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Understanding Islamic History

The word history in Arabic is called dates and sira, or in English is called history. In terms of language, al-dates
mean conditions or time period, being 'Science Date' science which deals with events or events, past or where the
occurrence of events, and the causes of such events.

While the meaning of the term, al-dates means; "A number of circumstances and events that happened in the past,
and actually happening to the individual or society, as actually happened in the realms of nature and man".

In Indonesian history means: genealogy; the origin (ancestry); events and events that actually occurred in the past.
While the history of science is "knowledge or description of events and the events that actually occurred in the past".

In English history is called history, which means the orderly description of past events (sequentially description of
the events of the past).

According to Ibn Khaldun, history is not only understood as a recording past events, but also reasoning Critias to
find the truth of past events. Thus an important element in history is the event object (WHO), the existence of a time
limit (when), the past, the perpetrators (WHO), the man, the place (where), background (whay), and the critical
power of researchers history.

Of understanding so we can say that the definition of Islamic history are events or events that actually took place
entirely related to Islam. Thus, it can be concluded that the definition of Islamic history is any event or events that
actually occurred, associated with the growth and development of Islam in various aspects. In this regard then comes
the term often used for this Islamic history, including Islamic History, History of Islamic Civilization, History and
Culture of Islam.

In studying and reviewing the history of Islam (Muslims) are contained in the books of history, then we must know

What is the purpose of writing, whether the form of pragmatic history or berbentukfilsafat history.
Who is the author's history, including how inclination attitudes or ideas espoused politic, and
When he wrote, because of it can also influence what and who had made him berinterprestasi so.
Periodization Islamic History

There are differences among historians about when to start Islamic history has been more than fourteen centuries
this. On the one hand, stated that the history of Islam (Muslims) started the Prophet Muhammad. appointed as an
apostle, and was in Makkah or thirteen years sebelim migrate to Madinah. On the other hand said that the history of
Islam was started since the inception of the state of Medina, led by the Prophet Muhammad. Or rather after the
Prophet Muhammad. Emigrated to Medina, formerly known as Yathrib.

The emergence of the difference of the two sides are due to differences overview of the unit's history. The first party
to see that the unit is the community's history. Muslim community has existed since the Prophet Muhammad.
Delivering his call. In fact, their numbers are few or many not be a problem. Besides, even though they have not
sovereign, but already bound in the organization that has its own style. While both parties see that the intention of
history it is the State, so that the history of Islam expansion counted since the birth of the State of Medina.

Differences of opinion will be reflected in the division of historical periodization (culture) of Islam put forward by
the experts, especially in the case of the early history of Islam in the first period or so-called classical period, and
there is even a mention as praklasik period in order to fill the scene of history of Islam that has not explicitly
mentioned in the classical period.

The same opinion was also expressed by al-Siddiqi Nourouzzaman stating that this present time historians tended to
take the community as the unit's history. If the unit is concentrated in the country's history, it contains weaknesses.
That is, a border is not always permanent. He has divided the history of Islam into three major parts along with the
following characteristics:

Classical period, which began Rasulallah SAW. Delivering his call until the collapse of the Abbasid dynasty in
656 AH / 1258 AD Character is without a blind eye to the presence of small dynasties, Dynasty West Umaiyah
domiciled diAndalusia and interengum (interregnum) Fatima dynasty in Egypt, there is still a political power strong
and respected. In the classical period it is the Muslims reached the peak achievements in the field of culture.
Middle period that began the collapse of the Abbasid dynasty until the 11th century H / 17 M. Characteristics of
political power is fragmented and hostile. Osmanli Turks, the Mamluks of Egypt, Umaiyah West in Andalusia,
Mamluk India, and the establishment of the Muslim kingdoms of their own sovereign.
Modern period, ie since the 12th century H / 18 F until now. In this period the Muslims had no political power
that is respected. Osmanli Turkish dynasty ever banged on the door of Vienna has earned the nickname The Sick
Man of Europa. Not only Turkey was not able to expand the territory was divided between Britain, France and
Russia. Region of Western Turkey as a piece of cake that became a bone of contention between the major Western
powers. Colony every Western country is what gave birth to new countries after World War I.

As in this paper we will discuss about the problems the development of Islam in the classical period. Namely the
period after the death of the Prophet and his Companions He died.

Formulation Of The Problem

How is the development of Islam in the time of the Prophet?
Knowing the development of Islam after the death of the Prophet.


Prophet Muhammad. Is a group of Bani Hashim, a less powerful tribes in the Quraysh tribe. In young age,
Muhammad lived as goatherders family and goat population mecca. Through this grazing him find a place to think
and reflect. In such an atmosphere, he wanted to see something behind it all. Thought and contemplation of this
makes it far from all worldly nefsu thought, therefore since his youth he has been nicknamed Al-Amin, the

Prophet Muhammad participated for the first time in the caravan to Syria (Sham) in the new age of 12 years. The
caravan led by Abu Tholib. In this journey, in Bushara, next seltan Syria, he met a priest named, Buhairoh. This
pastor saw signs of Muhammad's prophethood in accordance with the instructions of Christian stories.

At the age of twenty-five, Muhammad went to Syria carrying merchandise belonging to Khadijah a wealthy
merchant woman. In this trade Muhammad gained huge profits. Khadija then proposed. Marriage proposal was
accepted and implemented immediately. When the 25-year-old Muhammad and Khadija 40 years. In a further
development, Khadija was the first woman who converted to Islam and helped the Prophet in the fight to spread

Apostolic period of Prophet Muhammad

Towards the age of forty, he was too ordinary to separate themselves from the association community,
contemplation to the cave of Hira, a mountain near the city of Mecca. And he worshiped by following the religious
teachings of his grandfather, the Prophet Ibrahim from several days to several months. On the 17th of Ramadan in
611M, the angel Gabriel appeared to him, delivered the first revelation of God: Read in the name of your Lord who
has created. He has created man from a clot. Read it, and the Lord was very precious. He has taught Qolam. He has
taught man what they do not know (Sura 96: 1-5). With the first revelation, meaning Muhammad have been God be
the prophet. In this first revelation, he has not been told to call people to a religion.

After the first revelation came, Gabriel did not reappear for some time, while the Prophet Muhammad looking
forward and always come to the cave of Hira. In a state that's waiting down Gabriel brought him the command.
Revelation it reads as follows: O you wrapped, get up, and give remember, you shall besatkan your god and purify
your clothes, leave sin, and do not ngkau give (with intent) to obtain (children) are more and to meet your god
commands patient (Surat al-Muddatsir: 1-7).

With the fall of the command, start the Prophet preaching. First of all, he did it in a way quietly in the environment
itself and among his colleagues. Therefore, the person who first received his message is family and close friends.
Steps taken so propaganda is calling on the general public.

After the blatant propaganda, the leader of the Quraish began blocking propaganda Apostles. Many ways in which
the Quraysh leaders to prevent the propaganda of the Prophet Muhammad first of all they think, the power of
patronage and the prophet lies in ashes defense Tholib very respected it. Therefore they formulate a strategy how to
disconnect the Prophet with ash Talib and threatened by saying "we are asking you to choose one of two: ordered
Muhammad stopped from preaching or let us transform and prevent it. So with that as his uncle Abu Talib prevent
the Prophet Muhammad SAW will be preaching because he was afraid of the Quraysh. But the Prophet refused to
say: "By Allah I will not stop fighting for god's mandate, despite all the family members and relatives will
excommunicate me". Abu Talib was deeply moved by his nephew answer, then said: "persevere, by Allah, I will
continue to defend".

Atrocities committed by the inhabitants of Mecca against the Muslims, the Prophet Muhammad's push to evacuate
friend sahabtnya outside Mecca. In the fifth year of his apostleship, the Prophet set Abyssinia (Ethiopia) as the land
of refuge. The first group of ten men and five of the women, including Uthman and his wife Ruqoyah daughter of
the Messenger, Zubayr ibn al-Awam and Abdur Rahman bin Awf. The more cruel they treat Muslims more and
more people are entering this religion. In fact, amid the atrocities meningkaynya, two people are the strongest in the
Quraysh to Islam, Hamzah and Umar. But not long kemdian Prophet's uncle Abu Talib main protector of the
Prophet died and the following three days after the Prophet's wife Khadija, died anyway. The incident occurred in
ten prophetic. And in this same year was a year of sorrow for the Prophet Muhammad.

To entertain the Prophet who is overwritten sorrow, God mengisra 'and he memi'rojkan the 10th year of the
Prophethood. News of the Isra 'and Mi'raj was appallingly community Makkah. For pagans, he made propaganda
material to belie the prophet. Meanwhile, for those who believe, it is a test of faith.

According to Ahmad Syalabi, there are five factors that drive the disbelievers of Quraysh against the Prophet: (1)
They can not distinguish between the prophetic and power. (2) They do not want equal rights for slaves to the
nobility. (3) The Quraysh leaders will not be able to accept the teachings of the Day of Judgment. (4) Sturdy their
belief in ancestral religion. (5) The sculptor and stone sellers view Islam as a barrier sustenance.

Birth of the First Muslim Countries

When the Prophet and Abu Bakr set out to move, the Quraysh began to show keberangannya to persecute the
followers of the Prophet who has not departed, such as Asma bint Abu Bakr and others.

On the way to Medina, the Prophet had stopped at Quba until then Ali managed to follow it. In Quba Apostle had
established the foundation Quba mosque. On arrival in Medina, the Prophet greeted joyfully by friends Ansar. The
first step taken in Medina was to build a mosque as a place of worship.

To unify the Ansar and muhajirin potential companions, companions of the Prophet had united with the Emigrants
and the Helpers muakhkhah system, which raised some members of their becoming foster brother to the other. As a
follow up to the formation of the people, the Jewish people also have a negative view. In anticipation of the
symptoms of the split, eventually Prophet did establishment agreement among them by making a law that became
known as the Medina Charter. The Medina is the first legislation in the world that form the basis for the
establishment of the State of Medina.

In our opinion, the measures taken by the Prophet Muhammad was very brilliant, is to create a law that became
known as the Medina Charter. Its function is to anticipate the symptoms of divisions and unite in order to stand a
strong state that the State Medina

Establishment of the State of Medina

After arriving and acceptable to the population of Yathrib (Medina), the Prophet officially became the leader of the
city population. Round in the history of the Islamic world began. In contrast to the Mecca period, the period of
Medina, Islam is a political force. The teachings of Islam with regard to many people's lives down in Medina.
Prophet Muhammad had a position not only as the head or a religious leader, but also as head of state. In other
words, in Prophet collected two powers, spiritual authority and temporal power. Position as the Apostle
automatically is the head of state. In order to strengthen the community and the new country, he immediately laid
the foundations of social life. Basic first, the construction of mosques. In addition to the place of prayer, as well as
an important means to unite the Muslims and as a deliberative negotiate the problems faced. Even at the time of the
Prophet, the mosque also serves as the center of government.

The second basis is the Islamic brotherhood, brotherhood among Muslims. Prophet unite groups Emigrants and
Helpers. What did the Prophet means, creating a new form of brotherhood, the brotherhood based on religion,
replace fraternity by blood.

The third basic, friendly relations with other parties who are not Muslims. In Medina, apart from the Arab Islam,
there is also a group of Jewish community and the Arab community groups that still adhered to the religion of their
ancestors. So that the stability of society can be realized, the Prophet Muhammad entered into an agreement with
them. For that, a charter which guarantees freedom of religion of the Jews as a community has been created. Each
class of society has certain rights in the field of politics and religion. Freedom of religion is guaranteed, and all
members of the public obligation to maintain the security of the country from outside attacks. In the agreement,
clearly stated that the Messenger of Allah as the head of government as far as the general rules and regulations, the
absolute authority given to him. In the social field, he also laid the foundation of human antarsesama equation. This
agreement in view of the current state administration, often called the Constitution of Medina.

In our opinion, the formation of the State of Medina, Islam increasingly strong since the establishment of the
Medina Muslims often win the battle. No official salaried employees. However, all the followers of the Prophet
Muhammad prepared instructed to carry out any task. By the companions of the Prophet Muhammad imposed tasks
and political propaganda.

Future expansion of the area of the Prophet

Islamic history at the time of the prophet Muhammad is divided into two kinds of period, which is Mecca and
Medina period. In the Mecca period (12 years) Mahammadans still very little, while the religious activity is
concerned with planting creed, and character development. The position of Muslims in this period is very weak.
They are under pressure and oppression of the Quraysh. Da'wah prophet Muhammad received fierce challenge (of
residents mecca), mainly from the oligarchic groups. They are not only afraid of the challenge of the prophet
Muhammad against their traditional religion is politisme it, but also worried that the strictures of society and

At the time of Prophet Muhammad died, the territory of Medina has been covering the whole of Arabia Muknis
Hussein stated, since its establishment until the death of the Prophet, and when the area of Islamic power has been
covering the whole of Arabia, the Islamic State of regional growth can be divided into several phases:

The first phase, which since rajab 1 H to 2 H. rajab in this phase, the power of the Prophet to be perfect on all parts
of the city of Medina and surrounding areas. At this time, the Prophet sent ten expeditions, both Ghazwah (military
expedition in pimpim Prophet). And syariyah (military expedition in pimpim friend).

The second phase, starting from Badr until the Battle of the Trench ends (17 Ramadan 2H / March 13 624 M-
Dzulqa'dah 5H / April 627). In this phase, the medina establish his authority over the entire land Hijraz (except
Mecca and Ta'if). At this time also large groups of Jews in Medina who berkhiyanat displaced or severely punished,
so that the State Medina became the largest political and military power in the Hijaz and Najd around.

The third phase, which began Muharram until Jamadi Second 6H 6H (June-November 627 M 628 M). In this phase
the State Medina managed to combine the entire region on the border of Nejd with Medina. This means adding
40mil region covering Islam square on the east, yangmembuka way for further expansion territory towards Najd so
Quraish of Mecca became besieged.
The fourth phase, which began the expedition to Hasma to the implementation of 'Umrah al-Qadha (' umrah a year
after the agreement Hudaybiya), (Jamadi Second 6H / November 628 M-Dzulqadah7H / March 629CE). in this
phase of Islamic expedition headed north Medina, reached Wadi al-Qura and Daumat al-Jandal, so that Muslims can
master Khaibar, Fadak, and Wadi Al-Quran.

The fifth phase, ie from Dzulhijah 7H until the conquest of Ta'if, DzulQadah 8H (April-February 629 M 630 M).
Important events that are included in this phase is the conquest of Mecca. Previous Prophet has been focused on the
tribes of Bali, Judzam, Bahra '.

According to Ahmad Faridh, that Khauf is whip used God to lead His servants towards science and charity so that
they can be with both of them closer to Allah. Khauf heart is in pain because mmbayangkan something to be feared,
that is going to happen in the future. Khauf can prevent slave sinner and encouraged him to always be in obedience.

Condition After the death of the Prophet Muhammad Society

With the death of the Prophet Muhammad in Medina in the 11th year of Hijra (632 AD), the Muslim ummah faced
with a constitutional crisis. The apostle does not appoint a replacement, not even form an assembly to the problem.
Some tribes break away from power medina and refusing to pay homage to the new caliph, even rejecting his
administration. Some of them even refused to Islam. There is a group has lapsed, there claiming to be a prophet and
got followers (supporters) are not few in number. There are also groups who no longer want to pay the zakat,
thinking charity as a tribute to the Prophet Muhammad. Which still remain adherent to the religion of Islam is a
resident of Mecca, Medina and Ta'if. they still meet the obligations and are willing to sacrifice what they have to
restore the glory of Islam.

Electoral Systems Caliph

Political issues, which first appeared after the death of the Prophet Muhammad is who became his successor as head
of government and how the system of government, because the Prophet Muhammad did not leave a will about who
will replace him as the political leader of Muslims after his death. But after he has taught a principle, namely
consultation, in accordance with the teachings of Islam itself. That principle has been proved by events that occur in
each turn of the leaders of the four caliphs period khulafa 'al-Righteous, despite the diverse versions.

Abu Bakr As-Siddiq

Caliph Abu Bakr claimed positions based on the choice that goes very democratic in congress tsaqifah
descendants of Sa'id, meets the known procedures for negotiating this modern world. The Ansar emphasis on service
requirements (merit), they propose a candidate Saad bin Ubadah. The mujahirin emphasis on the requirements of
their allegiance to Abu Ubaidah bin nominate candidates Jarrah. Meanwhile, from the People of the temple of desire
Ali became caliph top position in Islam, as well as a close-law of the Prophet. almost split occurred even physical
fights, through the debate argue, Abu Bakr finally approved by the congregation of the Muslims to occupy the post
of caliph. Apparently, the religious spirit of Abu Bakr received high appreciation from the Muslims, so that each
party receives and allegiance.

Umar Bin Khattab

Umar became the leader of the country, after Abu Bakr, for ten years. He was recruited and selected community
leaders and approved by the congregation of the Muslims. That choice has requested the opinion and approval at the
time of Abu Bakr time they look sick. When Abu Bakr was sick and felt the end was near, he consulted with leaders
companions, then raised Umar as his successor with a view to preventing the possibility of discord and division
among the people of Abu Bakr Islam.Kebijaksanaan turned out to be accepted by society that immediately
allegiance Umar.
Ustman Bin Affan

Ustman bin Affan selected and removed from the six candidates who are appointed by the Caliph Umar deathbed
for murder. Umar was murdered by a Zoroastrian, Persian slave named Abu Lu'lu'ah.Untuk determine his successor,
Umar was not the path that carried Abu Bakar.Dia appoint six merica friend and asked to choose one of them
became caliph. Six were Usman, Ali, Talha, Zubair, Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas and Abdur Rahman bin Awf. After Umar
died, the team consulted and managed to appoint as caliph Usman, through a rather tight competition with Ali ibn
Abi Talib.
Ali ibn Abi Talib

Ali appeared holding the helm of the country in the midst of chaos and turmoil split due to the killing by the
pemberontak.Khalifah Usman Ali selected and appointed by the congregation of the Muslims in Medina in a very
chaotic, with consideration if the Caliph is not immediately selected and removed, then the state will increasingly
chaotic, although there are groups that do not like Ali, but no one who wants appointed Caliph because Ali is still
The development of Islamic civilization during the Umayyad

Umayyad dynasty founded by Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan ibn Harb ibn Umayya. Muawiyah can occupy the seat
of power in various ways, tactics, cunning and guile, not on the basis of democracy are based on the results of
selection Muslims.

Thus, the establishment of this dynasty is not based on the law of deliberation. Umayyad dynasty stand for
approximately 90 years (40-132H / 661750M), with Damascus as the central government. Umayyads very nature
Arabian Orientalist, meaning that in all things and all areas of the officers came from pure Arab descent, as well as
the pattern of civilization produced during this dynasty.

In the reign of this dynasty a lot of progress, development, and expansion reached the area, especially during
the reign of Caliph Walid bin Abdul Malik (86-96H / 705-715M). In the early days of the reign of Muawiya bin Abi
Sufyan no efforts to expand the territory into various regions, such as India by sending Mhallab bin Abu Sufyan, and
business expansion to the West to Byzantium area under the leadership of Yazid I. It also held expansion into North
Africa region. Also directs power to seize power centers outside the Arabian peninsula, among other cities of
Constantinople. The reason Muawiya ibn Abi Sufyan to keep trying Byzantium. First, is the basis of the strength of
the Byzantine Orthodox Christianity, whose influence can be harmful to the development of Islam. Second, people
often hold Byzantine stricken Islamic insurgency. Thirdly, including areas that have abundant wealth.

Not only that, Islam became a religion whose adherents are able to provide motivation to develop themselves in
various fields of social life, politics, economics, culture, and so on. Andalusia was striking glory during the rule of

Progress-Progress Achieved

First, the Umayyads managed to expand the Islamic territory across the world, such as Spain, North Africa, Syria,
Palestine, the Arabian Peninsula, Iraq, a small part of Asia, Persia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Rukhmenia, Uzbekistan,
and Kyrgyz.
Secondly, Islam gives effect to the wider society, Arab fanaticism very effective in building large Arab nation as
well as a nation of Muslims or Islam Once at the time of the Arabs is prototypical of the Islamic nation itself.

Third, science has evolved separately with each figure specialist. Among other things, the science Qiro'at (7
qiro'at) famous are: Ibn Kathir (120H), Asim (127H), and Ibn Amr (118H).

Science Tafsi characters is Ibn Abbas (68H) and his first Mujahid gather in a suhuf Tafsir, Hadith Sciences
collected by Ibn Shihab Az-Zuhri on the orders of Umar bin Abdul Aziz, the characters are Hasan al-Basri (110H),
Sa'id bin Musayyad, Rabi'a Al-Ra'iy teacher of Imam Malik, Ibn Abi Malikah, sya'bi Abu Amir ibn Syurahbil. Then
the science of Chemistry and Medicine, History of Science, Science Nahwu, and so on.

Fourth, the development of the administration of the state administration, such as the presence of the Institute of
Justice (Qadha), Kitabat, Hajib, Barid, and so on.
The development of Islamic civilization during the Abbasid

Early Abbasid dynasty marked by disobedience committed by the Umayyad dynasty in Andalusia (Spain). On the
one hand, Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil title of amir (head position when the region); while on the other, it is not
subject to the caliph in Baghdad. Insubordination Abd al-Rahman al-Dakhil against Bani Abbas similar to that
performed by Muawiyah defiance against Ali Ibn Abi Talib. In terms of duration, the Bani Abbas dynasty including
the old, which is about five centuries.

Abu al-Abbas al-Safah (750-754 AD) is the founder of the Abbasid dynasty. However, because the power is very
short, Abu Ja'far al-Mansur (754-775 AD) that a lot of merit in establishing dynastic rule of Bani Abbas. In the year
762 AD, Abu Ja'far al-Mansur moved the capital from Damascus to the Hashemite, then moved to Baghdad close to
Ctesiphon, the former capital of Persia. Therefore, the capital of the Abbasid dynasty was in the middle of the

Abu Ja'far al-Mansur as the founder of Muawiyah after Abu Abbas al-Saffah, described as being strong and
resolute, ditangannyalah Abbasid have a strong influence. In the reign of Baghdad is well respected by the power of

Abbasid dynasty rule or Abbasid Caliphate, Umayyad dynasty continued power. Named for the founder of the
Abbasid Caliphate and the ruler of this dynasty was a descendant of Al-Abbas uncle of the Prophet Muhammad. His
reign lasted a long time span, from the year 132 AH (750 AD) up to 656 AH (1258 AD).

During this dynasty ruling, the government applied pattern varies according to the changing political, social and
cultural. Based on the pattern of governance and political patterns historians typically divide the reign of Bani Abbas
into five periods:

1. First Period (132 AH / 750 AD - 232 AH / 847 AD), called the first period of Persian influence.

2. Second Period (232 AH / 847 AD - 334 AH / 945 AD), called the first period of Turkish influence.

3. Third Period (334 AH / 945 AD - 447 AH / 1055 AD), the reign of the dynasty of Abbasid caliphs Buwaih in
government. This period is also called the period of the second Persian influence.

4. Fourth Period (447 AH / 1055 AD - 590 AH / 1194 AD), the reign of the dynasty Bani since the reign of the
Abbasid caliph, usually referred to as the second period of Turkish influence.
5. Fifth Period (590 AH / 1194 AD - 656 AH / 1258 AD), the caliphate is free from the influence of another
dynasty, but his power is only effective around the city of Baghdad.

Progress Dinati Bani Abbasid

Each dynasty or regime experienced phases known as the establishment phase, the phase of development and
progress, setbacks and destruction phases. However, the duration of each phase is different because it depends on
the ability of governance is concerned.

In the reign, each has a variety of advances from several fields, including politics, economics, social sphere. In
each field has its advantages and disadvantages.
Political Affairs

However, in this period many challenges and political movements that are destabilizing, both from the Bani
Abbas itself or from outside. These movements such as the remnants of the Umayyads and the Abbasids internal, al-
Khawarij revolution in North Africa, heretic movement in Persia, the Shiite movement and conflicts between nations
and religious schools of thought, all of them can be extinguished.

At the time of al-Mahdi began nmeningkat economy with an increase in the agricultural sector, through irrigation
and improved mining products such as silver, gold, copper and iron. With the exception of the transit trade between
east and west also many brought wealth. Bahsrah became an important port.
Social Sector

Fortune popularity peaked in the days of the Abbasid caliph Harun al-Rashid (786-809 AD) and his son al-
Ma'mun (813-833 AD). wealth that are utilized Harun Al-Rashid for social purposes. Hospitals, educational
institutions, doctors, and pharmaceutical established.

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