each other. It’s like having three brains. [12] “Not
only does the mind affect the body but all of these neurotransmitters,
peptide hormones and receptor sites are similar to those found in non-
human life forms.” [13] It is not a great leap to suggest that perhaps our
minds also interact with those of other life forms.

It appears that the brain is only one small part of the puzzle. The
mind is not localized in the brain but permeates the body and beyond
and within this framework lays the perturbation – the trigger for emo-
tional distress. New scientific findings are coming fast and furiously, as
neural biology and biotechnology gain new information based on applied
research. And, when joined to the astonishing research in quantum
physics, we enjoy, today, the role of consciousness points to the existence
of something global outside of space and time, which acts as a frame-
work for the entire universe.
We believe that the energy source accessed by RRT is, like the mind,
also a non-local phenomenon and that the mind and body act as a unit.
Against this new information, we can understand that the brain is a
hard-wired storage house for past experiences accessed through the sen-

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sory system and stored as memories through the activity of hormones
and neurons, that is, the patterns of electrical connections of the brain
and the reactions of the body. We also know that these connections can
be transformed by means of the RRT process.

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Keys to the Energy System
Note: Readers not interested in science may want to skip this section
because it is somewhat technical. If you are eager to get to the “how to”
portion, go directly to PART THREE. That is fine. However, once you
have tried the algorithm treatments on yourself, you may find you want
to return to these pages and learn more about the process.

nergy psychology is based upon the belief that problems are caused
E by disturbances in the bioenergy system and that these distur-
bances are inherited and not always the product of childhood or life-
time experiences. In order to understand where this disturbance comes
from as well as how they operate, we must explore the scientific con-
cepts underlying the process. These processes include: (a) polarity, (b)
electromagnetic fields, (c) morphogenic fields, (d) holons, and (e) RRT
and quantum physics.

Polarity appears to be the basis for all that is created. In all forms of
energy, polarity is the key to balancing positive and negative forces. [1]
When polarity is reversed, it is accessing negative energy, which, when
brought into the body though the thought field, blocks our natural abil-
ity to heal. Negative polarity is the cause of psychological reversal (PR),
which essentially means we do the opposite of what we intend. Once PR

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is cleared, suddenly, the treatment that was ineffective works perfectly. [2]
Polarity is relative, and when it is reversed, changes our ability to achieve
what we believe we want to achieve.
To simplify: There is no positive polarity without a negative, no up
without a down. Polarity can be positive to one state and negative to
another; an imbalance in one creates an imbalance in the other. We are
all polarity reversed at one time or another. Our bodies are electric.
Energy is electric, and RRT is energy based.
The electrical nature of our bodies was demonstrated by Yale biology
professor Harold S. Burr. Burr studied the many electrical features of liv-
ing things by measuring the energy and the polarity of living systems.
His research demonstrated that all living entities possess an electromag-
netic field and that the beginning of life takes place with an act of polar-
ization. A seed is polarized by light, soil, and water, and this determines
which part of the seed is to be a shoot and which the root.
Every living creature has polarities, up/down, back/front, and side to
side. The human egg immediately becomes polarized with the introduc-
tion of the sperm so that it knows “what” is going to go “where;” i.e.,
which is head and which is leg, arm, ear, heart, brain, etc. In the begin-
ning, each and every human stem cell has the capability of assuming any
function until it receives instruction as to what specialized part it is to
become, after which, it becomes permanently specialized. [3]
Polarity changes are behind a whole list of psychological and physi-
cal problems. A relationship has been found between negative polarity
and cancer. In Burr’s book, he describes a study by Professor Longman
of New York University Medical School, in which Longman found polar-
ity reversal highly correlated with independent cellular diagnoses of can-
cer. When a cancerous tumor was excised, the measure of polarity
returned to normal. [4] We hope this discovery leads to new approaches to
cancer research.
Polarity is also a crucial element in regeneration. Robert O. Becker
wrote about his regeneration research with salamanders, frogs, certain
categories of worms, and human bones. He investigated the role of polar-

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ity in growing replacement parts. Salamanders are capable of regenera-
tion. By studying them, he discovered that when a part is regenerating
in a salamander, there is a temporary reversal of polarity (the presence of
a negative charge) at the injured site (a blastema). As the creature part is
regenerating, the polarity reverses, becomes positive, and then neutral.
As a physician, he knew that the higher up the evolutionary scale we go,
the more specialized the organism becomes, and the more difficult it is
for regeneration to take place. Frogs, being higher on the evolutionary
scale, cannot regenerate missing parts. Using his knowledge of the
regeneration process of salamanders, Becker duplicated the process in
his frog experiments and was able to regenerate frog limbs, as well! [5]
Up until now, all we humans regenerate is bone (keratin). In the
future, with the scientific advances in this field, it appears that we will
also be able to grow spare parts for ourselves. [6] Since we are all related
to salamanders, the key appears to be polarity.

Electromagnetic Fields
Living things derive their information from the electromagnetic
fields. (A field is something that exists in space around an object, the
object being the source of generation.) We all possess a field. Energy
resides in this field at the most fundamental level of being. It is timeless.
Some types of energy are more easily detected than others. There are
degrees of energy that are so subtle they cannot be detected or even
accurately measured at present.
If everything is essentially energy, then it follows that the hardware
of our nervous system, the neurochemistry, and even thought and cog-
nition, are energy based. If therapy can be directed at an energy level,
then the hypothesis is that it will be more thorough and immediate – and
that seems to be the case. Bjorn Nordenstrom, renowned Swedish Nobel
scientist, was the first to notice that a halo occurred around an x-ray pic-
ture of a tumor. Nothing he knew could explain it. This led him to dis-
cover that the halo was a byproduct of an electric phenomenon in the
body, evidence of a human electrical system. [7] Clinical, experimental,

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and theoretical evidence for an energetic circulatory system is now an
accepted as fact and the evidence for it has been recorded on film. [8]
The fluctuation of EMG fields may have influenced the uneven devel-
opment of the human brain (see Chapter Three). Other creatures also
respond to electromagnetic fields. The shark, platypus, and mole demon-
strate an ability to detect the presence of prey using EMG fields.
Experiments with homing pigeons whose eyes have been covered with
opaque lenses so that they were unable to use light or landmarks to
establish direction, found their way home using only information con-
tained in the EMG fields. [9]
University students are using EMG fields to transform themselves
into “computers.” At MIT, students who call themselves cyborgs are
truly wired. They wear computers strapped to their heads. A small
energy source, placed in a shoe, is tuned into the body (a larger source
of energy: 50 volts), which literally turns the body into a computer
receiver. The brain and the body working together receive what the
computer sends. [10] Today we find ourselves exposed to high levels of
electromagnetic energy, and we don’t know for sure what effects all of
the appliances, high energy power lines, etc., have on us. The current
claim is that there is nothing to worry about. Let’s hope so.

Morphogenic Fields
Biologist Rupert Sheldrake wrote about MacDougal’s experiments
teaching successive generations of rats to go through a maze. The pur-
pose was to find out whether or not an acquired characteristic can be
inherited. The results were positive, and later successive generations of
rats learned faster than their earlier generations.
In a later experiment, a more startling discovery was made. It was
reported that rats not descended from the original group also learned to
run the maze faster! [11] Sheldrake used these findings to hypothesize that
inherited forms and instinctual behavior of organisms exist in what he
calls morphogenic fields. Morphic resonance takes place through these
fields, which not only influences the form of a system but the system in

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turn influences the field, in a never ending loop. [12] These fields are “a
sort of cumulative record of past behaviors, weighted in favor of those
that worked. It is a non-measurable cumulative record that contains the
trial-and-error learning of all generations past.” [13]
The term morphogenic, in layman’s terms, refers to the more famil-
iar group mind, perennial wisdom, collective unconsciousness, etc., all
words which describe our connection to everything in the universe
from the beginning of time. In essence, morphic resonance is like a tel-
evision wave that serves to inform the receiver, thus producing specific
visual and auditory effects. The picture and the sound are replicated by
millions of television receivers. The suggestion is that both behavior and
physical forms entail a field based hereditary component distinct from
DNA; i.e., another way of passing on information. (No sooner had I writ-
ten these words than the following article appeared under a front-page
headline. Science is catching up with theories previously rejected.)
tains far fewer genes that thought . . . DNA’s importance downplayed.” The
story continues to say that “this has left scientists struggling to under-
stand how humans could be so much more complex than other animals
with essentially the same number of genes, these findings undermine the
concept of genetic determinism, the notion that genes determine every-
thing from our behavior to our propensity toward illness. We are around as
species because we have an adaptability that goes beyond the genome. If
everything was hardwired, we wouldn’t have survived.” [14]
Another intriguing finding was the discovery that “vast stretches of
non-coding regions in DNA may actually play an important part in driv-
ing and recording evolution.” They call this “junk DNA.” [14] This refer-
ent junk DNA reminds me of the dark matter present throughout the
universe that scientists remain unable to decode.
I find it hard to keep up. It appears that the genes alone really do
not determine heredity. Perhaps, as we believe, there is much more
to it – information is also passed down by ancestral knowledge and

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Morphogenic fields operate across space and time as a sort of cumu-
lative record of past behaviors weighted in favor of those that served the
species, the up-to-the-moment reward of trial and error learning of all
past generations. There are many examples of this phenomenon. (1) The
eye is an example of revolutionary change toward increased awareness.
(Developing creatures needing to see better, developed an inner sense of
the correct direction in which to go. [15] How can we imagine a gradual
evolution of binocular vision in tiny stages, each step as a result of suc-
cessive generations?
Consider another kind of explanation which speaks of some sort of
teleological pull in the evolutionary process – in that kind of evolution-
ary explanation that the organism developed two eyes because at some
deep level of inner understanding it wanted to see better! [16] (2) Phobic
reactions resonate to past traumas. (3) Clocks’ pendulums swing in uni-
son on the same shelf. (4) Women who live in close proximity coordi-
nate their menses. It is my belief that this system, outside of space and
time, holds the key to the location of the energy field that we are tap-
ping into.
I close this section with information I read recently in Time maga-
zine. The article refers to a new discovery that the cosmos is flat and that
it is expanding rapidly and eventually will burn out and become a cold
dark place. “By the time the final chapter of cosmic history is written –
humanity and perhaps even biology will long since have vanished. Yet,
it’s conceivable that consciousness will survive, perhaps in the form of a
disembodied digital intelligence.” [17]

As you read about these theories, you will notice that they are
closely related and overlapping. Action (Young 1976a; 1976b; 1984)
and consciousness (Goswami 1993; 2000) are even more funda-
mental. Arthur Koestler calls this process of related activities and
consciousness a holon. A bioholon is a regulating entity that mani-
fests both the independent properties of the whole and the depend-

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ent properties of the parts. [18] Holons may be applied to any stable
biological or social sub-whole which displays rule governed and/or
structural Gestalt.
There are evolutionary, behavioral, linguistic and social holons, and
there is constant interaction between the higher and lower levels. [19] This
communication is called active information. This means that the small-
est holon can influence, and even alter, the larger holon.
In Chapter Three, I wrote about Nature’s plan: How bird, spider,
and artist knowing in which direction they were headed; Cezanne
using his creative ability; the bird and spider using their innate abilities
to adapt to changing situations. The algorithm (RRT treatment format)
is a holon, of which the smallest element is called a perturbation and
the greatest element the psychological problem. Each tapping
sequence is a whole part in and of itself supporting a larger whole,
which is the algorithm. They communicate through active informa-
tion. From the smallest cell to the individual, to society, to the world,
we are all self-regulating holons.

RRT and Quantum Physics

Traditional psychology is oriented to classical physics, that is, the
relationship of stimulus to response, consistent with basic billiard ball
cause-effect interaction. Energy based psychology is not. It operates
more like a quantum system outside of space and time. Invisible quan-
tum waves are spreading out from each one of us and permeating into
all other organisms. At the same time, each of us has the waves of every
other organism entangled within our makeup. [20]
The problem most students (and many others) have with RRT is my
hypothesis that the energy we are accessing is a non local phenomenon.
Non local is a technical word meaning information or influence transfer
without local signals; such influences are action at a distance and they
are instantaneous. [21]
Although non local experiences are common, i.e., precognitive
dreams, distance healing, near death experience, telepathy, and many

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other experiences (see Goswami, Self Aware Universe, The Visionary
Window; Koestler, The Act of Creation; Dossey, Recovering the Soul, and
many others), skeptics abound. The most common is the act of creativ-
ity. Language seems to be bypassed in creative thought. “In outer cre-
ativity, quantum jumps enable us to view an external problem in a new
context. An inner creative jump allows us to break from established pat-
terns of behavior, that have evolved through acts of growing up into
adulthood. [22]
In quantum physics, the domain of subtle energy and possibilities
the universe does not operate so neatly. Change can occur instantly.
(Change also occurs rapidly in RRT.) Assuming that thought exists in
fields and that negative emotions are rooted in configurations of energy,
then psychological problems can be resolved more easily than one might
assume. It would simply be a matter of altering the energy field, which is
exactly what we do.
Accessing the body’s energy system is like turning on a radio or tel-
evision. Although there are radio and television waves all around us, we
cannot see or hear them without a tuner or switch, which then energizes
them. When we turn on an electric light, we may speak of the cause of
the event in different contexts. We flip the switch and this is a cause, or
we speak in terms of the filament of the light bulb, the wiring in the
house, the generator, and so on, and each is the cause. The fact is that
they are all related and one doesn’t work without the other. The smallest
element influences and changes the large (active information/holons).
Thinking about a problem does the same thing. In RRT, the field of
information is brought into resonance (thought field), and the structure
of the field is brought into the body. The field is tuned through the reso-
nance phenomenon, just as the receiver is made to resonate to the trans-
mitter in a radio. Both radio waves and perturbations carry energy,
which is very slight.
Thinking about a particular problem brings specific energy associat-
ed with that particular field into the body where it is magnified or ampli-
fied millions of times by the electromagnetic response. Before that, the

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information remains inactive or subtle in the thought field until the per-
turbation (the smallest element) is tuned in. For example, when you tune
a portable radio into a station you receive the information that the sta-
tion is sending. If you remove the plug or battery (energy source), you
lose the whole signal. The battery is equivalent to the living body. You
must tune into the thought field to receive information being sent.
When that information is negative, the perturbation is activated.
Schroedinger introduced the concept of entanglement in 1935 to
describe the phenomenon of non locality (outside of space and time). It
is an inseparable oneness. [23] Now here’s the rub. I believe that the per-
turbation is not only non local, but that it acts in concert with the laws
of quantum physics. It is not turned on by an electrical switch; it is not
cognition or behavior based. It must be outside of awareness, in
space/time. Thought activates the perturbation in the same manner as
protons (light), racing apart, communicate with each other at great dis-
tances. (Is thought perhaps faster than the speed of light?)
Once any two particles interact, they become entangled with each
other and remain so long after they have separated. They become one
quantum system. Why not microscopic particles like us? [24] It seems log-
ical to assume that the thought field and the perturbation interact in the
same way.
We know that the energy of the subject and observer interact, and, if
they are both polarity reversed, the treatment won’t work until both indi-
viduals clear themselves. But what happens when individuals treat them-
selves? Is there an observer? If not, why does it work? It is my hypothe-
sis that the individual using RRT can simultaneously be an observer. We
know that we can assume different levels of awareness. Role playing is an
alternative awareness commonly used in therapeutic settings. One can
play the self, the observer, and the other, interchanging them at will.
In Multiple Personality Disorder this happens spontaneously. It is
not too far a stretch to imagine that when we are alone we can access the
observer within ourselves while treating the problem. As with quantum
physics, it still matters who does the observing and how.

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Subject and observer are entangled with one another. There is new
and compelling evidence of this oneness. In 1992, it was discovered
that all living organisms are liquid crystalline. Every part is in com-
munication with every other part though a dynamic, tunable, respon-
sive, liquid crystalline medium that pervades the whole body, from
organs and tissues to the interior of every cell. The oneness of every-
thing and presence of an over-arching consciousness outside space and
time seem to parallel reactions between energy based therapy and
quantum physics.
A description of what this emerging idea of what non local con-
sciousness might be has been described by researchers Dean I. Radin,
Janine M. Robinson, and Maikwe, P. Cross. It goes as follows:
Consciousness is non local. It extends beyond the individual. It can-
not be confined to specific points in space, such as brains or bodies, or
specific points in time, such as the present moment.
Consciousness is an ordering principle. It can inset information into
disorganized or random systems and create higher degrees of order.
Consciousness is not the same as awareness. The ordering power of con-
sciousness can occur completely outside awareness, such as in dreams.
Both individual and group consciousness can insert order or infor-
mation into the world, and can extract information from the world.
Coherence among individuals is important to the ordering power of
consciousness. Coherence may be expressed as low, empathy, caring,
unity, oneness, and connectedness.
Consciousness can affect humans and non humans alike. Even inan-
imate objects can resonate with and respond to human consciousness. [25]

The key to why energy psychology works is based upon the fact
that our bodies are electric. We are part of the interrelationships
between the forces of polarity, electromagnetism, storehouses of ances-
tral knowledge (morphogenesis) and holons. Polarity is the key to bal-
ancing negative and positive forces. It is the basis of all living things.

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When it is reversed in the body, we do the opposite of what we want to

do. Using RRT, we can reverse this process, and, by doing so, can
alleviate blocked energy in the body, freeing the energy.
Polarity is involved in the creation of life and regeneration. As with
polarity, all living things derive information from electromagnetic fields.
In essence, the energy we are accessing resides in the electromagnetic
fields at the most fundamental level of being. In RRT, the hypothesis is
that the tendency to have psychological problems is hereditary and that
the information lies in what Koestler calls morphogenic fields, fields of
ancestral information available to all living things, and that it informs
them and guides the species, whatever the species may be.
All these forces overlap in a series of related activities and con-
sciousness, of which the most basic is called a holon. Each holon large
or small is a self-regulating entity which is a whole in and of itself and
which works together with all other parts. There are evolutionary, behav-
ioral, linguistic, and social holons constantly interacting with one anoth-
er at all levels. The smallest can transform the largest by means of active
information. In RRT, the algorithm is a holon, of which the smallest part
is the energy trapped in the thought field. Altering the nature of the
trapped energy, using the algorithm, alters the larger part of the holon,
the psychological problem being addressed. The energy (holon) we trans-
form operates outside the realm of cognition and behavior. It is a quan-
tum system outside of time and space and operates more like photons,
which when they interact, change instantaneously.

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Definition of Terms
Whatever the brain can exercise, the body will execute.
(Neurospeak, p. XIV)
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Fears, Anxieties, and Phobias
n any therapy system, the problems we treat stem from fears and
I anxieties. Anxiety, according to Chaplain’s Dictionary of Psychology
is “a feeling of mingled dread and apprehension about the future with-
out any specific cause for the fear.” A person having an anxiety attack
can be sitting in the comfort of his home and suddenly become over-
whelmed by intense fear or panic. To add insult to injury, he or she is
fully aware that this makes no sense and feels ridiculous as well as anx-
Trying to find a solution, the person goes on a mission, first to a
physician, who reassures him or her that there is nothing physically
wrong, then on to various psychologists or psychiatrists and the like,
striving to make sense out of a senseless problem. The very anxious
may try alcohol, or drugs, some prescribed, some not. Usually the per-
son is a prime candidate for addiction that adds to his fear and may
make him resist to taking medication.
The definition of the term phobia is different from that of anxiety.
It is defined as “a strong, persistent and irrational fear, elicited by a spe-
cific stimulus or situation.” [1] I question the words, specific stimulus.
Although it is possible for a phobia to be triggered by past experience,
most are not. Phobias, apart from panic attacks, are similar to allergic
reactions. Both problems are symptoms that a critical defense system
has gone wrong and is overreacting when it shouldn’t.

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An allergy is a mistake made by the immune system, wrongly pro-
tecting us from a harmless substance. Like a phobia, it is a false alarm of
danger when none exists. However, to a victim there is no difference
between a real danger and a false alarm. Just thinking about a phobia or
an allergy will bring on the symptoms. Nonetheless, it takes just as much
courage to face a phobic fear as a real one.
Our purpose here is not to eliminate fear. We could not survive if we
had no capacity for fear to protect us from danger. What we strive to alle-
viate is irrational fear.
The question is, “Why do some people have these irrational fears
when other don’t?” Nobody knows for certain, but there is considerable
evidence that there is a hereditary predisposition. The predisposition the-
ory helps explain the strange timing of some of these problems. Genes,
the units that control heredity, often display temporal mechanisms.
Some gene-controlled events happen at specific times. Perhaps this
explains the unusual timing of the onset of phobias, panic, anxiety
attacks, and agoraphobia. We realize that they can be triggered by stress-
ful events and/or sensitivities, but they can also appear without there
being any apparent cause whatsoever.

Fear is a proper, protective emotion. Irrational fear is not. A phobia
and underlying anxiety without an immediate cause, is irrational and
may be inherited. As children we are often warned about crossing streets,
burning ourselves on stoves, putting fingers in electric sockets and the
like, but I have never met anyone who was phobic about these things.
Nor do most phobias have a predetermining cause. Individuals who are
anxious for no apparent cause tend to blame themselves and try to find
solutions any place they can find them.

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The Perturbation
uppose for a moment that we do inherit the predisposition to have
S fears and anxieties. What exactly is it that we inherit? According to Dr.
Callahan’s theory, psychological problems are caused by what he calls
perturbations, feelings of disquietude [2], which are imbalances in the
body’s energy system. There seems to be an inherited tendency to have
specific energy systems go out and stay out of whack. Once re-balanced,
the problems usually disappear.
My interest in RRT has led me to read a great deal of scientific liter-
ature. Imagine my surprise when I came across the term perturbation
while reading a book on quantum physics and the string theory in Brian
Green’s Elegant Universe. In physics, a perturbation is a theory. It is the
process of making an approximation, a rough answer, and then trying to
prove it. By paying close attention to the details, the answer will be rea-
sonably close to the final answer. [3] This is the path followed by many
innovative explorers like Dr. Callahan. He had a rough idea, which led
him (a) to try to prove it, (b) develop the algorithms to treat the prob-
lem, and (c) by paying close attention to even more details, to (d) the
theory of psychological reversal, which, in turn, upped the success rate
and validated the theory.
The perturbation is the smallest unit of a problem and corresponds
to meridian points on the body. This tiny electrical energy unit (holon)
directs the psychological reaction, the larger forms of the problem (ner-

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vous system, chemical and hormonal changes, muscle tension, each of
which is a holon) that, only then, triggers a cognitive response (larger
holon). [4] In other words, the perturbation comes before what we com-
monly believed was the cause.
The problem, then, is not caused by a situation or belief, it is caused
by perturbations that reside in your energy field, are inherited and trans-
form the nervous system through the process called active information,
found throughout nature.
Fears gather up a lot of energy and immobilize it. When a person
thinks about a fear, he is setting up circuitry, and that circuitry has trig-
gers, that is, stress toxins, which are connected to your thoughts.
Thoughts and memories are manifested in the brain as pictures, sounds,
feelings, smells, or tastes. Your senses provide the brain with operating
information stored in your memory bank. If these memories are trau-
matic, repetitive and/or negative, perturbations will also be turned on
whenever the memory is reactivated (i.e., tuned in).
Each perturbation is carried by some somatic order, arrangement, or
connection of clearly distinguishable elements, which are located at the
meridian points to which they then respond. Most serve vital functions,
that is, they are appropriate fears, but others cause emotional pain and
are useless and harmful and when no longer needed they are subsumed
(disappear as one matures). Those that are not can be reactivated as pho-
bias, panic, and anxiety.
This process appears to be a non local phenomenon described in
quantum physics which is not intrinsically in the brain. Psychology and
new quantum physic are merging, and even though Einstein believed
that everything was matter, we are looking at other factors, and con-
sciousness outside of space and time is at the top of the list. [5]

If fears and anxieties were not hereditary, then we would expect
everyone to react with fear in similar or identical situations or to be fear-
ful of things their parents taught them to fear when they were children.

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This is not what happens. Children are repeatedly warned about, for
example, crossing the street, burning themselves on the stove, and put-
ting their fingers in electric sockets. I have never run across anyone who
fears these things.
This is why I rarely find a childhood origin of phobias based on trau-
matic experiences. This fact presupposes an inherent tendency to be fear-
ful which is triggered by something else. That something is negative
energy. When we think about a fear, the energy associated with it is
transferred to the thought field and a stressful reaction is generated. We
refer to this tiny energy source as a perturbation in the energy field that
is already present, and this tiny energy reaction is triggered by stress.
When one gets rid of the anxiety, the problem disappears.

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The Thought Field
hinking about a problem is how one tunes in, bringing the field and
T its perturbations into the vital body and mind. When augmented by
the energy of the body, the perturbation becomes evident and accessible
so that, in RRT, the specified algorithm can be selected to alleviate the
problem. The mind (the unconscious) responds to what is vividly
recalled. [1] We respond to these images literally, so that even imagined
events have a physical effect. When we run mental images or “movies,”
the response of the brain is to take them at face value. One of the effects
of successful RRT treatments is that they seem to me to fog the mental
pictures and self talk, disconnecting them from kinesthetic responses
associated with the (problematic) mental images.
Change can be worrisome. We grow accustomed to our problems
and have worked out ways of living with them even when we are miser-
able. “Better the devil you know than the one you don’t.” There is a
reluctance to let go and try something different. This can cause road-
blocks. For example: While focusing on a problem, perhaps your mind
jumps to something else, usually related to the problem you are trying
to solve. Since we can only treat one problem at a time, we have to elim-
inate one perturbation before we go on to another.
Suggestion: To remedy this situation, and discover where this mental
static is coming from, ask yourself, “What do I stand to lose or how would
my life be changed if I solved this problem?” and/or “How might it affect

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others associated with me?” Relax and just let the answer come into your
mind. Treat the response before you return to the original problem.
A second example: Perhaps you have an inability to concentrate
while doing the treatment. A kind of mental static intervenes.
Suggestion: If your mind wanders while doing the treatment, it helps to
repeat a word or phrase that describes the problem at hand and use it as
you tap the meridians. Such problems might be “fear of snakes, not safe,
depressed, alone,” etc. Mentioning them specifically will solve the atten-
tion problem.

One cannot have a problem without first thinking about it.
Thinking about the problem is how the energy associated with it is
brought into the vital body where it can be treated by tapping on the
algorithm designed to deal with it. Interference in the form of second-
ary gains or inability to concentrate can be remedied using the
approaches described in this chapter and must be dealt with before
continuing with the treatment.

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The SUDS Rate
he Subjective Unit of Distress Scale (SUDS rate) is a measurement
T scale that we use to determine the rate at which the problem is inac-
tivated. It is a 10-point scale, ten identifying the greatest amount of
stress and 1 identifying an absence of stress. You will be asked to choose
a number on the scale associated with the level of stress you are feeling
while accessing the problem.
There are two ways to determine the stress level. One is to ask your-
self the level of stress and write it down; the other is to have a partner
assist you while you and your partner employ the manual muscle test
(MMT) or arm test.
Both methods are included here. If you have problems rating the
intensity of stress, remember, your educated guess is usually correct. If
you have no problems rating the intensity of stress, you can use the fol-
lowing scale [1]:

10. My discomfort is the worst it can be

9. Close to intolerable
8. Very severe
7. Severe
6. Very uncomfortable
5. I can stand it
4. Noticeable

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3. Slight discomfort but I am in control
2. Calm and relaxed
1. I can no longer get upset, no matter how hard I try

It is a good idea to practice entering the thought field and rating your
levels of stress before you continue. Think about a problem you want to
alleviate. Make a mental picture of it, think about what you say to your-
self about it, feel the feelings, notice any smells or tastes associated with
it. Notice how stressful the thought becomes until it seems as though it
is happening at the moment, and then rate it on the 10-point scale. Write
the number down. Practice this with several problems.
Rarely, some individuals have difficulty bringing feelings into focus.
Do not worry if you are not aware of your feelings. Continue the exercise
even though you cannot use the stress scale.

There are two ways to measure emotional distress levels associated
with the perturbation. One is to write down or memorize the number on
the scale as treatment progresses, and the second is to work with a part-
ner who can teat the arm to determine the level of distress (see MMT in
next chapter).

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The Manual Muscle Test (MMT)
Working with a partner

he arm reacts as a stress gauge. We do not know why. It just does. It

T may be that when you test the arm muscle, you are not testing the
integrity of the arm or the honesty of the subject being tested – you are
testing the way the muscle reacts as it receives messages from the nerv-
ous system. Muscle testing is a more precise way to diagnose for stress
reactions. Disruptions in the energy system can be detected by assess-
ing relative muscle strength while the client is tuning in to the problem.
(1) By extending the arm and thinking about the problem at hand, hold-
ing the arm firmly while the tester applies 2-5 pounds of pressure on it,
the tester can tell whether or not you are psychologically reversed or not.
If so, the reversal will have to be cleared before continuing (see Psycho-
logical Reversal, page 48, 49, 62).
Most people are familiar with electronic devices used to determine
whether someone is telling the truth or not. These machines test the gal-
vanic skin response. The skin is a conductor. (The body’s meridians are
near the skin.) In lie detection, changes in pulse rate, perspiration, or res-
piration indicates the person is likely lying. We use the MMT because it
picks up disruptions in the body’s energy system while the subject is
tuning into the problem, and gives us diagnostic information we need to
know whether or not there is a psychological reversal in the energy sys-
tem, which needs to be treated, before we continue.

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We use the SUDS the same way. If the SUDS rate won’t go down
more than a point or two, we have what we call a Specific Reversal. If it
is stuck or goes up and down in the middle of the treatment, we have a
Mini Reversal. I find that there is often confusion around strong arm ver-
sus weak arm, and it simplifies the process if we simply think “yes” on a
strong arm reaction and “no” on a weak arm response.

Both the SUDS rate and the MMT are used as tools to determine the
progress of treatment and to determine whether or not there is a polari-
ty reversal that needs to be removed before treatment can continue. The
MMT is not used to determine whether the subject is telling the truth or
not about an unrelated subject.

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ffirmations are commonly used by many energy practitioners and
A other health professionals. In RRT, they were originally a part of
the psychological reversal process. While tapping to correct PR, the
affirmations related to the problem at hand had to be repeated aloud
three times.
The belief was that the content of the affirmation, acknowledged the
problem, created self-acceptance, and facilitated a neutralizing effect.
We now find that this is no longer necessary. [1] Tapping alone does the
job. However, most TFTTM were originally trained to use them. For those
that do, I have included a list of advanced affirmations in the index.
During certain specified treatments, I still occasionally have the subject
use encouraging words. These can be found in the list of algorithms on
page 71.

Affirmations are commonly used, especially in new age psychology.
The hypothesis is that if you repeat positive statements often enough
they will eventually erase negative thoughts. In RRT treatment, we have
discovered that the negative energy response to the problem being
addressed is alleviated without them.

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Psychological Reversal
sychological (polarity) reversal is a concept developed by Roger
P Callahan. It is the key to balancing positive and negative forces. [1]
When polarity is reversed, it is accessing negative energy in the thought
field. Accessing negative energy in the thought field reverses our ability
to do what we wish to do. Psychological reversal is a state accompanied
by a literal reversal of polarity in the body that is blocking our natural
healing ability and the effectiveness of the treatment. Reversal is revealed
by the arm test and/or the SUDS rate, or both.
You cannot continue treatment until all reversals are eliminated.
Otherwise, the treatment won’t work.
We are all polarity reversed at one time or another. We mean to do
one thing, and, lo and behold, we do another. We get angry or refuse
to do something for no apparent reason. Symptoms of polarity rever-
sal include [2]:

• Bad moods
• Self sabotage
• Destructive behavior
• Confusion (i.e., putting something in the oven rather
than the refrigerator)
• Numbers are out of order
• Bumping into objects when you usually don’t

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• Performing below your achievement levels
• Having a problem understanding simple directions
• The loser syndrome
• Disorientation
• Problem with fine motor control
• Severe persistent addiction
• Depression
• OCD (and many more)

Most people really want to get well. Psychological reversal blocks that
from happening and inclines one to reverse concepts, often getting stuck
on negative, pointless issues and/or dwelling on the negative with no
solution in sight. Depressed individuals focus on the negative and sup-
press the positive. Remaining depressed is hard, exhausting work.
Although RRT works well with depression, it can be a serious, even life-
threatening problem, and it is important that there be medical supervi-
sion in place.
It is crucial to understand the concept of psychological reversal
because it is responsible for turning the individual’s motivation system
against the self. Instead of self-enhancing behavior, we see self-destruc-
tive behavior. I believe that we have to re-evaluate what we mean in ther-
apy by resistance (which we therapists customarily blame on the client).
It is polarity reversal not evasion or denial.

The understanding of PR and how to eliminate it is crucial to the
outcome of treatment. Learning the following techniques to eliminate
PR is a necessary step before continuing. I strongly suggest that the
reader practice each exercise until, it is familiar before going on to the
next until you are familiar with the treatment process. Each exercise
contains step-by-step instructions (1) on doing the exercise alone and (2)
with a partner.

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Exercise 1:
There are two ways of doing the psychological reversal (PR) tech-
niques: (a) using the SUDS only and (b) using the arm test with a partner.
There are five kinds of PR: Specific, Mini Specific, Deep Level, Mini
Deep Level and Recurring Reversals and five treatments to alleviate
them. Whenever you come across a reversal, you will need to use one or
more of these treatments. The treatments you will be using most often
are Specific PR and the Mini Specific PR. Each is described separately.
The Specific and Mini Specific reversals are corrected in the same way, by
tapping 5-10 times on the K spot, located on the side of the hand, mid-
way between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist (see photo 1).
This is called the K spot because this is the point used in karate.
The Deep and Mini Deep Reversals are rarely used and the recurring
reversal even less. However, for those who run into PR difficulty, I have
included the treatments for both. If a problem should persist, even after
using Specific and Mini Specific PR, the Deep Levels may clear the rever-
sals. If not, proceed to collarbone breathing (see Neurological
Disorganization, page 56) and begin again. However, this kind of diffi-
culty is rare and, if it occurs, may indicate toxicity. If so, contact an RRT
or TFTTM diagnostician for referral.
The following describes each of the PR techniques, how to diagnose
(when to use them), and the treatment which will eliminate them.

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PR Exercise 1: Working alone, using the
SUDS test
I. Specific PR:
Diagnosis: The Specific Reversal treat-
ment (PR) is used when the SUDS rate
does not go down more than two points
after the initial treatment has been admin-
istered, using a specific algorithm.
Treatment: Tap the K spot, 5-10 times
with two fingers of your dominant hand.
The K spot is located on the side of the
hand, halfway between the little finger and
the wrist. (photo 1) Practice this now.
Photo 1: The Psychological Reversal Point
(K Spot)
II. The Mini Specific PR:
Diagnosis: The Mini Specific
Reversal is done when the SUDS rate gets stuck or moves up and
down in the middle of treatment, after the 9 gamut (pages 66-67) has
been administered.
Treatment: Once more, tap the K spot 5-10 times with two fingers
of your dominant hand. The K spot is located on the side of the hand,
halfway between the little finger and the wrist.

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III. Deep Level PR: (Rare)
Diagnosis: Rarely, will you find that
you need to do more than the Specific and
the Mini Specific PR, because the SUDS
level stubbornly remains above a one or
two or stubbornly refuses to stay down. If
this happens, repeat the entire exercise,
tapping under the nose instead of on the
K spot (photo 2).
Treatment: Tap firmly, 5-10 times,
between the nose and the upper lip, with
two fingers of your dominant hand.
Practice this now.

IV. Mini Deep Level PR:

Photo 2: Tapping Under the Nose: Deep
Level Psychological Recersal
Diagnosis: If, once again, you find
that in the middle of treatment, after hav-
ing done the Deep Level PR, the SUDS level is moving up and down or
not at all, use the same process and go back to step 1 of the exercise.
Treatment: Tap firmly, 5-10 times again, under your nose with two
fingers of your dominant hand. If the SUDS still does not go down to a
1 or 2, this usually indicates a complex problem that needs to be treated
by a diagnostically trained clinician.

V. Recurring PR: (very rare)

Diagnosis: Recurring reversal treatment is used when reversal recurs
shortly after treatment has been completed, occasionally days or weeks
later. You might try collarbone breathing (pages 56-60 and photos 7-14).
However, this usually indicates and energy toxin, a complex problem that
needs to be treated by a diagnostically trained clinician.

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PR Exercise 2: Working with a partner, using the Arm Test
(photos 3 and 4)

Photo 3: Testing the Arm in the Clear Photo 4: Testing the Arm in the Clear

•Ask your partner for permission to test his or her arm. We test first
in the clear to get a feel for how flexible the arm may be.
•To test your partner’s arm, face your partner, and ask him or her
extend his or her arm and hold it firm, relaxing the wrist. (photo 3)
•Stand to the side where the arm is extended, and look straight
•Place one hand on your partner’s nearest shoulder and, using three
fingers of your other hand, place it on your partner’s relaxed wrist. Ask
your partner to hold the arm firm.
•Push on the arm, using 2-5 pounds of pressure (it is not necessary
to fight the tester. If your arm feels weak, let it drop). Push down firmly
but smoothly (do not bounce the arm). Note what happens – arm is firm
or arm is weak. Now have your partner relax the arm.

Begin with the name test:

Have your partner extend the arm and say, “My name is_____ (his or
her name).” Push on the arm. Arm will be firm. Answer is positive (yes).
Now have your partner extend the arm and “My name is_____ (use
someone else’s name).” Push on the arm. The arm will test weak. (photo 4)
Continue with the exercises.

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Partner Assisted Specific PR:
Have your partner access the problem to be treated and get a SUDS
rate from 1-10. Then do the following:
Diagnosis: Arm Test: Push on arm after each statement.
“I want to get over this problem” versus “I want to keep this prob-
lem” or be specific and name the type of problem, that is, depression,
fear, anger, etc.
Treatment: If arm tests weak on positive statement and strong on
negative, or weak or strong on both, tap firmly on the K spot 5-10 times.

Partner Assisted Mini Specific PR (MPR): Push on arm after each

Diagnosis: When SUDS rate refuses to go down or moves up and
down erratically. Arm Test: “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem” (or name the
type of problem).
Treatment: If arm tests weak on positive statement and strong on
negative, or weak or strong on both, tap firmly on the K spot 5-10 times.

Partner Assisted Deep Level PR (PR2): Repeat the treatment from the
beginning, tapping under the nose above the lip instead of on the K spot.
Push on arm after each statement.
Diagnosis: Arm Test: “I will be over this problem versus “I will con-
tinue to have this problem.”
Treatment: If arm tests weak on positive statement and strong on neg-
ative, or weak or strong on both, tap firmly under the nose 5-10 times.

Partner Assisted Deep Level Mini PR: Push on arm after each statement.
Diagnosis: Arm Test: “I will be completely over this problem” versus
“I will continue to have some of this problem.”
Treatment: If arm tests weak on positive statement and strong on
negative, or weak or strong on both, tap firmly under the nose 5-10 times
as you repeat the exercise.

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Partner Assisted Recurring PR: Problem recurs days or weeks later.
When this happens you may be dealing with a complex situation
that may involve energy toxins and needs a therapist skilled in diag-
nostic techniques. Reader might try collarbone breathing and try
repeating the exercise.

Exercise 3: Are You Psychologically Reversed?

The following is a test to prove to you that it is possible to find out if
you are reversed. To do this, you will need a partner Remember, we are
all reversed at one time or another.

1. Face your partner and stand to one side. To the right side, if you
are testing the right arm, and to the left, if using the left.

2. Put one hand on the nearest shoulder and the other on the sub-
ject’s wrist. Subject’s hand should be relaxed. (photo 5)

3. Ask your partner to resist (hold arm firm) when you put pressure
on the arm. Push down firmly but smoothly (do not bounce the arm)
in one motion using 2 to 5 pounds of pressure. Note what happens
– arm is firm or arm is weak.

Photo 5: Partner Testing the Arm for Psychological Photo 6: Partner Testing the Arm for
Reversal: Palm Down Psychological Reversal: Palm Up

BYOT part 3:BYOT part 3 2/18/08 10:02 AM Page 56


4. Have subject put one hand over his or her head, palm down with-
out touching the hair. (photo 5)
5. Test arm. Note what happens – arm is firm or weak.
6. Have partner turn hand over so that the back of the hand, palm
up, is over the head. (photo 6)
7. Test arm. Note what happens – arm is firm or weak.
8. Your partner is not reversed if he/she tests strong on palm down
and weak on palm up. If he/she tests either weak on palm down and
strong on palm up, or weak or strong on both, partner is reversed
9. If your partner is reversed, both of you do the Specific Reversal,
firmly tapping the K spot on the side of the hand between the little fin-
ger and the wrist, using two fingers of your dominant hand. Now
retest. The reversal will be gone. The reason both do the tapping is
because if the arm is weak or strong on both it means you are both
reversed. You have similar problems and your energy fields are over-
lapping. If you work with a partner, it is easier to always do the tapping
together. This takes care of the possibility of overlapping PR ahead of
time and it makes it easy for the subject to mirror your actions.
It is never wise for you to tap on another person.
NOTE: Occasionally when testing the arm it may sometimes be dif-
ficult to distinguish how firm or flexible the arm feels. In this case (only
about 2% of the population), you might ask the subject if he or she can
feel a difference or you might notice that the arm is more flexible on one
statement than the other. Remember if the arm is weak or strong on
both, you both have a psychological reversal that must be cleared.

Exercise 4: Neurological Disorganization: more commonly called

Collarbone Breathing. (photos 7-14)
This exercise will realign the energy system and is used when PR is
very pervasive For most it will not be necessary. It appears to be compli-
cated and lengthy process but, once learned, you will be able to do it rap-
idly. Used alone, it is very useful as a stress reducer.
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Take several normal breaths
1. While holding the two finger of your right hand on the collarbone
spot on your right side, down one inch from where the collarbone
meets in a central V shape and over one inch to one side, firmly tap
continually on the gamut spot (the hollow between the knuckle of
the little finger and the ring finger (photo 7) with your dominant
hand, while you do the following:
2. Take a deep breath in and hold it (tapping continually).
3. Let half of it our and hold it (tapping continually).
4. Let all of it out.
5. Take a half breath in and pause (tapping continually).
6. Let all of it out.
7. Now switch your right hand over to the left collarbone spot and
repeat the same process. (photo 8)
8. Take a deep breath in and hold it (tapping continually).
9. Let half of it out and hold it (tapping continually).
10. Let all of it out.
11. Take a half breath in and pause (tapping continually).
12. Let all of it out.

Switch right hand to the left collarbone and repeart breathing and
tapping. (photo 8)
Using your left hand first on the right collarbone, do the breath work.
Now move on to the left, and tap the gamut spot. (photos 9 & 10)
Now make a fist putting your thumb inside on your palm, turn your
fist over and place the knuckles of your right fist on the right collarbone
spot tapping with your left hand and repeat the tapping and breath work.
(photo 11)

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Switch to the knuckles of your right fist on the left collarbone spot.
And repeat the exercise. (photo 12)
Switch and use the fist of your left hand first on the right and sub-
sequently on the left collarbone while tapping the gamut spot. Repeat the
breathing exercise with each change. (photos 13 and 14)

Practice this often until you can do it rapidly.


ABOVE EXERCISES or the individual or partner exercises, depending
on how you plan to use them. (Learning in sequence will make the treat-
ments simple.)

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Photo 7: Right Hand to Right Photo 8:

Collarbone Point Right Hand to Left Collarbone Point

Photo 9: Photo 10:

Left Hand to Right Collarbone Point Left Hand to Left Collarbone Point

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Photo 11: Photo 12:

Right Fist to Right Collarbone Point Right Fist to
Left Collarbone Point

Photo 13: Photo 14:

Left Fist to Right Collarbone Point Left Fist to Left Collarbone Point

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The Meridians
he meridians are the contact points that make up the algorithms
T (treatments). Electromagnetic field reactions have been found at
ancient acupuncture points that are the treatment points we tap in RRT.
Regarding his study of the body’s energy system, Nordenstrom, a radiol-
ogist and past president of the Nobel Prize Selection Committee, sug-
gested that such points have established scientific significance. [1] These
points are transducers of energy; where the physical energy of tapping
can be transduced into the appropriate (electromagnetic) energy of the
body so that the person can be put into proper balance. [2] Each meridi-
an has two end points. We need only tap on one end.
On the following pages you will find the abbreviations we use for the
tapping points and pictures of each point on the body. You might copy
these pages and take the time to practice tapping before continuing to
read. The easiest way to memorize these meridian sites is to begin at the
top: eyebrow (eb), side of eyebrow (se), eye (ue), under nose (un), and so
on down the body. After practicing this several times you will find that it
comes automatically. Learning these sites in any other fashion is much
more difficult.

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Abbreviation of tapping points, including related major organ and
emotional content. (photos 15-22)

eb: Eyebrow point: Beginning of eyebrow near side of nose. Bladder

meridian. Emotions: miffed, disturbed, restless, impatient, frustrated.
(photo 15)
se: Side of eye: Bone located on the outside corner of the eyebrow.
Gall bladder meridian. Emotions: resentment, rage, fury. (photo 16)
ue: Under eye. Bone located midpoint under the eye. Stomach
meridian. Emotions: fear, disgust, anxiety, greed, hunger, disap-
pointment, deprivation. (photo 17)
un: Under nose: Midway between the nose and upper lip. Governing
vessel. Emotion: embarrassment. (photo 18)
ch: Chin: Midway between lower lip and chin. Central vessel.
Emotion: shame. (photo 19)
cb: Collarbone: To find this point, run your finger from the top of
your neck down to the indentation midway point on the collarbone.
Move your finger directly down from this spot 1 inch. Now move
your finger at 90-degree angle (to the left or right) 1 inch. Kidney
meridian. Emotion: fear, anxiety, sexual indecision. (photo 20)
ua: Under arm, four inches down from the armpit, at the midpoint
of bra strap in women or even with the nipple for men. Spleen merid-
ian. Emotion: low self esteem,. anxiety. (photo 21)
liv: Tap just beneath the rib cage or on the outside of the thumb.
Emotion: unhappiness (very rare). (photo 22)

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Photo 15: Photo 16:

Hands to Eyebrow Points Both Hands to Sides of Eyes

Photo 17: Photo 18:

Both Hands to Under Eyes Right Hand to Under Nose

BYOT part 3:BYOT part 3 2/18/08 10:03 AM Page 64


Photo 19: Photo 20:

Right Hand to Under Chin Hands to Collarbone

Photo 21: Photo 22:

Right Hand to Under Arm Right Hand to Under Rib Cage

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Hand Points (photo 23)
Th: Thumb: Tap the outside edge of thumb even with base of the
thumbnail. Liver meridian. Emotion: grief.
If: Index finger: Tap side of finger (facing thumb) and even with base of
fingernail. Large intestine meridian. Emotion: dogmatic, guilt feelings.
MF: Middle Finger: Side of middle finger closest to thumb and even
with base of the nail. Circulation sex (regret, remorse, jealousy, stub-
Lf: Little Finger: Side of little finger closest to thumb at point even
with the base of the nail. Heart meridian. Emotion: anger.
Gamut (9g) or tri-heater: Point between the hollow between the lit-
tle finger and the ring finger. Thyroid meridian. Emotions: muddled
thinking, depression, despair, hopelessness, loneliness, despondency.
K or PR Spot: Karate spot on side of hand halfway between the little
finger and the wrist. Small intestine meridian. Emotions: lost or vul-
nerable, sad.

K Spot LF




Photo 23: The Hand Points

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The 9 Gamut
n addition to the regular treatment points, there is another that is done
I off one point. It is called the gamut. Its purpose is to fine tune the
brain. Each movement stimulates a part of the brain. The order is incon-
sequential except for humming and counting. One of the two must be
repeated, and both are related to brain hemisphere functioning. Left side
is digital, and right side is creative/emotional. The effect is to lower the
intensity of the problem.
The eyes are truly the windows of the soul. (EMDR and NLP also use
eye movements to access brain neurology in order to effect changes).
The gamut is typically used between sets of identical major treatments.
If one were to omit the gamut and the psychological reversal, it can be
shown that there remain over 87 million possible treatment sequences.
The algorithms are always done in the exact same order, algorithm,
gamut, algorithm, a kind of sandwich. The gamut can also be used alone
as a stress reducer.
Now follow the eye movements and the humming and counting
while continually tapping on the gamut point (the hollow between the
knuckle of the little and ring finger). (photo 23)
1. Open the eyes
2. Close the eyes.
3. Move eyes down right

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4. Move eyes down left
5. Roll eyes all the way around in one direction
6. Roll eyes in the opposite direction
7. Hum a tune (just a few bars)
8. Count to five
9. Hum again

Take time out to practice this procedure. You will learn to do it faster
over time.

Exercise 7: Eye Roll

We always finish each completed treatment with the eye roll. Tapping
is also done on the gamut meridian.
Holding your head steady and tapping on the gamut spot, take a
deep breath in as you roll your eyes toward the ceiling. Hold for a few sec-
onds; exhale as you roll the eyes down.
Do exactly the same thing only when you have rolled your eyes all
the way up, close your eyelids over them once or twice before rolling
them back down.

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We Are Ready to Begin

Healing Ourselves
The significant problems in our lives cannot be solved at the same
level of understanding we were at when they were created.
Albert Einstein

By my body’s actions, teach my mind.

William Shakespeare
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The Algorithms
hat you are about to learn for yourself will stretch your credulity.
W First, you will see a problem disappear before you are actually
exposed to the fearful situation. The proof lies in what happens when you
re-expose yourself. Thinking about the problem again, after successful
treatment is completed, is the first test. If you are free of the negative
feelings, the treatment has been successful. Then, whenever possible,
test it again in the actual situation. We call this the proving stage. The
algorithm is made up specific tapping points, or meridians, tailored for
specific problems. Each algorithm has three parts: the tapping sequence,
the gamut, and a repeat of the identical tapping sequence. It is like a
sandwich with two identical slices of bread with the gamut as the filler.
You will notice that there are categories of algorithms, some simple,
some complex and multiple. Start with one and if that doesn’t work, go
on to the next. We are all different, and what works for most may not
work for all. Individuals diagnosed with serious, lasting problems should
always consult a physician or a licensed therapist before using these
The following pages contain a complete list of the algorithms, plus
an outline of the steps to be followed (1) for individuals and (2) for those
working with partners. The partner format is designed to meet the needs
of professionals, but can be used by anyone working with a partner.

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SAMPLE: SIMPLE PHOBIAS (number 1 on the list)

Tap under the eye (ue), tap under the arm (ua), tap on the collarbone
(cb), do the 9 Gamut. When you see (repeat), it always means you are to
repeat the same algorithm you did at first: (under eye, under arm, col-
larbone). End with the eye roll (er).

Simple phobias ue, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

turbulence ua, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Past trauma, love pain,

grief (simple) eb, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
Past trauma (complex) eb, ue, ua, cb, Lf, cb, Inf, cb, 9g,
repeat, er

Addictive urge: ue, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Alternatives for urge reduction cb, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
ua, ue, cb, 9g, ua, ue, cb, er
ue, ua, cb, Lf, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
ue. cb, ue, 9g, (repeat), (use when urge
ue, cb, ua, cb, ue, 9g, (repeat), er
Lf, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
ue, ua, cb, ua, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Obsession (can use same as cb, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

addictive urge) ue, cb, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
Thumb, ua, cb, Lf, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
ue, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
ue, ua, cb, Lf, 9g, (repeat), er

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Anger Lf, cb, Lf, 9g, (repeat), er. If you wish,
while tapping say, “I forgive (name),
I know you do the best you can” and/or,
“I know you can’t help it” or “There is
forgiveness in my heart so I release
myself from this anger.”

Rage oe, cb, eb, 9g, (repeat) er,

(Begin with the final affirmation for
anger, “I forgive...”)

Guilt If, cb, If, 9g, (repeat), er. If you wish, use
these affirmations while tapping, “I for
give myself because I can’t help feeling
guilty,” and /or, “I am doing the best I
can and I release myself from guilt.”

Depression (emptiness, despair) eb, ue, ua, Lf, cb, Inf, cb, 9g, tap gamut
spot (30+ times) then check to see if
better. 9g, repeat gamut (30+) cb, er. It
may be necessary to repeat tapping on
the gamut until the depression is allevi-
ated. Sometimes I use these affirma-
tions while tapping, “I can be happy and
accept myself.”

Embarrassment under nose above upper lip, cb, 9g, (

repeat) er

Shame center below lip, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

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Pain cb, ue, cb, Lf, cb, Inf, cb, 9g, and then
same as depression, tap on gamut 30+
times. Check to see if better. Repeat
tapping on gamut until pain is
alleviated), 9g, er

Inhalant type allergy Middle f, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Nasal congestion Under nose above upper lip, cb, 9g,

(repeat), er

Stress Eye roll, 9g, (repeat), er

Above normal clumsiness or Collarbone breathing on regular basis

awkwardness, negativity

Reversal of words, concepts, Fix psychological reversal. Same with

behavior negative behavior.

Common panic/anxiety attack eb, ue, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Sequences. Complex need ue, ua, eb, cb, Lf, 9g, (repeat), er
diagnosis ua, ue, eb, cb, Lf, 9g, (repeat), er
eb, ua, ue, 9g, (repeat), er
ue, eb, ua, Lf, 9g, (repeat), er
cb, ue, ua, 9g, (repeat), er

Fatigue ue, cb, eb, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Frustration, impatience eb, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

Jealousy Mid f, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat) and use

affirmation, “I’m OK. I am good as
I am,” er

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Jet Lag: going East-West ua, ue, cb, 9g, (repeat), er
going West-East ue, ua, cb, 9g, (repeat), er

TMJ mouth tight, finger at TMJ, ue, mouth

open, finger at TMJ, ue, 9g, (repeat), er

Comprehensive Algorithms: These are based upon clinical experience

and the Emotional Freedom Technique.[2] Try using them. If they work
well before you get to the hand points, they can be omitted and just do
9g and repeat the body points.

eb, oe, ue, ch, cb, ua (Th, If, Mf, Lf, K) 9g, (repeat), er
eb, cb, oe, cb, ue, cb, un, cb, ch, cb, ua, cb, (Th, cb, If, cb, Mf, cb, Lf , cb,
K) 9g, (repeat), er

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RRT Exercises
Exercise 8: Individual and Partner Assisted Treatment Outlines
1. Choose the problem you want to eliminate.
2. Choose the algorithm that fits the specific problem you have chosen.
3. Enter the thought field. Think about the problem, see it in your
mind’s eye, notice what you say to yourself about it, feel the feelings.
If there are smells or tastes include them.
4. When the problem is as real to you as though it were happening
now: Rate the emotion on a 10-point SUDS, 10 being the most
intense distress and 1 being free of stress. Write the number down.
5. Do the algorithm that fits the problem.
6. Do a second SUDS and, if at one or two, continue with the 9 gamut
(number 8).
7. If you are above a 2, do the Specific PR: Tap on the K spot (side of
the hand halfway between the knuckle of the little finger and the
wrist), and then return to number 1.

8. Do the gamut (continually tapping on the hollow between the

knuckle of the little finger and the ring finger).

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•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Move your eyes down right
•Move your eyes down left
•Twirl your eyes around in one direction
•Twirl your eyes in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
9. Repeat the algorithm.
10. Take a SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
11. If not, do the Mini PR. Tap on the K spot (side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist) and return to
number one.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. Rarely, if the SUDS refuses to reach a 1-2 on the scale, repeat the
exercise in exactly the same way, only this time use the Deep Level
PR and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR to replace the
Specific and Mini. (Remember to tap under the nose, instead of the
K spot.)
14. Finish with the eye roll.

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Partner assisted
Working with a partner is a more complex procedure and has been
included for professional use. However, this procedure can be learned
and used by nonprofessionals.
When using the arm test you extend your arm (right or left), relax-
ing your wrist. Your partner will push on your arm as you resist. It is not
necessary to fight the tester. If your arm feels weak, let it drop.
1. Test the arm in the clear just to get a feel for flexibility.
2. Do Hand over Head Test pg. 55 or Name Test: Say your name “My
name is ________” and partner tests your arm. Arm should test
strong. Retest the arm using someone else’s name, (any name will
do.) Arm should test weak.
3. Choose the problem you want to eliminate.
4. Choose the algorithm that fits the specific problem you have chosen.
5. Enter the thought field. Think about the problem, see it in your
mind’s eye, think about what you say to yourself about it, feel the
feelings, if there are smells or tastes include them.
6. When it is as real to you as though it were happening now:
Rate the emotion on a 10-point SUDS, 10 being the most
intense distress and 1 being absence of stress. State the number on
the scale.
7. Test your partner’s arm: Extend the arm and have your partner say,
“I want to get over this problem,” (or be specific and name the kind of
problem). Partner pushes on the arm. Arm should be strong. Re-test
the arm but this time stating, “I want to keep this problem.” Arm
should test weak. If so go on with the algorithm (step 9).
8. If reversed, (weak on positive statement and strong on negative or
weak or strong on both), do the Specific PR: tap 5-10 times on the
K spot (side of the hand halfway between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist).

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9. Do the algorithm you have chosen.
10. Do the 9 gamut steps:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud (Yankee Doodle, perhaps)
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm.
12. Do a second SUDS. If down to a 1-2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If not, there is a Mini Specific PR. Extend the arm and have your
partner say, “I want to get completely over this problem,” (or be
specific and name the kind of problem). Partner pushes on the
arm. Arm will be weak. Re-test the arm, but this time say, “I want
to continue to have some of this problem.” Arm will test strong.
14. Tap 5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Retest the SUDS and
finish with the eye roll, unless the SUDS remains a 3 or more.
15. If so, (rare) repeat the exercise (steps 1-14), substituting the Deep
Level PR and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR for the
Specific and Mini PR. Tap under the nose instead of the K spot. Use
the following arm tests:
16. Deep Level PR arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus, “I will
continue to have this problem.”

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17. Mini Level Deep PR arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will be completely over this problem.”
18. Always finish with the eye roll.

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Using the 30 Treatment Algorithms
Cautionary note: Individuals with long term, or serious mental
health issues should always consult with a professional physician before
beginning treatment of any kind.
Now it is time for you to learn how to calm your own fears. This
chapter is divided into 31 separate algorithms for 31 different psycho-
logical problems. I have elected to use two approaches. As stated earlier,
the first is for individuals working alone, and the second is for those
working with a partner. The first set of algorithms is written for the
novice. The second set is written with professional therapists in mind
who want to learn the more complex process to use with patients. Both
are easy to learn and, once you have learned how, anyone can use
them. Trained professionals, skilled in uncovering secondary gains and
related underlying emotional content, can easily use RRT in concert
with other techniques.

Exercise 9 – Phobias

Category 1: Simple phobias which cover almost all common and

uncommon phobic reactions
Category 2: Specific phobias concerning fear of spiders,
claustrophobia, and turbulence

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Most therapists find phobias very difficult to cure. Some claim that
they cannot be fully eradicated. I beg to differ. Phobias are easy to treat.
You will notice on the list there are two categories of phobias: common
phobias and specific, (for spiders, claustrophobia, and turbulence.) In
some respects, the term common is misleading. Phobias come in all
sorts of packages. One can be phobic about almost anything.
The following are three examples of phobias I have treated.
I held a seminar in March of 2001. I asked for volunteers. Attending
were two women, both of whom were claustrophobic. Since both volun-
teered I decided to treat them both at the same time. There was a large
closet in the room. I asked them to think about how they would feel
being placed in the closet with the door closed. Their fear reactions were
graphic. Both of them paled, shook their heads, their breathing became
shallow, and their eyes dilated. As we tapped, their symptoms disap-
peared one by one, a common occurrence.
Five minutes later, after doing the phobia algorithm just one time,
both were able to enter and remain in the closet, with the door closed,
without feeling anxious. They couldn’t believe it. At the end of the sem-
inar, I asked them to test the cure by re-entering the closet. The fear had
not returned.
A young woman client was coming to see me for the first time. My
office has an outside stairway that leads up to a small balcony overlooking
a panoramic view of water, land, and mountains. I noticed, as she ascend-
ed the stairway, that her steps became tentative and that she hugged the
railing. When she reached the top, she appeared to be even more uncom-
fortable. It was clear that she was afraid of heights (acrophobic).
As I ushered her inside, she visibly relaxed. We had briefly discussed
her difficulties on the telephone and she had not mentioned that a pho-
bia was one of the problems troubling her. I asked her how long she had
been afraid of high places. She could not remember when her fear began,
but thought it might have been in childhood. I offered to treat her pho-
bia. She looked skeptical and asked me “How?” My explanation did not
alleviate her doubts, but she agreed to let me try. We did the phobia algo-

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rithm and within a few minutes she felt “different, more relaxed.” After
the session, when it was time to leave, I took her, reluctantly, back out-
side on the balcony. Although it was obvious to her that her fear was
gone, she found it very hard to believe (a typical reaction). Since then,
there has been no further recurrence. Sometimes we hold our treatment
sessions on the outside deck.
On May 24, 1997, I was asked to demonstrate the phobia cure on the
Weekend Exchange, Channel 5, in Cleveland, Ohio. To my knowledge,
there are very few professionals who will demonstrate their methods on
television. It sounds risky but we know that the therapy works. The mod-
erator, whom I had never met, had a lifetime fear of frogs. On the day I
was to appear, a frog was brought into the studio in a large glass aquari-
um. When the moderator looked inside, her heart began to race, and she
did not want to be anywhere near. I explained what I was going to do.
With her consent, I did the phobia algorithm, which included clearing
her psychological reversals as we went along.
After the treatment, which took approximately five minutes, I took
the top off of the aquarium. I asked her if she would be willing to reach
in and touch the frog. She slowly walked over and, after a minute or so,
reached into the aquarium and gently stroked the frog, astounded that
she was no longer afraid.

Category 1: Simple Phobia

Working alone
1. Choose a phobia you want to alleviate.
2. Select the appropriate algorithm to treat it.
3. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, listen to
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion).
When you are ready:
4. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.

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5. Tap beneath the eye (the bottom center of the bony part). Tap
firmly with two fingers, using your dominant hand. Do this five times.
6. Tap firmly five times under the arm, four inches below the armpit
even with the nipple.
7. Tap the collarbone point firmly five times (to locate the point,
begin where the collarbone meets in a V at the throat and move
one inch directly down and one inch to either side).
8. Take a SUDS reading. If it has gone down 1-2 points, continue with
the gamut (number 9). If not, do the Specific PR (tapping continu-
ally on the K spot on the side of the hand between the knuckle of
the little finger and the wrist), and go back to step 1.
9. Do the 9 gamut while tapping continually on the gamut point
(halfway down side of hand between the knuckles of the little and
ring fingers).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Move your eyes down right
•Move your eyes down left
•Roll your eyes all the way around in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a song aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: eye, arm, collarbone.
11. Take another SUDS rating and write it down. If it is at a 1 or a 2,
end with an eye roll.

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12. If not, and your stress rate is above 2, or is moving up and down
again, do the Mini Specific PR: Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot
(side of the hand, halfway between the knuckle of the little finger
and the wrist). Go back to step 1.
13. Take a SUDS. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If the SUDS remains high, (rare), repeat the exercise, tapping
instead under the nose, not on the K spot.
15. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a phobia you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, listen to
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1
meaning there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem.”
Partner pushes on the arm. Arm should test strong.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem.” Arm should test
weak. If so, continue the exercise with the algorithm (number 7).
6. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both) do the Specific PR: Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist) and continue.
7. Tap beneath the eye (the bottom center of the bony part). Tap five
times firmly with two fingers, using your dominant hand.
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm, four inches below the armpit
even with the nipple.

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9. Tap the collarbone point firmly five times (to locate the point,
begin where the collarbone meets in a V at the throat and move
one inch directly down and one inch to either side).
10. The 9 gamut: Tap continually on the hollow between the knuckle
of the little finger and the ring finger, while doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tine aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: eye, arm, collarbone.
12. Take another SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the
eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, ””I want to be completely over this
problem” versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
If reversed (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR.
15. Tap 5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.

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17. If not, go back to number 1, only this time you will use the Deep
Level PR, and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR, tapping
instead under the nose. Arm tests:”I will get over this problem”
versus “I will keep this problem,” and when necessary, the Mini
Deep Level PR, “I will continue to have some of this problem”
versus “I will get completely over this problem.”
18. Finish with the eye roll.

Category 2: Fear of Spiders, Claustrophobia, and Turbulence

These three phobias are treated slightly differently. The order of
tapping is arm, eye, collarbone. I have done many of these in my office
and in training sessions and they are always successful.

Working alone
1. Choose a phobia above you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap beneath the arm (opposite the nipple area). Tap firmly with two
fingers, using your dominant hand. Do this five times as you keep
thinking about the problem.
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye (on the bony ridge directly
under the eye).
6. Tap the collarbone point firmly five times (to locate the point,
begin where the collarbone meets in a V at the throat and move
one inch directly down and one inch to the either side).
7. Take a SUDS rate, and only if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (number 9).

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8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points do the Specific PR. Tapping
on the side of the hand halfway between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, say aloud three times, “I accept myself even
though I have this problem,” and return to number 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a tune
•Count to five
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: arm, eye, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. If not at 1 or 2, do the
mini PR (tapping on the side of the hand halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist) and return to step 1.
I2. If the SUDS remains high, (rare), repeat the exercise, tapping
instead under the nose, not on the K spot.
13. Finish with the eye roll.

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Working with a partner
1. Choose a phobia that you want to alleviate.
Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, listen to
what do you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
2. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
3. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem,” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember the number.
4. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem,” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue with the
algorithm (number 6). If arm does not test firm on the positive
statement and weak on the negative, or weak or strong on both, do
the Specific PR.
5. Tap 5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist) before continuing.
6. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area) and
keep thinking about the problem.
7. Tap firmly five times under the eye (the bony part directly beneath
the eye).
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (to locate the point, begin
where the collarbone meets in a V at the throat and move one inch
directly down and one inch to either side).
9. The 9 gamut: Tap continually on the hollow between the knuckle
of the little finger and the ring finger, while doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right

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•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tine aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: arm, eye, collarbone.
11. Take another SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the
eye roll.
12. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
13. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this
problem” versus “I want to continue to have some of this
14. If reversed (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR Tap 5-10 times
on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rate.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll. If not,
go back to number 1, only this time you will use the deep level PR,
and, when necessary, the mini deep level PR, tapping instead under
the nose. Arm tests: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem,” and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR,
“I will continue to have some of this problem” versus “I will get
completely over this problem.”
16. Finish with the eye roll.

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Exercise 10 – Traumas
Category 1: Simple Past Traumas
Category 2: Complex Past Traumas
Rating traumas on a simple or complex scale can be difficult
because, to the individual, emotional pain is relevant. We all are different
and react according to our ability to cope. Trauma can be devastating
because it is based upon actual events in one’s life. Traumas, unlike pho-
bias, are not irrational fears and, unlike a phobia, which can often be
avoided, a trauma cannot. Like other problems, traumas also come in
different forms and intensities. The one that has received the most atten-
tion is post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) because it is associated
with wartime experiences. However, anyone with a traumatic back-
ground can suffer from this disability.
To a person suffering from PTSD the world is seen as an unfriendly
place. Feelings are often “stuffed” instead of expressed. Victims may
numb out and often complain that PTSD is “crazy making.” Some vic-
tims have an overactive startle response. Traumas have one thing in
common, they can be soul destroying. The following are illustrations of
(1) simple and (2) complex traumas.
Simple Trauma: My hotel roommate, during a conference on
Neurolinguistic Programming, was a charming woman. However, she
appeared to be upset about something. I didn’t know her well enough to
inquire but, later on in the day, she confided in me that the reason she
was distracted was because her dog had died a few days earlier. He had
been her friend for many years and when he fell ill, she had to put him
down. She began to cry. I told her that I had learned something new that
might be able to help ease her pain. I explained energy tapping to her,
and like so many others, she found it hard to believe that her grief could
be quickly alleviated. However, she was willing to try. I used the simple
trauma treatment and she immediately felt better. Later that evening,

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she began talking about her dog. However, this time she remembered the
happy times. The burden of sadness had lifted. Like others, she wanted
to know how she might learn more about the process.

Category 1: Simple Past Traumas, i.e., emotional pain caused by an

unrequited love and/or simple grief trauma

Working alone
1. Choose a trauma you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, listen to
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means t
here is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap the eyebrow (the part of the brow at the end of the eye near the
nose). Tap firmly with two fingers, using your dominant hand. Do
this five times. Keep thinking about the problem.
5. Tap the collarbone point firmly five times (to locate the point,
begin where the collarbone meets in a V at the throat, then move
one inch directly down and one inch to either side.
6. Take another SUDS rating and write it down. If it has decreased 2
or more points, continue with the gamut (number 8).
7. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR, tapping
5-10 times on the side of the hand (halfway between the knuckle of
the little finger and the wrist) and return to step 1.
8. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on
the hollow spot between the knuckle of the little finger and the
ring finger.

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•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune out loud
•Count to five out loud
•Hum again
9. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, collarbone.
10. Take a SUDS rating and if at a 1 or 2 finish with the eye roll. If above
2, do the Mini PR. Tap on the side of the hand (halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist, and return to step 1. If not,
repeat the exercise, only this time tap beneath the nose not on the
K spot.
11. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a trauma you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, what do
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Partner extends the arm and says, “I want to get rid of this trauma.”
Arm should test firm.
5. Retest arm saying, “I want to keep this trauma.” Arm should test
weak. If so, continue the exercise (number 7).
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6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, firmly tap the K spot, located on the side of the hand
between the wrist and little finger. Continue with the algorithm.
7. Tap the eyebrow (spot nearest the nose). Tap firmly with two
fingers, using your dominant hand. Do this five times.
8. Tap on the collarbone spot. To locate it, begin with the V at the
throat and go down one inch and then an inch to either side.
9. Do the 9 gamut: Tap continually on the hollow between the
knuckle of the little finger and the ring finger, while doing
the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tine aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, collarbone.
11. Take another SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the
eye roll.
12. If at a 3 or more use the Mini Specific PR. Test the arm on “I want
to get completely over this problem” versus” I want to continue to
have some of this problem.” The arm will test weak on positive
statement and strong on negative or strong or weak on both.

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13. To erase the PR, tap 5-10 times on the K spot (side of the hand,
halfway between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.)
14. Take a final SUDS. You will be at a one or two and will finish with
the eye roll.
15. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise
(go back to step 1) only this time you will use the Deep Level PR
followed, if necessary, by the Mini Deep Level PR.
16. For this exercise, tapping is done under the nose, not on the
K spot.
17. If a Mini Deep Level PR is present, test the arm on, “I will get
completely over this problem” versus “I will continue to have some
of this problem.” Tap again under the nose. This will take care of
more difficult problems.
If problem persists, consult a clinician skilled in diagnosis.

Category 2: Complex Traumas

For some time I treated a brilliant woman who had an extremely
traumatic childhood. She was an adopted child in a very religious fami-
ly. There was one natural child in the family, also a girl, who was treat-
ed like a princess. My patient, on the other hand, was treated like
Cinderella. She was beaten, humiliated, and was in constant danger
from her adoptive mother. Father was a pastor and often absent from
the home. When he was present he assumed a passive role, and my
client had no protector. In spite of her background, she grew up to
become a highly educated and gifted professional. While at her peak,
she became ill with a debilitating, progressive illness.
Several years later, I saw her in my office. Using Neurolinguistic
Programming techniques, we had made progress. In the beginning of
treatment, she could not recall details of her early childhood. (Amnesia
is one of the symptoms of post traumatic stress). After several months,

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she began to recover some of those memories (with no suggestions
from me). I am careful not to implant false memories. Having just
finished my first TFTTM training, I suggested that we try to eliminate
some of the suffering she had experienced during her hcildhood
which was now coming back to haunt her. She agreed, and we did our
first trauma treatment, and it turned out successfully.
What she decided to do with the information was both creative and
exciting. She took the trauma algorithm (I had written it out for her),
home and posted it on the refrigerator door where she could easily see it.
She proceeded, on her own, to treat one traumatic incident after anoth-
er. When she came in for her next weekly appointment, I knew some-
thing was different. She explained what she had done and stated that she
felt like a new person. Furthermore, treating several traumas appeared to
have erased the pain of others that had not been treated, a not uncom-
mon experience.

Working alone
1. Think about the trauma you want to eliminate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, what you
say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times, with two fingers, on the eyebrow (next to
the nose).
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye (on the bony part). Keep
thinking about the problem.
6. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone spot (one inch down from
the V where the collarbone meets at the neckline and one inch
over to either side).

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8. Tap firmly on the little finger (side of finger next to nail facing
the thumb).
9. Tap firmly five times again on the collarbone.
10. Tap firmly five times on the index finger (side of finger next to the
nail facing the thumb).
11. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
12. Take a SUDS rate, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with gamut (number 14).
13. If not, do the Specific PR, while continually tapping firmly on the
K spot (side of the hand, between the little finger and the wrist). Go
back to step 1.
14. Do the 9 gamut while continually tapping on the gamut point
(hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
15. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, under the eye, under the arm,
collarbone, little finger, collarbone, index finger, collarbone.
16. Take another SUDS. If you are at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.

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17. If not and you are at a three or more, do the Mini PR. Tap 5-10
times on the side of the hand (halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist). Go back to step 1
18. Finish with the eye roll.
19. In rare cases the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all
the above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the
exercise (go back to step 1) only this time you will use the Deep
Level PR followed, if necessary, by the Mini Deep Level PR. For this
exercise, tapping is done under the nose, not on the K spot.
20. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a complex trauma you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, what do
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this trauma.” Arm
should test firm.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this trauma.” Arm should test
weak. If so, continue with the algorithm (number 7).
6. If not, tap 5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist, and
then continue.
7. Tap the eyebrow (spot nearest the nose). Tap firmly with two
fingers, using your dominant hand. Do this five times.
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye (on the bony part). Keep
thinking about the problem.

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9. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
10. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone spot (one inch down from
the V where the collarbone meets at the neckline and one inch over
to either side).
11. Tap firmly on the little finger opposite the nail and facing the thumb.
12. Tap firmly five times again on the collarbone.
13. Tap firmly five times on the index finger opposite the nail, facing
the thumb.
14. Tap again on the collarbone.
15. Do the nine gamut while continually tapping on the hollow
between the knuckles of the ring and the little finger.
•Open the eyes
•Close the eyes
•Move the eyes down right
•Move the eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a song aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
16. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, under the eye, under the arm,
collarbone, little finger, collarbone, index finger, collarbone.
17. Take another SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the
eye roll.
18. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.

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19. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
20. If reversed (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist). Take another SUDS rate.
21. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
22. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
23. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.” Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to
have some of this problem” versus “I will get completely over
this problem.”
24. SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin involved
and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 11 – Addictions
There are 8 possible alternative algorithms for urge reduction. First
choice is number 1 with 7 alternate choices.
Addictions are epidemic in our society. One can be addicted to sub-
stances, activities, and even to certain kinds of people. Addicts suffer from
uncontrollable urges that can totally control their actions. Just passing a
bakery (food), a bar, (alcohol), or a neighborhood where one can purchase
drugs can spark the addiction. Sex addiction is not uncommon. Addictions
can run in families, ruin relationships, cause business failures and add to
the crime statistics. Underlying all urges is a feeling of stress and anxiety.

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There is usually a pattern. I often suggest to my clients that they
keep a diary for a week to see what is going on an hour or so before their
urge is triggered. This is useful information for the addict and/or the
therapist. It will be helpful in treating each and every trigger point indi-
vidually and in diagnosing energy toxins, if any are present. RRT can
eliminate an urge in minutes. However, even though the treatment
works, there is a tendency for those afflicted to avoid doing one of two
things which must be attended to, (1) psychological reversal is common
after treatment has eliminated the urge and needs to be repeated, and (2)
noncompliance, that is, the addict has the algorithm and PR tools to stop
the urges, should they recur, but does not use them. It may be necessary
to repeat the treatment more than once in some individuals, but over
time this will become unnecessary.
It is also possible to use the treatment once and affect a cure. The
reader needs to recognize that the addiction seems to the addict to be the
solution to the immediate problem. The remorse and repercussions that
follow act as triggers in a never ending loop of addiction, remorse, anxi-
ety, and addiction. It is a very complex and powerful urge. The following
is a description of an uncomplicated or simple urge and is an illustration
that one can be addicted to all kinds of things.
Addictions come in all sorts of packages, even Starbucks’ frapucci-
nos. Last year, a client was referred to me by another therapist for her
addiction to using heavy cream in her coffee. She had gained a consid-
erable amount of weight and it was bothering her. I wondered what kept
her from using reduced fat cream or one of the lower fat creamers. “It
just isn’t the same,” she said. I treated her for her addiction and did not
see her for some time. Two months later she reappeared in the office just
to tell me that she had lost fifteen pounds and was drinking her coffee
black and “didn’t even miss using the cream at all.”
On a much more serious note, I was seeing a client who had a pres-
tigious job with a Fortune 500 company and a serious cocaine addiction.
He had lost his long-term relationship to his addiction and was on the
verge of bankruptcy. His employers were not yet aware of the problem

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but, if he didn’t do something soon, they would be. His anxiety over the
related problems only increased his dependence. I treated him and his
urge disappeared. He was fine for several weeks, when it returned. For
just this reason, I had sent a written algorithm home with him. I also
taught him psychological reversal techniques and collarbone breathing
to reduce his stress reactions.
However, he had not followed instructions. In the case of addictions,
noncompliance is common. Since he had been free of any urge for
cocaine for several weeks, he was aware of the change in his behavior.
Unfortunately, the weekend prior his return visit, he had relapsed. We
redid the treatment. The second time was the charm. When I spoke with
him again, several months later, he was paying off his debts and had ini-
tiated a new relationship.
There are eight versions of the addiction algorithms included here.
The first is always the most common choice. However, one size does not
fit all (everyone has his or her own energy patterns so addictions can
often be complex). If the first choice does not eliminate the urge, try the
others. I often recommend collarbone breathing, several times a day for
addictive clients.

Addictions: First Choice

Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part) with two fingers.
5. Tap firmly under the arm five times (opposite the nipple area).
Continue thinking about the problem.

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6. Tap firmly on the collarbone point five times (down one inch from
the V at the neckline and one inch over to the right or left).
7. Take a SUDS rate, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut. (number 9)
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap 5-
10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist. Go back to number 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: eye, arm, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If not at 1 or 2, do the Mini PR. Tap on the side of the hand,
(halfway between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist).
Return to step 1.
13. If the SUDS is still not down to a 1-2, repeat the exercise, tapping
under the nose, instead of the K spot.
14. Finish with the eye roll.

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Working with a partner
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem,” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem,” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue with the
treatment algorithm (number 7).
6. If arm tests weak on the positive statement and strong on the
negative, or weak or strong on both, do the Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist, and continue.
7. Tap firmly under the eye five times (bony part).
8. Tap firmly under the arm five times (opposite the nipple area).
9. Tap firmly on the collarbone five times (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and over one inch to the left or right).
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left

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•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of tine aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Do the algorithm a second time: under the eye, arm, collarbone.
12. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
13. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this
problem” versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
14. If reversed (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist.) Take a SUDS rate.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
16. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
17. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
18. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take a
SUDS rate.
19. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Addictions: Alternate 1
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, listen to
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly on the collarbone five times (down inch from the V at
the neckline and one inch over to the left or right).
5. Tap firmly under the eye five times (bony part).
6. Tap firmly on the collarbone five times.
7. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (number 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR.
Tapping on the side of the hand (halfway between the knuckle of
the little finger and the wrist). Return to step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud

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•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: collarbone, under the eye, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If not at 1 or 2, do the Mini PR. Tap 5-10 times on the side of the
hand (halfway between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.
Return to step 1.
13. If you are at a 1-2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If not, repeat the exercise, tapping under the nose, instead of the
K spot.
15. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, listen to
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Test arm saying, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or you can
name the type of problem). Arm should test firm. Remember or
write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue with the
treatment algorithm (number 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, or is weak or strong on both, do the Specific PR. Firmly
tap the K spot five times, located on the side of the hand between

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 107


the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist. Continue.
7. Tap firmly on the collarbone five times.
8. Tap firmly under the eye five times.
9. Tap firmly on the collarbone five times.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Do the algorithm a second time: collarbone, under the eye,
12. Take another SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the
eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this
problem” versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10 times

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 108


on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist). Take another SUDS rate.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rate.
20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Addictions: Alternate 2
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly under the arm five times with two fingers (opposite
nipple area).
5. Tap firmly under the eye five times (on the bony part).

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6. Tap firmly on the collarbone five times (one inch down from the V
at the neckline and one inch over to the right or the left).
7. Take a SUDS rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points, continue
with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap 5-
10 times on the side of the hand (halfway between the knuckle of
the little finger and the wrist). Return to step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (between the hollow of the little finger and the
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Do the algorithm a second time: under the arm, under the eye,
11. Take a SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If above a 2 or if the SUDS is stuck or moving up and down again,
do the following:
13. Tap firmly on the K spot 5-10 times. Go back to number 1.
14. If you are at a 1-2, finish with the eye roll.

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15. If not, repeat the exercise, tapping under the nose, instead of the
K spot.
16. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what do you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset.
4. Test the arm: Say, “I want to get rid of this addiction.” Arm should
be strong.
5. Test the arm. Say, “I want to continue this addiction.” Arm should
be weak.
6. If the arm is not strong on the positive statement and weak on the
negative statement, tap 5-10 times on the K spot (the side on the
hand between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.)
Continue the exercise.
7. Tap firmly five times under the arm with two fingers (opposite
nipple area).
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye (on the bony ridge). Keep
thinking about the problem.
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
at the neckline and one inch over to the right or left).
10. Do the 9 gamut (tapping continually on the hollow between the
knuckles of the ring and little fingers).
•Open the eyes

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•Close the eyes
•Move the eyes down right
•Move the eyes down left
•Whirl the eyes in one direction
•Whirl the eyes in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Redo the algorithm: under the arm, under the eye, collarbone.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If not, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this prob-
lem” versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”

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19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS.
20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Addictions: Alternate 3
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, noticewhat
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (beneath the
middle of eye on the bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from where
the collarbone meets at the V at the neckline and one inch down
and one inch over to either side).
7. Tap on the side of the little finger, facing the thumb.
8. Tap on the collarbone again.
9. Take a SUDS rate, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step
10. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR.
Tapping firmly on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the thumb), saying,
Say this aloud three times. Go back to step one.

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11. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Repeat the algorithm: under the eye, under the arm, collarbone,
little finger, collarbone.
13. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tapping
firmly on the K spot 5 times and say three times aloud, “I deeply
accept myself even though I still have some of this problem,” and
go back to step 1.
15. the SUDS is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead under
the nose, not on the K spot.
16. Always finish with the eye roll.

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Working with a partner
Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
1. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
2. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
3. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
4. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
(step 7).
5. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap 5-10 times on the K spot,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue.
6. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
7. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V at
the neckline and one inch over and one inch down to either side).
9. Tap firmly five times on the little finger.
10. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
11. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:

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•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Do the algorithm a second time: under the eye, under arm, collar
bone, little finger, collarbone.
13. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
15. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this
problem” versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
16. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist). Take another SUDS rate.
17. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
18. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 116


19. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
20. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS.
21. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Addictions: Alternate 4 (If you find that the urge increases instead of
decreasing with other algorithms, use this alternative)
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (beneath the
middle of eye on the bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from where
the collarbone meets at the V at the neckline and one inch down
and one inch over to either side).
6. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (beneath the
middle of eye on the bony part).
7. Take a SUDS rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points, continue
with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the thumb. ) Go back to
step one.

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9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: under the eye, collarbone, under the eye.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times. Go back to step 1.
13. If the SUDS is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead under
the nose, not on the K spot.
14. Always finish with the eye roll.

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Working with a partner
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
(step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot, located on the
side of the hand between the knuckle of the little finger and the
wrist and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from
the V at the neckline and one inch over and one inch down to
either side).
9. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 119


•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Do the algorithm a second time: under the eye, collarbone, under
the eye.
11. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
12. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem,”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
13. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rate.
14. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
15. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot). The arm
tests are as follows:
16. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
17. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rate.
18. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.
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Addictions: Alternate 5
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (beneath the
middle of eye on the bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from where
the collarbone meets at the V at the neckline and one inch down
and one inch over to either side).
6. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye.
9. Take a SUDS rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points, continue
with the gamut (step 11).
10. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR.
Tapping firmly on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist). Go back to
step 1.
11. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 121


•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Repeat the algorithm: under the eye, collarbone, under the arm,
collarbone, under the eye.
13. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times. Go back to step 1.
15. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping under the
nose, not on the K spot.
16. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.

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5. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
(step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,
(located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist) and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (beneath the
middle of eye on the bony part).
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from where
the collarbone meets at the V at the neckline and one inch down
and one inch over to either side).
9. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
10. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
12. Tap firmly five times under the eye.
12. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 123


13. Do the algorithm a second time: under the eye, collarbone, under
the arm, collarbone, under the eye.
14. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
15. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
16. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
17. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR.
Tap 5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between
the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another
SUDS rating.
18. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
19. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot). The arm
tests are as follows:
20. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
21. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
22. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Addictions: Alternate 6
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the little finger (side of
the nail facing the thumb).
5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from where
the collarbone meets at the V at the neckline and one inch down
and one inch over to either side).
7. Take a SUDS rate, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut. (step 9)
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist). Go back to step one.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger
and ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 125


•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: little finger, under the arm, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times. Go back to step 1.
13. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
14. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
(step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 126


located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times on the little finger (side of nail facing
the thumb).
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the
V at the neckline and one inch over and one inch down to either
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Do the algorithm a second time: little finger, under the arm,
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:

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14. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.” If reversed, tap firmly on the K spot 5-10 times.
15. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
16. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem,”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
17. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS.
18. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
19. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
20. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
21. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
22. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Addictions: Alternate 7
Working alone
1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
at the bottom of the inch and on inch to either side).
7. Tap five times under the arm.
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye.
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
10. Take a SUDS rate, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 10).
11. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Go back to
step one.
12. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 129


•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
13. Repeat the algorithm: under the eye, under the arm, collarbone,
under the arm, under the eye, collarbone.
14. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
15. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times and go back to step.
16. If the Suds rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
17. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an addiction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
(step 7).
BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 130


6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot, located on the
side of the hand between the knuckle of the little finger and the
wrist, and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony part).
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
at the bottom of the inch and on inch to either side).
10. Tap five times under the arm.
11. Tap firmly five times under the eye.
12. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
13. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 131


14. Do the algorithm a second time: under the eye, under the arm,
collarbone, under the arm, under the eye, collarbone.
15. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
16. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
17. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
18. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rating.
19. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
20. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level 20, Mini
PR. (Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
21. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
22. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
23. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Exercise 12 – Obsessions
There are 5 possible alternative algorithms for obsessions. First
choice is number 1 with 4 alternate choices.
Obsession is usually thought of as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
(OCD). However, it is possible to be obsessive for short periods of time,
for instance, when a relationship is terminated and you “just can’t stop
thinking about him or her.” Eventually you get over it. One can be obses-
sive about only one thing or many, usually related, things. Serious obses-
sion causes individuals to repeat behavior or actions, which mask under-
lying anxiety; i.e., obsessing whether or not a task was completed, a stove
turned off or continual hand washing and related repetitive movements
and thoughts.
As I mentioned earlier concerning addictions, the problem is often
the victim’s solution. Victims of OCD find themselves repeating behav-
ior, thinking and actions, which lead them to check over and over actions
that they had already completed. This lack of trust in oneself can take
over a person’s entire life. The best time to treat obsessive thinking is
when it is happening. There are five algorithms that can be used for
obsession. Begin with the first choice and, if necessary go on until you
find the one that is best for you.

Obsessions: First Choice

Working alone
1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.

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4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the collarbone (one inch
down from the V at the neckline and one inch over to the right
or left).
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
6. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
7. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist. Go back to
step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to 5 aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: collarbone, under the eye, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
12. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 134


moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times. Go back to step 1.
13. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
14. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue with the treatment.
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (begin at the V at the neck
line, go down one inch and over one inch to the right).
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 135


•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: collarbone, under the eye, collarbone.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Mini Deep Level 17.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 136


18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS.
20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Obsessions: Alternate 1
Working alone
1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down from V at neckline
one inch and one inch over to the right or left).
6. Tap firmly five times under the eye.
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
8. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut.
9. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Go back to
step 1.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:

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•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: under eye, collarbone, under eye, collarbone.
12. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
13. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times. Go back to step 1.
14. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
15. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.

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4. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
5. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue with the treatment.
6. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (begin at the V at the neck-
line, go down one inch and over one inch to the right).
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye.
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a tune
•Count to five
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: under eye, collarbone, under eye, collarbone.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.

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13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on nega-
tive or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rating.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary,. Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Obsessions: Alternate 2
Working alone
1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times on the thumb (outer edge opposite the nail).
5. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the arm (opposite
nipple area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down from V at neckline
one inch and one inch over to the right or left).
7. Tap firmly five times on the little finger (opposite the thumb).
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
9. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 10).
10. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist). Go back to
step 1.
11. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 141


•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Repeat the algorithm: thumb, under the arm, collarbone, little
finger, collarbone.
13. Take a SUDS rating. You should be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the
eye roll.
14. If your SUDS rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times, and go back to step 1.
15. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
16. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.

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5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue with the treatment
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap 5-10 times on the K spot,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times on the thumb (outer edge opposite the nail).
8. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the arm (opposite
nipple area).
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down from V at neckline
one inch and one inch over to the right or left).
10. Tap firmly five times on the little finger (opposite the thumb).
11. Tap five times on the collarbone (down from the V at the neckline
one inch and one inch over to the right or left).
12. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
13. Repeat the algorithm: thumb, under arm, collarbone, little finger,

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14. Take a SUDS rate. If down to a 1 0r 2, do the eye roll.

15. If your SUDS rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on
the K spot 5-10 times, and go back to step 1.
16. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
17. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10 times
on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist). Take another SUDS rating.
18. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
19. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
20. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
21. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
22. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Obsessions: Alternate 3
Working alone
1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
6. Tap five time on the collarbone.
7. Take a SUDS rate, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly on the K spot 5-10 times (side of the hand, halfway between
the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist). Go back to step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger, while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Move your eyes down right
•Move your eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll your eyes in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 145


•Count to five aloud

•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: under eye, under arm, collarbone.
11. Take another SUDS rate. If down to a I or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
13. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll. If the
SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead under
the nose, not on the K spot.
14. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 6).
6. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Specific PR. Tap 5-10
times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle
of the little finger and the wrist) and continue.
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7. Tap five times under the eye (on the bony part).
8. Tap five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
9. Tap five times on the collarbone.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments, Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger, while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Move your eyes down right
•Move your eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll your eyes in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: under eye, under arm, collarbone.
12. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
13. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem,”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
14. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rate.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.

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16. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
17. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will `
keep this problem.”
18. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem. Take
another SUDS rating.
19. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Obsessions: Alternate 4
Working alone
1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and over one inch to the right or left).
7. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite nail facing the thumb).
8. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 10).

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 148


9. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10
times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger
and ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: under the eye, under the arm, collarbone,
little finger.
12. Take another SUDS rate. If you are at a 1-2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
14. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
16. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
17. Finish with the eye roll.
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Working with a partner
1. Choose an obsession you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony part).
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and over one inch to the right or left).
10. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite nail facing the thumb).
11. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 150


•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Do the algorithm a second time: under eye, under arm, collarbone,
little finger.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10 times
on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rate.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS.

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20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 13 – Anger
See list of algorithms (pages xxx-xxx) for referent phrases you
might say while doing the anger treatment. You may find affirmations
to be helpful, but not crucial, to the success of the algorithm outcome.
Appropriately expressed anger is a healthy emotion unless it
becomes angry criticism or turns into rage. The following is a typical
illustration of how anger can become destructive and make meaningful
communication difficult.
I was working with a couple having marital problems. I’ll call them
“Carol” and “Joe.” Both were professionals who wanted to be right. In
our second session they began a heated argument, the husband, this
time, being the aggressor and the loudest. Underlying the anger were,
essentially, hurt feelings. I asked if this was typical of their confronta-
tions. I got a positive answer. Neither husband nor wife were familiar
with RRT+ but knew that I did something out of the ordinary.
I decided to intervene in the argument and asked Joe to give me
permission to do something that would cool his anger and make com-
munication more productive. Since they both came for help with their
marriage, he agreed. I did the algorithm, his anger immediately abated
and he calmed down. However, he thought this was just a “bunch of
hocus pocus.” When I saw the couple that following week, they were
more composed -- Joe in particular. He told me he had noticed that he
just couldn’t “get up the steam” to argue and that Carol didn’t seem to
trigger the intense feelings he had before. He said that he didn’t under-
stand how it happened, but that the treatment I had done worked
somehow and they were getting along better.

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Working alone
1. Choose an anger reaction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the side of little finger nail
facing the thumb.
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
where the collarbone meets at the neckline and one inch to the right).
6. Tap firmly five times on the little finger.
7. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Go back to
step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 153


•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum a tune
10. Repeat the algorithm: little finger, collarbone, little finger.
11. Take a SUDS rating, and if at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
13. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
14. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
16. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
17. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose anger reaction you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or

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you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment.
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on
the negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot five times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the side of little finger nail
facing the thumb.
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
where the collarbone meets at the neckline and one inch to the right).
9. Tap five times on the little finger.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 155


11. Do the algorithm a second time: little finger, collarbone,
little finger.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10 times
on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rate.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will be completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rate.
20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

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Exercise 14 – Rage
Rage differs from anger in intensity. Built-up anger can explode into
rage and become the underlying cause of abuse or even homicide or sui-
cide. Rage can also lead to a host of other problems as well, particularly,
some physical in nature.

Working alone
1. Choose a time you were enraged.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the outside edge of
your eyebrow.
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
at the neckline and inch over to the right).
6. Tap firmly on the outside edge of your eyebrow.
7. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 157


•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum a tune
8. Repeat the algorithm: outside edge of eyebrow, collarbone, eyebrow.
9. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the eye roll.
10. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly
5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway between
the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist) and go back to step 1.
11. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, collarbone, eyebrow.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If your SUDS rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway between
the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist) and go back to step 1.
14. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
15. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot
16. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a time your were in a rage.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or

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you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment.
algorithm (step 6).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot
(on the side of the hand halfway between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist) and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the outside edge of
your eyebrow.
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
at the neckline and inch over to the right).
9. Tap firmly on the outside edge of the eyebrow.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 159


11. Repeat the algorithm: outside edge of eyebrow, collarbone, outside
edge of eyebrow.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
15. If reversed, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K
spot (on the side of the hand halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist) and continue.
16. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
17. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
18. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist). Take another SUDS rate.
19. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
20. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
21. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 160


22. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rate.
23. Finish with the eye roll.
24. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 15 – Guilt
Guilt is a universal feeling that is easily resolved by admitting it and
not repeating the problem. However unresolved guilt often comes from
childhood and becomes shame over time. No matter how poorly children
are treated, being magical thinkers, they will take the blame for their par-
ents’ mistreatment of them. Being completely dependent, children
believe their parents are god-like. Over the years I have worked with chil-
dren of all ages, some abused, some not.
I am never surprised to hear children blame themselves for the
actions of their parents and go on to express guilt for having caused the
problems in the family. This feeling of guilt can continue into adulthood,
leaving the adult child with a heavy burden to carry - a burden which col-
ors his or her relationships, until or unless it is eliminated. The follow-
ing is what we propose to do.

Working alone
1. Choose a feeling or belief in your guilt that you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.

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4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on (the index finger opposite
the nail facing the thumb).
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and one inch over to the right).
6. Tap firmly on the index finger.
7. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist) and go back
to step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a tune
•Count to five
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: index finger, collarbone index finger.
11. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.

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12. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
13. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
14. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot
15. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a feeling or belief about your guilt you want to alleviate:
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Test the arm saying, “ I want to keep this problem” (or name the
type of problem) Arm should test firm.
5. Test the arm saying, “I want to keep this problem, (or name the
type of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue with the
treatment algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, do the Specific PR Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot
(on the side of the hand halfway between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist) and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on (the index finger opposite
the nail facing the thumb).
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and one inch over to the right).
9. Tap firmly on the index finger.

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10. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a tune
•Count to five
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: index finger, collarbone index finger.
12. Take a SUDS rating, and if down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
15. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rating.
16. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.

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(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
20. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 16 – Depression: Introductory points for depression and pain
algorithms come from Fred Gallo, Ph.D, training manual, ED x TM.
(Philadelphia, 1999, and Energy Psychology, CRC Press, London, N.Y.,
1999, page 189.

Depression is serious business. Seriously depressed individuals

should be under a doctor’s care. A depressed person sees the world as a
miserable place to be in and feels hopeless about the future. The
depressed individual focuses exclusively on the problem and does not
recognize any intervening positive events as joyful. On the contrary,
there is a continuous run of reinforcing “negative mind movies.”
Of course, everyone feels down at one time or another, but depres-
sion is much more pervasive and can lead to serious consequences and
even suicide. Luckily there are effective medications on the market that
help lift depressed states. The seriously depressed client should be treat-
ed in consultation with a physician. This algorithm will give you anoth-
er tool to use. It is effective but may have to be repeated several times and
used whenever needed.
The depression and pain algorithms are identical, except for the
introductory tapping points.

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Working alone
1. Choose a feeling of depression you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Introductory points: Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the
eyebrow (outer edge above your outer eye).
5. Tap firmly under the eye (on the bony part).
6. Tap firmly under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
7. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
8. Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right).
9. Tap firmly on the index finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
10. Tap firmly on the collarbone.
11. Tap firmly on the gamut spot 50 times (between the knuckle of the
little and ring finger).
12. Tap the collarbone 5 times.
13. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 15).
14. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
15. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).

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•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a tune
•Count to five
•Hum again
16. Repeat the algorithm (tapping the gamut point 50 times) and then
the collarbone 5 times.
17. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
18. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
19. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
20. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot
21. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a depressed feeling you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
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4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment.
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and continue with the treatment.
7. Introductory points: Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the
eyebrow (outer edge above your outer eye).
8. Tap firmly under the eye (on the bony part).
9. Tap firmly under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
10. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
11. Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right or left).
12. Tap firmly on the index finger (opposite nail, facing thumb).
13. Tap firmly on the collarbone.
14. Algorithm: Tap firmly 50 times on the gamut point
15. Tap the collarbone 5 times.
16. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right

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•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a tune
•Count to five
•Hum again
17. Do the algorithm a second time (tap the gamut point 50 times) and
the collarbone 5 times.
18. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
19. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
20. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.” If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 on the K spot and say,
“I deeply accept myself even though I still have some of this
problem.” Finish with the eye roll.
21. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
22. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
23. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
24. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.

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25. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 17 – Pain
Pain is debilitating, but I have been able to relieve pain with this
exercise. It is the same as the algorithm for depression. Only the intro-
ductory points are different.
Working alone
1. Choose a painful feeling you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Introductory points: Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the
collarbone (down one inch from the V at the neckline and one inch
to the right).
5. Tap firmly under the eye (bony part).
6. Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right).
7. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
8. Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right).
9. Tap firmly on the index finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
10. Tap firmly on the collarbone.
11. Tap firmly on the gamut spot 50 times.
12. Tap the collarbone 5 times.

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13. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 15).
14. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
15. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five
•Hum again
16. Repeat the algorithm: tapping the gamut point 50 times and then
the collarbone 5 times.
17. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
18. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
19 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
19. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
20. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
21. Finish with the eye roll.

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Working with a partner
1. Choose a painful feeling you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR: Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot
(on the side of the hand halfway between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist) and continue.
7. Introductory points: Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch
from the V at the neckline and one inch to the right).
8. Tap firmly under the eye (on the bony part).
9. Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right).
10. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
11. Tap firmly on the collarbone (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right).
12. Tap firmly on the index finger (opposite nail, facing thumb).
13. Tap firmly on the collarbone.

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14. Algorithm: Tap firmly 50 times on the gamut point and the collar
bone 5 times.
15. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
16. Do the algorithm a second time: tap the gamut point 50 times and
the collarbone 5 times.
17. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
18. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
19. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
20. If reversed, tapping firmly on the K spot and say. “I deeply accept
myself even though I still have some of this problem” and go to
step 1.
21. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
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22. Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over this problem,”
versus “I want to continue to have some of this problem.”
23. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on negative
or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5-10 times
on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the knuckle of the
little finger and the wrist). Take another SUDS rate.
24. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
25. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level Mini PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
26. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
27. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take
another SUDS rating.
28. If SUDS does not goes down to a 1-2, you may have a toxin
involved and need to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 18 – Panic/Anxiety
There are 6 possible algorithms for panic/anxiety reduction. First
choice is number 1 with 5 alternate choices.
Few are spared attacks of anxiety, at one time or another, during their
lifetimes. It is by far the most prevalent of all emotional distress and is,
in fact, the underlying cause of all psychological problems. The anxiety
can be specific or free floating, that is, there is no apparent cause. It can
be simple or complex. Panic attacks happen spontaneously and make the
victim feel ashamed or even crazy. Persistent stress can result in post-

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traumatic stress disorder. Some individuals are so anxious they cannot
leave the house (agoraphobia). Anxiety attacks can make life miserable
and make coping with everyday life a struggle.
In one case, a young man came to see me because he was house
bound. He would not drive, so the only way for him to get to my office
was to have a friend bring him. He was nervous, could not sit still, and
his speech was rapid and disconnected. He had been plagued with this
fear for over a year and had come to see me because he had some earli-
er success with an energy-based therapist. However, a later experience
with a second therapist made the problem much worse.
Treating agoraphobia and similar problems is often done in steps,
beginning with the point that the anxiety begins to be exhibited (think-
ing about leaving the house) and treating each and every step thereafter.
The young man got immediate relief from his first session with me. His
body relaxed and his speech slowed. I saw him one more time, after
which he was able to leave the house and drive himself from place to
place. I heard from him recently, and he is doing well.
You will notice there are several algorithms to treat anxiety. If num-
ber 1 doesn’t help, try the others. However, some kinds of anxiety are so
complex they will need the attention of a clinician trained in diagnosis.
Using collarbone breathing several times a day is quite helpful.

Panic/Anxiety: First Choice

Working alone
1. Choose an anxiety state you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.

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4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the eyebrow (next to
the nose).
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
6. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from where
the collarbone meets in a V at the neckline and one inch over to
the right).
8. Take a SUDS rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points, continue
with the gamut (step 10).
9. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
10. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, under eye, under arm, collarbone.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.

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13. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
14. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
15. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose the anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, do the Specific PR: Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot,
and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times the eyebrow (next to the nose).
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony area).
9. Tap firmly under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
10. Tap firmly on the collarbone (the V at the neckline, down one inch
and over one inch to the right).
11. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 177


between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Do the algorithm a second time: eyebrow, under the eye, under
arm, collarbone.
13. Take a SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
14. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
15. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
16. If reversed, (arm weak on positive statement and strong on
negative or strong or weak on both), do the Mini Specific PR. Tap
5-10 times on the K spot (side of the and halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist.) Take another SUDS rate.
17. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
18. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,

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following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
19. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.
20. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
21. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
22. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Panic/Anxiety: Alternate 1
Working alone
1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion.) When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the eyebrow (near the nose).
7. Tap firmly on the collarbone (where the collarbone meets in a V at
the neckline and down one inch and over one inch to the right).
8. Tap firmly five times on the little finger (opposite the nail facing
the thumb)

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9. Take a SUDS rating. If it has decreased 2 or more points, continue
with the gamut (step 11).
10. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
11. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Repeat the algorithm: under eye, under arm, eyebrow, collarbone,
little finger.
13. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
16. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
17. Finish with the eye roll.

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 180


Working with a partner
1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot,
and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
9. Tap firmly five times on the eyebrow (near the nose).
10. Tap firmly on the collarbone (where the collarbone meets in a V at
the neckline and down one inch and over one inch to the right).
11. Tap firmly five times on the little finger (opposite the nail facing
the thumb).
12. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
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•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
13. Do the algorithm a second time: under the eye, under arm, eye
brow, collarbone, little finger.
14. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
15. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
16. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.” Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, then do a
SUDS rating.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Deep Level PR and,
when necessary, The Mini Deep Level PR. (Remember to tap under
the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem.” Take a
SUDS rating.
20. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
21. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.
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Panic/Anxiety: Alternate 2
Working alone
1. Choose the anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye area).
6. Tap firmly five times on the eyebrow (nearest the nose).
7. Tap five times on the collarbone (the V at the neckline, down one
inch and over to the right one inch).
8. Tap five times on the little finger (opposite the nail facing
the thumb).
9. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 10).
10. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist). Go back to
step 1.
11. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 183


•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Repeat the algorithm: under arm, under eye, eyebrow, collarbone,
little finger.
13. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
15. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
16. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
17. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 184


5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot.
and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
9. Tap firmly five times on the eyebrow (closest to nose).
10. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (The V at the neckline,
down one inch and over to the right one inch).
11. Tap firmly on the little finger (opposite the nail facing the thumb).
12. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
13. Do the algorithm a second time: under arm, under eye, eyebrow,
collarbone, little finger.

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14. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
15. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
16. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
17. If reversed, tap firmly 5-19 times on the K spot, and go back to
number 1.
18. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly, same way, only this time you will use
the Deep Level P R and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
19. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
20. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
21. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
22. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Panic/Anxiety: Alternate 3
Working alone
1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 186


3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means

there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times on the eyebrow (next to the nose).
5. Tap firmly under the arm (opposite nipple area).
6. Tap firmly under the eye (on the bony part).
7. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: eyebrow, under arm, under eye.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 187


13. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
14. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
15. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get over this problem. Arm
should test firm.
5. Test the arm again saying “I want to keep this problem.” Arm
should test weak If so continue with the algorithm (step 7).
6. If am does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot,
and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the eyebrow (near
the nose).
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
9. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
10. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
11. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 188


•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
12. Do the algorithm a second time: eyebrow, under the arm, under
the eye.
13. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
14. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
15. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.” If reversed, Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot,
and go back to number 1.
16. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, when necessary, The Mini Deep Level
PR. (Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
17. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 189


18. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
19. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
20. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Panic/Anxiety: Alternate 4
Working alone
1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap under the eye (bony part).
5. Tap on the eyebrow (next to the nose).
6. Tap under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
7. Tap on the little finger (side of nail opposite the thumb).
8. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 19).
9. If reversed, do the Specific Reversal: tap firmly 5-10 times on the K
spot, and go back to number 1
10. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 190


•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Repeat the algorithm: under eye, eyebrow, under arm, little finger.
12. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
13. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
14. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
15. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
16. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now, (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get over this problem.” Arm
should rest firm.
5. Extend your arm and say, “I want to keep this problem.” Arm
should rest firm. If so, continue with the algorithm.
BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 191


6. If the arm does not test firm on positive statement and weak on the
negative statement, do the Specific PR; tap firmly 5-10 times on the K
spot and continue.
7. Tap under the eye (bony part).
8. Tap on the eyebrow (next to the nose).
9. Tap under the arm (opposite the nipple area).
10. Tap on the little finger (side of nail opposite the thumb).
11. Tap five times on the little finger (side of nail opposite the thumb).
12. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
13. Do the algorithm a second time: under eye, eyebrow, under the
arm, little finger.
14. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
15. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 192


16. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
17. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to
number 1.
18. Finish with the eye roll.
19. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, when necessary, The Mini Deep Level
PR. (Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
20. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
21. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
22. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
23. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Panic/Anxiety: Alternate Number 5

Working alone
1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 193


4. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down I inch from the V at
the neck and over I inch to either side).
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
6. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
7. Take a SUDS Rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If it has not decreased 2 or more points do the Specific PR Tao
firmly, 5-10 times on the K spot, halfway between the knuckle of
the little finger and the wrist. Go back to step 1.
9. Do the nine gamut while continually tapping on the gamut point
(hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Do the algorithm a second time: collarbone, under eye, under arm.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
13. Do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot,
halfway between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist. Go
back to step 1.
BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 194


14. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.
15. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
16. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose anxiety you want to alleviate.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice what
you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get over this problem.” Arm `
should test firm.
5. Test the arm again, saying, “I want to keep this problem. Arm
should test weak If so continue with the algorithm (step 7).
6. If the arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on
the negative, do the Specific PR; tap firmly 5-10 times on the K
spot, and continue.
7. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down I inch from the V at
the neck and over I inch to either side).
8. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony part).
9. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 195


•Eyes down left

•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Do the algorithm a second time: collarbone, under the eye, under
the arm.
12. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
13. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
15. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to step 1.
16. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 196


20. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
21. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 19 – Embarrassment
We have all felt embarrassed at one time or another. Some blush
when they are embarrassed. And there are those who blush so often and
so readily that the embarrassment is in not being able to control it. This
brings to mind a client I was seeing who blushed every time there was a
sexual allusion made in her presence whether or not it was made in jest
about something having nothing to do with her. As you can imagine, this
caused her difficulties and was in itself embarrassing. She had no control
over this reaction and wanted to be free of it. The problem stemmed from
an early childhood experience. This was treated first, followed by treat-
ment in imaginary problem circumstances which might occur in the
present and future.
After two treatments, the problem was solved. The following treat-
ment is recommended for embarrassing embarrassment.
Working Alone
1. If you have had a similar problem, think about it as though it is
happening now.
2. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
3. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the nose above the
upper lip.
4. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch down from the V
at the neckline and one inch over to the right).
5. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 7).

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 197


6. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
7. Do the nine gamut treatments while continually tapping on the
gamut point (hollow between the knuckles of the little finger and
ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum again
8. Repeat the algorithm: under nose, collarbone.
9. Take a SUDS rating. If you are at a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
10. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
11. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
12. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a time you felt embarrassed.
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 198


3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot 5-10 times,
(located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist) and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times under the nose above the lip.
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and one inch over to the right).
9. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 199


10. Do the algorithm a second time: under the nose, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
12. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
13. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
14. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to
number 1.
15. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
16. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
17. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
18. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
19. Finish with the eye roll.

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Exercise 20 – Shame
Shame can be toxic. It can be the basic underlying cause for many
psychological problems. There is a difference between shame and embar-
rassment. I think of shame as long lasting and basic, while embarrass-
ment is fleeting, even though it may return at a later date in a similar sit-
Toxic shame is a crippling emotion, and if you have experienced this
feeling, do the algorithm. Remember, toxic childhood shame is hard-
wired in the brain, but is as unrealistic as the childhood guilt feelings
that accompany it. It is pervasive and often continues into adulthood. It
is, more often than not, a complex problem that may need an outside
referral. However, in my experience, this treatment algorithm works well.

Working Alone
1. Think of a time you felt shamed.
2. Focus on your feelings of shame (think of the person causing you
the problem, see him or her, notice what you say to yourself about
it, feel the feelings).
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the point between the
chin and the lower lip.
5. Tap firmly on the collarbone (one inch down from the V at the
neckline and one inch over to the left or right.
6. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 8).
7. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.

BYOT part 4:BYOT part 4 2/18/08 10:05 AM Page 201


8. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
9. Repeat the algorithm: chin, collarbone.
10. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
11. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-
10 times on the K spot, and go back to number 1.
12. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
13. Most will be at a one or two and will finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose a time you felt shamed
2. Think about it as though it were happening now (see it, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel the emotion). When you
are ready:

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3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, 1 means
there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
(step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot, located on the
side of the hand between the knuckle of the little finger and the
wrist, and continue with the treatment.
7. Tap firmly five times on the point between the lower lip and
the chin.
8. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (down one inch from the V
at the neckline and one.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
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10. Do the algorithm a second time: chin, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points, finish
with the eye roll.
12. If it has not decreased 2 or more points, do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist).
13. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, do the eye roll.
14. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
15. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
16. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot and go back to step 1.
17. Finish with the eye roll.
18. Finish with the eye roll.
19. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time try the
Deep Level PR and, when necessary, The Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
20. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
21. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
22. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
23. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.
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Exercise 21 – Jealousy
Jealousy can be a very destructive emotional problem both to the
one who is experiencing the jealousy and the one at whom it is
directed. It is based upon personal insecurity, that is, a feeling that
you are not good enough, and has little to do with the object of your
attention or affection. Carried to an extreme it becomes an obsession,
sometimes related to paranoia, and can be a symptom of something
more serious.
Jealous accusations are often a factor in abusive relationships and
the abusers use it to curtail their partner’s activities. In severe cases I
have seen clients who allowed themselves to be isolated from relatives
and friends and imprisoned in their homes. Others are aware of their
jealousy but feel entrapped by it. Underlying a feeling of jealousy is a
feeling that you are unlovable and/or not as good as the competition.
This belief can be transformed into anger and projected onto the part-
ner. Simply feeling badly about being rejected is a normal reaction that
passes with time, if there are no deeper problems blocking resolution.
The following treatment has proven successful.

Working alone
1. If you are feeling jealous, think about it.
2. Focus on your feelings of jealousy (think of the person causing you
the problem, see him or her, notice what you say to yourself about
it, feel the feelings).
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the middle finger.
5. Tap firmly five times under the eye (bony area).

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6. Tap firmly on the collarbone (one inch down from the V at the
neckline and one inch over to the right or left).
7. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
8. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, side of the hand,
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist, and go back
to number 1.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: middle finger, under eye, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
12. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 10
times on the K spot 5-10 times, and go back to number 1.
13. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
14. Always finish with the eye roll.
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Working with a partner
1. Think of a time you felt jealous.
2. Focus on your feelings of jealousy (think of the person causing you
the problem, see him or her, notice what you say to yourself about
it, feel the feelings).
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 6).
5. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot five-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, then continue the exercise.
6. Firmly five times on the middle finger (on the side of the nail,
opposite the thumb).
7. Firmly tap under the eye (bony part).
8. Firmly tap the collarbone spot (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and over one inch to the right or left.
9. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction

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•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: middle finger, under eye, collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
12. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
13. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
14. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot say, and go back to
number 1.
15. Take another SUDS rating. You will be down to one or two. If you
are above a 2, go back to number 1.
16. Finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level
PR. (Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
19. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.

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20. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.
21. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.


Exercise 22 – Inhalant type (toxin)
These are sensitivities brought on by things you use on your body
(soap, deodorant, perfume, after shave lotion, cosmetics, as well as a
plethora of related product scents that are inhaled. As your body warms
up, fumes from such products are released and inhaled. We refer to these
as energy toxins because, when sensitivity exists, they will cause polari-
ty reversals. If you suspect a problem you might ask if your client heats
up easily. Other items such as pillows, mattresses, blankets, sheets, and
other products that you regularly come in contact with may be culprits
as well.
I recommend using unscented articles and/or washing powders.
This algorithm will help with the sensitivity, but if the problem of
reversal persists, then it would be wise to seek the aid of a practition-
er skilled in diagnosis, a basic ingredient in advanced training. Do the
following if you are significantly bothered by things you inhale
(smoke, perfume, fumes, etc.):

Working alone
1. Focus on inhaling the offending product.
2. Think about the odor, notice what you feel in your body, smell and
taste it, notice what you say to yourself about it.
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, ten is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the middle finger opposite
the nail and facing the thumb.

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5. Tap firmly five times under the arm (opposite nipple area).
6. Tap firmly on the collarbone (one inch down from the V at the
neckline and one inch over to the right).
7. Take a SUDS rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points continue
with the gamut (step 7).
8. If not, do the Specific PR: Tapping continually, 5-10 times, on the
K spot. Go back to step one.
9 Do the 9 gamut : tap continually on the hollow spot between
the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while doing
the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
10. Repeat the algorithm: middle finger, under arm collarbone.
11. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
12. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS is stuck or moving up
and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly on the K spot
5-10 times, and go back to number 1.
13. Finish with the eye roll.

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14. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot
15. Finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Choose an inhalant reaction you want to alleviate.
2. Focus on the offending substance. Think about the effects of the
specific inhalant as though it were bothering you now, (see yourself
having an attack, what do you say to yourself about it, feel the
effects of the allergy). When you are ready:
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, where ten is severe stress,
one means there is no trace of stress.
4. Extend your arm and say, “I want to get rid of this problem” (or
you can name the type of problem). Arm should test firm.
Remember or write down the number.
5. Test arm, saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type
of problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 7).
6. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot five-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, and then continue the exercise.
7. Firmly five times on the middle finger (on the side of the nail,
opposite the thumb).
8. Tap firmly five times under the arm.
9. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch below the V at the
neckline and over one inch to the right or left).
10. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while

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doing the following:

•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
11. Do the algorithm a second time: middle finger, under arm,
12. Take a SUDS rate. If down to a 1 or 2 do the eye roll.
13. If above a 2 or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following:
14. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
15. Take another SUDS rate. You will be down to a 1 or 2.
16. Finish with the eye roll.
17. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,
following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, if necessary, the Mini Deep Level PR.
(Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:

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18. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.” Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to
have some of this problem” versus “I will get completely over this
problem,” then do a SUDS rate.
19. Finish with the eye roll.
20. If the SUDS remains high, you may have a toxin involved and need
to consult someone trained in diagnosis.

Exercise 23 – Nasal Congestion
There is only one way of treating this problem. No partner is needed.
1. Simply tap under your nose when you feel congested five times.
2. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch below the V at the
neckline and over one inch to the right or left).
3. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again

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4. Do the algorithm a second time: tap under your nose, collarbone. If
needed, go back to step 1.
5. Always finish with the eye roll.


Exercise 24 - Stress (whenever you want a quick stress reliever)
1. Do the eye roll.
2. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch below the V at the
neckline and over one inch to the right).
3. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
4. Do the algorithm a second time: eye roll, collarbone, gamut.
5. Always finish with the eye roll

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Exercise 25 – Above normal clumsiness or awkwardness
Do the collarbone breathing on a regular basis at least two or three
times per day (see page 56).


Exercise 26 – Reversal of words, concepts, behavior, and negativity
Fix the psychological reversal and/or do collarbone breathing.

Exercise 27 – Common fatigue
This algorithm is the same for everyone. We all become fatigued. The
best solution is to rest, of course, but that is not always possible.
1. Rate the intensity of fatigue on a 10-point scale, ten is severe
stress, one means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
2. Tap firmly five times with two fingers under the eye (bony area).
3. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch under the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right).
4. Tap firmly five times on the eyebrow (next to the nose).
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch under the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right or left).
6. Take the SUDS rate. If at a one or two continue with the gamut
(step 8).
7. If not, do the Specific PR: tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot,
halfway between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist, and
go back to step 1.

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8. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
9. Do the algorithm a second time: under eye, collarbone, eyebrow,
10. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
11. If your stress rate is above a 2 or if the SUDS is stuck or moving up
and down again, do the Specific PR. Tap firmly 5-10 times on the
K spot and go back to number 1.
12. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
13. Finish with the eye roll.

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Exercise 28 – Frustration
Working alone
1. If you are feeling frustrated, think about it.
2. Focus on your feelings of frustration (think of the person causing
you the problem, see him or her, notice what you say to yourself
about it, feel the feelings).
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Tap firmly five times with two fingers on the outer eyebrow.
5. Tap firmly on the collarbone (one inch down from the V at the
neckline and one inch over to the right or left).
6. Take a SUDS rating, and if it has decreased 2 or more points,
continue with the gamut (step 9).
7. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot, side of the hand,
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist, and go back
to number 1.
8. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud

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•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
9. Repeat the algorithm: outer eyebrow, collarbone.
10. Take a SUDS rating. You will be at a 1 or 2. Finish with the eye roll.
11. If your stress rate is above a 2, or if the SUDS rating is stuck or
moving up and down again, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap firmly 10
times on the K spot 5-10 times, and go back to number 1.
12. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
13. Always finish with the eye roll.

Working with a partner

1. Think of a time you felt jealous.
2. Focus on your feelings of jealousy (think of the person causing you
the problem, see him or her, notice what you say to yourself about
it, feel the feelings).
3. Rate the intensity on a 10-point scale, 10 is severe stress, one
means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
4. Test arm saying, “I want to keep this problem” (or name the type of
problem). Arm should test weak. If so, continue the treatment
algorithm (step 6).
5. If arm does not test firm on the positive statement and weak on the
negative do the Specific PR. Firmly tap the K spot five-10 times,
located on the side of the hand between the knuckle of the little
finger and the wrist, then continue the exercise.
6. Firmly five times on the outer eyebrow.
7. Firmly tap the collarbone spot (down one inch from the V at the
neckline and over one inch to the right or left.

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8. Do the nine gamut treatments. Tap continually on the hollow spot
between the knuckles of the ring finger and the little finger while
doing the following:
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
9. Repeat the algorithm: middle finger, under eye, collarbone.
10. Take a SUDS rating. If down to a 1 or 2, finish with the eye roll.
11. If above a 2, or if the SUDS rate is stuck or moving up and down
again, do the following.
12. Arm test: Extend the arm and say, “I want to be completely over
this problem” (test arm) versus “I want to continue to have some
of this problem.”
13. If reversed, tap firmly 5-10 times on the K spot say, and go back to
number 1.
14. Take another SUDS rating. You will be down to one or two. If you
are above a 2, go back to number 1.
15. Finish with the eye roll.
16. Rarely, the SUDS rate will stay high or vacillate after the all the
above steps have been completed. If so, try repeating the exercise,

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following the steps in exactly the same way, only this time you will
use the Deep Level PR and, when necessary, the Mini Deep Level
PR. (Remember to tap under the nose, not on the K spot.) The arm
tests are as follows:
17. Deep Level arm test: “I will get over this problem” versus “I will
keep this problem.”
18. Mini Deep Level arm test: “I will continue to have some of this
problem” versus “I will get completely over this problem,” then do
a SUDS rating.
19. Most will be at a 1-2 and will finish with the eye roll.

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Exercise 29 – Jet lag
Jet lag is a combination of changes in eating and sleeping times and
crossing the North/South lines of electromagnetic force. Some people
find that taking 1-3 grams of melatonin is helpful once they have reached
their destination. I find that using the following algorithms during the
flight and again, once I reach my destination, work well. Use them when-
ever you feel the fatigue coming on.
There are two different algorithms: One for traveling from West to
East and one traveling from East to West. Since you will be doing these
alone, I have omitted the partner. Do this prior to boarding the airplane,
at two to four hour intervals, while flying and, again, on arrival.
First: from East to West
1. Rate the intensity of fatigue on a 10-point scale, ten is severe
stress, one means there is no trace of upset. Write down the number.
2. Tap firmly 5 times under the eye (on the bony area).
3. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone (one inch under the V at the
neckline and one inch to the right or left).
4. Take a SUDS rate and if it has decreased 2 or more points continue
with the gamut (step 7).
6. If it has not decreased 2 or more points do the Specific PR. Tap
firmly 5-10 times on the K spot (on the side of the hand halfway
between the knuckle of the little finger and the wrist,) and go back
to step 1.
7. Do the 9 gamut while continually tapping on the gamut spot
(between the knuckle of the little finger and the ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes

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•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
8. Repeat the algorithm :under eye, collarbone.
9. Take another SUDS rate10. If down to one or two, finish with the
eye roll.
10. If not, do the Mini Specific PR. Tap 5 times with two fingers on the
K spot (side of hand between the little finger and the wrist) and go
back to step 1.
11. If the SUDS rate is still high, repeat the exercise, tapping instead
under the nose, not on the K spot.
12. Finish with the eye roll.
Second: from West to East
Identical to the first treatment only the algorithm is different:
Tap five times under the arm instead of the eye and continue as
instructed above.

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TMJ (tempromandibular joint pain)
Exercise 30 – TMJ (tempromandibular joint pain)
Check with your physician first.
1. Put two fingers on the TMJ point and do the following:
2. Make you mouth tight and tap under the eye (bony part).
3. Open your mouth and tap under the eye.
4. Do the 9 gamut (while continually tapping on the gamut spot
(between the knuckle of the little finger and the ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
5. Put two fingers on the TMJ point and do the following:
6. Make you mouth tight and tap under the eye (bony part).
7. Open your mouth and tap under the eye. If the joint is still tight,
try doing the Specific PR and tap on the K spot 5-10 times and go
back to step 1.
8. Finish with the eye roll.

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Exercise 31 – Visualization exercise
There are two possible alternative algorithms that might help you to
improve your performance. First choice is number 1 with 1 alternate
If you have trouble visualizing, this exercise will be most helpful. Most
people can visualize. However, even those who can visualize fantastic
things often have difficulty visualizing themselves getting over a particu-
lar problem. Before beginning the peak performance exercise, it is neces-
sary to establish that one is able to visualize oneself doing whatever it is
you want to improve. It is important to be able to develop a healthier and
more accurate body image. Doing the exercises below will help you.
1. Imagine you are walking on the beach and you can feel the warm
sand under your feet. Stop and enjoy the feeling. Wiggle your toes
in the sand. Now look down at your feet. Can you see them?
2. Now imagine you have an orange in your hand.
3. Can you see it?
4. What color is it?
5. Can you see it flying through the air?
6. Now picture yourself.
7. Can you see yourself flying throughout the air?
8. Once you have established that you can visualize even things you
really cannot do, you are ready to continue.
9. Can you see yourself in the problem situation?
10. The answer here is most often, “No.”
11. Imagine (see, hear, feel) yourself confronting your most feared
situation and being calm, confident and relaxed. (Understand that

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you are not asking yourself if you are over the problem, only that
you can IMAGINE and visualize yourself being over the problem.)
12. Put your ability to do this on a 10-point scale.
13. Now, while you are trying to imagine yourself confronting a
situation which triggers the problem:
14. Tap underneath the arms (opposite the nipple area) about 10 times.
This should increase your ability to imagine this situation.
15. Do the 9 gamut (while continually tapping on the gamut spot
(between the knuckle of the little finger and the ring finger).
•Open your eyes
•Close your eyes
•Eyes down right
•Eyes down left
•Roll your eyes in one direction
•Roll them in the opposite direction
•Hum a few bars of a tune aloud
•Count to five aloud
•Hum again
16. Take a SUDS rate.
17. If the SUDS rate doesn’t go down below a 7, suspect a psychologi-
cal reversal. Be sure you can really visualize overcoming your
18. If you are above a 7, treat the reversal, tapping on the K spot 10
times, and go back to step 1.
19. When you have completed step 18, there should be at least a 2
point drop.

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20. If you have progressed to about a 4, use the Mini Specific PR,
tapping 5 times on the K spot (side of hand, halfway between the
knuckle of the little finger and the wrist).
20. Finish with the eye roll.

Visualization technique: Alternate 1

Follow the directions above, substituting the algorithm below for the
tapping 10 times under the arm.
1. Tap under the arm.
2. Tap on the eyebrow (near the nose).

EXERCISE 32 – Peak performance
There are 2 possible alternative algorithms for peak performance.
First choice is number 1 with 1 alternate choice.
To do this exercise, one must first be able to visualize. If you have dif-
ficulty visualizing, utilize the previous exercise (30) first. Recently, I did
this with a friend who was going to be in golf tournament, and he shot
the best score he ever had in his life. However, there is no guarantee.
1. Imagine your problem area. What are you trying to achieve (be an
excellent skier, excel in golf). Be sure to do this with each part of
the performance you want to improve, that is, (1) driving a straight
golf ball, (2) putting, (3) chipping etc. I suggest you imagine each
part separately and then try each one before going on to the next.
2. Think about the problem (visualize your surroundings in which
you see yourself doing whatever you are trying to improve, notice
what you say to yourself about it, feel it, include smells and tastes,
if any). Notice in particular what a good performance looks like and
how it feels in your body. Rehearse this often. When you are ready:
3. Tap firmly five times under the eye.

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4. Tap firmly five times under the arm.
5. Tap firmly five times on the collarbone.
6. Do the gamut.
7. Do a SUDS rate on being able to excel at your target problem.
8. If at a 3 or more, do the Specific PR and go back to step 1.
9. If you are still having trouble, tap under the nose and repeat the
algorithm (eye, arm, collarbone.
10. Go out and see what happens. Good luck.

Alternate 1
Use the following alternate algorithm: under arm, under eye, collar-

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Energy Toxins
hat is an energy toxin? According to Dr. Callahan a toxin is a sub-
W stance that disrupts the bio-energy system, blocking or impairing
successful treatment.[1] These reactions are not classified as allergens.
Allergens affect the immune system. Energy toxins disrupt the flow of
energy in the body. In most people, energy toxins present no problem.
We suspect an energy toxin when successfully treated problem suddenly
recurs days, weeks or even months later. This is a rare occurrence.
Common substances such as inhalants, i.e., fumes from clothing,
bedding, soap, perfumes, creams, and related products, may be toxic to
the energy systems of susceptible individuals, particularly when the body
heats up. Smoking, certain foods and chemicals may also be culprits.
Keeping a diary of times and places when there are problem recurrences
will help to identify the activity patterns which are related to energy dis-
ruptions, making it possible to eliminate them by refraining from the use
of the identified substances.
Keep a diary and notice what you have eaten or come in contact with
prior to your recurrence. Avoid these toxins in the future. You might consult
with a clinician trained in energy therapy if you cannot pinpoint the problem.
Today we are exposed to a huge number of environmental toxi-
cants. Testing their effects on human behavior is still relatively rare.
Toxicants can stress the system and evoke extreme behavioral changes,
particularly in children. [2]

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Readers experiencing these problems should contact clinicians

trained in diagnosis who can be helpful in identifying these toxins and
eliminating their effects.
To reach qualified individuals go to the web, and look under RRT,
Thought Field or energy therapy. Or contact me directly at or visit my Web site:

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The Ark was built by amateurs and the Titanic was built by experts.
Albert Einstein
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The Apex Problem
he term apex is borrowed from Arthur Koestler (1967). Apex refers to
T the operation of the mind at its peak or apex. Problem refers to the
absence of same. In other words, the apex problem bypasses the cogni-
tive but doesn’t affect the outcome. This kind of thinking is common
when one has been schooled to believe certain things are true and
immutable. We know that psychotherapy means sitting down and talk-
ing to an expert about our problems. RRT upsets that apple cart. How
can tapping on the body change the problem? What kind of explanation
can there be?
All kinds of explanations are offered for the improvement, that is, dis-
traction, placebo effect, suggestion, hypnosis. One client insisted that he
never had the problem in the first place! Why? In order to credit the effec-
tiveness of the treatment, it is necessary to consider it some kind of mir-
acle. However, Saint Augustine (1334-1430) stated: “Miracles do not
happen in contradiction of nature, but in contradiction of what we know
of nature.” Energy therapy has introduced a whole new dimension. We
have preconceived ideas of what therapy is all about and expect to talk
about our problems for months or years in order to resolve them. RRT
offers an effective alternative.
There is a need for the brain to invent an understanding for some-
thing that does not lie in its hardwired information system. You may find
that you and others who use the RRT system may initially accurately

BYOT part 5:BYOT part 5 2/18/08 10:11 AM Page 231


report the improvement and find it difficult to credit the treatment for
the change.
We speculate that it is the Left Brain Interpreter [1] that causes the
apex problem when a person finds himself or herself faced with some-
thing not commonly understood. This is related to (partly unconscious)
assumptions about the nature of reality. [2] We tend to manifest resistance
when presented with information or experience that threatens our
unconscious belief systems. For example: a hypnotized person will pres-
ent fantastic rationalizations to deny evidence that conflicts with the pic-
ture she or he has agreed to perceive, or to explain why behavior direct-
ed by a post-hypnotic suggestion (that is, behavior in response to a sug-
gestion from a hypnotist that the subject does not remember, cued by a
signal of which the subject is unaware) is really perfectly reasonable
The phenomenon of denial is familiar in psychotherapy; the client
will actually fail to see what is apparent to any onlooker, because to see
it would be too threatening. We are all ambivalent when it comes to
knowing ourselves.
We know that mainstream science also suffers from an apex problem.
Scientists may ignore or criticize innovation outside of their own belief
systems. But sooner or later the emergence of new data, or a change in
the philosophical climate, leads to stagnation and deadlock; which even-
tually produces a crisis in which rival theories proliferate and then the
cycle begins again, but this time in a new direction. “The progress of sci-
ence is strewn with the bleached skeletons of discarded theories which
once seemed to possess eternal life.”
Ancient treatments for disease and the use of medicinal plants are
now being rediscovered. Nutrition and exercise have become important
parts of the regimen of achieving emotional well being. I believe we are
now just approaching a period of new discovery and a change in the
philosophical climate. There is still resistance, that is, until the Family
Therapy Networker included TFT in the article in the November issue on
PTSD, all submissions to journals had been rejected. The Family Therapy

BYOT part 5:BYOT part 5 2/18/08 10:11 AM Page 232


Networker was also the first to publish information about EMDR.
Unfortunately though, a paper by Dr. Roger Callahan, the founder of TFT,
was rejected because “it is hard to believe that a therapy could be as pow-
erful and yet remain unknown.” The ethical principles of the American
Psychological Association, June 1989 are not being followed:
1. “Psychologists are committed to increasing knowledge of human
behavior and to the utilization of such knowledge for the
promotion of human welfare.”
2. “Psychologists have the responsibility to attempt to prevent
suppression of psychological findings formerly unknown.”

These are admirable principle but they are too often ignored.
Psychology is just beginning to loosen its ironclad hold on traditional
treatment. It is doing so with great reluctance. In the field of science,
new ideas often come in great leaps of creativity, which challenge the
existing dogma. We are a mechanistic culture and cling to outdated
accepted ideas and ignore those that do not fit the prevailing thought.
Since the discovery of penicillin, we have been believers that disease was
caused by body chemistry and that chemical solutions were the only cor-
rect ones. There is a large body of psychological thought that agrees.
But things ‘they are a-changin’. Ancient treatments for disease and
the use of medicinal plants are being rediscovered. Nutrition and exercise
have become important parts of the regimen of achieving emotional and
physical well being. The mind/body connection is becoming more wide-
ly accepted and there is beginning to be a convergence between holistic,
traditional medicine and holistic psychology. Massage, generative touch
healing, NLP, EMDR, TFT, visualization, aroma therapy, etc., and many
others, are gaining acceptance. We are just approaching a period of new
discovery and a change in the philosophical climate.
In conclusion, I believe that it is the healer’s job to release something
not understood or remove obstructions between the patient and the
force of life that moves us toward wholeness, and that there is a health

BYOT part 5:BYOT part 5 2/18/08 10:11 AM Page 233


drive and an attractor waiting to be set in motion that causes the system
to heal, when proper encoding is used. We are now beginning to unlock
this potential in physical science, physics, and psychology. It is an excit-
ing time to be alive!

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I find that the closer the positive statement is to the real concern of
the subject, the more effective it is in clearing the reversal. Since you are
focused on treating yourself, you may be able to come up with some-
thing even more specific. Who knows you better? These are the ones I
use. You will notice that these statements are concerned with desire, will,
necessity permission, deserving, possibility, motivation, safety, and iden-
tity. They can all be used to eliminate psychological reversal and, in some
cases, may work as well as or better than the standard affirmations found
in the text.

Diagnosis: I want to get over ____ (the problem).

I want to keep ____ (the problem).

Diagnosis: I will get over this____ (the problem).

I won’t get over ____ (the problem).

Diagnosis: I will do what is necessary to get over ____ (the problem).

I won’t do all that is necessary to get over ____ (the problem).

Diagnosis: I will allow myself to get over ____ (the problem).

I won’t allow myself to get over ____ (the problem).

Diagnosis: I deserve to get over ____ (the problem).

I do not deserve to get over ____ (the problem).

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Diagnosis: It is possible for me to get over ____ (the problem).
It is not possible for me to get over ____ (the problem).

Diagnosis: Doing this (overcoming) will be good for me.

Doing this will be bad for me.

Diagnosis: Doing this threatens my survival.

Doing this does not threaten my survival.

Diagnosis: Doing this may change the way I see myself.(my identity).
Doing this will not threaten the way I see myself (my identity).

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Up and Down Stretch (Toe Touch)
1. Try touching your toes until your stretch doesn’t increase. Keep feet
together and don’t bounce. Touch as far down on knees or toes as
you can and then return to a standing position.
2. Now, holding your head level, looking straight ahead, lower your
eyes to the floor.
3. As you lower your upper body down, gradually roll your eyes
upward so that when you go as far as you can your eyes will be
pointing up as far as possible. This should significantly increase
your stretch.
4. Repeat, only don’t move your eyes and notice that you have
returned to the first stretch point once more.
5. Now repeat the sideways stretch and move your eyes down and then
up as you sight down your arms. Notice the stretch increase.
While tapping the gamut spot with your dominant hand, roll your
eyes down and then very slowly roll them up as far as you can.

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1. Adler, Tina, “Studies Look at Ways to Keep Fear at Bay,” American Psychological
Association Monitor, November, 1993.

CHAPTER 1: Background Summary
1. Eisenberg, David, Wright, Thomas Lee, Encounters with Qi, New York: WW.
Norton Publishers, 1995, p. 62.
2. Gregory Janice, Astounding! First-Ever Photos Prove Acupuncture Really Works,
National Enquirer, November 28, 1989.
3. Editorial, “At Long Last, Mainstream Recognition,” San Francisco Chronicle,
(printed article available on request).
4. Goodheart, G.eorge J., Applied Kinesiology Workshop Procedure Manual, 11th
Edition, Author, Detroit, MI, 1975.
5. Kendall H. and Kendall P., and Wadsworth, G., Muscle Testing and Function,
Second Edition, Williams and Wilkins Publisher, Baltimore MD, 1971.
6. Callahan, Roger, Why Do I Eat When I’m Not Hungry?, New York: Avon Books
Publishers, 1993, pp. 8-10.
7. Callahan, Roger, “Tapping the Therapist Within,” Contemporary Books, Chicago IL,
pp. 56-7.
8. Ibid., p. 59.
9. Wyllie, Mary Sykes, “Resolving PTSD: Going for the Cure,” Family Therapy
Networker, July/August Issue, 1996, pp. 21-37.

CHAPTER 2: Evolution
1. Koestler, Arthur, Janus, A Summing Up, New York: Random House Publishers,
1978, pp. 166-167.
2. Ibid. p. 166 (Information from Skinner, B. F., Science and Human Behavior,
New York: 1973).
3. Ibid. pp. 166- 167.
4. Ellis, Robert, Beck Aaron, Lazarus, Richard, Speeches at the American Psychological
Association Convention, Boston, MA, 1990.
5. Ibid.
6. Theory presented by Roger Callahan at November 2, 1997, Training Session, Indian
Wells, CA. Also information contained in Bracewell, Ronald, The Fourier Transform,
June 1989, Scientific American, pp. 86-95.
7. Callahan, Roger, Video Shown at the Diagnosis Seminar, November 2, 1997, Indian
Wells, CA, 1997.

BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 240


8. Koestler, Arthur, The Ghost in the Machine, New York: Macmillan Company
Publishers, 1976, pp. 875-876.

CHAPTER 3: The Development of the Brain

1. Koestler, Arthur, The Ghost in the Machine, New York: MacMillan Company
Publishers, 1967, pp. 286-289 (quoting Professor Paul McLean).
2. Ibid.
3. Ibid.
4. Alda, Alan, Scientific American Frontiers, Public Radio, 1999.
5. Ritter, Malcom, Study Help to Explain Why We Recall Emotional Events, New York:
Associated Press, December 22, 1998.
6. Hales, Diane, “If You Think We Think Alike, Think Again,” Ladies Home Journal,
excerpted in Reader’s Digest. April 1999, pp. 110-112.
7. Cambridge University Press, Mind and Matter (English Translation), London: 1967,
p. 102.
8. Hall, Carl T., “Mapping Our Emotions,” San Francisco Chronicle, Science Section,
October, 9, 2000.
9. Becker Robert, The Body Electric, New York: William Morrow Company. Inc, 1985
and Cross Currents, New York: Penguin Putnam Inc. Publishers, 1990, pp. 97-8.
10. Sabin, Russell, An Innate Immune System, San Francisco Chronicle. Science
Section, October 16, 2000.
11. Dossey, Larry, Recovering the Soul, New York: Bantam Books, Publishers, 1989,
pp. 81-84.
12. Weil, Andrew, Self Healing, May Issue, 2001, Quoting the work of Dr. Gershon,
Neurobiologist, Chairman of the Columbia University College of Physicians and
Surgeons, from his book, The Second Brain, HarperPerennial Publisher, 1999.
13. Pert, Candace, The Wisdom of the Receptors: Neuropeptides, the Emotions and
Bodymind. Advances 3.3, 1986, pp. 8-16.

PART TWO: Scientific and Theoretical Origins of RRT

CHAPTER 4: Keys to the Energy System
1. Klotsche, Charles, Color Medicine, Light Technology, Sedona Arizona: No date,
p. 31.
2. Callahan, Roger, “Psychological Reversal,” Collected Papers, International College of
Applied Kinesiology, pp. 79-96.
3. Burr, H. S., Blueprint for Immortality, The Electric Currents of Life London: Neville
Spearman, Publishers, 1972.
4. Ibid.

BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 241


5. Becker, Robert, The Body Electric, New York: William Morrow Publisher, 1985,
pp.151-160 and Cross Currents, New York: Penguin Putnam Inc. Publishers, 1990
pp. 41-45.
6. Hilts, Phillip, “Scientists Now Growing Bones and Cartilage at Will,” New York
Times, Science Section, New York.
7. Nordenstrom, Bjorn, Bio-electrically Closed Circuits, Nordic, Stockholm, 1983.
8. Gregory Janice, “Astounding! First-Ever Photos Prove Acupuncture Really Works,”
National Enquirer, November 28, 1989.
9. Davies, Paul, The Cosmic Blueprint, New York: Simon and Schuster Publishers,
1989, p. 188.
10. Alda, Alan, Scientific American Frontiers, Public Broadcasting, 1999.
11. Koestler, Arthur, Janus, A Summing Up, New York: Random House Publishers,
1978, p. 194 (quoting Lamark in Philosophie Zoologique, 2 vols, ed. Cl Martins
(2nd ed., Paris, 1873) and Young, Arthur, M. The Foundations of Science, The
Missing Parameter, San Francisco Ca: Robert Briggs, Publisher, 1984, p. 11.
12. Sheldrake, Rupert, New Science of Life, Los Angeles: Tarcher Publications, 1981
and Harmon, Willis, Global Mind Change, San Francisco, CA: Barrett-Koehler,
Publishers, 1998, pp. 46-7.
13. Ibid., p. 46, Global Mind Change.
14. Headline, Page 1, San Francisco Chronicle , February 10, 2001.
15. Koestler, Arthur, Janus, A Summing Up, New York: Random House Publishers,
1978, p. 174, quoting the problems posed by the evolution of the eye (Grasse (
1973), pp. 176-81 and Wolsky (1976), pp. 106).
16. Harmon, Willis, Global Mind Change, San Francisco, CA: Barrett-Koehler,
Publishers, 1998, pp. 46-49.
17. Time, Time Inc., New York, June 25, pp. 54-5.
18. Koestler, Arthur, Janus, A Summing Up, New York: Random House Publishers,
19. Ibid
20. Ho, Mae, Wan, “The Entangled Universe”, Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures,
Spring 2000, Issue 13, p. 22.
21. Dossey, Larry, MD, “How Healing Happens”, Choices in Health and Medicine,
January 2003 Vol. 3, Number 1
22. Goswami, Amit, The Self Aware Universe, How Consciousness Creates the Material
World, New York: Tarcher/Putnam Books, Publishers, 1993, p. 233.
23. Ho, Mae, Wan, “The Entangled Universe,” Yes! A Journal of Positive Futures,
Spring 2000, Issue 13, p. 23, quoted from the The Rainbow and the Worm, Second
Edition, (same author).
24. Ibid

BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 242


25. Radin, Dean I., Rebman, Janine M. , and Cross, Maikwe, P., “Anomalous
Organization of Random Events by Group Consciouness: Two Exploratory
Experiments,” Journal of Scientific Exploration 10, No. 1, 1996, pp. 143-68.

CHAPTER 5: Fears, Anxieties, and Phobias
1. Chaplain’s Dictionary of Psychology (out of print)

CHAPTER 6: The Perturbation

The information and exercises in this chapter can be found in all publications by Roger
Callahan and is contained in all his books, training sessions and papers. It has been
reprinted, enhanced by Fred Gallo, James Durlacher and many others in related books
and papers on energy psychology. This information is used by all trainers in TFTTM and
related Meridian Therapy.
1. Webster’s II New Riverside University Dictionary, Boston, MCA; Houghton Mifflin
Co., 1984.
2. Green, Brian, The Elegant Universe, NY: Vintage Books, 1999, pp. 289-91.
Bohm and Hiley, The Divided Universe, Routledge, NY, 1993, p. 35.
Dossey, Larry, Recovering the Soul, New York: Bantam Books, 1989, p. 151.

CHAPTER 7: The Thought Field

1. Harman, Willis, Global Mind Change, San Francisco, CA: Barrett-Koehler,
Publishers, 1998, p. 69.


1. Durlacher, James, Freedom from Fear Forever, Tempe, AZ., Van Ness Publishing,
1995, p. 45.

CHAPTER 10: The Manual Muscle Test (MMT)

1. Goodheart, George J., Applied Kinesiology Workshop Procedure Manual, 11th
Edition, Detroit, MI, 1975.

CHAPTER 11: Psychological Reversal

1. Callahan, Roger, “Psychological Reversal,” Collected Papers, International College
of Applied Kinesiology.
2. Ibid: Training Materials and Durlacher, James, Freedom from Fear Forever, Tempe,
AZ, Van Ness Publishing, 1995, p. 19-25.

BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 243


CHAPTER 12: The Meridians
1. Nordenstrom, Bjorn, Bio-electrically Closed Circuits, Nordic, Stockholm, 1983.
Diamond, “J Theory” presented by Roger Callahan at November 2, 1997, Training
Session, Indian Wells, CA, Life Energy, New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., 1985.
2. Ibid., all kinesthetic responses come from Diamond.

CHAPTER 13: The Gamut

1. Callahan, Roger, TFTTM Training, November 2, 1997, Indian Wells, CA.

PART FOUR: We Are Ready To Begin Healing Ourselves?

CHAPTER 14: The Algorithms
1. Callahan, Roger, TFTTM Training October 30-November 2, 1997, Palm Desert, CA.
2. Craig, Gary, Emotional Freedom Techniques: The Complete Course and The
Manual. Given in Cleveland, Ohio and attended by the author.

CHAPTER 15: RRT+ Exercises

1. Callahan, Roger, TFTTM Training October 30-November 2, 1997, Palm Desert, CA.

CHAPTER 16: Using the Treatment Algorithms

1. Callahan, Roger, TFTTM Training October 30-November 2, 1997, Palm Desert, CA.

CHAPTER 17: Energy Toxins

1. Rapp, Doris, M, “Environmentally Sick Schools,” Practical Allergy Research
Foundation, Buffalo, NY, 1966 (videotape).

PART FIVE: Conclusion

CHAPTER 18: The Apex Problem
1. Gazzaniga, M., “The Split Brain,” Scientific American, No. 217, 1967, pp. 24-29.
2. Harmon, Willis, Global Mind Change, San Francisco, CA: Barrett-Koehler,
Publishers, 1998, p. 57.
3. Koestler, Arthur, Janus, A Summing Up, New York: Random House Publishers,

BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 245

Index Apex Problem, 226-29

definition, 226
A cause, 226-29
Acrophobia, 12-13 definition, 4
definition, 12 Anxiety/panic 73, 173-96
examples, 12-13 first choice, 174-78
Active Information, 29 alternate 1, 178-81
definition, 29 alternate 2, 182-85
Acupuncture, 3-4 alternate 3, 185-89
definition, 3 alternate 4, 189-92
tapping points, 3 alternate 5, 192-95
Addictions, 99-131 Applied Kinesiology, 4
first choice, 101-05 definition, 4
alternate 1, 105-08 manual muscle test, 43, 45-6, 53, 55
alternate 2. 108-12
alternate 3, 112-16 B
alternate 4, 116-20 Beck, Aaron, 10-11, 12-14
alternate 5, 120-23 Becker, Robert, 20
alternate 6, 124-27 Behavioral Therapy, 10
alternate 7, 128-31 definition, 10-11
Affirmations, 47 practitioners, 10-12
advanced, 235 John Broadus Watson, 11
ability, 235 Aaron Beck, 12
deserving, 235 Robert Ellis, 12
identity, 236 Richard Lazarus, 12
necessity, 235 Skinner, 11
permission, 235 Blood system, 7, 21
survival, 236 and energy system, 7
value, 236 red blood cells, 7-8
Algorithms, 3, 6, 29 Body/mind, see brain, 18-21
chart, 71-4 definition, 18-21
treatments, 80-226 function, 18-21
addictions, 99-131 relation to consciousness, 20-1
anger, 72, 151-55 electrical nature, 25-6
anxiety, 73, 173-96 Bohm and Hiley, 20
clumsiness, 73, 214 Brain, 18-21, 41
common fatigue, 73, 214 ancestral, 18, 20
depression, 72, 164-69 Mammalian, 18
embarrassment, 72, 196-99 neocortex, 18
fatigue, 73, 214 neuron/nerve cells, 19
frustration, 73, 216-19 male/female difference, 19
guilt, 72, 160-64 and the mind, 20, 41
inhalants, 73-208 gut brain, 21
jealousy, 73, 204-08 blood brain, 21
jet lag, 74, 220-21 Burr, H.S., 24
nasal congestion, 73, 212-13 C
obsessions, 71, 132-51 Callahan, Roger, 6, 7, 38
pain, 73, 169-73 Callahan techniques
panic/anxiety, 73,173-96 see Thought Field Therapy
peak performance, 225 Cancer study, 24
phobias, 71, 82-9 Case illustrations
category 1, 82-6 addiction, 99-101
category 2, 86-9 anger, 152
rage, 72,156-60 depression, 164
reversal of words, behavior, concepts, embarrassment, 196
negativity, 73, 214 guilt. 160
shame, 72, 200-08 jealousy, 204
stress, 73, 213 Mary, 6
TMJ, 74, 218 obsession, 132
traumas, 71, 90-9 panic/anxiety, 173-74
visualization, 219-22 phobias, 81-82
BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 246

rage. 156 story of Hans, 11

shame, 200 Frustration, 74, 216-19
trauma, 90-1, 94-5
Champlainís Dictionary of Psychology, 36 G
Chemical imbalance, 14 Gamut, 5, 66-7
defined, 17-8 9 gamut treatment, 66-7
Claustrophobia, 86, 89 gamut point, 65
Clumsiness, 7, 3, 214 Guilt, 160-64
neurological disorganization, 56-62 Genes, 27
Cognitive therapy, 11-12, 14 Goodheart, George J, 4
Collarbone breathing, 56-60 Goswami, Amit, 20, 24, 29
Consciousness, 20-32 Green, Brian, 20
definitions, 32 H
development, 31-2 Hand over head exercise, 55
Counting, 66-7 Heart meridian, 62
D Heart Rate Variability, 7
Deep level psychological reversal, 52-4 research, 7
Deserving affirmation, 235 Holons, 23, 28-9, 39
Distress rating, 4, 43-4, 46 definition, 28-9
Depression algorithms, 164-69 etiology, 29
DNA, 27 Homing pigeons experiment, 26
junk DNA, 27 Hormones, 18
effects of, 27 I
story in San Francisco Chronicle, 27 Identity affirmation, 236
Dossey, Larry, 30 Immune system, 20, 37
Durlacher, James, 41-2 innate, 20-1
E adaptive, 20
East to west jet lag, 216 Indicator muscle, 43, 45-6, 53-5
Eisenberg, Wright & Meickle, 32 Individual treatment 0utline, 75-6
Embarrassment algorithm, 72 Inhalants, 73, 208
Electromagnetic fields, 23, 25-6 J
Definition, 25 Jealousy, 204-08
response to, 25-6 Jet lag, 74, 220-21
Ellis, Robert, 12 east to west, 220
Embarrassment, 72 west to east, 221
Emotional distress, root cause, 38-40
Energy psychology, 23 K
Energy system, 3, 6, 23, 30 Keys to the energy system, 6, 232
Energy toxin, 52, 208, 223-24 polarity , 6, 23, 24, 25
Entanglement, 31 electromagintic fields, 18, 23, 25-6
Evolution, 14 morphogenic fields, 23, 26-8
Exposure therapy, 10 holons, 23, 28-9, 39
Eye, 28 quantum physics and RRT, 23, 29-32
development of, 28 Kinesiology, applied, 4, 45-6
Eye movements, 5 Koestler, Arthur, 18, 30
Eye roll, 67 L
F Lazarus, Richard, 12
Fatigue, 73, 214 Liver meridian, 62
Fears, 36-9 LSD, 13
anxiety, 36, see panic/anxiety Lymph system, 3
definition, 36 M
phobia, 36-7 Manual Muscle Test (MMT), 4, 43, 45-6, 53-5
Fields, 18, 23, 25-6 definition, 4
Electromagnitic, 18, 23, 25-6 use, 44, 46
Energy, 3, 6, 23, 30 Memories, 18-19, 61-5
Morphogenic, 23, 26-8 and the senses, 18-9
Figley and Carbonell study, 8 and the etiology of the brain, 18-9
Flooding, 10 and neurons, 19
Freudian psychology, 10-11 Meridians, 38-9, 61-5, also see
BYOT back material:BYOT back material 2/18/08 10:14 AM Page 247

psychological reversal TFTTM - RRT, see Callahan

Morphogenic Fields, 23, 26-8
and consciousness, 28 Q
definition, 26-7 Quantum Physics, 23, 29-32
and consciousness, 32
N and creativity, 32
Name test, 53 definition, 30
Necessity affirmation, 235 and non locality, 29
Neurolinguistic Programming, 5 and RRT, 29, 39
and the senses, 5
Nervous system, 19 R
and the brain, 19 Radin, Rebman, Cross, 92
and the immune system, 20, 21, 37 Rage, 72
and the energy system, 25 Rapid Response Therapy (RRT)
Neurolymphatic reflex etiology, 2-9
Rat experiment, 7
O see morphogenic fields, 26-28
Obsession, 71, 132-51 Red blood cells, 7-8
first choice, 132-35 Relaxation, see appendix
alternate 1, 136-39 Florida State University study, 8
alternate 2, 140-43 Research, 8
alternate 3, 144-47 Resistance, 7, 9
alternate 4, 147-51 see psychological reversal
Obsessive compulsive disorder
see obsessions S
Safety reversal, 236
P Schroedinger, 31
Pain, 73, 169-73 Sensory system, 18-21
Panic/anxiety, 73, 173-95 see brain development, 18-21
first choice, 174-78 gamut (eye movements), 66-7
alternate 1, 178-81 neurolinguistic programming, 5
alternate 2, 182-85 Sheldrake, Rupert, 26
alternate 3, 185-89 Simple anxiety/stress, 174-78
alternate 4, 189-92 Simple trauma, 90-94
alternate 5, 192-95 Spider algorithm, 86-89
Peak performance, 225 Split brain, 231
Permission affirmation, 235 Subjective units of distress scale (SUDS), 4, 43-44, 46
Perturbation, 31, 38-40 survival affirmation, 236
and heredity, 38-9
definition, 38, T
polarity reversal, 48, 62 Time Magazine article, 28
psychological reversal and Thought field, 5, 41-2, 44
quantum physics, 29-32 Thought Field Therapy, 2, 6-8, 30
Phobias, 6, 7. 12, 13 36, 80-9 Toxins, 52, 208, 223-24
category 1, 82-6 Trauma, 90-9
category 2, 86-9 category 1, 90-4
Polarity, 6, 23-5 category 2, 94-9
beginning of life, 23 Treatment points, 38-9
definition, 23 V
positive and negative, 24 Value affirmation, 236
regeneration, 24 and Visualization, 219-22
reversal, 23, 24, 48
Possibility affirmation, 236 W
Post Traumatic Stress, 8 West to east jet lag, 216
Psychological Reversal (PR), 38-9, Will affirmation, 236
49- 62 Y
deep level, 52-54 Young, Arthur, 28
mini, 52, 54
mini deep level, 52, 54
specific, 51, 54
recurring, 52, 55
Psychotherapy, traditional, 11, 29

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