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Assessing the Effectiveness of Interactive Media in

Improving Drowsy Driver Safety

Leila Takayama and Clifford Nass, Stanford University, Stanford, California

Objective: This study investigated the possibility of using interactive media to help
drowsy drivers wake up, thereby enabling them to drive more safely. Background:
Many studies have investigated the negative impacts of driver drowsiness and distrac-
tion in cars, separately. However, none has studied the potentially positive effects of
slightly interactive media for rousing drowsy drivers to help them drive more safely.
Method: In a 2 (drowsy vs. nondrowsy drivers) × 2 (passive vs. slightly interactive
voice-based media) × 2 (monotonous vs. varied driving courses) study, participants
(N = 79) used a driving simulator while interacting with a language-learning system
that was either passive (i.e., drivers merely listen to phrases in another language) or
slightly interactive (i.e., drivers verbally repeat those phrases). Results: (a) Drowsy
drivers preferred and drove more safely with slightly interactive media, as compared
with passive media. (b) Interactive media did not harm nondrowsy driver safety. (c)
Drivers drove more safely on varied driving courses than on monotonous ones. Con-
clusion: Slightly interactive media hold the potential to improve the performance of
drowsy drivers on the primary task of driving safely. Application:Applications include
the design of interactive systems that increase user alertness, safety, and engagement
on primary tasks, as opposed to systems that take attentional resources away from the
primary task of driving.

INTRODUCTION drowsy. Hence, it is important to understand how

to make drowsy drivers less of a threat to them-
With the many benefits of driving cars come the selves and others.
many risks of traveling at high speeds with large, Existing research tends to discuss drowsiness
metal bodies. The inherent risks of driving are in terms of medical causes of sleepiness rather
notably compounded by drivers who go out on than sleepiness by itself (Dement, 1997). Sleepi-
the road while drowsy (Beirness, Simpson, & ness and drowsiness are treated as synonymous
Desmond, 2004; Nguyen, Jauregui, & Dinges, terms that fall under the broader category of fa-
1998; Stutts, Wilkins, & Vaughn, 1999). Unfor- tigue (Brown, 1994), which refers to the combi-
tunately, drowsy driving is not an uncommon nation of consciously experienced sleepiness and
activity: 56% of the general population drives decrease in performance (Shinar, 2007, p. 566).
while drowsy (Beirness et al., 2004; Dement, Drowsy driving is the result not only of chronic
1997). Sleepiness is cited as the second most fre- predisposing factors such as sleep apnea but also
quent cause of driving accidents unrelated to of acute situational factors such as sleep loss and
excessive speed. The risk of crashes and near the use of sedating medications (National Highway
crashes is four to six times higher with drowsy Traffic Safety Administration [NHTSA], 2005).
drivers than with alert drivers (Klauer, Dingus, There is much research progress on the subject
Neale, Sudweeks, & Ramsey, 2006). Despite ef- of detecting drowsy drivers using sensors for de-
forts to impress upon the public the dangers of tecting eye closures (Dinges, 1998; Grace et al.,
drowsy driving (Beirness et al., 2004; Stutts et al., 2001) and head nods (Complexica, 2001) as well
1999), people seem to insist upon driving while as image-tracking systems (Horberry, Hartley,

Address correspondence to Clifford Nass, Department of Communication, Stanford University, 450 Serra Mall, Building 120,
Stanford, CA 94305-2050; HUMAN FACTORS, Vol. 50, No. 5, October 2008, pp. 772–781. DOI 10.1518/
001872008X312341. Copyright © 2008, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

Krueger, & Mabbott, 2001; von Jan, Karnahl, In an extensive analysis of field operational test
Seifert, Hilgenstock, & Zobel, 2006). Many insti- data (from 36 drivers observed for 4 weeks each),
tutions and driving systems employ preventive little difference was found between cell phone use
approaches to drowsy driving, such as setting and just driving with regard to lane position vari-
maximum drive times and minimum rest times ability, speed maintenance, or prudent judgment re-
for professional drivers. However, relatively lit- garding when to engage in secondary tasks (Sayer,
tle is said about what to do once a system detects Devonshire, & Flannagan, 2005). Such findings
drowsiness (Ayoob, Grace, & Steinfeld, 2003). suggest that controlled studies may not capture im-
The safest option would be to persuade the driver portant effects of driver discretion and compen-
to pull over to rest (Bonneford, Tassi, Roge, & satory strategies in the face of perceived risks.
Muzet, 2004; Horne & Reyner, 1996), but this In this study, we focus on a form of media that
message is not often heeded by drivers (Shinar, has not been previously explored for its efficacy
2007, p. 593). Thus, it is critical for systems to help for drowsy driver safety: slightly interactive media.
drivers stay awake and drive safely. The insertion of intensively interactive media into
the driver cabin is an obvious cause for concern,
Preventing Drowsiness considering the distracting effects observed with
Some methods that drowsy drivers currently interactive media in cars (Ranney et al., 2003;
employ include napping, chewing gum, drinking Stevens & Minton, 2001; Stutts & Hunter, 2003).
caffeinated beverages, opening a window, and The idea that interactivity will reduce attention
conversing (Nguyen et al., 1998; Strayer, Drews, is grounded in the assumption that a normal driv-
& Crouch, 2003; Stutts et al., 2003). A frequent er’s cognitive (typically, attentional) resources are
technique of relevance to the current study is the fixed. Thus, primary and secondary tasks vie for a
use of media (Nguyen et al., 1998; Strayer, Drews, single fixed resource (Wickens, 1991). In contrast
& Crouch, 2003; Stutts et al., 2003). One-way to this assumption, according to the malleable at-
media, such as listening to the radio, CD player, tentional resources theory, attentional capacity can
or iPod, have not been empirically shown to be change size in response to changes in task de-
efficacious in reducing drowsy driving (Strohl mands, a notion supported by eye-tracking data
et al., 2004; Stutts et al., 2003). from vehicle automation and mental workload
People frequently employ the highly interactive studies (Young & Stanton, 2002). Consistent with
medium of phone conversations as a means of this theory – that attentional resources vary by task
staying awake while driving (Verwey & Zaidel, demands – environmental stressor factors, the
1999). In the current study, more drowsy drivers physiological adaptation to those stressors, and
self-reported that they use cell phones while driv- the individual’s goal-directed psychological re-
ing (71%) than did nondrowsy drivers (38%), X2 = sponses can also affect stress and sustained atten-
8.03, p < .05. This may not be a safe solution to the tion (Hancock & Warm, 1989).
problem: A study of 699 drivers who owned cell When in a drowsy state, people have an over-
phones and had been in driving collisions found all decrease in cognitive resources, as compared
that using a cell phone while driving quadrupled with when they are awake and alert (Alchanatis
the risk of accidents (Redelmeier & Tibshirani, et al., 2005; Dinges & Kribbs, 1991; Durmer &
1997; Strayer, Drews, & Crouch, 2003, 2006). Dinges, 2005; Holingworth,1911; Horowitz, Cade,
Neither hands-free nor voice-controlled inter- Wolfe, & Czeisler, 2003; Nilsson et al., 2005).
faces prevent these (Lamble, Kauranen, Laakso, However, if the drowsy driver becomes more
& Summala, 1999; Strayer & Johnston, 2001). awake, new cognitive resources can be directed to
Given that regular drivers have difficulty driving primary as well as secondary tasks (Kahneman,
while talking on cell phones, we surmise that 1973; Shinar, 2007, p. 568). Thus, if engaging with
drowsy drivers will also be negatively affected by interactive media can wake up drowsy drivers,
this behavior. then such interactive media may provide more cog-
On the other hand, data from a naturalistic 100- nitive resources for the primary task of driving.
car study did not show a statistically significant Previous work regarding drowsy drivers has
rise in relative risk of crash or near-crash events found results consistent with this hypothesis. One
for “listening/talking on a handheld device” as study found that drowsy drivers using a game box
compared with “just driving” (Klauer et al. 2006). had slightly more than half as many accidents as
774 October 2008 – Human Factors

those who did not have a game box (Verwey & Research Questions
Zaidel, 1999). In contrast to that work, in our study
we did not tell participants that using the interac- The goal of the current experiment was to em-
tive system might improve their safe driving be- pirically evaluate how driver drowsiness, media
haviors, thus decreasing chances for a placebo interactivity, and driving conditions affect safe
effect, and we varied the degree of system inter- driving performance and feelings about the driv-
activity rather than making a comparison between ing experience. Via a driving simulator, we ap-
having the system and not having it. proached the research questions: Do passive
Another study, of professional truck drivers, media (e.g., listening to a voice-based media sys-
found that some alertness-maintaining tasks (e.g., tem) differ from slightly interactive media (e.g.,
a trivia game) helped to delay performance deteri- speaking back to a voice-based media system)
oration over time, whereas the less interactive task with respect to how they affect driver attitudes
was not effective (Oron-Gilad, Ronen, Cassuto, & and behaviors? Does the answer to this question
Shinar, 2002). Building upon this work, the current differ depending on whether or not the driver is
study focuses upon everyday drivers as opposed drowsy and/or whether the driving course is mo-
to professional ones, explicitly manipulating the notonous or varied?
degree of media interactivity. The comparison of drowsy versus nondrowsy
drivers is important because the ways in which in-
Driver Distraction teractive media and course monotony affect safety
Of primary concern for driver safety is driver and attention may vary with level of drowsiness.
distraction. Research over many years on the Because drowsy people have unfocused attention
dangers of mobile phone use in cars (McKnight (Blagrove, Alexander, & Horne, 1995; Harrison &
& McKnight, 1993; Poysti, Rajalin, & Summala, Horne, 2000; Norton, 1970) and sleep deprivation
2005; Recarte & Nunes, 2003; Redelmeier & strongly impairs human functioning (Pilcher &
Tibshirani, 1997; Strayer, Drews, & Crouch, 2003) Huffcutt,1996), safe driving behavior is very likely
attests to the importance of maintaining safe to be worse among drowsy drivers than among
driving environments in the face of the temptation nondrowsy drivers. However, because people are
to load information technologies in the car. A crit- often able to overcome the detrimental effects of
ical review of mobile phone studies in the driving sleep deprivation when engaging in complex, in-
context specifically recommends comparing these teresting tasks (Harrison & Horne, 2000), it is pos-
types of distractions with other types of media use sible that drowsy drivers might be helped by more
in cars (Haigney & Westerman, 2001). The current engaging media (e.g., more interactive media) and
study addresses a different type of conversational more engaging driving courses (e.g., more varied
partner: a voice in the car that speaks to the user driving courses).
and (in the interactive conditions) invites the driver The variable of media interactivity (e.g., slightly
to respond. interactive vs. passive) relates to previous work in
Whereas mobile phone use in cars is typically acquisition (i.e., attending to audio messages) ver-
confined to a few minutes of interaction (Rothman, sus production (i.e., verbally reproducing the audio
Loughlin, Funch, & Dreyer,1996), interacting with messages) types of secondary tasks performed
car-based voices, particularly those for helping while driving (Recarte & Nunes, 2003). As in this
with navigation or keeping drivers entertained on previous work, participants were informed that
road trips, may involve much longer durations. they would be tested for language learning at the
This could make interacting with these voices more end of the driving session. Drivers subjectively
akin to continuous conversations with collocated reported that talking rather than simply listening
passengers rather than to distant people on mo- takes more effort (Recarte & Nunes, 2003), which
bile phones (e.g., Manalavan, Samar, Schneider, is consistent with behavioral observations of pupil
Kiesler, & Siewiorek, 2002; Recarte & Nunes, dilation measures as an indicator of visual atten-
2003). Talking with collocated passengers is not tion to the situation on the road. There is contro-
necessarily an effective strategy for dealing with versy about whether or not audio-verbal cognitive
driver drowsiness (Stutts & Hunter, 2003), but it processes generally interfere with visual-spatial
is less detrimental to driving safety than is talking processes (Just et al., 2001; Wickens, 1992), al-
on a mobile phone (Manalavan et al., 2002). though it has been shown that talking on cell

phones while driving sometimes impairs attention Participants ranged in age from 18 to 44 years
to visual inputs (Strayer, Drews, & Johnston, 2003). (M = 21.53, SD = 3.87) and had between 0.5 and 14
Different driving course types also affect atten- years of driving experience (M = 4.39, SD = 2.72).
tional demand upon drivers, suggesting that driv- Young people are particularly prone to drowsy
ers might strategically select routes according to driving (Strohl et al., 2004). However, neither age,
their drowsiness (when this option is available). F(1, 73) = 0.03, p = .86, nor years of driving expe-
Driving along a straight, boring route with plain, rience, F(1, 70) = 0.10, p = .76, significantly pre-
repetitive scenery and a limited amount of traffic dicted drowsiness levels in this study.
can be soporific (Contardi, Pizza, Sancisi, Mondini,
& Cirignotta, 2004; Nguyen et al., 1998). Con- Stimulus and Apparatus
versely, driving that involves heavy traffic, many Driving context. We used the Systems Technol-
cars and pedestrians, and a number of reasons to ogy, Inc. Simulator (STISIM) driving simulator in
change speeds can make people more alert. That this study. The visuals of the simulator were pro-
is, although drowsy drivers might not initially have jected onto a 1.83-m front-projection screen. The
the cognitive capacity to handle variable driving audio of the simulator was played through a three-
situations, dynamic situations might also awaken speaker system. The hardware interface of the
drivers, making them more alert (however, see system included a gas pedal, brake pedal, and
Klauer et al., 2006). force-feedback steering wheel. The STISIM sys-
tem allowed us to preprogram all events along the
driving course, including the placement of build-
An expert panel on drowsy driving and auto- ings and scenery, attributes of the road, the behav-
mobile crashes identified three research needs: ior of cars and pedestrians, and the timing of
(a) quantification of the problem, (b) risks, and (c) traffic lights at intersections.
countermeasures (Strohl et al., 2004). The current Studies have shown that key characteristics of
study followed this framework. Drowsiness was drowsy-driving crashes include driving during
measured using standard scales from existing sleep late-night hours, driving alone, and driving on
research. Driving performance was accounted for higher-speed roads in nonurban areas (NHTSA,
via a set of unsafe driving indicators that represent 2005). We attempted to model these conditions
risks to the driver and others. Finally, we deter- within the context of the simulator. The room in
mined whether limited interactivity is a more ef- which the participants used the simulator was
fective countermeasure to drowsiness than is darkened and relatively soundproof, simulating
passive media consumption and whether this coun- nighttime driving and thereby maximizing the
termeasure was deleterious for nondrowsy drivers. probability of drowsiness.
The research incorporated a 2 (drowsy vs. non- Half of the participants drove on a monotonous
drowsy drivers) × 2 (slightly interactive vs. passive course, meaning its objective stimulus situation
media) × 2 (monotonous vs. varied driving course) was repetitive and predictable (McBain, 1970).
between-participants experiment that balanced The monotonous course consisted of primarily
gender across conditions. All procedures were ap- straight roads and very plain scenery on a mostly
proved and conducted according to this institu- one-lane highway with no passing cars; there were
tion’s human subjects review board. a few urban and suburban areas to pass through.
The other half of the participants drove a varied
Participants course, consisting of the same number of turns as
Participants were recruited by local mailing in the monotonous course but incorporating heav-
lists. Each potential participant was required to fill ier traffic, more aggressive drivers, more crowded
out an online version of the Epworth Sleepiness streets with people and dogs crossing, more towns
Scale to measure chronic or usual daytime sleepi- and cities, and more intersections.
ness (Johns, 1991). Eighty people (40 women and Media. This study required content that was
40 men) who scored particularly low or particu- reasonable for use both interactively and nonin-
larly high on this scale were invited to participate teractively, so we opted for a language learning
in the study. Participants were each paid with a $15 system. Drawing from several commercial Swed-
gift certificate for contributing to this 90-min ex- ish language instructional systems, we designed
periment. language-teaching content, recorded by a native
776 October 2008 – Human Factors

Swedish speaker, that would require minimal al- (eigenvalue = 2.53; R2 = .63) based on behavioral
terations to change from a noninteractive to an measures of poor driving with factor loadings
interactive system. Half of the participants re- greater than .4 (Kim & Mueller, 1978): road edge
ceived the interactive version and were instructed excursions (loading = .85), center line crossings
to “listen carefully, repeat, and try to learn each (loading = .80), road accidents (loading = .79), and
phrase”; the other half of the participants, in the traffic light tickets (loading = .74).
passive media condition, were simply instructed Attitudes: Liking the media system. The lan-
to “listen and try to learn each phrase.” All other guage learning system was assessed based on the
content in the language lesson was held constant question “How well do the following adjectives
across conditions. describe the language learning system?” and 10-
The Swedish language learning system in- point Likert scales ranging from strongly disagree
cluded words and phrases for travelers going to (1) to strongly agree (10). Liking of the media
Sweden as well as tourist information about Swed- system was defined, using principal component
ish history and culture. For example, the section analysis, as a factor score (eigenvalue = 4.33; R2 =
on greetings included “How do you do? Goddag. .54) consisting of the following items: “interesting”
Goddag” and “How are you? Hur mar ni/du? (loading = .80), “useful” (loading = .79), “effective”
Hur mar ni/du?” The words/phrases ranged from (loading = .76), “organized” (loading = .75), “would
single-word items to longer sentences. After each like to spend more time with it” (loading = .75),
line, there was a pause in the recording such that “fun” (loading = .71), “easy to use” (loading = .69),
the participants could either repeat the word or and “annoying” (loading = .64).
phrase (in the interactive conditions) or wait for Learning: Recognition memory for content pre-
the next line to begin (in the passive conditions). sented. Language learning performance served as
another method to determine the cognitive effects
Measures of drowsiness, interactivity, and driving conditions.
Each participant’s language learning score was
Driver drowsiness. Consistent with previous calculated as the average of the individual’s scores
work in drowsy driving (Arnedt, Wilde, Munt, & on 15 quiz questions given to the participant im-
Maclean, 2000; Connor et al., 2002; Suhner et al., mediately after completion of the driving course.
1998), our study used the Stanford Sleepiness Two items were true/false questions, 3 involved
Scale to measure in-the-moment need for sleep identifying audio clips of Swedish with English
(Connor et al., 2002; Hoddes, Zarcone, Smythe, terms, and 10 were questions about Swedish and
Phillips, & Dement, 1973; NHTSA, 2005). Sweden. The language learning questions included
The Stanford Sleepiness Scale, which ranges items such as “goddag means ‘good bye,’ ‘good
from 1 (feeling active, vital, alert, or wide awake) morning,’ ‘how do you do?,’ ‘thank you,’ ‘you’re
to 7 (no longer fighting sleep, sleep onset soon; welcome.’”
having dreamlike thoughts), has proven to be a
valid and reliable measure of drowsiness (Hoddes Procedure
et al., 1973) and was simpler and more reliable to
use than forcing half of the participants to be After a brief training session with the simulator
drowsy and half to be nondrowsy. Participants that involved driving down a 4,700-foot (1,432-m)
with sleepiness ratings of 3 (awake but relaxed; suburban road with traffic, pedestrians, and interac-
responsive but not fully alert) or less were labeled tions, participants sat quietly in the dark simulator
as nondrowsy; participants with ratings of 4 (some- room for 10 min. Given appropriate environmen-
what foggy, let down) or greater were labeled as tal and situational factors employed in this pro-
drowsy. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale was not an cedure – a dark room, a tedious task, and the hum
appropriate indicator here because it describes a of white noise – it was possible to unveil hidden
general tendency for sleepiness rather than in-the- sleepiness (Contardi et al., 2004). After10 min, par-
moment drowsiness (Sayed, 2005). ticipants then filled out the Stanford Sleepiness
Unsafe driving. The driving simulator collected Scale. The distribution of participants across ex-
summary data about many aspects of the driver’s periment conditions is presented in Table 1.
behavior on the course. Using principal component Immediately after filling out the scale, partic-
analysis, we created a single weighted factor score ipants drove the simulator for 40 min while the

TABLE 1: Distribution of Participants Across Experi- Safe Driving Behavior

ment Conditions
We used regression to analyze unsafe driving
Driver Interactivity Driving behavior scores as predicted by driver drowsiness,
Drowsiness Level Course Type Count
type of driving course, and media interactivity
Drowsy Interactive Varied 8 level (see Table 2). Consistent with the previous lit-
Monotonous 6 erature (e.g., Fairclough & Graham,1999), drowsy
Passive Varied 4 participants drove less safely than people who were
Monotonous 4
not drowsy. This is also consistent with the defi-
Nondrowsy Interactive Varied 10 nition of fatigue that includes both conscious per-
Monotonous 14
Passive Varied 17
ception of drowsiness and decrease in performance
Monotonous 16 (Shinar, 2007, p. 566). Similarly, the limited inter-
activity of the media system improved driving per-
Total 79
Participants drove more safely on the varied
course than on the monotonous course. On the one
experimenter sat outside of the driving simulator hand, one might have guessed that the more chal-
room. The maximum speed allowed by the simu- lenging driving courses would result in more lane
lator was 105 kph. After 10 min of driving, partic- deviations and other unsafe driving behaviors than
ipants heard the language learning media system would the more monotonous course. However, the
begin playing through speakers placed in front of complex course led drivers to drive more slowly,
the driver; this lasted through the end of the driv- as demonstrated by a regression analysis of the
ing course. time on the course, t(37) = 19.82, β = .91, p < .001.
Immediately after the driving exercise partici- Drowsiness and interactivity were not signifi-
pants filled out the questionnaire, which included cantly related (both ps > .18) to run length.
demographic information. Participants were then There was a significant interaction between the
debriefed and paid. drowsiness of the driver and media interactivity
level. To interpret the interaction, we ran separate
analyses for interactive versus noninteractive
media participants. For interactive media partic-
There were more nondrowsy participants (n = ipants, there was clearly no difference between
57) than drowsy participants (n = 22) in our study. drowsy and nondrowsy drivers, t(37) = 0.48, β =
Because of the unequal sample sizes across con- .08, p > .63, whereas for noninteractive media par-
ditions, we first examined the main effects model ticipants, drowsiness negatively affected drivers,
and then tested each of the two-way interactions t(38) = 3.31, β =.44, p < .002.
via increment to R2; it was impossible to examine Attitudes Toward the Media System
the three-way interaction given the distribution.
One driver was removed from the original data set There were no main effects for liking of the
of 80 people for driving extremely recklessly. learning system (p < .7). However, there was once

TABLE 2: Summary of Regression Analyses for Variables Predicting Unsafe Driving Behavior

Variables β t p R2 adjR2 ∆R2 F p

Main effects model .20 .17 .20 6.13 .001

Driver drowsiness (DD) .296 2.80 .01
Media interactivity (MI) –.314 3.02 .01
Course difficulty (CD) –.236 2.23 .03
Interaction termsa
DD × MI –.452 2.57 .01 .26 .22 .06 6.61 .01
DD × CD –.097 0.674 .82 .20 .15 .00 0.45 .82
MI × CD .212 1.22 .23 .21 .17 .01 1.48 .23
Each term is independently entered, after the main effects model.
778 October 2008 – Human Factors

again a significant interaction for drowsiness and or radio broadcasts (Strayer & Johnston, 2001).
interactivity, t(71) = 3.06, β = .59, p < .01. For Whereas a phone call requires the driver to engage
the interactive media participants, there was no ef- in a truly two-way joint activity with a person on
fect of drowsiness, p > .08. For the noninteractive the other end of the line, thereby disrupting driving
media participants, drowsiness clearly impeded performance (Strayer & Johnston, 2001), the lim-
liking, t(37) = 2.46, β = .38, p < .02. ited interaction between the system and the driver
minimized the complexity of the exchange.
Learning of Media System Content
There were no main effects for learning (p > Implications for Theory and Design
.19). There was a significant interaction between Theory. Contrary to the notion that interactive
drowsiness and difficulty of the driving situation, media necessarily cause unsafe driving, our results
t(37) = 2.56, p < .02. Consistent with the idea that suggest that interactive media may be helpful for
in difficult driving situations, drowsy drivers can drowsy drivers but not harmful to nondrowsy driv-
find additional cognitive resources, drowsiness ers. These findings present a more nuanced view
was a significant impediment to learning when of the situation of interactive media in cars, ex-
driving was simple, t(36) = 2.13, β = .33, p < .04. tending existing research to include levels of media
Drowsiness did not have an effect on learning dur- interactivity in cars. Talking with people via mo-
ing the difficult driving course, p > .09. The other bile phones can have detrimental effects upon safe
interactions were not significant. driving behavior (Haigney & Westerman, 2001;
McKnight & McKnight, 1993; Poysti et al., 2005;
DISCUSSION Recarte & Nunes, 2003; Redelmeier & Tibshirani,
1997; Strayer, Drews, & Crouch, 2003), but talking
Although the majority of literature regarding with car-based voices involves a different sort of
various information technologies and interactive interaction. Whereas a far-end human caller might
media in cars demonstrates negative effects on demand immediate responses from the driver, a
driver safety, the current study offers hope that in- car-based voice does not possess the same human
teractive media in cars can improve driving safety. needs and desires that demand the attention of the
Effects on Drowsy Drivers The conceptualization of cognitive resources
The most interesting finding of the current as limited and of secondary activities as taking
study is that engaging drowsy drivers with more away cognitive resources from primary activities
interactive media can help them to drive more is not supported for drowsy drivers. Drowsy peo-
safely. Drowsy drivers liked interactive media ple initially have a small pool of cognitive resources
more than passive media, possibly because they available, but those dormant resources might be
felt more engaged in the driving session. These regained through engaging in secondary tasks. In
findings support the idea that secondary task stim- this case, the secondary task of verbally respond-
ulation for drowsy drivers can increase cognitive ing to the learning system helped drowsy drivers
availability for the primary task of safe driving. to improve performance on their primary task of
driving safely. There is also evidence that complex
Effects on Nondrowsy Drivers driving may free up cognitive resources for learn-
Nondrowsy drivers behaved as psychological ing as well as driving.
theories of normal attention would predict: Be- Design. It is important for researchers to em-
cause they were already functioning with normal pirically investigate the risks of interactive media
amounts of cognitive resources, they chose to in cars (e.g., Lee, Caven, Haake, & Brown, 2001;
focus on the primary task of driving when the driv- Manalavan et al., 2002), but it is also important
ing course was more exciting and chose to focus to see if and how interactive media might improve
on the secondary task of learning Swedish when driver safety. The utility of interactive media in
the driving course was boring. cars is typically argued from the perspective of the
There were no discernible negative effects of secondary task – for example, helping the driver
interactivity for nondrowsy drivers. This is con- to navigate. Although such benefits may be impor-
sistent with previous work that found that driving tant, driver safety benefits ultimately trump sec-
performance was not hindered by books on tape ondary activities.

This study’s findings have implications for the Benjamin Reaves, Rabindra Ratan, Alexia Nielsen,
design of context-aware computing interfaces in Brittany Billmaier, and Aron Hegyi. This work
cars. Computing systems can sense driver drowsi- was supported by the Nissan Corporation, Toyota
ness and/or the features of upcoming driving con- Motor Corporation, and Media-X of Stanford Uni-
ditions to decide when to change the degree of versity. The conclusions and interpretations rep-
media interactivity to encourage safer driving be- resent the analyses of the authors only and are not
havior. Of course, interactive media are merely necessarily representative of the views of any of
remedial measures and not adequate substitutes our sponsors or their associates.
for a healthy amount of sleep. At best, short-term
countermeasures can help a sleepy driver stay REFERENCES
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