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^ItLEOGEWLtE, ci£|
w^ Welcome Home

Novembre 18, 1955 Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Georgia Vol. XXXU;No. 4


Who's Who Chooses Girls With Festivities Start At Eight Tonight,
Talent, Leadership, Service,
• • , • - Freshmen-Juniors Have first Entrance
•National organization founded in 1934 for the purpose of
The Annual 'Golden Slipper, celebration begins at GSCW
recognizing students who possess and practice, outstanding
tonight in Russell Auditorium at eighth. This affair which cul-
qualities in leadership. '
minates two weeks of hard work by all the students will b e
Nine girls from GSCW were •ilfollowed b y a n equally exciting event — the^ Alumnae Home-
honored by WHO'S , WHO this
year. There were: June Susan Atlanta Symphony • looming,,Saturday. .'",:;ii:;',= . / • >•
' • Through two weeks of friendly
Bray, Chairman of Judiciary of class rivalry the sister classes,
Sandersville, who is a member of
Psychology Club, Alpha Psi, Col-
Presents Concert Phi Sigma Elects freshman-sophomore and junior-
senior, have vied with each other
. lege Theater, and Literary Guild; By Ruth Jackson for the award of the golden shoe.
Emma Ruth' Brown of Metter, an One of the main events of the
active member of Y.W.C.A. who
serves as it's Vice President; Etta
Plans for the fifth annual At- 24 New Members night is the plays, written, cast
and produced by the sister class-
lanta Symphony Orchestra Con:^
Lee McDaniel, Glenwood, Home By Jean Crook es. This year the themes are adap-
Economics Club, Photography cert have been completed by Mrs. ted from Archibald McLeish's
Club Publicity Chairman, B.S.U. Charles Zattau, president of the Twenty-four Sophomores have narrative poem, "America Was
Vice President and "Y" Cabinet Milledgeville Symphony Guild. THE GCLDQI SLIPPER been invited to become members Promises." Another important
Social Chairman; Mary Sue Oz- The-concert will be held on Dec- of Phi Sigma, the Sophomore phase of the evening -celebra-
burn, Savannah, is President of ember 1. honor society open to those who tion will be the entrances made
made the dean's list at least once into Russell Auditorium by the
Recreation Association on the
"Jessie" campus; Gloria Ann Er-
The evening performance and
the performance for the patients
Choirs Present and maintained a B average dur- two groups. These entrances, as
ing their Freshman year. These well as songs, poster and displays
win, Milledgeville, President of at the State Hospital have been
Y. W. C. A. and a member of members will be initiated in the have been developed around se-
Elementary Education Club; Eli-
arranged by the Symphony Guild,
while Mrs. J. R. Rogers is chair- Handel's Messiah very near future. cret themes. The names of the
The Sophomores are as follows: judges who will decide the win-
. zabeth Joan Powell, Shannon, man of the Music Club commit-
serves as Secretary of Elementary tee, who are planning the youth The annual presentation of Jane Louise Bell, June Daniel, ners of the shoe will also be kept
Education Club, and a member of concert on the ^ternoon of "The Messiah" will be featured Frances McKenzie Domingos, secret until after the performance.
College • .Government;' • Betty -;^Jo December" I." '' ' ''"'v,' ••^^"':"-- iri' Russell-Auditoriumvon^Novem:-; i,Margap?t;..Delores -Slogter, • Giyrida On Friday, 'November 11, the
Strickland, Hampton, President b e r 30." :'•;.;•• •, ' ' . .:-^^>-V-';-"^'^-^'":;: • Anne Giles, Gloria Glenn, Lorene
four class presidents and the four
of CGA, and member of Literary The afternoon program will Dr. Max Noah, for the: twenty- Edith Harmon, Lila B., Hicks, general chairmen of the Golden
Guild; Lee Dupree Strozier, see a large number of school first year in succession, will con- Coreda Ann Jeffares, Lillian Slipper committee drew for po-
Greenville, President Wesley children from Baldwin and sur- duct "The Messiah", which is to Elizabeth Martin, Doris Ann sition of entrance into the audi-
Foundation, Senior Class Presi- rounding cities and counties. be presented by the Milledgeville Park, Sara Leone Rice. torium and for time of. presenta-
dent, and member of College Community Choirs and the mem- Ann Robertson, Martha Jane tion of the' plays. The freshmen-
Theater; and Mary Gail Thomp- The annual evening concert bers of the Mercer, University Rogers, Sybil Rebecca Smith, juniors will have the first en-
son of Brookhaven who is Vice will be preceded on November Choir, Emilie Jacqueline Stone, Mattie trance and the second play while
30, by the Messiah, which is pre-
President of Literary Guild, mem-
sented each year by the church As soloist for the event, the Grace Strickland, Carol Louise the sophomore-seniors will have
ber of College Theater, Represen-
choirs of Milledgeville and the program features < Mrs, ' Rhea Taylor, Jacquelyn Juanita Taylor, the first play and the second en-
tive to Honor Council, and "Y"
choral groups from the Georgia Richardson, Soprano: Beverly Elizabeth Warren Traylor, Eliza- trance. For the first time in sev-
cabinet scholarship Chairman,
State College for Women. Wolf, Contralto; Frank Gule," Ten- beth Ann Weldon, Betty Jeari eral years' there is to be no Fri-
or; and Haskell Boyter, Baritone. Williams, Bobbye Joan Wilson, day afternoon parade.'
COLLEGE RECOGNITION Sarah Mendenhall Young.
Beverly Wolff of Atlanta, will
Recognition by WHO'S WHO be the guest Soloist for both .the
• AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERI- Symphony Orchestra's evening
Rec Party Gives j Jiuuois, seniors pian Freshmen Name
CAN UNIVERSITIES AND COL- performance and for the- Messiah.
LEGES means that the student An ensemble from the symphony Officers For Year
was, first, officially recommend-
ed by the. university or college
he attends, and, then, accepted by
orchestra will assist in the per-
formance of the Messiah. Golden Glow Xmas Dance Dec. 3;
Blue Baron to Play In Hot Election
The following numbers are to "Shining up the Golden Shoe
i'the organization. for the -___?.___ Class," This is The Freslimen Class at Georgia
College juniors, seniors, and be included in the evening per- It is time to get out those little
formance of the' symphony the phrase you will probably hear State College for Women elected
.students enrolled in graduate Friday Night after the big con- black books and decide who you from a large slate of candidates'
courses are eligible for nomina- orchestra. are going to ask to the Christmas
test. the following girls for their of-
, tions. Selection of nominees is Fidelio Overture — Beethoven Everybody will go to the gym Dance, December 3, The Junior ficers. Lynfiette Ard of Atlanta,
•conducted by campus committees Symphony in D Major—Sibelius after the shoe has'been won and chairmen, Sue Stovall and Eva for President; Daisy Hammett,
and usually involves studant- (honoring the composer's 90th eat, talk and greet all the alum- Jenkins and the ^f senior chairmen Vice President; Jackie Skinner,
iaculty participation. Doris Duke and Hannah Ray are Wrightsville, Secretary; Carolyn
birthday) nae who came back to see their working hard with their commit-
"Adieux, forets" from Joan of colors put on their show. All the tees to see that this dance will be Williams of Round Oak, for Trea-
Arc — Tchaikovsky Golden Slipper songs from years bigger and better than ever be- surer; Betsy Wilson, Americus,
back will be heard and the spirit fore. Blue Baron and his orchestra as Representative to College Gov-
(Beverly Wolff)
Thanksgiving Observed of the shoe will live all over again
Pavane "M,y Heart. at Thy for the graduates. will play and the gym will be ernment Association; Jean Lev-
transformed into a ballroom for erett East Point, Repi-esentative
The mad rush that comes with Sweet Voice" from —Ravel In the rec. hall of Terrell there to Judiciary and Theresa Williams
Christmas dancing.
any holiday will start on Wednes- Samson and Deliah—^si Saens will also be a reception for all of Perry for Representative to
"Habanera"—Bbtet who are on campus. You walk Let's all get a date and plan to Honor Council,
day, November 23, as Thanksgiv-
ing holidays begin. Some Jessies (Beverly Wolff) right up to. the person in the esting and you would do well to
have not been home at all since "Polka and Fugue" from Schu« crowd you would lilce most to listen. attend. These dances are for the
coming to college in September, anda —Weinberger meet and introduce yourself. That When the evening is over you entire student body to enjoy, and
Those who will not get home for Tickets are on sale for two dol- will be enough to start some long are dead. Your feet ache and you the Juniors and Seniors will work
Thanksgiving will observe the lars for adults an^ a dollar for tale of Golden Slipper of years have the feeling that the whole hard to see that everyone who
holiday here at'GSCW. students. ago. These stories are most inter- world loves you, and it does. comes has a wonderful evening.


•:;:i'-'':,' 'Mim


Page 2

Themes, Posters, Programs, JESSIES By Alice Qifmore M r . Tom Gregorys Slipper Contest Marks
All Are Derived From Books Editor/Addresses • "Gosh, but I'm tired," can be
heard almost anywhere you turn
tory started a "Royal Irish'! reign
lasting through 1946. The 1945
^n campus these days. But it's contest was the first one in which
We are at the end of another Book Week—a period officially 1 nice happy sort of tiredness. All, both classes used the same story
designated to emphasize the reading of books, Perhaps, with Chapel Assembly the rushing about, the whispered for the play and the Frosh trium-
all our preparation for Gold Slipper, we, quite iinintentionqlly, conversations, and the secret phed with their Irish Jubilee.
By Cecila Steven " smiles can mean only one thing Slipper night of 1947 saw the
^ [ailed to recognize the significance of this Week. jol'den Slipper is once again Red and White freshmen take
But, what would our themes, plays, songs, pos- Mr. Tom Gregory, editor of the upon us.- charge. Their little sister class
ters, programs^Golden Slipper—have been had "Eatonton Messenger", spoke to seemingly inherited their talent,
the chapel assembly Monday, The traditional event on the
|we not consulted books? college calendar is now, foi for they claimed the shoe in both
morning, November 14. A most ;heir Frosh and Sophomore years.
Little do most of us realize the value ot books interesting a n d . entertaining freshman, a reality, and for up-
perclassmen something to be The Green and White took the
jin our lives. But the sooner we learn to know speaker, he spoke of small town slipper away in 1949 and kept it
newspapers and the opportunities worked on, played at, lived and
land to love books, the more quickly and the loved all over again. This is the until 1951 when the Red and
for women in the field of journa- Nhiie sophomores took it back.
I more fully can we satisfy living in other realms. lism. event that ties sister classes to-
gether and creates a bond of Since then the slipper has
To us, life is one great battle for Love and Mr. Gregory was born in Eaton- friendship, sportsmanship, and , changed hands every year. In
'Truth. We are all striving for The Good, The ton and attended both Reinhardt fair play among all the students, i 1952 "River Rhapsody" won it
STOKES True, and The Beautiful. May we need no Book for the Purple and Lavender
Week to remind us of the great stepping stone—reading—to these
and Mercer colleges before be- Class Ci'oxaen supper cliuirmen map p^oiis lor the fiiteenih \mid all this hubbub, it's doubt- Sophs. Then Uncle Remus came
coming editor of the Messenger. ful that anyone has even stopped
ideals. During World War II he served celebrolion. Working out events ore: seated, Mickey YoYung. for a moment to ask themselves and helped the Red and Black
as a Lt. Commander in the Navy. and Daisey Hommett; standing, Billie Sue West and Sue just where and when all this sophomores carry home the shoe
Ozbiun. MISS ETHEL ADAMS with their "Born 'n Bred in de
He returned to Eatonton where he began.
now, in addition to being one of This event began in 1938, when Founder of Golden Slipper Briar Patch." The last year's con-
Honor Code's Meaning Stretches the civic leaders of that commun- Miss Ethel Adams, who was then cause in 1940 it was again the test
saw the Irish ride away on'
"Musical Merry-go-round"
Once again, let's dig into the Honor Code, find out what
ity, owns and edits the "Eaton-
ton Messenger." Golden Slipper Committee Chairmen Dean of Women, decided that freshman, this time Red and
there needed to be something to Black who won the coveted Gold- with a five-point victory.'' '
makes it tick, and see just how we can make it a part of our bring the classes closer together. en Shoe. The fourth straight vic- This year, who knows what the
On a trip she saw the G o 1 d e n tory for the Red, Black and score will be, or who'll be the
lives. This time, we'll consider the deeper meaning of stealing. Electedln The Sister Class Meetings S l i p p e r , bought it and origi- White came the next year as the one to take the shoe home? We
Golden Slipper time again; that means wearing class colors,
and that to most of us means borrowing clothes, hammers, scm^s,
Freshmen Dormitories nated the contest. At the begin- sophomores just would not be to know however that when
By Mae Roberson ning the whole event was built out-done. it's all over we'll have benefited
and all sorts of odds .and ends. Borrowing, of course, brings, a With the excitement of Golden SHpper in the air, commit- around the play. From this, it from it, by learning to V.'ork to-
frenzied week of returning. But as much as we dislike thinking Elect Representatives In 1942
tee chairmen for this annual occasion were elected in joint has evolved to the spectacle it and carried the shoe ending the the Irish sophs came in gether, making new friends, and
of it, there are some things lost, forgotten, or returned all the meetings of the sister classes, •• is today. gaining the slipper spirit.
four year streak of the crimson.
worse for wear. These are the articles with which everybody To The House Councils^ Since then the bright Golden
The following chairmen were lor; Junior, N o l l e Stanton: Shoe has made many travels. The The Irish and Royalty seemed to
Oh! It's Just iMy Costume for Golden Slipper.
needs to concern themselves. By Mae Roberson elected by t the Seniors and Flats— F r e s h m an, Carolyn first slipper contest was held in have gotten in the swing of
Of course. Golden Slipper is not tne only time that borrow- Sophomores: General Chairmen- Williams; Junior. "Scotty" Scott: 1938, when the Red and White things by then because this vic-
Dormitory officers .for the Sophomore, Mickey Young; Sen- Props—Freshman, Louise John- freshmen went after the shoe and
ing occurs. It happens all the time, and nothing about it could
be considered wrong—except the fact that sometimes articles are
not returned. If you really think about it, doesn't this seem to
Courtesy Relieves Freshmen have been elected with
much competition and many run-
ior, Sue Ozburn: Theme and En- son; Junior, Martha Ann Haw- wouldn't stop until they got it. Dr. Green Addresses
trance—Sophomore, Sarah Rice; kins: Programs—
Senior, Gail Thompson; Songs— Patsy Blount; Junior,
Marie The next year was a repetition of
Sophomore, Frances Domingos; Brown; Play Director—-Junior, carried the shoe back home. Some Pi Gamma Mu Meet
fall in the same category as stealing? the same story as the sophomores
Officers for Terrell A and Prop-
Along with borrowing from individuals comes the borrowing
of group property. The dormitories are equipped wiht articles
the students need and would have available for use at home.
Conditions er were elected Tuesday night,
November 8. They are as follows:
President, Mary Jim Penn; Vice-
Senior, Betty Churchwell.
Costumes—Sophomore Charlene
Peggy O'Neal: Writers— Fresh-
man, Betty Youngblood,
Grier; Senior, Janeth Parker. O'Neal, Carol Jean Fox; Junior,
Dr. Helen Greene spoke to the
of this luck must have been pass- members of the Pi Gamma Mu
ed down to their little sisters be- on the subject of economic educa-
These are bought for the students' use and not just to lie around. Recent occurrences on campus have caused many to won- President, Alice Batchelor; Sec- Posters—Sophomore, "Gus" Wil- Beth Royal, Lisa Hardie: and tion at their quarterly meeting Exciting Colors
liams; Senior, Hannah Ray: Dis- Typists— Freshman, Lora Col- in November. She gave a lively
But some people never get q chance, to use them because some- der the depth of the influence of a woman. Events at the Sat- retary, Katherine Ragsdal; Trea-
one else took them to her room and forgot to return t h ^ . In urdav.i cinemas caused one to shudder at the action of the' surer, Elaine Deoton; and Repre- ->.iiA-*-
play—Sophomore, Alice Gilmore; lins; Junior, B. J. Avant.
Senior, Carolyn Register: Flats-
Sophmore Class and informative account of her
work at the Case Institute this The Standard Typewriter
this respect, group property must be thought of ds individual Jessies and their GMC ddtes.v sentative to Honor Council,. past summer. in Portable SizQ
Sophomore, Betty Hall; Senior,
possessions would. They are ours to use but not to take.
Stealing is not confined to material things; ideas and
When the "short" on flower arranging
being shown the noise was so great that the
was Barbara Abney.
The election for officers in.
Sonya Reddick: Props^Sopomore,
June Kitchens; Senior, Sylvia Mc-'
Jessie Candidate Salutes New Flag Dr. Donald Fuller, the Presi-
dent, presided over the meeting.
interested listeners were not able to hear the B&C was held Wednesday night, He announced that eligible stu-
thoughts can also be stolen. In doing reference work it's difficult
to keep from using another person's thoughts. But unless we film. • November 9, and the following
Cluskey: . Programs—Sophomore,
Helen \ Cook; Senior, Barbara Runs As Nominee . Flag. raising Wed.,. Nov., 16, dents and faculty members would
was the first public appearance
give credit where credit is due, aren't we actually stealing the At other times of the day, GMC and other were elected: President Cynthia Shellhorse: Play Director—Senior, Marilyn Middleton, a junior of the new Sophomore Class Flag. be invited to join each quarter
work of another's mind? This sort'of stealing is closely tied in visitors appear on campus and many park their Cunningham; Vice President, Ann June Bray: Writers—Sophomores, from Blakely, 'was recently no- The committee responsible for although the formal Initiation
Reddick; Secretary, Pat Daniel; Frances Padgett, Carol Taylor, minated to be Georgia's candi- the planning and birth of this banquet would be deferred until the spring
with lying, which we'll think through sometime in the future. • :ars in front of Terrell. as usual.
Those boys v;-ho leave exactly at 6:00 p.m. Treasurer, Mary Jo Claxton; and Ann Robertson, Chairman; Sen- date for national president of the flag was composed of Suetta
Representative to Honor Council, iors, Beth Hardy, Jean Mitchell: college club section of the Ameri- Sims, Jackie Taylor, Mytle San- Jo Strickland is the Vice-Presi-
drive entirely too fast for the rough conditions Zoann Bums.' Typist—Sophomore, Jane Bell: can Home Economics Association. ders, and Rochell Woodward, Gus dent of the GSCW chapter of Pi
The Colonnade HARDIE of the pavement and the crowd of girls gather-
Sherrill Brown, Billie Sue West
and Band Director—Sophomore This nomination occurred at the Williams and Austre Steinhard Gamma Mu and Miss Mary
Ann McCarson. state fall home economic work- drew the plans and made the Burns is the Secretary. Other of-
Published bi-weekly during the school year, except during ing for supper.
holidays and examination periods by the students of the Tactfulness on the port'of the girls in explaining the and Mildred Barrett, Juniors, The Juniors and Freshmen el- shop. pattern for it. Bess Chamblee and ficers
include: Program Chair-
Dr. Henry King Stanford;
aided the Fresmen in election of ected the following chairmen: This year, it is the Southren Betty Jones actually made the Social Chairman,
Georgia State College for Women, Milledgeville, Georgia. • situation to their guests could eliminate this problem. - the dormitory officials. General Chairmen—Freshman, Region's turn for nomination of flag. Mrs. Edwin Al-
Subscription, price, $1.25 per year. Member of Associated The rights of others has been infringed upon and the len; Membership Chairman, Dr. T.
Daisey Jo Hammett; Junior, Bil- national president. Each of the The flag's background is of E. Smith; and Publicity Chairman, ONLY
Collegiate Press, National Advertising Service, and Georgia • •Jessies, by'frowning upon such actions of theirs guests, are lie Sue West: Theme—Freshmen, states in the Southern Region crimson red. In the left hand Jean Stokes. TakslOiaoDtlis
Collegiate Press Association. chiallenged to help solve the situation. Y Commisson Meets Cynthia Cunningham; Junior, Ann nominates a girl. From the ones corner at the top is the mighty ^m0^ D O W N to pay.
(Printed By The Union-Recorder, Milledgeville, Ga.) Howard: ' Entrance—Freshman, nominated three will be selected eagle in all- its magestic white Comi In u d try tliM* new Royals et:
: Member Plans Year s Events Lynette Ard; Junior, Iris Barr; for the final election. Qualifica- splendor. Written in the lower
ASSOCIATED COLLEGIATE PRESS Golden Slipper Spirit Is The Victory Song-Freshman, Joan Lewis; Jun- tions of these three girls are sent right hand corner is '58 and the It Costs Less At G. H. WlLbON, Owner
The Freshman Y Commission: ior, Mildred Barrett: Costumes- to all college clubs, and each bolt of thunder stitched down
-EDITORIAL STAFF— Freshman, Jo McCommons; Jun- club votes. The returns from the the middle acts as a dividing line. MCMILLAN' S W. L. GATES COMPANY
held their first meeting in Novem- [ I
Editor ^___„_ —. - ____Lisa Hardie Suddenly the air is filled with song and the campus is ber with Lois Chapman, chair- ior, Lyanne Harden: Posters— election will be announced in the Each of these symbols stands for
Assistant Editor — Ruth Dixon Freshman, Mary Lou Trussel; spring. ,SHOE SERVICE 639 Mulberry St. Phone 2-3041
a very meaningful and significant
News Editor _— : Jean Stokes spotted with color, not the pale shades of growing things, but the man of the Steering Committee, Junior, Marilyn Middleton: Dis- Ruth Brown, a senior from Met- trait. The eagle alone stands for Macon, Go.
Assistant News Editors Helen Cook, Peggy Foster, boldness of lavender and purple, green and white, red and presiding. Ruth Brown, First play— Freshman, Alice Batche- ter, is the present National Vice- strength, the chain entwined a-
Frances Padgett I black. Everyone is on the go. and . working Vice-President of the Y.W.C.A. President of Ameican Home Ec- round the feet of the eagle stands
I hard—Golden Slipper is the password. But when and adviser for the Commission, onomics A s s o c i a t i o n , college for unity, and the white color of
News Staff __Elkabeth Thomas, Ora Jane Kilgore, division.
Joyce Bowden the festivities are over and the slipper has been orientated the group, into their the eagle is smbolic of virtue.
Sports Editor -J- : ^.Mickey Young I carried to its new home, we'll look back and responsibilities. The Commission The class is known as the
Thunderbirds of '58 and it is
Art Editor
- — - — A l i c e Gilmore
— ^Dot Richards
take stock of what has yectlly happened. Was then discussed service projects
it all in vain that hard work and hours upon they plan to undertake.
Band To Give Concert very proud of its new home.
On November 21, 1955, the
Faculty Advisor Dr. Ed Dawson hours of preparation, or did it help us realize the G S C W Band will give its fall
Typists —____ Nancy Pace, Martha Cleland, Martha Faircloth real purpose of Golden Slipper, for the Golden The Freshman Y Commission quarter concert in Russell Audito-
Lillian Mims
Club Reporters __Pcrtsy Blalock, Suetta Sims, Rebecca Garbutt,
Slipper is more than just the goal of every always sponsors the Auction for
class—it's a traditibn that sums up the real W.S.U. week' on our campus.-
rium at 8:00.
Mr. Arnot would like to en- ELIZABETH'S Jusf Across River Bridge
Pat Bowles Angle Amis DIXON > meaning of sportsmanship and fraternity. If This year the group will'also take courage everyone to come out
responsibility in planning Fresh- and see and hear the new band , GIFTS FOR ALL
Fashion Editor _ _ — — _ _ 1——- . Jo McCommons someday we took stock and found that it had become an object man Bible Study Breakfast, and instruments "in action." The pro-
Reporters: Betty Martin, Carol Taylor, Carol Fuller, Gus Wil- for keen competition alone or that friendships had been strained Taps in the freshman dormitory. gram will be a varied one, rang- OCCASIONS
\ -
liams, Bemice Strickland, Mary Lott Walker, Gene because some people do not feel their responsibilities as.strongly Other Y activities in which they ing from "Colonel Bogey," a
Van Buskirk, Cecilia Stevens, Pat Hudson, Mae Rob- as others, or that the decision of the judges had been resented, will serve are Vespers, chapel de- rnarch, and the popular "Yellow
inson, Martha Thomas, Ann McCorson, Edith Bishop, then something would have happened that would, dim the • votions, study groups, and public- Riose of Texas" to larger number
Jeanette Neil, Jo Carol Knight, Edith Goggins, Jury golden glow of the Slipper. For Golden Slipper is npt'lo be con- ity. The Freshmen were given an such as "Colorama" and "Pacific
Edwards, Billie Ann Hogan, Jerry Dunahoo fused with ordinary competition, where the final score. de- opportunity to sign up for • the Grandeur.'* FRAN-CETTE BEAUTY SHOP
—BUSINESS STAFF— • termines the winner—for here there is no: real winner in that committee on which they wished
to serve.
Business Manager — „_.„______ Ldttie Stancil. sense. Of course, one class carries it home, but we all know Professional Pin Curl Permanent
Assistant Manager - ._____—:._ — .Melissa Fuller the real victory comes in the spirit that resuhs from working hard, The Steering Committee which
^'_____________Mary Bpnzo ^ not as individuals, but as a group; from sharing our ideas, or is the nucleus around which the only $5.00!!
Exchange Editor—:— Commission will work' includes
Circulation Manager- ^_>^ ^________Betty Jones accepting the adeas of others; from setiirig a goal and reaching Lois Chapman, chairmanl; Cyn-
Assistant Manager^
*.««....-* -.,- _ ——- ————:——— Julia Wood for it; and finally, from realizing^that froni slipper competition,'^ thia Cunningham, Jackie Ricks, Hair Washed, Trimmed and Curled for
like: all of life, we get-out of it what' we-put,into it. Let; there
QrcuiSlori* Staff: Florstta Maddox, Barbara-Britt,Welda iKing, always be "good will toward all fellowmen",'for that is'what Mary Jo Claxton, Garplyn Wil-
Margie Lu Dryden, Carolyri Johnson, Bonnie Lucas, the slipper is symbolic of, "it matters not who won or lost, but liams, Patsy Blount, Anne Red-
dick, Pat Daniels, -and Barbara
This Low, Low Price!
Mede Craft, Annette Hobbs. Pom Gutts, Marjorie Hart, how we played the game."
Richie Duckworth, Shirley Johnson '



Faculty Members
Travel, Speak, A
Inside The Jessie Sports World
'4 The finals of the Dorm, volley- Sophs .took the lead early in the
Represent College ball were fought out by Beeson opening minutes of the game and Tumbling Club
and Bell in a tit for tat game went on. to raise the score and
This month the faculty travel-
ing calendar has been filled. Mr.
with both teams playing a splen- finish off the Seniors. Also in the Elects New
did game. The ball was kept in the first day 'of class intramurals the
X ff \i
Specht launched it by being the
speaker at t h e Milledgeville
air most of the
time and the
Frosh and the Juniors hit the ball
around a bit. The Juniors went on
Kiwanis Club. Later in the month teams really to put the Frosh under by a rous- The Tumbling Club has added
he was speaker at the Milledge- showed just ing score of 40 to 29. 23 new members this quarter.
ville Jaycee Meeting. what could be They are: Lynnette Ard, Joyce
Mrs. Browden was a participant done to keep The next rounds played as the Bowden, Doris Brock, Carol Car-
in the Georgia Library Associa-
tion in Augusta, and Miss Ivey
went all the-way to Atlantic City,
Why do more college the spectators on
the edge of their
seats. In the fin-
winners played each other and the penter, Shirley Cauthen, Jackie
loosers faced one another. Soph- Cook, Martha Drew, Nancy Dur-
mores again took the title and ren, Judy Edwards, Ann Florence,
N'ew Jersey, to attend the Region- al minutes of the whipped the Juniors by a margin Nedra Garrett, Elizabeth Groover,
al Conference of College Teachers game the Beeso- of 7 points making the score read: Betty Hall, Daisy Hammett, Glo-

Alumnae members of earlier classes appeared on the Charter

of Textiles and Clothing.
also attended the College Day
Program in Atlanta, along with
men and women smoke YOUNG
I nites took the
lead and kept it
to win by a score
Sophs 30, Juniors 23. Freshmen ria Jones, Squirrel Johnson, Jean
and Seniors were not too well Leverette, Flo Maddox, Margaret
matched and which was indicated MitcheU, Barbara O'Neal, Carol
Mr. Specht and Mrs. Browden. RoyaJ. Rats Pledge Their Loyalty to the Junior ClasSj by the score. The Frosh went on Sellers, Barbara Traylor, and
Day program. Piolured leflto right are: Miss Alice Napier, Mrs. of 33 to 25. to raise the score to 43 which left Ann Weeks.
J. L. Beeson, Dr. Henry Stanford, Mrs. Nan Miller, Mrs. E. R. Mr. Mangifico went to Savan- Excellent ball handling was the Seniors behind with a total of
" "\Hines, and Alumnae Secretary Sarah Bethal.

Indonesian Students Will Complete

nah where he was guest speaker
at the Charter Day Observance.
Miss Bethal attended two GEA
meetings one in Albany and one
VrCEROYS Golden Slipper Regulations Insure
displayed by Joyce Barineau who
played for Beeson and Bell was
lead by Marty Camp and Gus Wil-
The Class intrgmurals got un-
21 points.
On November the 9th Frosh and
Reba Sutton is President of the
club, and Miss Chapin is advisor.
The next demonstration of the
Juniors really put on a show for tumbling club will be staged at
in Cordele.
Miss Brooks, Dr. Mathews •. and Good Sportsmanship During Contest derway when the Sophs took the
the spectators. At no time during Griffin in January.
the game was one team ahead of
Study At GSCW; Leave Christmas Dr. -Folger journeyed to Atlanta
to attend the Teachers Eucation
Council. Dr. Fuller attended the
than any Other Today's Golden Slipper regu-
lations which the classes will fol-
the second group to set the
Seniors by a 40 to 21 tilt. The

by the Junior and Freshmen

the other by a margin any great-
er than 5 points. At the beginning
of the game the Frosh took the
Keeler Shows Relics
' By Mae Roberson American Association of Collegi- low are: e. Order of Presentation classes. lead by about 3 points but in The Dr. Clyde Keeler, professor of
Biology at GSCW, appeared' on
/. /With an uneasy feeling I faced four Indonesian students
., .'across the table in Chappell Hall-1 soon forgot my uneasiness,
''f however, a s the interview progressed. My first question w a s
ate Schools of Business, and Mr.
Eakins attended the Southern Ec-
onomics Association. Both meet-
filter cigarette? 1. Purpose ^
The purpose of the- Golden
Slipper Contest is to promote
At least a week before the
contest, the presidents of the
two classes shall draw for
the second entrance into the
. Three weeks before Golden
Slipper, the Sophomore and
Senior class officers will se-
second half the Juniors lead the
field but not by a large score. At
the final minutes of this fine ex-
"Newsroom last Wed-
showed some of the
materials from his own
ings were in Atlanta. class spirt,' to stimulate good lect a committee of three hibition the Juniors lead 26 to 25
how a n d why were they in America. I soon learned that these Mr. Meyers was at the Atlanta auditorium on the night of and this score was the' final one. collection. Some of these objects
four girls had been chosen by the Department of Agriculture sportsmanship; and to encourage from the Sophomore class to were the canoe in which the In-
Auction, and he attended the the contest; the class losing write the play and a commit- Monday, November 21 the ;fin-
of the Indonesian government to come to the United States to the development of dramatic that drawing shall be given dians go to' heaven; the incense
Southeastern Section of the Na- material. tee of two from the Senior als of this high spirited contest
to study Home Economics and the Home Demonstration Pro- tional Association of Educational the choice of first or second will be fought out by Frosh and pot used to worship the good
2. Points-to be judged class to assist them. A play earth mother; spirit ladders which
• gram. Buyers, in Atlanta. place in the presentation of director from the Senior class Sophs. It will be a fine game and
Dr. Bonner helped organize the a. The play — 30 per cent the plays. the winners will have accomplish- are buried with the native of their
The four Indonesian girls, Nina pressed her attraction for tele- b. Publicity — 15 per cent will also be selected by these guardians, idols and'palm crosses
Karlinah Prawirasoemantri, Ut- vision, another, for everything Carroll County Historical Society, f? Posters and Displays ed a hard feat.
ariah Djafar, and Jijis Muljati that's automatic, and another, for
Mahdi, all of Java, and Gustina the democratic way of life. But
lectured at the Carrollton com-
munity Education Series and
Because only Viceroy (1) Display — 10 per cent
(2) Posters — 5 per cent
There shall be no off-the-
campus publicity. Each class
officers. A committee of-three
Freshmen to write the play,
two Juniors to assist them,
SWIMMING POOL used to drive away the evil
sjpirits; and some of the medicine
c. Theme — 55 per cent sThe swimming pool is open at used.
Agus, of Sumatra, arrived in the thing which I think the best spoke in chapel at the West Geor- may put out as many as seven
Washington, D. C, on Janurary compliment to America and her
14, 1955. And on February 14, way of life vi'as their attraction
gia College. He also went to
Memphis, Tennessee, where he
gives you 20,000filtertraps (1) Songs — 20 per cent
(2) Programs — 5 per cent •
posters, but only five shall
be submitted to the judges.
and a Junior play director
will be selected by the Junior
class, officers. .
the regular hours for your swim- Dr. Keeler collected these items
ming pleasure. You are invited to when he went to the Sand-Bias
(3) Costumes and Entrances gONtake a; dip any time it is open. Islands to study Albinos. While
they enrolled at GSCW as special for the informal and friendly re- read a paper at the Southern His-
Vstudents in Home' Economics, lations between parents and
Their year's study here is being children, and between teachers
torical Association meeting.
Miss Jane White was the
in every filter tip, made 30 per cent
^ . 8. Governing' Rules.
Posters shall not be exhibit-
ed prior to the Wednesday
before the. contest, and not
j . Pep Meetings
Pep meetings for the purpose
The hours are posted on the dress- there, he became interested in
ing room door a long with a list Anthropology and studied that-
sponsored by the International and students. a. Judges of planning the work and of Life Guards. also.
Cooperation Administration in „,„ ^
Washington, D. C. •
^ , __ _
We ^o not have Home Demon-
author of "Lettering Your Bul-
letin Board" which appeared in
the new issue of the "Business
from a pure natural substance There .shall be three judges
secured by thp President of
more than four'•posters shall
be exhibited at one time.
learning the songs will not
begin earlier than two weeks STUDENTS! GET FREE
" • 5 stration work in Indonesia, and
There shall be one display before the night of the con- Rec Club Parties 5 X 7 ENLARGEMENT
During the Winter and Spring we will go back and help our
quarters, the girls worked as government set up Home Demon-
Education World."
Dr. Stanford and, Mr. Cheek found in delicious fruits CGA
The chairman from each
for each class. It may be put
up Thursday before the con-
test. Pep meetings shall last
from 6:15 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
At Bonner Park With ^ d e r for Crown

i special students in the Home Ec-, stration work."

jonomics Department. Under the'
direction of the Georgia Agricul-
are the last of the recent wander-
ers. They recently returned from
a Southern meeting of Public Re-
lation Directors College Presi-
and other edibles!
class is responsible for turn-
ing in t o - t h e President of
' CGA not later than noon of
the day of the contest the
test. These displays shall be
. put in places designated for
them, and the presidents of
the two classes shall draw
Workshop will begin after
the pep meetings and will
stop at 9:30 p.m. A list of
the committees shall, be ap-
The Recreation Association re-
cently sponsored a party in Bon-
ner Park. If you were on front
Jumbo Prints
Send this ad, your roll to be de-
veloped at prices shown below,
and your favorite negative. You
ture Extension Service, they
studied, during the Summer MILLER'S dents. five posters to be judged
four copies of tha songs,
for the first choice of place.
g. Songs
proved by the Dean of Wo-
men before work may begin
campus about 6:30 in the evening will receive your Crown Jumbo
Prints in a beautiful album, PLUS
Yes, only Viceroy has this filter composed of 20,000 tiny and you wondered what all the
mer quarter, the Home Demon-
stration Program in various coun-
5c To $1.00 Stores SPECTRUM PROOFS
filter traps. You cannot obtain the same filtering action four copies of the budget, •Each class shall have seven during study hall hours. The excitement was it was just the one 5x7 Enlargement made from
ties of the state. In the present Milledgeville The proofs of the individual in any other cigarette.
four copies of the programs,
and four copies of the play,
songs, including the class
song. Pep songs may be sung
play cast shall work on the
play from 6:15 to 8:00
Jessies in Rec. on their way to a
bond fire and singing session at
your negative, FREE.
Fall quarter, they are living in pictures for the Spectrum were
the Georgia House, which is Sparta - Wadley sent to the students last Thursday. b. A committee of three adults, in the auditorium on the p.m. The cast may attend the park. Mildred Barrett lead the 8 Exp' Roll 40c
GSCW's rural home management Carolyn Register, the editor of The Viceroy filter wasn't just whipped up and rushed to Excluding class sponsors cho- night of the contest, but they three pep meetings during group in singing games while the 12 Exp. Roll .— 60c
house. As a part of their training, the Spectrum, stated that each market to meet the new and skyrocketing demand for fil- sen during the spring quart- will not be judged. the two weeks. On the three cooks were heating water for 16 Exp Roll ,- 80c
they are learning home manage- student should select the pose tered cigarettes. Viceroy pioneered. Started research more er by the President of CGA h. Entrance nights they choose to attend coffee and making "Darn-Goods." Prints from your negatives
and the four class presidents, ' The entrance should not ex- pep meetings, they will leave ' 5 cents each
ment and how to adapt it to their Stuck for Your Dad's
.. own •• cdiiritry. Regretfully, for us,
she wants to be put in the an-
nual. Also orders for other pic-
than 20 years ago to create the pure and perfect filter. shall select a short story or ce,ed fifteen minutes. Special the pep meeting at 7:00 p.m.
The group divided into 4 sub-
groups and played games until Remember, you get one 5x7 En-
narrative poem from which provisions will be made for and practice the play until largement FREE with your order.
and we hope for them, this will Christmas Present? tures can be made at this time. we heard the water boiling and
be the girls' last quarter on" the
GSCW campus. They will leave
for home December 17, via Wash-
These proofs should be sent to
Gaspar-Ware Studio, 876 West
Peachtree N. W., Atlanta, Georgia,
3 Smokers.en masse report that filtered Viceroys have a
finer flavor even than cigarettes without filters. Rich,
satisfying, yet pleasantly mild.
the plays shall be adapted.
At least three weeks before
the date of the contest the
presidents of the two classes
large classes by the four
class presidents, the two'gen-
eral chairmen, and the presi-
dent of CGA. .
8:45 p.m.
k. Budget /"
Each class. Freshman and
Sophomore, shall be allowed
smelled the "Darn-Goods."
Later in the evening, the group
played more games.
Offer good for limited time only.
Write for free Mailers.
Box 392 Augusta, Ga.
ington, D. C, and Hawaii. Their WESTERN AUTO as soon as possible.
shall be given the material i. Chairmen ihirty-five dollars for their
The party broke up about 7:30
Developers of Films for Over

plane will arrive in Indonesia Viceroy draws so easily that you wouldn't Icnow, without since the Freshmen have to be
January 10, approximately a Fishing Tackle and Supplies. to be used and the conimit- The Sophomore class officers eiiipenses must not exceed back for study hall. 20 Years
year after their departure. looking, that it even had a filter tip . . . and Viceroys cost tee's recommendations for a- will nominate one Sophomore this amount.
Shotguns and Accessories, only a penny or two more than cigarettes without filters! dapting and judging. The and one Senior to head each 1, Raising the Flags
I was much interested in the
Indonesian girls' impressions of Sporting Goods, Auto underlying theme of the se- Golden Slipper committee. During chapel period on Wed-
lection and the main char- After these nominees are pre- nesday of Golden Slipper
America and its life. They gen-
^ erally agreed that their first ^im-
j^ppression was that "Americans
Accessories That's why more college men and women smoke VICEROYS than
any other^ filter cigarette . . . that's why VICEROY is the largest-
selling filter cigarette in the world!
acterization must be trans-
ferred to the adaption—al-
though any number of char-
sented, the Sophomore and
Senior classes may nominate
from the floor and the two
week, flag raising will be
held between Parks and Art CULVER & KIDD DRUG CO
pL,are always in a hurry." When kinson Hall. Following the
*• acters may be used in the classes will elect two chair- singing of pep songs, the
p'Jijis said, "Time is to enjoy.", I
ij^ think she expressed a philosophy THE adaption. Each play shall not men for each committee. Freshman class president 'Home of Good Food"
T? which would be good' for all A- from ,last longer than thirty min- The Junior class officers will shall unfurl the class flag,
utes. " •
mericans to learn and practice. SANFORD nominate one Junior and one after which the Freshman DIAL 224 QUICK DELIVERY
C It seems that the two things HALL MUSIC CO. C. Coaching Fresman to ./hiead each
Golden Slipper committee.
- class song shall be sung. In
like -manner the Sophomore,
; which they liked about American
',^-houses were the kitchen and clean
(1) The head of the speech
department shall serve as the There may be nominations Junior, Senior, and Slipper
bath room. One of the girls ex- technical adviser for both of from the floor, after which ' flags shall be unfurled and
the plays.
(2) A faculty member shall
serve as technical adviser to
the chairmen will be elected class songs sung.
both groups in the writing of
the plays. Two Pints of Ice Cream Given to Two
NASH'S WALTER R. THOMAS (3) No other faculty members
or adults shall witness a
GSCW. Students EVERY DAY. Come
_-_.practice or otherwise super- in and Register for Yours NOW!
Good Luck to the Sophomores and

Hatrold s
vise the plays. Students may
i MEN'S AND BOYS' 20^000 ask technical advice of ahy-
E !•' ' 'one. . —WEE3CEND SPECIAL—
C Freshmen on Slipper Night! Tiny FiltiBr Traps ' d. Intermission
A STORE There shall be a fifteen min- Hamburger ^teak, with all the
C plus Ihat Real TobacciD T»^^ tes intermission between the
two plays: five minutes for Trimmings ... . 5 5 c
• • ,, •". ' ••:'l' , ',•;''••

. . the- first group to clear the

stage, and ten minutes for
\ ..' '• 'V.'.'',.'?":'"'S

: l^^0&m:
1' ^ iiiii

Jessies Attend Homecoming Events

night; Say,; a'word of the wise to
the gals • here on campus, you (former CGA prexy.) ,
Buzzing Around-Flash should have come to the dance "Here's to the Golden Shoe „'l ,
this refrain is being hea.rd all
"Hi Again", time really does because there were more boys over the campus. All the girl's are
fly, doesn't it? Here 'it is mid- than girls, honest and true! : decked out'in their class colors
quarter again' and we are now Seen in town buyirig material and all aglow over the big event.
over the hill and on the wayfor their trousseaus were Carolyn Returning to the campus will be
down toward the end of this Morris, Miriam Smith, Joanne many former "Jessies", Jo Nan
quarter. With it has gone Home- Keith. Ritchie, Betty Ruth Kitchens,
coming at Tech and The Univ~er- A certain* cute "blonde Fresh- Betty Joyce McCoy Burke and a
sity of Georgia, the "Y" Scholar- man, Daisy Hammett, was very large group from Auburn, whis-
ship Ball. At these exciting events happy last Friday about 'going pers-are floating about and all are
were many happy "Jessies". home. Could it be a special guy wondering "who" will win. but
Seen at Ga. were Emily Stone was also going to be home?. ' we will all have to just wait and
The Plymouth Cradle of the Fuller family, which came to Mickey Young, Et McDaniel, Liz Dorm scene: The tabby cat be- see and until then remember,
America on the "Mayflower." Weldon, Lois Chapman, Babs ing rescued' during Fire Drill I'll be buzzinz around
Adams, and many others rooting over in Terrell Hall. The cat had
for the Red and Black. it's own towel just as the Hand-
Massachusetts Cradle Rocks Heirs Cheering Tech on to victory book states. Sunday Night Study
were Jean Sparks, Glenda Giles, A nice surprise was the visit
Jane Tidwell, Patty York and of Judy Brown, a former "Jessie" Group to See Film
scads of other "Jessies". last Sunday. '
Of Founding Fathers Of Plymouth Mary Ann and Bill, were just News about another former The Study Group which meets
each Sunday afternoon at 5:00 at
one of the many couples ' that G.S.C.W. girl is the, engagement .the church has been studying
A cradle which rocked many of founding fathers is again danced their cares away at the of Lillian Rodgers to John Ander- books written for the SVM Quad-
being used b y their descendents. Scholarship Ball last Saturday son, Jan Anderson's, brother. rennial Cohference to be held in
However, a GSCW professor, December. /
Dr. Fuller, at the time his child- On Sunday night, December
ren were of adequate size.for cra- Jean Sparks To Head the fourth a short film on the.
"World Council of Churches" wiU
dle rocldng did not know that his
ancestry afforded his children State Collegiate Council Fashion's Fads be shown at the WF meeting. Miss
Isabel Rogers, who attended the
this privilege.
world council meeting, will tell|-
It appeared that his uncle of the At the Collegiate Council of We're swinging into liveliest time of the year — a time the group about her trip.
Fuller Brush Company had the the U. N. Institute held in New
Fuller line traced and the findings York this past summer, a Jessie, sparkling with party plans and fashions at their most feestive.
revealed interesting facts. For the gala season ahead, November has wrapped u p a glit-
Jean Sparks, was appointed state tering package of clothes and accessories — all bound to make
Dr. Samuel Fuller and his bro- chairman of the C.C. of the U.N. IRC Members Report
ther Edward came over on the in Georgia. The C.C. of the U.N. one the "Life of the.Party". .
Mayflower with their families. works in association with the
Edward died during the first hard I.R.C. It is an organization in
The big party est student around campus.
colors this Barbara Martin made a big
On Emory Conference
winter and his children were rear- which college students may get year will be hit with her friends at the play
ed by his brother Samuel Fuller, a better understanding of the champagne & Thursday night. She came dress- By Frances Domingos
who was the physician for the scope and function of the United pink cham- ed in a dose fitting black velvet A report from the two-day ses-
colonists. Both brothers signed the Nations and express their opin- sion of the International Rela-
"Mayflower Compact." pagne — the dress with white trimming and tions conference at Emory was
ions. beiges rhineston buttons.
The cradle belonged to Ed- light the highlight of the program at
Jean, a home economics major, a n d r o s y Sue Rogers is one of those gals
ward's youngest child and is today is beginning her second year in the IRC meeting in Parks Hall on
housed with other relics of early C.C. of the U.N. and I.R.C. pinks, The who deserves a second look.* Her November 10.
Plymouth history in the Plymouth activities. She is a Junior from bare - should- attractive outfit of a beige cash-
dered look •The president, Elaine Langdon
Museum, Plymouth, Massachu- Carnesville, Georgia. mere sweater, brown skirt with and vice-president, Shirley Staf-
setts. of the strap- jDeige leather piping on the pock-
less gown is ford, spoke on the conference in
• Direct descendants of the Ful- McCommons ets is an eyecatcher. To compli- general. Dallas Patterson related.„
ler brothers may have their in- ment these, she wears an amber, to the group the apparent role of
fants rocked briefly in the cradle. Colonnade' Staff Moves back, and along with it, the full
pearl, and crystal rope necklace, Britain in world affairs. News
length evening dress in the cot-alligator shoes and bag and a
and highlights from the Middle
Office To New Location from tillion tradition. Skirts, range brown jersey cloche. East presented by Patricia Bowles
the bell-shaped in stiff fab- That's all for this time, gals. and. Shirley Burnett concluded
Alumnae Exhibit rics to a gentle flowing line in Be seeing you around!
On Third Floor Parks soft fabrics.
the. meeting.

By Jo McCommons We think, "femininity" what-

Oils, Watercolors ever the occasion is one of wo-
Space has been conquered! If Get Those Purple Sweaters At
you ever went down into the' men's most precious possessions,
As a climax to Art Week the
work of three GSCW graduates "dungeon" under Parks Hall, you and we're happy to report that —AT—
is being exhibited in Porter Gal- would no .doubt have noticed chiffon, the most feminine fab-
lery, November 6-22. The ex-that the "Colonnade" office was ric, is showing-up by the skirt- HOLLOWAY'S MEN'S STORE
hibitors are Frances Stewart Hig- definitely overcrowded. When fulls this season. A striking ex-
gins, Rebecca Wall Maddox, and one entered the room, chances ample is a champagne rayon
•Mary Leath Thomas.' were he had forgotten wliat he chiffon dress that eternally floats
wanted since it was such a strug- on air. It's accented by a sash of
Higgins gle getting in and out.
cat's-eye green just under the
"Frances Stewart Higgins who But, since conditions couldn't
'graduated in 1934 has exhibited get worse, they got better. The
"in many places including the "Colonnade" office has been mov-
"Best Shoe Service On Earth"
•Brooklyn Museum. She and her ed lock, stock and barrel to the Now, let's take a peep once a- NEXT TO CAMPUS THEATRE — MLLEDGEVILLE
'husband are among the outstand- third floor of Parks. The newgain, at ihe fashion that's "show-
'ing artists in Handcraft Glass. press room looks like a ballroom ing up on our campus. Compli-
ments to you, Jane Henderson,
instead of a cell. Even though on your attractive moss jgreen
Maddox some of the drawers are too large
Rebecca Wall Maddox who for the filing cabinets, diie to the jumper with contrasting accessor-
'now lives in Rome, Georgia,] fault of no one in particular, ies. Lattie Standi is a stunning Simday ^ Monday/November 20 & 21
"works in a vigorous way both in articles can be found in a smat- figure in her orange goats' hair
'Oils and water color with a ten- tering of seconds. And what's sweater, and brown ,wool skirt. .-^," EVenYBODY LO¥SS.../
dency toward the abstract qua- more one doesn't get knocked Congratulations go to you, Ora
lity in being. Jane.Kilgore, for being the neat- 1^ ^
down and stepped on anymore.
Mary Leath Thomas is an out-
standing w:oman painter of the
•south. Mrs. Thomas has received
•"First Awards", and Purchase A-
"Ayards" in many exhibitions. Her JEWELERS TECHNICOLOR
"worlc is in permanent collection JANET JACK BETTY CINEMASCOP^*
^at Raleigh Art Gallery Virginia Welcome Back, Alumnae! \ \ LEIGH-LEMMON-GARRETT I A (OIUMIIA PICIU>I_
"Mwseum, Hollbrook Collections,
"University of Georgia, Athens, and
the High Museum of Art, Atlanta.
The exhibitors were accompani-
Hollbrook. Mr. Hpllbrook is the
Milledgeville, Ga.
Director of the Georgia Art
• "SHOES FOR ALL THE JESSIES" Personalized Service'. ' *


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