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Common illnesses

Task 1. Match the medical name for ailments and diseases with their colloquial equivalent.
Alopecia ___ baldness_ wind
Arteriosclerosis ______________ blood clot
Bursitis ______________ thrush
Candida ______________ warts
Cerebral palsy ______________ heart attack
Cerebral infarction/bleeding ______________ heat spot/nettle rash
Dyspepsia ______________ cold sore
Eructation ______________ swelling
Erythema pernio ______________ (to be) spastic
Flatulence ______________ belching
Haemorrhoids ______________ kissing disease
Halitosis ______________ heartburn
herpes simplex ______________ baldness
herpes zoster ______________ chickenpox
hordeolum ______________ hardening of arteries
infectious mononucleosis ______________ measles
myocardial infarction ______________ bad breath
oedema ______________ indigestion
thrombus ______________ housemaid’s knee
pyrosis ______________ piles
rubella ______________ shingles
verrucae ______________ tennis elbow
tendonitis ______________ stroke
urticaria ______________ chilblains
varicella ______________ stye

Task 2. Read the descriptions below, use the Internet and match the descriptions to the names of
the illnesses.

allergic rhinitis coryza infectious parotitis influenza

pertussis rubella varicella

1. An infectious disease of the upper respiratory tract with fever and muscular aches, which is
transmitted by a virus and can occur in epidemics. Also called flu.
2. A common infectious viral disease of children, with mild fever, swollen lymph nodes and a rash. It
can cause stillbirth or malformation of an unborn baby if the mother catches the disease while
3. An illness, with inflammation of the nasal passages, in which someone sneezes and coughs and has
a blocked and running nose.
4. An infectious disease of children, caused by a herpes virus, and characterized by fever and red
spots which turn to itchy blisters.
5. An infectious disease of children, with fever and swellings in the salivary glands, caused by a
6. An infectious disease affecting the bronchial tubes, common in children and sometimes very
serious. The patient coughs very badly and makes a characteristic 'whoop' when inhaling after a
coughing fit.
7. Inflammation in the nose and eyes caused by an allergic reaction to plant pollen, mould spores, dust
mites or animal hair.

Task 3. DISORDERS OF THE DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. What is the doctor describing to the patient?
Cholangitis cholecystectomy cirrhosis colonoscopy
Crohn’s disease diverticulitis gastritis hemorrhoids
Hiatus hernia irritable bowel syndrome peptic ulcer pseudocyst
Volvulus partial gastrectomy

1. Because the muscles of the diaphragm are weak, a small part of the stomach has come through it.
Hiatus hernia
2. What we’re going to do is remove the part of the stomach which is diseased.
3. The combination of alcohol and smoking is causing inflammation of the stomach lining.
4. The acids in the stomach have attached to stomach lining and burrowed into the wall.
5. The liver has been seriously damaged by too much alcohol.
6. This is a small sac between the pancreas and the stomach which has filled with fluid.
7. A gall stone form the gallbladder has become stuck in the narrow tube and caused infection of the
bile duct.
8. Because of the long history of problems with gallstones, it would be best to remove the gallbladder.

9. Some parts of the intestine have narrowed and some parts are inflamed and this means that food is
not being properly absorbed.
10. Little pouches have been pushed through weak parts of the intestinal wall and become infected and
The barium X-ray shows that the intestine is normal. A change of diet may help relieve the feelings of
bloating, wind and discomfort.
12. We’re going to pass a thin, flexible tube through the back passage so we can see what’s causing
blood in the faeces.
13. The intestine has become a bit twisted and is now blocked.
14. These are swollen blood vessels that are protruding from the lining of the rectum.

Task 4. DISORDERS IN THE SKELETAL SYSTEM. Match up the definition with the correct

a. Paget’s b. cast c. rickets d. fracture e. sprain

f. gout g. prosthesis h. displaced i. whiplash j. reamer
k. metal plate l. fissure m. discs n. bone mass o. dislocation
p. traction q. bad posture
___ 1. A break in a bone
___ 2. A crack in the surface of a bone.
___ 3. With this kind of break, bones are forced from their normal anatomical position.
___ 4. Following a break, this may be used to stop bones moving.
___ 5. This can be used together with screws when a bone is badly broken in several places.
___ 6. The force used to pull bones back into alignment.
___ 7. There is a loss of this as people grow older.
___ 8. Osteomalacia in children is known as this.
___ 9. This disease is also known as osteitis deformans.
___ 10. Osteoarthritis in the spine is the erosion of these intervertebral structures.
___ 11. An abnormal curve of the spine may be due to this.
___ 12. This injury is usually the result of a car accident when the neck is suddenly force forward and
then backward.
___ 13. This injury is the partial tearing of a ligament.
___ 14. A drastic shift of two bone ends out of their normal position.
___ 15. With this condition uric acid collects in a synovial joint forming crystals
___ 16. An artificial joint.
___ 17. A surgeon performing a hip joint replacement operation uses this instrument to shape the
cavity in the pelvic bone for the femoral head.


A. Fill in the crossword taken.


5 Irregularities in the heartbeat.

7 Turbulent blood flow through a defective valve makes this sound.
9 A healthy heart has 60-100 of these a minute.
12 Coronary heart disease is due to ______ supply of blood to the heart.
15 The surgeon does this when he joins a piece of vein to the heart.
17 Atherosclerosis is a build up of fatty _____.
18 A completely new heart!
20 Insufficient ______ and smoking can contribute to heart disease.
23 A gripping angina chest pain sometimes ______ down the arms.
24 Air or liquid are used to _______ the balloon in angioplasty.
25 A section of the patient’s saphenous vein is normally used in _____ surgery.


1 The opposite of widening.

2 Complete stoppage of the heart.
3 Inflammation of the heart muscle.
4 Tachycardia is a rapid ______.
6 Death of a muscle due to lack of blood.
8 Battery-operated device to make the heart beat normally.
10 ______ veins are caused by defective valves in deep lower leg.
11 Angina pectoris chest pains are usually
brought on by ______.
13 Platelets and blood cells which collect
on one site will cause this.
14 The person who provides a replacement
16 One of these in a coronary artery will
cause the muscle it supplies to die.
19 Abnormal swelling in a weakened
arterial wall.
21 A condition in which a valve outlet is
too narrow.
22 It thickens arterial walls and narrows
the artery.

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