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is understood by environment to the surroundings that affect and condition specially the
circumstances of life of the people or the society as a whole; including/understanding natural,
social and cultural the values existing in a place and a little while determined that they influence in
the life of the human being and in the coming generations; that is to say, one is not only the space
in which the life is developed but that also includes alive beings, objects, water, ground, air and
the relations among them.

However taking into account the damage that we caused our environment, of one or another
form we contributed to contaminate it; the sweepings, the remainders of paper or plastic, the
pesticidas and fertilizers in the cultures, the detergents and the remainders gathered by the
system of sewage system and the batteries contaminate the ground; the batteries contain metals
like mercury, cadmium or nickel, and if they are also not recycle they can contaminate the ground
with rest that contain metals or other injurious substances and acid rain also contributes to its

The contamination of grounds causes the contamination of the plants that grow in him or the
animal poisoning and people that ingests plants with high percentage of lead, toxic mercury or
other metals, since also it causes that the water is contaminated; for example, when mineral salts
in underground waters dissolve or when the industrial remainders arrive at streams or the rivers.
Petroleum produces a black tide when this it spills to the sea the load that transports being left
petroleum in the water, and sailor deposits itself at heart or he sticks on rocks of the
contaminated coast therefore the water. They must spend several decades until the affected
ecosystem recovers; an ecosystem is formed by all the physical elements of a concrete region:
forms of the relief, the rivers, the climate, the ground, etc., next to the alive beings who live in this
region and the relations that exist between these alive beings.

Also the contamination arises from the water

when warming up itself when an industry or an electrical power station uses the water of a river
to cool their machines, the water is warmed up. And in the hot water there is less oxygen
dissolved than in the cold one, reason why many fish and other animals can die; the
contamination can affect the air, water and ground. The smoke that expels the automobiles,
chimneys and factories affects the atmosphere.

The contamination of the air

has many consecuenciasnegativas:

The increase of the effect conservatory

: The gases quecontaminan the atmosphere turn the Earth a graninvernadero, retaining the heat
that provide solar losrayos, reason why the temperature of all
the planet increases. A slight increase of temperaturaafecta to the plants and the animals of a

The destruction of the ozone layer

. In atmósferahay a layer where ozone abounds a special gas, this gas protects the Earth of ultra-
violet rayses quellegan from the Sun. But, when we used ciertossprays, called gases are emitted
fluorocarbonos chlorine that destroy ozone.

The increase of respiratory or ocular diseases: If you live in a great city, will have breathed the
smoke of the cars and will have felt picor in the eyes; this must to that the air is contaminated,
because there are many vehicles or they train continuously throwing smoke. As the air contains
some toxic substances, the people who undergo asthma or other diseases of the respiratory
apparatus get worse when the atmosphere is contaminated. The smoke of the cities, call smog,
can even cause the death of the ill people.

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