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Toward a conceptual understanding of


Article in Review of General Psychology · September 2006

DOI: 10.1037/1089-2680.10.3.241


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1 author:

Anthony F Bogaert
Brock University


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Review of General Psychology Copyright 2006 by the American Psychological Association
2006, Vol. 10, No. 3, 241–250 1089-2680/06/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/1089-2680.10.3.241

Toward a Conceptual Understanding of Asexuality

Anthony F. Bogaert
Brock University

Asexuality has been the subject of recent academic (A. F. Bogaert, 2004) and public
(e.g., New Scientist; CNN) discourse. This has raised questions about the conceptual-
ization and definition of asexuality. Here the author reviews some of these issues,
discusses asexuality from a sexual orientation point of view (i.e., as a lack of sexual
attraction), and reviews the similarities and differences between this definition and
related phenomena (e.g., hypoactive sexual desire disorder). Finally, the author con-
cludes that the term asexuality should not necessarily be used to describe a pathological
or health-compromised state.

Keywords: asexuality, sexual orientation, HSDD, sexual attraction

In the wake of the publication of an academic and behavior (e.g., psychology), the word asex-
article (Bogaert, 2004) and a popular scientific uality has been used sparingly. A relatively re-
review in New Scientist (Pagán Westfall, 2004), cent usage of the term, however, has been in the
scientific and public interest has been raised context of sexual orientation. A model of sexual
about a hitherto overlooked phenomenon: asex- orientation that includes asexuality was devel-
uality. Despite this recent interest, the novelty oped by Storms (1980; see also Berkey, Perel-
of the study of this phenomenon has meant that man-Hall, & Kurdek, 1990). Heterosexuals are
the clarification of some basic conceptual and those individuals who score high on attraction
definitional issues is lacking. My original study for members of the opposite sex (i.e., high on
(Bogaert, 2004) was largely an empirical exam- heteroeroticism); homosexuals are those indi-
ination of the issue. In the present article, I viduals who are high on attraction for members
address conceptual and definitional issues, with of the same sex (i.e., high on homoeroticism);
a particular emphasis on how asexuality differs bisexuals are those individuals who are high on
from and is the same as other descriptors of attraction for both sexes (i.e., high on both
related phenomena, whether asexuality should heteroeroticism and homoeroticism); and
be viewed as a unique sexual orientation, and asexuals are those individuals who are low on
whether it should be considered a pathological attraction for both sexes (i.e., low on both het-
condition. eroeroticism and homoeroticism).
Note that Storms’s definition of asexuality
Defining Asexuality concerns a lack of sexual attraction to either sex
and not necessarily a lack of sexual behavior
In biology and related disciplines, asexuality with either sex, or even a self-identification as
usually describes organisms that do not use sex an “asexual.” It would also not necessarily
(i.e., male and female variations) to reproduce. mean that these individuals have no desire for
In disciplines devoted to the study of humans sexual stimulation (e.g., do not masturbate), al-
though, as discussed below, most of these indi-
viduals would, of course, likely have a very low
interest in any kind of sexual stimulation. It
This research was supported by Social Sciences and
Humanities Research Council of Canada Grant 410-2003- would also not necessarily mean that these in-
0943. I thank Carolyn Hafer and Luanne Jamieson for their dividuals do not have any capacity for physical
help at various stages of this research. arousal (e.g., erection, vaginal lubrication), al-
Correspondence concerning this article should be ad- though many who lack sexual attraction to oth-
dressed to Anthony F. Bogaert, Departments of Community
Health Sciences and Psychology, Brock University, St. Ca-
ers may have limited physical arousal experi-
tharines, Ontario, Canada L2S 3A1. E-mail: tbogaert ences. Finally, it would not necessarily mean that these individuals do not have a romantic/

affectionate attraction for others, although, as perhaps many, asexual people may still have a
also discussed below, a large percentage of romantic/affectional attraction to others and
these individuals likely do not form any kind of thus desire to form a romantic bond with them.
romantic partnership with anyone. It is of note A second important finding was that, although
that this emphasis on sexual attraction (e.g., asexual people reported a relatively low level of
whether one has eroticism and/or sexual fantasy sexual activity with a partner (e.g., 0.2/week
directed toward others) in defining asexuality is vs. 1.2/week for sexual people), some clearly
consistent with other recent definitions and con- still engaged in some level of sexual activity
ceptualizations of sexual orientation. Recent with a partner, perhaps if only to please their
formulations of sexual orientation emphasize partner(s). Thus, distinctions between sexual at-
sexual attraction rather than overt sexual be- traction and other aspects of relationships (e.g.,
havior, sexual identity, and romantic attrac- romantic attraction and sexual behavior) may be
tion in their definitions/conceptualizations (e.g., important to make within the context of defini-
Bailey, Dunne, & Martin, 2000; Bogaert, 2003; tional/conceptual issues surrounding asexuality,
Diamond, 2003b; Money, 1988; Zucker & just as they are for the typical categories of
Bradley, 1995). In this view, (subjective) sexual sexual orientation (i.e., heterosexuality, homo-
attraction is the psychological core of sexual sexuality, and bisexuality). For example, Dia-
orientation (Bogaert, 2003). mond (2003b) has argued that people may have
It was on this basis that I (Bogaert, 2004) romantic orientation(s) toward the same sex,
recently undertook the first empirical investiga- even though their sexual attraction may be ex-
tion of asexuality. I used a national probability clusively directed toward the opposite sex (or
sample of British residents (N ⬎ 18,000; Well- vice versa). Similarly, Klein (e.g., Klein, Sepe-
ings, Field, Johnson, & Wadsworth, 1994). As koff, & Wolf, 1985) has argued that people may
is typical of the sexual orientation questions on have emotional and social preferences, along
such surveys, participants were asked to whom with lifestyle and behavioral components,
they were sexually attracted: men, women, or which are same-sex oriented, even though their
both. Unlike in most sexual surveys, however, sexual attraction/fantasies may be oriented to-
participants were given an option of not answer- ward the opposite sex.
ing this question and instead indicating that Another important definitional/conceptual is-
“they have never felt sexual attraction to anyone sue that emerged from my (Bogaert, 2004)
at all.” This was the definition of asexuality study related to how people with other atypical
used (Bogaert, 2004), consistent with the mod- sexual proclivities might respond to the state-
els of sexual orientation mentioned above. One ment, “I have never felt sexually attracted to
important finding from my 2004 study con- anyone at all.” Might this include people with
cerned the prevalence of asexuality. Approxi- sexual attraction but who have unusual sexual
mately 1% (n ⫽ 195) of the sample reported interests (e.g., paraphilias)? As I suggested (Bo-
never having had sexual attraction to anyone. gaert, 2004), this is unlikely because this state-
This figure was very similar to the prevalence of ment implies that all level of human involve-
same-sex attraction; that is, it was very close to ment/interest is lacking. Thus, it would exclude
the number of gay men and lesbians in this not only heterosexuals, homosexuals, and bi-
sample. (Other studies using representative sexuals, but also pedophiles and those with at-
samples, however, have found higher levels of traction to people not easily categorized as male
homosexual attraction.) Other important find- or female (e.g., intersex, transsexual). Even
ings bear on some of the distinctions/definitions most people with paraphilias (e.g., fetishists)
of asexuality and sexual orientation noted usually have some level of human partner in-
above. For example, although most asexuals volvement/interest, even if they have a strong
were not in a long-term relationship (e.g., not attraction to some object (e.g., women’s shoes).
married or cohabiting), a sizable minority It is also unlikely that a significant number of
(33%) were and another 11% had had at least the asexuals in this sample have extreme, non-
one long-term relationship in the past. Such human paraphilias (e.g., bestiality) for two rea-
partnerships in asexual people may occur for a sons. First, such extreme paraphilias (without
variety of practical reasons (e.g., economic, any human sexual attraction) are extremely rare;
child rearing), along with the fact that some, second, the asexual people in this sample were

largely women, who tend to be very underrep- which a significant difference in sexual desire
resented in the incidence of paraphilias (e.g., occurs between two members of a couple. Sex-
Freund, 1994). Thus, although the strict defini- ual aversion disorder is a related diagnosis to
tion of asexuality presented above (Storms, HSDD, in which an aversion for genital contact
1980) may not exclude some extreme para- occurs (e.g., extreme anxiety when a sexual
philias, my (Bogaert, 2004) empirical investiga- encounter presents itself). Sexual arousal disor-
tion of this phenomenon likely excluded them. ders (e.g., female sexual arousal disorder; male
One solution to this potential problem in future erectile disorder) refer to problems of physio-
investigations is to define and measure asexual- logical arousal and may be related to desire
ity as a more general phenomenon; that is, as a issues (e.g., HSDD). For HSDD and related
lack of any sexual attraction. Thus, anyone who variations/disorders, a diagnosis is only applied
does not have sexual attraction toward people, if it “causes marked distress or interpersonal
objects, and so forth is defined as asexual. This difficulty” (American Psychiatric Association,
is the definition of asexuality promoted in the 2000, p. 539). A diagnosis must also exclude
present article. evidence of certain well-known medical condi-
tions, depression, or the use of certain drugs,
Asexuality and Sexual Dysfunctions which are known to lower sexual desire. If such
conditions fully explain the low/absent desire, a
How is asexuality, defined as a lack of sexual separate diagnosis is applied (e.g., HSDD due to
attraction, similar to various forms of sexual major depressive disorder).
dysfunctions, particularly hypoactive sexual de- To revisit the question posed earlier: How are
sire disorder (HSDD)? Note that I am empha- asexuality and HSDD (and related disorders)
sizing HSDD (over other related dysfunctions, alike? Asexuality, defined as a lack of sexual
e.g., arousal disorders) because it is likely the attraction, likely encompasses forms/variations
most similar to asexuality. However, the argu- of HSDD and related disorders. In particular,
ments about degree of overlap and distinctions people who have had a lifelong absence of
between HSDD and asexuality generally apply sexual desire and are markedly distressed about
to these other related dysfunctions. this situation or have marked interpersonal dif-
HSDD is a relatively recent phenomenon, at ficulty (i.e., lifelong HSDD) would not likely
least in terms of a diagnostic category. Inhibited have had any sexual attraction to anyone or
sexual desire appeared as a diagnostic category anything. Thus, the overlap between lifelong
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the HSDD (and related conditions) and asexuality
Mental Disorders (3rd ed.; DSM–III; American is likely significant. It is interesting to speculate,
Psychiatric Association, 1980). In the DSM’s then, whether the rate of asexuality that I found
fourth edition (DSM–IV; American Psychiatric in my previous work (1%; Bogaert, 2004) is
Association, 1994), the name was changed to similar to the rate of those with a lifelong ab-
hypoactive sexual desire disorder. Similarly, sence of sexual desire and related issues (e.g.,
lack or loss of sexual desire appeared in the lifelong HSDD). I know of no representative
International Statistical Classification of Dis- sample similar to the rate of those with lifelong
eases and Related Health Problems in 1989 HSDD; future research is needed to address this
(ICD-10; World Health Organization, 1992). issue. It is also interesting to speculate about
HSDD is currently defined in the text revision similar underlying causes affecting asexuality
of the DSM–IV (DSM–IV–TR; American Psy- and lifelong HSDD (and related conditions).
chiatric Association, 2000) as “persistently or Thus, do many of the correlates of asexuality,
recurrently deficient (or absent) sexual fantasies which may play a causal role in its development
and desire for sexual activity” (American Psy- (see Bogaert, 2004), also apply to lifelong
chiatric Association, 2000, p. 539). A clinician HSDD, and vice versa? For example, does a
must make the judgment of what entails a “de- lack of conditioning (e.g., lack of repeated as-
ficiency” or “absence.” The DSM–IV–TR di- sociation between genital stimulation and po-
vides HSDD into certain subcategories, such as tential partners in adolescence, and/or few re-
“generalized” versus “situational” and “life- wards within one’s prior sexual contexts) un-
long” versus “acquired.” A variation of HSDD derlie both? Does a prenatal alteration of the
is “discrepancy of sexual desire disorder,” in anterior hypothalamus, thought to underlie tra-

ditional sexual orientation (e.g., Ellis & Ames, from, say, the three main categories of hetero-
1987; LeVay, 1991), also underlie both lifelong sexual/straight, homosexual/gay, and bisexual?
HSDD and asexuality? Before answering this question, some prelimi-
There are also important distinctions between nary remarks about my assumptions and defini-
HSDD (and related disorders) and asexuality, at tions of sexual orientation are in order. I define
least from a sexual orientation point of view. sexual orientation in a narrow way: as one’s
One important difference is that some asexual subjective sexual attraction to the sex of others.
people may still have some level of sexual de- My definition is narrow in part because it refers
sire, arousal, and/or activity, and they may even only to the sex or gender of one’s preferred
derive pleasure from it; however, they just do partner(s). This is, of course, the traditional
not direct or connect that desire/arousal/activity view, but one’s sexual orientation could be
toward or with anyone or anything. For exam- viewed more broadly, referring not just to the
ple, it is reported that some individuals who sex/gender of one’s preferred partner(s) but, for
identify as asexual have such “nondirected” or example, to other aspects of one’s sexual inter-
“nonconnected” patterns of sexuality (Pagán ests/attraction, such as the age or weight or
Westfall, 2004). species of one’s preferred partners, or to other
Another important distinction between dimensions beyond animate things (e.g., ex-
HSDD and asexuality is that most people with treme fetishists), or even to situations (e.g.,
HSDD do not have a lifelong absence of desire. power, submission). My definition of sexual
For example, 33% of women and 15% of men orientation is also narrow because it concen-
reported low desire in the past year in a repre- trates only on sexual attraction and not, as
sentative sample of the United States (Lau- mentioned, on other elements of sexuality and
mann, Gagnon, Michael, & Michaels, 1994; romantic bonding toward others (e.g., sexual
Laumann, Paik, & Rosen, 1999). Most of these behavior, romantic/affectionate attachment).
people would not likely have had a lifelong Finally, my definition is narrow because it re-
absence of desire and would have felt some fers to only the subjective element of attrac-
sexual attraction at one point their life. Thus, tion—that is, a perceived eroticism/fantasy di-
most people with the most common forms of rected toward others; it does not necessarily
HSDD would not likely be asexual. It must also refer to physical attraction/arousal or other as-
be remembered that HSDD and related disor- pects of sexuality that often accompany such
ders are diagnosed only if specific, additional subjective attraction. Note that not all psychol-
conditions are met (i.e., marked distress or ogists studying sexual orientation would neces-
marked interpersonal difficulty). As such, there sarily give precedence to subjective attraction
may be a significant number of people with a over physiological arousal/attraction (e.g., gen-
lifelong absence of sexual desire who would ital response directed toward females) in defin-
never be diagnosed with HSDD because they ing sexual orientation, but I believe this defini-
are contented and/or function adequately inter- tion has merit for a number of reasons. First,
personally. These people too would likely re- using a subjective definition of attraction seems
port no sexual attraction and hence be consid- to best capture the psychology of sexual orien-
ered asexual. Thus, asexuality would likely tation (e.g., the study of the mind, including
encompass both lifelong HSDD and non- perceptions). Second, it may be more linked to
diagnosable forms of lifelong low/absent desire actual sexual behavior than physiological arous-
because the definition of asexuality does not al/attraction. For example, a person who does
necessarily assume that the individual is dis- not perceive having sexual attraction toward
tressed or does not function adequately women despite exhibiting physical arousal pat-
interpersonally. terns toward them (e.g., in the laboratory) is
unlikely to engage in sexual behavior with these
Asexuality and Sexual Orientation partners. Notable in this regard is that women’s
subjective sexual attraction patterns often do
Should asexuality be considered a different not match their genital arousal patterns, which
or new category of sexual orientation? In other show arousal to female targets that is nearly
words, is it useful to consider a lifelong lack of equal to arousal to male targets (Chivers,
attraction as a unique sexual orientation, distinct Reiger, Latty, & Bailey, 2004). Despite this, the

large majority of these women would report manner to sexual people, an argument can be
their subjective sexual attraction patterns (and made that these individuals also have a tradi-
would identify) as heterosexual. tional underlying sexual orientation, despite
Bearing these criteria in mind, I pose the their lack of awareness of this attraction. In
question again: Is it useful to categorize people arguing this view, one accepts that physiologi-
with a lifelong lack of attraction as having a cal attraction/arousal supersedes (or at least is as
unique (asexual) sexual orientation? I raise this important as) subjective sexual attraction in de-
question because there is likely some skepti- termining one’s sexual orientation. However, as
cism in the academic and clinical communities mentioned, I define sexual orientation using
about whether asexuality should be categorized one’s subjective attraction as the main criterion.
as a separate and unique sexual orientation. Thus, even if there is psychological attraction,
Thus, although there may be acceptance of the as long as there is no subjective eroticism to-
fact that a small minority of people report a ward anyone or anything (and hence the mind is
lifelong lack of attraction and that the word not registering such attraction), then a unique
asexual might be a reasonable word to describe sexual orientation category/designation is re-
them, there may be hesitancy about the useful- quired for these individuals in my view.
ness of categorizing these people within a rela- The second objection to asexuality forming a
tively new category, distinct from those used unique sexual orientation concerns the potential
within the traditional discourse on sexual orien- overlap between very low sexual desire and a
tation (i.e., heterosexual/straight, homosexual/ lack of sexual attraction. According to this
gay, or bisexual). view, people who have a very low desire (e.g.,
HSDD) do have an underlying sexual orienta-
Two Objections to Asexuality as a Unique tion, despite reporting no attraction. Thus, the
Orientation argument goes, if desire could be increased,
then the underlying inclination would be exhib-
The hesitancy to view asexuality as a unique ited. For example, some interventions, such as
orientation is likely based on one or both of two administering high levels of testosterone, have
objections, the first of which was raised previ- shown promise in increasing sexual desire—not
ously (Bogaert, 2004). This first objection con- just autoeroticism but desire for other peo-
cerns the validity of self-report. Some people ple—in some individuals with HSDD (e.g., van
may report a lack of sexual attraction, but they Anders, Chernick, Chernick, Hampson, &
may in fact have demonstrable sexual attraction Fisher, 2005). Thus, such interventions may
to others of a particular sex/gender. For exam- have the potential to reveal the “true” underly-
ple, if examined in a psychophysical laboratory ing sexual orientation of these individuals. In
(e.g., using phallometry), some asexual people this view, then, many cases of asexuality, even
may exhibit patterns of physical attraction/ those with lifelong HSDD, would not have a
arousal similar to those of sexual people (e.g., unique sexual orientation because an underlying
physical attraction/arousal patterns similar to existing orientation may be revealed if certain
those of bisexual, gay or straight individuals). circumstances were to change.
Such people’s asexuality, then, may be best If one accepts the reasoning that low sexual
described as a “perceived” or “reported” lack of desire is often merely masking an underlying
attraction, rather than an actual lack of physio- and traditional sexual orientation (but see criti-
logical attraction to a partner of either gender. cisms of this view in the next section), are there
These people may report or perceive themselves any forms of asexuality remaining that might
as being asexual for various reasons, such as not still be usefully designated as having a unique
being aware of their own attraction/arousal or sexual orientation? There are three such poten-
falsifying their attraction/arousal. In the case of tial forms. One is the case of an individual who
falsification, a strong argument could be made has no sexual desire and who does not have the
that these asexual people do indeed have a typ- ability to increase their desire with any known
ical sexual orientation but are merely motivated intervention. Thus, they would have no attrac-
to keep such attraction a secret. In the case of tion or desire because the interventions to in-
those who are not aware of their own attraction crease desire would be ineffective. The second
and yet respond physiologically in a similar case is an individual with little or no sexual

desire who could increase their sexual desire seems to assume a strong “essentialist” position
through an intervention (e.g., testosterone) but with regard to sexual orientation. In other
still has no sexual attraction toward anyone or words, this view assumes there is an underlying,
anything despite that potential increase in de- presumably biologically determined (e.g., pre-
sire. The third case is similar to the second: natal organization of anterior hypothalamus of
Those who have sexual desire and possibly ex- the brain) sexual orientation toward others that
press it (e.g., masturbate) but do not direct this all people have before adolescence and that will
sexual interest/desire toward anyone or any- reveal itself in adulthood under adequate social
thing. Thus, in the latter two cases, despite a and hormonal circumstances. Recently, there
potential sex drive/interest, these people do not has been a fair degree of support marshalled in
have any inclination toward others or any object favor of biological factors in the development of
and, hence, would not have one of the tradi- sexual orientation (e.g., Mustanski, Chivers, &
tional sexual orientations, nor would they pre- Bailey, 2002; Rahman & Wilson, 2003), but
sumably have any inclination for nonhuman even strong advocates of this position argue that
sexual objects and thus would not have a para- sexual orientation development is complex and
philic orientation. The degree to which these that multiple factors and interactions among
three groups make up a significant number of variables contribute to its development. More-
asexuals is unknown, but as mentioned, the over, there may be a biological predisposition to
third group—those with desire but no attrac- a lack of sexual attraction toward others, such
tion—is reported to be one recognizable form that for some people there may be an underlying
by people who identify as asexual. For example, predisposition for an asexual orientation. For
some asexual people report masturbating, de- example, I found (Bogaert, 2004) that asexual-
spite reporting no sexual attraction to anyone or ity had certain biological correlates that suggest
anything (Pagán Westfall, 2004). a prenatal origin (e.g., potential alteration of the
hypothalamus). Thus, assuming that many cases
Arguments Against Asexual People of asexuality have an inherently developed sex-
Having a Traditional, Underlying ual attraction system and an atypical or altered
Orientation sexual desire system (e.g., low testosterone;
The view that many cases of asexuality have high inhibition) is problematic. We simply do
a traditional underlying sexual orientation and not know enough about either low desire issues
thus should not be viewed as having a unique or sexual orientation development to draw these
sexual orientation can be criticized in a number conclusions.
of ways. First, evidence of effective treatments A fourth and related problem with this view
of HSDD is limited (e.g., Ågmo, Turi, Elling- is that it equates sexual orientation development
sen, & Kaspersen, 2004; Heimen, 2002), sug- with the phenomenology of sexual orientation
gesting that increasing low sexual desire (and, itself. In other words, it uses our assumptions
hence, revealing an underlying sexual orienta- about sexual orientation development to de-
tion) may be difficult to perform. It is also of scribe what might be the expression of that
note in this regard that studies of HSDD using development years later. For example, using
adequate controls and double-blind procedures this logic, we should describe a 4 year-old girl’s
are rare (cf. van Anders et al., 2005). Second, sexual orientation as heterosexual/straight be-
treatment is probably less likely to be effective cause she may have a predisposition to be sex-
in people with lifelong HSDD, who are, of ually attracted to men and may express that
course, most likely to be asexual. Thus, for attraction in the future if certain circumstances
many people with a lifelong absence of desire, it occur. However, this logic is problematic. Sex-
might not be possible to reveal an underlying ual orientation is not a possible predisposition
sexual orientation, if indeed there was one there that may, if certain circumstances occur (e.g.,
in the first place. experience with a partner, introduction of an
Third, the view that many cases of asexuality abnormally high level of testosterone; e.g., van
should not be viewed as having a unique sexual Anders et al., 2005), cause a future attraction.
orientation because there is an underlying sex- Thus, even if an essentialist position is correct,
ual orientation toward others (or some object) a biological predisposition is not the same as an

actual sexual orientation. Consequently, I think Asexuality and Pathology

the argument can be made that a person who
currently has no attraction toward anyone (and A final issue to be discussed is whether asex-
never had such attraction) is best described as uality should be considered pathology. To an-
having an asexual orientation. swer this question, criteria for designating a
pathological state need to be established. Pa-
thology and/or abnormality with regard to one’s
Additional Argument in Favor of inclinations and psychological characteristics
Asexuality as Unique Sexual Orientation usually go beyond statistical rarity. This is, in
part, because statistical rarity by itself, espe-
Another argument in favor of the usefulness cially in certain domains, can be considered
of categorizing asexuality as a unique sexual positive and life-enhancing (e.g., exceptional
orientation emerges less from arguments of the musical talent). Modern medical and psycho-
definition(s) of sexual orientation and more logical approaches often limit sexual pathology/
from a practical point of view and the need to be dysfunction (and the need for treatment) to
sensitive to societal trends. There is currently when these inclinations entail “. . .marked dis-
underway a small social movement, perhaps tress or interpersonal difficulty” (American Psy-
akin to the gay rights movement of the 1960s chiatric Association, 2000, p. 539). These are
and 1970s, which has brought together a diverse the criteria— distress or interpersonal diffi-
group of people who identify as asexual. Many culty—I use to determine whether asexuality
of these individuals consider themselves to be should be considered pathological.
unique and as having a separate sexual identity/
orientation. Note, as well, that there are a num- Distress, Interpersonal Difficulty, and
ber of groups (e.g., Asexuality Visibility and Asexuality
Education Network; AVEN) with websites and
chat lines that provide information and support Currently, there are no data on the mental
to individuals who identify as asexual. Simi- health of asexual people, so conclusions about
larly, when the interest of the popular press distress or other psychological disturbance is-
surrounding the issue of asexuality reached its sues in this group await future research. How-
height in late 2004, CNN conducted an Internet ever, related research suggests that as many as
poll asking people to self-identify their sexual 40% of the people not having sex in the past
orientation. A sizable proportion (6%) of the year considered themselves to be very or ex-
tremely happy (Laumann et al., 1994). Many of
nearly 110,000 respondents reported that they
these people would not likely qualify as asexu-
identify as asexual (“Study,” 2004). The point
als (with a lifelong lack of attraction), but this
of presenting this result is not that this percent-
does suggest that a lack of sexuality is not
age accurately reflects the true proportion of necessarily a reliable predictor of happiness or
asexuals in the population—it likely does not— mental health. In addition, even if asexual peo-
but rather that a sizable minority are choosing to ple do have, on average, elevated rates of dis-
identify with a term that is not part of the tress or other mental health issues, there may be
traditional academic and clinical discourse on a significant number, perhaps a majority, of
sexuality and sexual identity. Such identifica- these individuals who do not. Research on other
tion with regard to sex, gender, and intimacy sexual minorities is instructive in this regard.
issues is a powerful part of self-expression and Gay men and lesbians have been found to have
may satisfy basic human needs in the modern elevated mental health issues and often have
world (Baumeister, 1986). Thus, the academic distress about their sexual inclinations (e.g.,
and clinical communities need to be sensitive to Meyer, 2003), yet many are also within the
these issues. Thus, in keeping with the guide- normal range of contentment and mental health
lines of the American Psychological Associa- (e.g., Busseri, Willowby, Chalmers, & Bogaert,
tion (APA; 2002), it is reasonable and practical in press; Diamond, 2003a), and, of course, these
to use designations that individuals prefer (e.g., people (and homosexuality in general) are not
asexual, gay, lesbian, bisexual) when referring viewed as pathological from a modern medical
to sexual orientation. or psychological perspective. Thus, even if an

elevated level of distress or other mental health ous and demonstrable medical conditions. How-
issues occurs in asexual people, this should not ever, even if there are a large percentage of
be used to pathologize all asexual people or asexual people who do suffer from serious
asexuality in general. health problems, again, it does not follow that
With regard to the second criterion of inter- all asexual people and asexuality per se should
personal difficulty, it might be argued that asex- be pathologized. Second, the fact that an un-
ual people lack an important social dimension usual prenatal event caused atypical sexual de-
of health because they do not typically engage velopment (e.g., asexuality) should not be used
(nor want to engage) in sexual behavior with to determine whether someone currently has a
others. Yet interpersonal functioning/relations mental health problem. For example, atypical
can be defined broadly and are not necessarily biological development (e.g., prenatal maternal
equated with only one sphere of activity: sexual stress, developmental instability; Lalumière,
interactions. Thus, in the DSM (e.g., DSM–IV– Blanchard, & Zucker, 2002; Mustanski et al.,
TR), sexual dysfunctions (e.g., HSDD) are only 2002) may underlie same-sex attraction, yet we
defined as problems when, along with causing do not pathologize homosexuality. Again, it is
distress, they have negative effects on interper- current distress and/or interpersonal difficulty
sonal relations beyond the specific sexual do- accompanying such atypical sexual develop-
main of issue. As an example, people who are ment that should determine whether a given
celibate actively choose to go against their sex- individual has pathology worthy of treatment.
ual desires (and sexual orientation) and never A second additional consideration to note is
have sex with others, and yet they are not that, until recently, a lack of sexuality was not
pathologized by the DSM. Thus, to pathologize perceived negatively (Sigusch, 1998); indeed, it
asexual people, who typically do not engage in was the opposite, with sexual activity, particu-
sex with others because it reflects their inclina- larly if excessive or occurring within a nonre-
tions/natures, would also be inconsistent with productive context (e.g., masturbation), being
this guideline. With regard to other (nonsexual) perceived as a health and societal problem. In
aspects of interpersonal relations, we do not addition, even today, to pathologize a lack of
know how asexual people function. Some may interest in sex would be nonsensical from the
have, of course, a broad impairment, but even if point of view of certain groups (e.g., some
a substantial number of asexual people do have religions and cultures). Thus, the weight of
interpersonal difficulties, this should not be much of the historical record and current cul-
used to pathologize all asexual people or asex- tural context argues against the widespread
uality generally. pathologizing of asexuality.
A final additional consideration concerns the
Additional Considerations ramifications of stigmatization. To label some-
thing as pathology is often to stigmatize it. Such
A number of additional considerations with stigmatization may, in fact, be a source of men-
regard to pathology and asexuality are worthy tal health issues in asexual people, as it has been
of mention. First, is it relevant to this issue that argued to be for other sexual minorities (e.g.,
biological or physical health conditions may Meyer, 2003). If, on the other hand, we avoid a
underlie the development of asexuality? For general tendency to pathologize and recognize
example, physical health issues, along with pos- that some people may be quite content to live as
sible markers of atypical prenatal development, asexual beings, it may in fact serve to remove
were predictive of asexuality in my previous the stigma and possible distress associated with
work (Bogaert, 2004). Such a linkage is inter- such inclinations.
esting from an etiological perspective, but it
should not necessarily be used to pathologize Summary
asexuality for at least two reasons. First, phys-
ical health and the markers of prenatal develop- In this article, I discussed conceptual and
ment only accounted for a small percentage of definitional issues of the phenomenon of asex-
variation in the prediction of asexuality (Bo- uality. I noted similarities and differences be-
gaert, 2004). Thus, it may be likely that a large tween a sexual orientation view of asexuality
percentage of asexual people do not have seri- and related clinical conditions (e.g., HSDD). I

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