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Time-Allowed: 60 minutes

1 Vocabulary (20 pts)

Part 1: Matching (10 pts)
Direction: Match the words with its definition. Write your answers in the box provided.

1. crisis a. an online community of people with a common interest (e.g. Facebook)

2. mosque b. a condition of instability or danger
3. social network c. something you sent with an email
4. attachment d. to move sth from the internet to your computer
5. continent e. a Muslim temple
6. download f. desire for work or activity
7. ambition g. to move sth from your computer to the internet
8. upload h. a person who stays overnight at stranger’s house while traveling
9. couch-surfer i. first course of a meal
10. starter j. the Earth’s large land masses

Write your answers here:

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Part 2: Completion (10 pts)

Direction: Choose the word from the boxes and complete the phrase.

go meet see stay show carton can tin packet jar

1. a of fruit juice.

2. a of beer

3. for a week

4. a of rice

5. on a safari

6. the sights

7. a of tomatoes

8. somebody around your city

9. a of honey

10. somebody new

2 Grammars: (50 pts)
Part 1: Superlative vs Comparative (5 pts)
Direction: Complete the blank with ”Superlative or Comparative”. The first one has been
done as an example.

1. Saturn is bigger (big)than the Earth, but Jupiter is the biggest. (big)

2. Mars is (closer) to the Earth than Uranus.

3. The clothes here are (good) than in my town.

4. That’s (bad) mark I’ve ever got.

5. Venus is (far) from the Earth, but Neptune is . (far)

Part 2: Will vs Going to (5 pts)

Direction: Complete the blank with correct verb forms. The first one has been done as an

1. Let’s meet later. I will call and tell you tonight. (call)

2. Would you like tea or coffee? I coffee, please. (have)

3. I can’t do my homework tonight. I the movie (see)

4. So you are going to live in Australia! What when you get there? (do)

5. I with you even if you don’t want me to. (come)

6. I with you if you like. (come)

Part 3: Adverb vs Adjective (5 pts)

Direction: Write down the correct forms (adverb or adjective) of the following words in
bracket. The first one has been done as an example.

1. She’s such a good dancer. (good)

2. Many is a person (careful)

3. You look . Didn’t you sleep well? (tired)

4. She speaks English . (good)

5. Her English is very . (good)

6. He is so fat. He runs slow (incredible)

Part 4: Gerund vs Infinitive (5 pts)

Direction: Complete the sentences with to+a verb or by using gerund. The first one has
been done as an example.

1. Mary enjoys travelling to Europe. (travel)

2. Do you want tennis? (play)

3. I don’t mind the washing up. (do)

4. I prefer to music than doing exercises. (listen)

5. I would like dinner with you this Saturday. (have)

6. Manith doesn’t like drinking coffee. He’d love soda instead. (drink)

Part 5: Articles (5 pts)

Direction: Complete the sentences with correct articles a/an, the or -. The first one has been
done as an example.

1. Their car does 150 miles an hour.

2. Where’s USB drive that I lent you last week?

3. What do you usually have for Breakfast?

4. Is your mother working in old building?

5. She’s reading comic book.

6. I’ve got idea. Let’s go to play game!

Part 6: Present Perfect vs Past Simple (5 pts)

Direction: Write down the correct forms of present perfect simple or past simple of the
verbs in parenthesis. The first one has been done as an example.

1. Last night I lost my keys. I had to call my friend to let me in. (lose)

2. I hockey since I was a child. I’m pretty good! (play)

3. Sorry, I the bus, so I’m going to be late. (miss)

4. After he (arrive) home, he (unpack) and

(go) to bed early.

Part 7: Present Perfect vs Past Simple (20 pts)

Direction: Complete this conversation with the present perfect simple or past simple
forms of the verbs in parenthesis. The first one has been done as an example.

3 Reading: (10 pts)
Direction: Read the following text and answer the questions. Write T if the answer is True, F
if the answer is False. Write your answers in the boxes provided.

Food Firsts
How much do you know about the history of some of your favorite foods? Do you know when
people in England started cooking curry dishes? Do you know in which country pizzas or
hamburgers were first made? The facts might surprise you.
Many people think the English found out about curry from people in India in the 1600s. In
reality, wealthy English people were eating dishes made with curry spices hundreds of years
before British ships traveled to India. Cooks of wealthy English families during the time of King
Richard I were making curry dishes, and in fact, the word curry can be found in an English
language cookbook as far back as 1377.
As for pizza, this dish was probably first made in Persia (what is now Iran). The Persians were
eating round, flat bread with cheese in the 500s. That was nearly 1,000 years before pizza caught
on in Naples, Italy! Finally, lets look at the truth behind hamburgers. Many people think
hamburgers are an American food. However, according to some stories, hamburgers came from
Hamburg, Germany. A German named Otto Kuasw created the first hamburger in 1891. Four
years later, German sailors introduced hamburgers to Americans.
Where foods come from isnt nearly as important as how they taste; as long as they are delicious!
So, go get some of your favorite food and dig in.


1. What is the main idea of this reading?

(a) Curry was created in England.
(b) There are many foods that help your body.
(c) People created fast food long ago.
(d) Some facts about foods are surprising.
2. Which is probably true about British curry dishes in the 1400s?
(a) The dishes did not have meat.
(b) The spices cost a lot.
(c) People ate curry on special days.
(d) British sailors first made curry.
3. What did people in Naples learn from Persians?
(a) How to make pizza
(b) How to cook cheese
(c) How to use spices from Iran
(d) How to make flat bread
4. Who introduced hamburgers to America?
(a) Persians
(b) Otto Kuasw
(c) Italians
(d) German Sailors
5. Which food was probably made first?
(a) Hamburgers
(b) Cheesy Persian Bread
(c) Italian Pizza
(d) English Curry

Write your answers here:

1 2 3 4 5

4 Listening: (20 pts)

Part 1: True or False (10 pts)

Direction: Are the following setences True or False based on the recording? Write your answers
in the boxes provided.

1. The customers want two tables.

2. There are two customers eating together.

3. The two customers order the same starter.

4. Both customers order the Thai chicken for their main course.

5. The customers order cold drinks.

Write your answers here:

1 2 3 4 5

Part 2: Completion (10 pts)

Direction: Complete the following gaps with the correct words. Write your answer in the
spaces given.

Tamara: Hi, Mario. Do you want to go and watch a (1). ?

Mario: Hi, Tamara. Sure, what’s (2). ?
Tamara: Well there are two action films, Mr and Mrs Jones and War Games, and they’re both
in (3). .
Mario: I’ve already seen Mr and Mrs Jones. I haven’t seen War, but I don’t really want to see
an (4). film. What else is (5). ?
Mario: Mmm, Im not sure. Are there any (5). films on?
Tamara: Yes, theres Midnight Moon. Its got (6). in it.
Mario: OK, sounds good. Lets go and watch Midnight Moon. What (7). is
it on?
Tamara: Its on at 12 oclock or at half past (8). .
Mario: Is it on this (9). ? Yes, at 7.30.
Mario: Perfect. Let (10). at 7.30.


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