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Tawallah and Tabarrah:

Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Beware of loving the enemies of Allah, or of harbouring affection for other than
the friends of Allah, for verily man will be resurrected with those whom he loves.’[Ghurar al-Hikam,
no. 2703]

Imam al-Baqir said: "Of the signs of a believer are these three: He knows Allah, and (knows) whom
He loves and (knows) whom He hates."
al-Kafi, volume 2, page 126, Hadith 9

Imam Sadiq (as) said:

‫ﻛذب ﻣن ادﻋﻰ ﻣﺣﺑﺗﻧﺎ وﻟم ﯾﺗﺑرأ ﻣن ﻋدوﻧﺎ‬

Verily, he lied who claimed to be lover (follower) of us while he didn't do Tabarra from our enemy.
Bihar Al-Anwar, volume 27, p.58.

Imam Reza (as):

The completeness of religion is doing Tawalla for us, and doing Tabarra from our enemy.
Bihar Al-Anwar, volume 27, p.58.

Al-Kashi narrated from Sudayr who said: I came unto Abu Ja'far (i.e. Imam Baqir, may Allah's peace
be upon him), while Salama b. Kuhayl and others with me, where Zayd b. Ali was with his brother
Abu Ja'far (as), so they asked Abu Ja'far (as): Do we have to follow (do tawalla for) Ali, Hassan, and
Hussain (May Allah's blessings be upon them) and dissociate (do tabarra for) with their enemies?

He said: Yes.

They said: Do we have to follow Abu Bakr and Omar dissociate (do tabarra for) with their enemies?

So Zayd b. Ali told them: You're dissociating Fatima (as)! May Allah amputate you.

[The narrator said]: And since which they were called Batris.
Source: Ikhtiyar Ma'rifat Al-Rijjal, volume 2, p.505.

"Whoever has a jot of love for Al-Jibt and Al-Taghoot (nicknames for Abu Bakr and Omar used by
Shias) in his heart, but he also claims to be a lover of the infalliable opressed Imams, then he is
actually not a follower of the progeny of the honest prophet (sawa), and he indeed belongs to the
Batri cult".
That a quote from Al-Fadhil Al-Darbandi, an old scholar, taken from his book volume 1, page 169

Shaykh Al-Sadooq in his book Al-I'tiqadat, page 102 under the chapter of our belief in opressors
said: Our belief that opressors are accursed and Tabarra from them is obligation.

Abu Ali al-Ash’ari has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Jabbar from ‘Abd al-Rahman ibn abu
Najran from ‘Umar ibn Yazid from abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, who has
said the following:

“Do not associate with the heretics and do not sit with them so you may become one of them in the
eyes of the people. The Messenger of Allah has said, ‘A man is in the religion of his
friends and associates.’”
Usool al-Kafi, Volume 2, Chapter 159, Hadeeth 3
Muhammad ibn Yahya has narrated from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn from Ahmad ibn Muhammad
ibn abu Nasr from Dawud ibn Sarhan from abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant,
who has said the following:

“The Messenger of Allah has said, ‘When you after me find people of heresy and skepticism
express your disapproval of them and increase your condemnation, words and opposition to and
evidence against them so they may not become greedy to bring destruction to Islam. You must warn
people against them and against learning their heretic ideas. Allah will reward you for this and will
raise your position in the next life.’”
Usool al-Kafi, Volume 2, Chapter 159, Hadeeth 4

A number of our people have narrated from Ahmad ibn Muhammad from ibn Mahbub from Shu’ayb
al-‘Aqaqufi who has said the following:

“Once I asked abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, about the words of Allah, the
Most Majestic, the Most Holy, ‘Allah has told you (believers) in the Book that when you hear people
disbelieving and mocking Allah's revelations, do not sit with them unless they change the subject.
You will become like them. Allah will gather all the hypocrites and the unbelievers together in
hellfire.’ (4:140) The Imam said, ‘It means that when you hear the man who rejects the truth, denies
it and opposes ‘A’immah, you then must leave him and do not sit with him no matter whoever he
may be.’”
Usool al-Kafi, Volume 2, Chapter 159, Hadeeth 8

Al-Husayn ibn Muhammad has narrated from Ali ibn Muhammad ibn Sa'd from Muhammad ibn
Muslim from Ishaq ibn Musa who has said that narrated to him his brother and uncle from abu ‘Abd
Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, who has said the following:

“There are three kinds of gatherings that Allah despises and sends His anger upon the attendance
therein. You must not sit there to associate with them: a gathering wherein there is one whose
tonguespeaks lies in his Fatwas (legal opinion), a gathering wherein our enemies are praised
freshly and we are mentioned as old (of less value) ones, and a gathering wherein obstacles are
created for us and you know it.’ The Imam then read three verses from the book of Allah as if they
were in his mouth (or as if they were on his palms): ‘O believers, do not say bad words against the
idols lest they (pagans) in their hostility and ignorance say such words against Allah.’(6:108) ‘When
you see people mocking Our revelations, turn away from them so that they may change the
subject. . . .’ (6:68) ‘(Unbelievers), do not follow whatever your lying tongues may tell you is lawful or
unlawful to invent lies against Allah. . . .’” (16:116)
Usool al-Kafi, Volume 2, Chapter 159, Hadeeth 12

Abu Ali al-Ash’ari has narrated from Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Jabbar from Safwan from ‘Abd al-
Rahman ibn al Hajjaj from abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, who has said the
“Abu ‘Abd Allah, recipient of divine supreme covenant, has said, ‘Whoever sits with those who
abuse the friends of Allah has certainly disobeyed Allah,the Most High.’”
Usool al-Kafi, Volume 2, Chapter 159, Hadeeth 14

One of the companions of Imam Baqer (as) narrates that in one of his hajj imam had 5 extra stones
which he threw 2 of them on one side of the monument and 3 rocks on the other side of the
monument, When asked about his reason for doing so he replies the angels bring Omar and abu
bakr and place them near this place and is only seen by masoomen so i threw 3 at omar and 2 at
abu bakr as Omar is more despicable than abu bakr.
815‫ ص‬،2‫ ج‬،‫ و اﻟﺧراﯾﺞ و اﻟﺟراﺋﺢ‬305‫ ص‬،27‫ ج‬،‫ و ﺑﺣﺎراﻻﻧوار‬192‫ ص‬،30‫ ج‬،‫ﺑﺣﺎراﻻﻧوار‬
323‫ ص‬،‫ و ﺷﻔﺎء اﻟﺻدور ﻓﯽ ﺷرح زﯾﺎرة اﻟﻌﺎﺷور‬306‫ ص‬،6‫ ج‬،‫ و ﺑﺻﺎﯾر اﻟدرﺟﺎت‬78 ،10‫ ج‬،‫ﻣﺳﺗدرک اﻟوﺳﺎﯾل‬
Hanan ibn Sadar narrates when asking about Abu Bakr and Umar:
I asked Imam al-Baqir (as) about those two. He (as) replied: "O Aba al-Fadhl! Do not ask me about
them for, by Allah, non among us (Ahlul-Bayt)... would die except that he is displeased with those
two. No day passes to us except that we are angry with them. Indeed, they oppressed us and
denied our rights and they were the first and foremost people who imposed themselves over us and
opened the stream of injustice against us that does not stop until our Qa'im rises... By Allah! No
affliction was set up against us and no trouble faced us Ahlul-Bayt except that those two founded its
root. Thus upon those two 'are the curse of Allah and the angels and people all (2:161).'"
- al-Kafi, v8, p245, Hadith #340
- Bihar al-Anwar, v30, p269, Hadith #138
- Ta'wil al-Ayat al-Dhahira, p128, Hadith #4

Dua Sanamae Quraysh of Imam Ali (as)

In the name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful.
O Allah! Curse the two idols of Quraish and their two magicians, their two rebellious people, their
two accusers and their two daughters. Rebuke them, they have consumed Your sustenance and
have denied Your obligations, both have discarded Your commands, have rejected Your revelation,
have disobeyed Your Prophet, have destroyed Your religion, have distorted Your book, have made
Your laws ineffective, have declared Your obligatory actions as incorrect, have disbelieved in Your
signs, have oppressed Your friends, have loved Your enemies, have spread corruption among Your
people, have made Your world occur loses.
O Allah! Send Your curses on them and their helpers as they have ruined the house of Your
prophet, have dug the door of his house, broken the roof, have brought down the walls, have made
the skies, the ground, have destroyed its inhabitants, have killed their supporters have put to death,
their children have deserted his pulpit by his successors of knowledge, have desired his prophet
hood, have ascribed a partner to their Lord, thus consider both of their sins to be great, and make
their abode in 'saqar' forever, and do you know what is 'saqar?'
It leaves nothing, nor let anything remain. O Allah, send Your chastisement on them to the extent of
the sins of every disobedient, and the covering of truth, and all the pupils where they have gone,
and the believer whom they have harmed and the disbeliever whom they have loved,
and to the number of pious people whom they have troubled, and whom they have driven out of
their cities, and helped the disbelievers, and the Imam on whom they were cruel and have changed
the obligatory laws, and have destroyed the practice of the Holy Prophet, and whatever evils they
have concealed, the blood which they shed, have changed the goodness and have altered the
commands, have created disbelief, or the lie for which they have cheated, the inheritance which
they have plundered, and stopped the booties from them and have consumed the prohibited wealth,
and that 'Khums' (the fifth part) which they considered as permitted for them, and that evil whose
foundation were put, and that cruelty which they made common, that oppression, which they
spread, those promises, which they dishonored, those covenant which they broke, those lawful
which is termed as unlawful, and that unlawful which is termed as lawful,
that hypocrisy which they have concealed in the hearts, and to the amount of treachery which they
bore in their hearts, and those stomach which they have split open, and that 'pahlu' which they
broke, and that door which they broke-opened, and those gatherings which they dispersed and
those degraded whom they gave honour, and those honourable whom they insulted,
and by the number of rights which they have usurped, and the order of Imam which they opposed,
bestow Your wrath on them to the extent of the atrocities.
O Allah! Your curses on them to the extent of alteration in Quran and covering the truth, rendering
the will, worthless, and breaking the promises, and declaring all the claims as void, refusing all the
allegiances, presenting excuses, introducing breach of trust, climbing of hills and to the vessel
which they turned upside down and all that defects which they possessed. Bestow Your curses on
O Allah curse those two, secretly and openly, such a beating which is forever continuous, nonstop
and innumerable. Such a whipping which commences in the morning but does not ends at night.
Such a beating should be on those tyrants, and their helpers, their assistance, their friends and their
lovers, those attracted to them and those who acknowledge their deeds, those who present proof
for them, and those who follow their words, and those who approve their actions.
(Then recite four times).
O Allah! Send such a harsh chastisement upon them, that the dwellers of Hell start screaming, O
Lord of the Universe accept this prayer from me.
Bihar Al-Anwar vol 85 page 240, Misbah Al Kafami…Page 552
Bihar Al-Anwar…Vol 82…Page 260

May Allah (swt) curse Motasim who poisoned Imam Mohammad Taqi (a.s). Also curse on all the
enemies of Ahlulbayt (a.s).

Mentioned below in one narration in which Imam Mohammad Taqi (a.s) has cursed Abu Bakr (la)
and Umar (la).

Zakariya bin Adam narrates: "Once I was with Imam Raza (a.s) that Aboo Jafar Imam Muhammad
Taqi (a.s) came. His (as) age was less that 4 years. He (as) struck his hands on the ground and
raised his head towards the sky and thought for long."

Then Imam Raza (as) said, "By my self, What are you thinking for so long?"

Imam Taqi (a.s) said, "I am thinking regarding my (grand) mother Sayeda Faatima (s.a). By Allah
(swt), I want to remove those two (Aboo Bakr and Umar), burn those two and blow away their
remains in the sea."

Imam Raza (a.s) then kissed him between his eyes (on the forehead) and said, "My father and
mother be sacrificed for you. For you is the Imamah."
Source: Bihar al Anwar, Vol.50 Pg. # 59 also recorded in Dalail Al Imamah Pg. #212

Imam Zain Al Abdeen peace be upon him said: “three kinds of people will not have any attention by
Allah Al Mighty on Judgement Day and will receive painful punishment: those who deny an Imam
appointed by Allah, those who claim to be an Imam appointed by Allah and those who claim that
Abu Bakr and Omer have a share in Islam”. Ref: Mustadrak Al Wasail vol 18, page 175.

Muhammad ibn Hassan Al Hur said "I was with Amirul Mumineen Ali (as) doing tawwaf around the
Kabah. He saw a man clinging to the curtain of the Kabah and he was saying Salawat on
Muhammad and Aale Muhammad and he (Imam Ali) said salam to him. We passed him a 2nd time
and now he was doing lanat (cursing) on the enemies of Aale Muhammad but he (Imam Ali) did not
say salam to him again. I asked O' Amirul Mumineen, why didnt you say salam to the man this
time? Imam Ali (as) said "Because i did not want to interrupt his lanat, since then he would be
obliged to stop and return my salam, as lanat is better than giving salam and returning salam and
better than saying salawat on Muhammad and Aale Muhammad."
Majmu'a al-Nurayn pg 208

Imam Sadiq (as) explained ayat 208 of surah baqarah 'Enter into submission one and all and do not
follow the footsteps of shaytan' by saying "Entering into submission means accepting the wilayat
(guardianship) of Ali ibn Abi Talib (as), and do not follow the footsteps of shaytan means do not
follow anyone other than Ali (as)."
Tafsir burhan vol 1 pg 207
Amal al tusi vol 1 pg 306
Bisharat al mustafa pg 304
The Prophet (saww) said "Allah said: 'I will punish every group of muslims who recognized the
leadership of any unjust ruler whom i did not select, even if the individuals of such a group are pious
& fear Allah. Likewise, i will forgive every group of muslims who recognized exclusively the
leadership of the just imam's (as) whom i appointed, even if the individuals of such a group wrong
themselves and commit bad deeds."
Fadail al shiah- hadith #12

Ibn Abbas asked the holy prophet (saww) to advise him. The prophet (saww) said "I advise you to
love Ali ibn Abu Talib (as). I swear by Allah who sent me as a prophet that Allah will not accept the
good deeds of any slave without first questioning him about his love for Ali (as), and Allah knows the
truth. So if the slave had the wilayat (guardianship) Allah will accept all the deeds of the slave,
despite his shortcomings. If the slave did not have the wilayat Allah will not question him about
anything else and will order him to be taken to Hell."
bisharat al mustafa pg 64 hadith 9
amal al tusi vol 1 pg 104
bihara al anwar vol 16 pg 370 and vol 28 pg 157
tawil al ayaat vol 1 pg 277

Imam Ali (as) said "If a man worships Allah between rukn and maqam and fasts every single day of
his entire existence without believing in our wilayat he will not benefit in any way."
Bisharatul Mustafa pg 402 hadith 30

The Prophet (saww) said "The dwellers of paradise are those who obey me and submit to Ali ibn Abi
Talib (as) after me and accept his Wilayat (guardianship). The inmates of the fire are those who
deny his wilayat, breach the covenant and fight against Ali (as) after me."
Bisharat al-Mustafa pg 212 hadith 2
Bihar a-Anwar vol 39 pg 208

Imam Sadiq (as) said "He who doubts in the Kufr of our enemies who have wronged us is himself a
Kafir. "
Itiqadat al hamdu lillah imamiyyah ch 38 pg 94

Imam Sajjad (as) "Allah has made 5 religious duties mandatory and everything Allah makes
mandatory is beautiful; Salat, zakat, hajj, fasting, and our wilayat (guardianship). People obeyed
Allah in the first 4 and ignored the 5th. I swear by Allah that the first 4 are not complete without the
Bisharat al- Mustafa pg 160 hadith 143
Bihar al-Anwar vol 23 pg 105

he Prophet (saww) said "If everyone loved Ali ibn Abi Talib, Allah would not have created hell."
Bisharat Al-Mustafa pg 114
Bihar Al-Anwar vol 39 pg 249
Amali As-Saduq pg 523
Kashf Al-Ghummah vol 1 pg 99
Manaqib Al-Khawarezmi pg 28
Tawil Al-Ayat vol 2 pg 497

Ibn Abbas asked the Prophet (saww) "Is there anyone who hates Ali (as)?" The Prophet (saww)
replied "Yes, some people who think they are from my nation hate him and they have nothing to do
with Islam. One of the signs of those who hate Ali (as) is that they elevate people who are lower
than Ali (as) above Ali (as)."
bisharat al mustafa pg 64 hadith 9, amal at tusi vl 1 pg 104
bihar al anwar vol 16 pg 370 and vol 28 pg 157, tawail al ayaat vol 1 pg 277
Muhammad ibn Abi Kasir Al Kufi narrated. He says "I never finished my Prayers (Salat) and never
started it but with curses on those two (Aboo Bakar and Umar). I saw a dream in which a bird had a
red color substance in a container. The bird entered the house of the Holy Prophet (saw) and
removed 2 people from the tomb of the Prophet (saww) and applied the red color substance on their
faces and then put them back in the tomb and flew away. I asked the people present there as to
who is this bird and what is the red color substance. They said that this bird in an angel which
comes every friday night and applies the red color on these two and then leaves. After this dream I
felt very disheartened and did not feel like cursing them in the morning. Then came Imam Jafar
Sadiq (as) and looked at me and smiled and said: “You saw a bird in your dream?”. I said: “Yes! My
Master”. Imam (as) said: “Secret counsels are only (inspired) by the Evil One, in order that he may
cause grief to the Believers; but he cannot harm them in the least, except as Allah permits.” [58:10]
Recite this verse whenever you see a bad dream. By Allah this angel which has been appointed
over them does not do this for their honor (respect). But this is the angel appointed from the east to
the west of world so that if any one is killed unjustly then to take their blood and put it on the neck of
these 2 (Abu Bakr and Umar) because they are the cause of all injustice.”
Source: Bihar Al Anwar, Vol. 47. Pg # 124

Thiqatul Islam al-Kulayni and Sheikh al-Ta’ifa al-Tusi (May Allah be pleased with them) on the
authority of al-Hussain Bin Thuayr and Abu Salamah al-Sarraj who said: “We have heard Abu
Abdullah (peace be upon him) laying curse upon four men and four women after each obligatory
prayer, Fulan, Fulan, Fulan and Muawiya – he used to mention them by name – Fulana, Fulana,
Fulana, Hind and Ummul Hakam sister of Muawiya”. Al-Tusi’s expressions was: “al-Taymi (i.e. from
Banu Taym which is the clan of Abu Bakr) al-Aduiy (i.e. from Banu Adi which is the clan of Umar)
…” (al-Kafi vol. 3 p. 342, Tahthibul-Ahkam vol. 2 p. 321).

(a man came to Imam Ja'ffar Al-Sadiq (a.s) and told him: I sew two shirts, one while I was praying
for Muhammad and His Progeny (a.s) and the other while I was cursing their enemies. So, which
shirt you would choose?
Imam (a.s) chose the one made while cursing, and said: " I love this shirt more"
Imarat al-welayah 51, faorul-athar 91, Ta'liqat shifaa al-sodoor 2-48.

Allamah Majlisi said:

"What is considered from the necessities of the Imami (i.e. Twelver Shi'ism) the dissociation from
Abu Bakr, Omar, Othman, and all those who fought against the Commander of the Faithful".
That's a copy of the original book:

Sayed Khoei (ra):

"And what I see from the hadith is that gheeba is haram only if the person is a mo'min (true

Then he continued saying "the believer in the hadith that is mentioned are those who believe in
Allah, the Prophet, day of judgment, and the Twelve Imams. The first of them is Ali ibn Abi Taleb (as)
and the last of them is the Qa'em the awaited proof from Allah (may Allah hasten his appearance)
"What the narrations, dua, ziyarat tell us is that IT IS PERMISSIBLE TO CURSE PEOPLE WHO
Then he says "and THERE IS NO DOUBT OF THEIR KUFR because denying welayah or one of
the Imams and believing in the welaya of other than them, and wrong beliefs such as predestination
Misbah al-Faqaha volume 2 page 11
The book is "I'tiqadat"

Imam Ali (a.s) Public Condemnation Of The Usurpers

Alee ibn Ibraheem, from his father, from Ibn Mahboub, from Alee Bin Ra’ab abd Yaqoub Al-Sarraaj
who has said: Aboo Abdullah (a.s) has narrated that Amir-ul-Momineen (a.s), when they had
pledged allegiance to him (a.s) after the killing of Uthman, ascended the Pulpit, so he (a.s) said:

"Praise be to Allah Who is High and thus all is in His possession and He is Closer than any in the
view. And I hereby testify that there is no god but Allah, One with no associates to Him, and I testify
that Muhammad (saw) is His servant and His Messenger (saw), the last of the Prophets and a Proof
over the worlds, a ratification for the former Prophets and was kind and merciful to the Believers.
The Angels sent ‘salam’ greetings of peace upon him (a.s) and upon his Progeny (a.s).

Having said that, O you people! The transgression (indecency) places its owner into the Fire, and
the first one to transgression (commit indecency) against Allah Majestic is His Remembrance was
Onaq the daughter of Adam (a.s), and the first one who was killed, whom Allah (swt) killed was
Onaq. And the area that she occupied when seated upon the ground measured one square acre
(Jarib) of the land, and she had twenty fingers and on each of her fingers were two nails like two
sickles. So Allah Mighty and Majestic Made her to be overcome by a lion which was like an elephant
(in size), and a wolf which was like a camel (in size), and an eagle like a mule (in size). So they
killed her.

And Allah (swt) had killed the tyrants in their best conditions, and gave Safety to those who used to
be (oppressed). And He Made Hamaan (i.e. Umar) to die, and destroyed the Pharaoh (i.e. Aboo
Bakr), and He has Killed Uthman. Indeed! Your misfortunes have returned to what they were on the
day Allah Sent His Prophet (saw). By the One Who Sent him by the truth, you will be confused with
a (severe) confusion and be sifted with a (severe) sifting, and stirred and turned like the contents of
a frying pan until your underside becomes your upper side and your upper side becomes your
underside. The ones who used to be with the shortcomings will become the foremost ones, and
those who used to be the foremost ones would become the people with shortcomings.

By Allah (swt)! I have neither concealed, nor blocked, nor lied a lie, and I have been foretold about
this place and this day. Indeed! And the sins are like uncontrollable horses which carry its riders,
with its harnesses removed, plunging into the Fire. Indeed! And the piety is like a humble ride which
takes its rider, along with its rein, to the Paradise, and its Doors will be opened up for them, and
they will find its aroma and goodness. And it will be said to them: ‘Enter it in peace and security’.

Indeed! The ones who had no association with it has preceded me to this command (Caliphate),
and the ones to whom it had not been Granted to, and the ones for whom there was no chance
from it except if they were to be Prophets who had been Sent. And indeed! There is no Prophet as
to be after Muhammad (saw) who is more noble than him over the intercession on the brink of the
Fire. So they will fall with by it (their lies) in the Fire of Hell.

Truth as well as falsehood, for each of them are its people. The matter of falsehood is a very old
one and has been active. And if the truth is less (in practice) it is because of ‘if’ and ‘maybe’. And it
is rare that if a thing gone away comes back, and if your command (Caliphate) returns to you, you
would be pleased, and it is not on me except for the striving, and I am afraid that you all will end up
being on the nature of your nation (away) from me, the nation that you were in beforehand and
would not have a praiseworthy opinion in my sight, and if I so desire to I would say: ‘May Allah
Forgive what was in the past’.
Two men (Aboo Bakr & Umar) preceded me with regards to it (Caliphate), and the third one stood
up like the Raven. His main concern was his stomach. Woe be unto him! Had his wings been
clipped and his head cut-off, it would have been better for him. He was distracted from the Paradise
and the Hell was in front of him. Three and two make five, there is no sixth of them – An Angel who
files by his wings, and a Prophet whom Allah has Grabbed by his shoulders (Given him Divine
Status), and a diligent seeker (momin), and a hopeful student, and a reducer (Muqassir) are in the

The right and the left are misleading, whereas the middle path is the street on which you will come
across the Book and the effects of the Prophet-hood. Destroyed is the one who makes a claim, and
disillusioned is the one who fabricates that Allah (swt) disciplined this community by the sword and
the whip, and there is no leniency for either of them with the Imam. So, hide in your homes and
mend your relationships in between yourselves and the repentance is behind you all. The one who
turned his cheek (opposed the Imam) to the truth is destroyed.
Narration is Hasan (Reliable) by Al-Majlisi I in Mir'atul Uqool. Vol. 25, Pg. # 151
Source: Al-Kaafi. Vol 8, Pg. 67. H # 23.

Amir-ul-Momineen (a.s) Abandoned Taqqiya (Dissimulation)

‫ اﻟﻣﺳﺗﺿﻌﻔون‬،‫ اﻟﻧواﺻب‬،‫اﻟﺷﯾﻌﺔ‬

The Shiites, the Nasibis, the Weak ones

‫ ﻓﺈن اﻟﺣق وﷲ‬:‫ ﻓﻘﺎل ﻟﮫ ﻋﻠﯾﻌﻠﯾﮫ اﻟﺳﻼم‬.‫ وﷲ ﻟﺋن آان اﻷﻣر آﻣﺎ ﺗﻘول ﻟﻘد ھﻠﻛت أﻣﺔ ﻣﺣﻣد ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وآﻟﮫ ﻏﯾرك وﻏﯾر ﺷﯾﻌﺗك‬:‫ﻓﻘﺎل اﻷﺷﻌث‬
‫ ﻓﺄﻣﺎ ﻣن ﺗﻣﺳك ﺑﺎﻟﺗوﺣﯾد واﻹﻗرار‬،‫ وﻣﺎ ھﻠك ﻣن اﻷﻣﺔ إﻻ اﻟﻧﺎﺻﺑون واﻟﻧﺎآﺛون واﻟﻣﻛﺎﺑرون واﻟﺟﺎﺣدوﻧواﻟﻣﻌﺎﻧدون‬.‫ﻣﻌﻲ ﯾﺎ ﺑن ﻗﯾس آﻣﺎ أﻗول‬
‫ﺑﻣﺣﻣد ﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ وآﻟﮫ واﻹﺳﻼم وﻟم ﯾﺧرج ﻣن اﻟﻣﻠﺔ وﻟم ﯾظﺎھر ﻋﻠﯾﻧﺎاﻟظﻠﻣﺔ وﻟم ﯾﻧﺻب ﻟﻧﺎ اﻟﻌداوة وﺷك ﻓﻲ اﻟﺧﻼﻓﺔ وﻟم ﯾﻌرف أھﻠﮭﺎ‬
‫ ﻓﺈﻧذﻟك ﻣﺳﻠم ﻣﺳﺗﺿﻌف ﯾرﺟﻰ ﻟﮫ رﺣﻣﺔ ﷲ وﯾﺗﺧوف ﻋﻠﯾﮫ ذﻧوﺑﮫ‬،‫ووﻻﺗﮭﺎ وﻟم ﯾﻌرف ﻟﻧﺎ وﻻﯾﺔ وﻟم ﯾﻧﺻب ﻟﻧﺎ ﻋداوة‬.

Al-Ash’as said, ‘By Allah (swt) if the matter is as you (Imam a.s) are saying, the community of
Muhammad (saw) will be destroyed apart from you and your Shiites’. Imam (a.s) said to him: ‘As for
the truth, by Allah (swt) it is with me (a.s), O Ibn Qays, as I have said. And none from the community
will perish except for the Nasibis, and the Breakers (of the allegiance), and the stubborn, and the
deniers, and the obstinateones. So as for the one who adheres to the Oneness (Al-Tawheed), and
accepts Muhammad (saw) and the Islam, and does not exit from the nation, and does not
perpetrate injustices against us (a.s), and does not establish enmity to us (a.s), and they have
doubts in the Caliphate, and do not recognise its deserving ones (a.s), and its governors, and did
not recognise our Wilayah, but did not establish enmity against us (a.s), so those are the weak
Muslims, there is hope for the Mercy of Allah (swt) for them, and there is fear for their sins (whether
they will be Forgiven or not)’.

‫ إذ ﺷرح أﻣﯾراﻟﻣؤﻣﻧﯾن ﻋﻠﯾﮫ اﻟﺳﻼم‬،‫ ﻓﻠم ﯾﺑق ﯾوﻣﺋذ ﻣن ﺷﯾﻌﺔ ﻋﻠﻲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ اﻟﺳﻼم أﺣد إﻻ ﺗﮭﻠل وﺟﮭﮫ وﻓرح ﺑﻣﻘﺎﻟﺗﮫ‬:‫ ﻗﺎل ﺳﻠﯾم ﺑن ﻗﯾس‬:‫ﻗﺎل أﺑﺎن‬
‫ وﻟم ﯾﺑق أﺣد ﻣن اﻟﻘراء ﻣﻣن آان ﯾﺷك ﻓﻲ اﻟﻣﺎﺿﯾﻧوﯾﻛف ﻋﻧﮭم وﯾدع اﻟﺑراءة ﻣﻧﮭم ورﻋﺎ وﺗﺄﺛﻣﺎ إﻻ‬.‫اﻷﻣر وﺑﺎح ﺑﮫ وآﺷف اﻟﻐطﺎء وﺗرك اﻟﺗﻘﯾﺔ‬
‫ وﻟم ﯾﺑق ﺣوﻟﮭﻣﻣن أﺑﻰ ﺑﯾﻌﺗﮫ إﻻ ﻋﻠﻰ وﺟﮫ ﻣﺎ ﺑوﯾﻊ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ ﻋﺛﻣﺎن واﻟﻣﺎﺿون ﻗﺑﻠﮫ إﻻ‬.‫اﺳﺗﯾﻘن واﺳﺗﺑﺻر وﺣﺳن رأﯾﮫ وﺗرك اﻟﺷك ﯾوﻣﺋذ واﻟوﻗوف‬
‫ ﺛﻣﺈﻧﮫ اﺳﺗﺑﺻر ﻋﺎﻣﺗﮭم وذھب ﺷﻛﮭم‬.‫رﺋﻲ ذﻟك ﻓﻲ وﺟﮭﮫ وﺿﺎق ﺑﮫ أﻣره وآره ﻣﻘﺎﻟﺗﮫ‬.

Aban said that Sulaym said, ‘On that day, there did not remain anyone from the Shias of Alee (a.s)
except that he had joy on his face and was happy with his (a.s) words when Amir-ul-Momineen (a.s)
explained the matters, and revealed it and uncovered the mask, and left the
‘Taqqiya’ (dissimulation). And there did not remain anyone from the reciters (of the Quran) who had
doubts with regards the people of the past, and had paused from then and stayed away from them
thinking it to be a sin except that they now had conviction in their perceptions and corrected their
opinions, and on that day they left their doubts and their hesitation.
And there did not remain anyone from those who had refused to pay allegiance to him (a.s)
although they had paid allegiance to Usman and those before him, but you could see the disgust on
their faces due to their abhorrence of his (a.s) words. Then gradually their eyes were opened, and
their doubts disappeared (meaning they came to the path of Imam Alee)

‫ ﻟﻣﺎ آﺷف أﻣﯾر اﻟﻣؤﻣﻧﯾن ﻋﻠﯾﮭﺎﻟﺳﻼم ﻟﻠﻧﺎس ﻣن اﻟﻐطﺎء‬،‫ ﻓﻣﺎ ﺷﮭدت ﯾوﻣﺎ ﻗط ﻋﻠﻰ رؤوس اﻟﻌﺎﻣﺔ آان أﻗر ﻷﻋﯾﻧﻧﺎ ﻣن ذﻟك اﻟﯾوم‬:‫ﻗﺎل أﺑﺎن ﻋن ﺳﻠﯾم‬
‫ وﻗد آاﻧوا أﻗل أھل‬،‫ وآﺛرت اﻟﺷﯾﻌﺔ ﺑﻌد ذﻟﻛﺎﻟﻣﺟﻠس ﻣن ذﻟك اﻟﯾوم وﺗﻛﻠﻣوا‬،‫وأظﮭر ﻓﯾﮫ ﻣن اﻟﺣق وﺷرح ﻓﯾﮫ ﻣن اﻷﻣر واﻟﻌﺎﻗﺑﺔ وأﻟﻘﻰ ﻓﯾﮫ ﻣن اﻟﺗﻘﯾﺔ‬
‫ ﺷﮭﺎدة أﻣﯾر‬.‫ وﺻﺎرت اﻟﺷﯾﻌﺔ ﺑﻌد ذﻟك اﻟﻣﺟﻠس أﺟل اﻟﻧﺎس وأﻋظﻣﮭم‬،‫ﻋﺳﻛره وﺳﺎﺋر اﻟﻧﺎس ﯾﻘﺎﺗﻠون ﻣﻌﮫ ﻋﻠﻰ ﻏﯾر ﻋﻠم ﺑﻣﻛﺎﻧﮫ ﻣن اﻟﻠﮭورﺳوﻟﮫ‬
‫ ﻗﺗﻠﮫ اﺑن ﻣﻠﺟم‬،‫ ﺛم ﻟم ﯾﻠﺑث أن ﻗﺗل ﺻﻠوات ﷲ ﻋﻠﯾﮫ‬.‫اﻟﻣؤﻣﻧﯾن ﻋﻠﯾﮫ اﻟﺳﻼم وذﻟك ﺑﻌد وﻗﻌﺔ أھﻼﻟﻧﮭروان وھو ﯾﺄﻣر ﺑﺎﻟﺗﮭﯾﺋﺔ واﻟﻣﺳﯾر إﻟﻰ ﻣﻌﺎوﯾﺔ‬
‫ وﺻﻠﻰ ﷲ ﻋﻠﻰ ﺳﯾدﻧﺎ أﻣﯾر اﻟﻣؤﻣﻧﯾن وﺳﻠم ﺗﺳﻠﯾﻣﺎ‬.‫وﻗد آان ﺳﯾﻔﮫ ﻣﺳﻣوﻣﺎ ﻗد ﺳﻣﮫ ﻗﺑل ذﻟك‬،‫ﻟﻌﻧﮫ ﷲ ﻏﯾﻠﺔ وﻓﺗﻛﺎ‬.

Aban said that Sulaym said, ‘I had never witnessed a day which was more pleasing to our eyes, on
the chiefs of the people, than that day, when Amir-ul-Momineen (a.s) uncovered from the people,
the cover and exposed the truth and explained in it the matters and the outcome of having left the
‘Taqqiya’ (dissimulation). After that, the Shiites became more numerous in their gatherings from that
day onwards and used to speak freely, and they used to be very few in his (a.s) army and among
the rest of the people, who would object him (a.s) due to lack of their knowledge about his (a.s)
position from Allah (swt) and his Messenger (saw)
Source: Kitab Sulaym ibn Qays (r.a)

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