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Nofriweldi1, Helvia Masfirda2

Master Program of Nursing, Faculty of Nursing, Andalas University
Street of Limau Manis, District of Pauh, West Sumatra 25163, Indonesia

Primary services are the backbone of health Conclusion:
services. Primary health care providers at Integrating registered nurses into primary
the primary health care level. As a nurse care has the potential to improve patient
undergoing a function as a nurse becomes access to primary care providers because
embedded in the primary care team. There is registered nurses can equip multiple service
wide variability in nursing roles and providers Workload: they update recipes,
responsibilities throughout the organization. handle patient inquiries, and provide patient
Policy makers asked to take a closer look at education. Clear protocols of practice and
how best to use registered nurses in the nursing should be written by registered
primary care team. Lack of knowledge about nurses to ensure safety, and effective nursing
the effective primary care nurse's role and care.
the challenges of responsibility the ability of
policy makers to develop recommendations Keywords:
to effectively deploy registered nurses in Register Nursing,Care Provider, Primary
Indonesia. Primary care is needed to ensure Care, models, review
efficient, evidence-based, and quality health
Globally, demand for primary care
Method: services is increasing as the population ages
Search research articles in multiple and many patients live longer with many
databases using specific keywords in the chronic diseases. Patients require ongoing
2013-2015 period. Search results obtained 5 primary care services, such as monitoring
journals and 12 references that discuss about their condition, and following up (World
Register Nursing as primary care provider Health Organisation, 2009)Nursing services
need efforts to improve the quality of
Results and Discussion: hospital services through efforts to improve
Literature review indicates Criteria include: the quality of nursing services, and nurse
1) Registered Nurses who practice in the professionalism in providing and managing
interprofessional team; 2) Description of the nursing care activities to patients. The duties
role and responsibilities of registered of nurses in providing nursing care include
nursing; 3) Arrangement of primary care. All reviewing the needs of the patient, planning
studies are eligible undergo quality nursing actions, implementing action plans,
assessment by using Integrative Quality evaluating the results of nursing care,
Criteria for Design tools Review Multiple documenting nursing care, participating in
Study management, patient education, counseling (Ali, 2002).
treatment management, and can often shift In addition to rising demands for
between clinical and administrative health care services, many countries face a
responsibilities. There are a limited number severe shortage of health care providers. The
of registered nurses participating in primary World Health Organization estimates that
care policy making and research. 4.3 million doctors, midwives, nurses and
support workers are needed to meet the effective integration of RN in primary care
health care needs of patients worldwide (Josiah Macy Foundation, 2016). The
(World Health Organisation, 2009).The purpose of this literature is to synthesize
United States (US) alone requires additional international evidence on the roles and
52,000 primary care physicians by 2025 to responsibilities of the primary RN to make
meet the demand for primary care recommendations to maximize RN
services(Petterson, 2012). In Spain, nearly contribution in the team-based prima care
70% of all health care is given in primary model.
care but there are twice as many specialist
doctors as primary care physicians.The MATERIALS AND METHODS
increasing demand for primary care services This study is a kind of literature
has prompted national policy makers, such review secondary research which means the
as in the United Kingdom, to allocate analysis of the form of criticism (build /
substantial funds to ensure adequate primary drop) of research that has been done on a
care delivery by 2020(Schilling, 2015). part of a particular science (Taylor, 2013)
Recommendations from access to Sample inclusion criteria in this study The
care, and improve the quality of patient care, following criteria are applied during the
emphasize the importance of team-based literature search. Inclusion criteria 1. Studies
care delivery models In such models, that include the use of registered nurses who
physicians from various disciplines, practice in interprofessional teams. 2.
including physicians, nurses, pharmacists, Studies that provide an overview of the roles
social workers and others, collaborate to and responsibilities of nursing.3. Studies
provide care to patients. In recent years, conducted at primary care sites.
investigators have investigated the Exclusion criteria: 1. Description of the
composition and performance of primary nursing role is specific only to advanced
interprofessional care, particularly nursing care, such as nurse practitioners 2.
interprofessional teams comprising doctors, Special role description for other medical
nurse practitioners, physician assistants, and disciplines, such as physician or physician
pharmacists, to examine the delivery of their doctor's assistant. 3. Research is performed
patient care (Dey et al., 2011, Lenander et only in acute care. 4. This study examined
al. 2014, Proia et al., 2014). ambulatory settings in addition to primary
Today registered nurses (RNs) are care, such as specialist offices.
increasingly embedded in the In this study, researchers analyzed
interprofessional primary care team (Ladden about nurse as primary care provider . Data
et al., 2013). Policy makers and health care taken from Canada, Australia, United States
administrators are looking for evidence to and Spain journals relevant to this Research
better understand RN's roles and topic, were conducted using some databases
responsibilities in primary care. such as GOOGLE, PROQUEST,
Comprehensive Understanding RN ELSEVIER, with time limitations as of
capabilities and their impact on patient care January 2010 through April 2017. The full-
will help develop effective care models text articles are reviewed to select the
utilizing RN qualifications to improve research journals that match the sample
primary care capacity (Keleher et al., 2009). inclusion criteria.
For example, policy organizations, such as Analysis of this research results
the American Academy of Nursing, partner journal using critical appraisal method.
with the Josiah Macy Foundation, call for Critical appraisal is a systematic process to

test the validity, results, and relevance of a
scientific proof (research result) before
being used to make a decision (Abdullah,
M., Firmansyah, 2013). Critical aspects
include: publication year, country (research
location), research design, population,
sampling, used instrument, research results /
findings, and conclusions.

Critical analysis of the 5 research journals / articles sampled in the literature review is set
forth in table 1.

Table 1 Critical analysis

Article 1 2 3 4 5
Title Canada To Australia To Spain To United Australia To
determine the report an analyze RN States examine
roles of RNs analysis of the contributions To capture roles and
working health to meeting nurses' responsibiliti
in primary care promotion/ primary health perception of es of
settings in prevention care objectives patient practice
Ontario and work reported aligned care nurses in the
the extent to by teams' effect area of health
which chronic RNs on their and
disease nursing development
management practice and and in
strategies have role identity advising
been as they parents
implemented transitioned to about child
team-based health issues
model of care
Researche Lukewich et Keleher & Planas Stewart et al., Walsh et al.,
rs al., Parker, Campmany et
Year of 2014 2013 2015 2015 2015
Research Canada Australia Spain United Australia
location States

Research Cross Cross Cross Qualitative Cross

design Sectional Sectional Sectional Sectional

Population RNs (218) RNs (54) Primary Health RN (12) RNs (159)
& NP (73) Care LPN (6)
Sampling RPN (16) Teams (350)
Health Care
Instrument Survey Survey National Semi- National
Questionnaire General Mandatory structured Online
Practices Electronic interviews Survey
Reporting VA Health General
Primary Health Care medical/pract
Care Practices System ice
(PACT) Community
Conclusio There is the The health Nursing has a Healthcare Results
n potential to promotion relevant role in managers identify
optimize and practices of the implementing disparities
standardize the primary care achievement of PCMH should with relation
nursing role nurses were a significant consider its to attendance
within primary most number of inherent at, and
care and commonly in health cultural and funding of,
improve the the objectives in practice child health-
implementatio downstream PHC services. transformation related
n of chronic realm of This s professional
disease disease contribution development
management prevention and should be activities
strategies. health recognized as across
education but it has geographical
nurses aspired important regions of
to take on roles consequences Australia.
in more in terms of Strategies are
upstream work service needed to
of partnerships payment and improve
and public health equality of
collaboration. access to
Nurses' ongoing
opportunities child health
are and
undoubtedly development
constrained by education,
both the and limit the
general impact of
practice setting geographical
and their isolation on
educational professional
preparation. development
This review synthesizes existing international evidence regarding the roles and
responsibilities of RN in primary care in four countries: Spain, USA, Australia and Canada All
research is available in English and all studies meet the standard quality for eligibility in this
review. The findings suggest that in team infrastructure, RNs mostly hold clinical nursing care
responsibilities such as treatment administration, wound care management, assisted procedures,
screening, risk assessment, and patient education. In Spain alone, one-third of primary primary
care goals are affected by RN primary care responsibilities (Planas-Campmany et al., 2016). It
highlights the potential of RN in meeting primary care goals. It is clear that RN plays an
important role in the chronic disease of diabetes and hypertensive management, and has an
important role in controlling and monitoring risk factors, and assessing the effects of treatment
and treatment (Planas-Campmany, C., Quinto, L., Icart-Isern, M.T., Calvo, E.M., Ordi, 2016).
This is achieved by addressing patient concerns over the phone, which prevents
unnecessary patient visits or major care provider warnings for complications requiring more
attention. RN also often shifts between clinical and administrative tasks. This multitasking can
benefit the organization because RN can be reduced The main service provider's workload is by
taking care of additional clinical care, administrative tasks, dealing with complaints, managing
equipment and equipment, and supervising the transfer of laboratory specimens. However, if the
majority of RN responsibilities are included in nursing duties, there is a misuse of their clinical
It is important that RN play an active role in the creation and maintenance of nursing
practice policies that define their roles and responsibilities in primary care. We recommend that
when integrating RN into primary care, clear protocols and policies will be written to guide the
RN responsibilities. Policymaking by those unfamiliar with RN skills and training can lead to
underutilization of RNs in primary care. Surprisingly, in this review, RN Australia is the only
nurse who reports on maintaining an active RN policy or doing research in primary care.
Integrating RN into the primary care team does not replace the need for assistant medical
care or administrative staff. When RN is assigned to too many administrative and non-clinical
responsibilities, such as cleaning and setting up exam rooms, or answering phone calls, it
hampers their potential productivity to manage more complex patient care supported by
Education and Training. This task can be completed effectively by the receptionist or assistant
physician thereby enabling RN to devote time to the patient care management that is within their
scope of practice. Practitioners of managers must understand that RNs underutilization, when
they spend 55% of their time on non-maintenance tasks, is the use of inefficient RN advanced
skills and competencies to be used in direct patient care. Use of wise clerical personnel allows
the RN to fully use their clinical skills and work with patients, thereby reducing service provider
strain(Ladden, M.D., Bodenheimer, T., Fishman, N.W., Flinter, M., Hsu, C., Parchman, M.,
Wagner, E.H., 2013).
It is important to illuminate what additional research is needed. First, while the findings
in this review show the contribution of RN to screening, health promotion and management of
individual chronic diseases, their impact on management of multimorbidity remains unclear.
There are no current practice guidelines for managing co-morbidity patients and are often based
on specific recommendations of chronic diseases. As more and more patients are present with
some co-morbidities, patient care management will increase in complexity.
Future research and policy analysis around multimorbidity and practice guidelines is
recommended to determine how to best utilize RN. Second, it is important to note that
integration of RNs into primary care practices is often economically driven. For example, one of
our included studies identified the hesitant practice of being employed by RN due to funding
arrangements(Condon, J., Willis, E., Litt, 2000). However, no current study has explored the cost
or cost effectiveness benefits of adding RN as an additional hierarchical level to the primary care
team. Addressing the specific payment modalities for RN services provided in primary care is
beyond the scope of this paper. The payment model is different from country so it makes it
difficult to formulate a universal recommendation on how to pay Practice for the time RN spent
in patient care. Team-based payment models have emerged but there is variability in health care
costs across primary care settings (eg US medical homes)(Martsolf, G.R., Kandrack, R., Gabbay,
R.A., Friedberg, 2016).

The results of literature review on 5 research results journals (Stewart, 2015)(Keleher, H.,
Parker, 2013)(Lukewich, Edge, VanDenKerkhof, & Tranmer, 2014)(Planas-Campmany, C.,
Quinto, L., Icart-Isern, M.T., Calvo, E.M., Ordi, 2016)(Walsh, 2013) related to the importance of
nurse as primary care provider. Delivery of team-based treatments to meet The needs of patients
in primary care, it is important to effectively utilize all primary care existing labor resources,
including RNs, to meet the demands of high quality patient care. This review provides evidence
of current RN roles and responsibilities in primary care settings in six countries. When a clear
protocol of practice and nursing policy is used to guide Practice nursing, pinning RN into the
primary care team has the potential to improve patient access to primary care services and reduce
the workload of the organization. RNs need to be enhanced involvement in policy-making and
research around primary care to promote their effectiveness of utilization. Furthermore,
recommended multimorbidity RNN practice guidelines, as well as payment models, which
include specific RN tasks, are investigated further.

Abdullah, M., Firmansyah, M. A. (2013). Clinical Apporach and Management Chronic Diarrhea.
Critical Appraisal on Journal of Clinical Trials.
Condon, J., Willis, E., Litt, J. (2000). The role of the practice nurse. An exploratory study.
Australian Family Physician 29 (3), 272-277.
Keleher, H., Parker, R. (2013). Health promotion by primary care nurses in Australian general
practice. Collegian 20 (4), 215-221.
Ladden, M.D., Bodenheimer, T., Fishman, N.W., Flinter, M., Hsu, C., Parchman, M., Wagner,
E.H. (2013). The emerging primary care workforce: preliminary observations from the
primary care team: learning from effective ambulatory practices project. Academic
Medicine 88 (12), 1830-1834.
Lukewich, J., Edge, D. S., VanDenKerkhof, E., & Tranmer, J. (2014). Nursing Contributions to
Chronic Disease Management in Primary Care. JONA: The Journal of Nursing
Administration, 44(2), 103–110.
Martsolf, G.R., Kandrack, R., Gabbay, R.A., Friedberg, M. W. (2016). Cost of Transformation
among Primary Care Practices Participating in a Medical Home Pilot. J Gen Intern Med 31
(7), 723-731.
Petterson. (2012). Projecting US primary care physician workforce needs: 2010-2025. The
Annals of Family Medicine 10 (6), 503, 509.
Planas-Campmany, C., Quinto, L., Icart-Isern, M.T., Calvo, E.M., Ordi, J. (2016). Nursing
contribution to the achievement of prioritized objectives in primary health care: a cross-
sectional study. Eur J Public Health 26 (1), 53-59., I.
Schilling, B. (2015). Is primary care the best and worst job in medicine? Commonwealth Fund,.
Retrieved from
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Stewart, D. K. R. (2015). Implications of the patients centered medical home for nursing
practice, 124(19), 1–6.
Walsh, A. M. (2013). Changes introduced as a result of publishing processes such as copy-
editing and formatting may not be reflected in this document. For a definitive version of this
work, please refer to the published source:, 0, 0–23.
World Health Organisation. (2009). The contribution of nurses to Primary Health care. A
compendium of primary care case studies.

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