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KELAS: 2.03
NIM : 430115029


Effective cough is a method of coughing correctly, where clients can save energy so it does
not get tired easily and can release sputum to its full potential.

Effective cough and deep breath is an effective cough technique that emphasizes the
maximum inspiration that begins with expiration, aimed at:
a) Stimulate the opening of the collateral system
b) Improve ventilation distribution
c) Increase lung volume and facilitate airway clearance (Jenkins 1996)
Ineffective cough causes:
1. Airway collapse
2. Rupture of the alveoli wall
3. Pneumothorax
Conducted in patients such as COPD / COPD, Emphysema, fibrosis, asthma, chest infection,
rest or postoperative patients.
Crooked, perlak and lazy, and tissues.
Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Cough Effective
Orientation Phase
1. Saying a greeting
2. Introduce yourself
3. Explain the purpose of action
4. Wash your hands

Work Phase
1. Ask the client if you already know how to perform an effective cough
2. Describe effective cough procedures and guide clients
a.)Set the sitting position
b) Ask the client to put one hand on the chest and one hand on the abdomen
c) Melayih client to breath the stomach (take a deep breath through the nose for 3 counts,
jga keep the mouth closed)
d) Ask clients to feel abdominal (prevent back bends)
e) Ask the client to hold the breath for 3 counts
f) Ask the client to breathe slowly in 3 counts (by mouth, lips like blowing)
g) Ask the client to feel the abdominal deflated and contraction of the abdominal muscles
h) Memasng perlak and crooked lap client
i) Ask the client to breathe in the third time: inspiration, hold your breath and cough
j) Accommodates mucus in pot sputum

Termination Phase
1. Evaluate
2. Tidy up the tool
3. Washing hands
Exercise Cough / Cough Effectively
1. Huff Coughing is a cough control technique that can be used in patients suffering
from lung diseases such as COPD / COPD, emphysema or cystic fibrosis. Postsurgical
Deep Coughing
Huff Coughing
2. To prepare the lungs and respiratory tract from the Huff Cough Technique, remove all
air from the lungs and airways. Start by breathing slowly. Take a slow breath, ending
by exhaling slowly for 3 - 4 seconds.
3. Inhale by lifting the diaphragm Do it slowly and comfortably, not to
overventilasi.Setelah breathe slowly, hold breath for 3 seconds, This is to control the
breath and prepare to cough huff effectively
4. Lift your chin slightly upwards, and use your abdominal muscles to perform a quick
breath of 3 times with the airway and mouth open, remove with the sound of Ha, ha,
ha or huff, huff, huff. This helps the epithelium open up and eases mucus outflow.
5. Breath control, then take a slow breath 2 times.
6. Repeat the above coughing technique until the mucus to the back of the throat
7. After that cough and remove mucus / phlegm
Postsurgical Deep Coughing
Step 1:
1. Sitting in the corner of the bed or chair, can also lie on your back with knees
slightly bent.
2. Hold the cushion or roll of towel against the surgical wound with both hands
3. Breathe normally

Step 2:
1. Breathe slowly and deeply through the nose.
2. Then exhale completely through mouth, Repeat for the second time.
3. For the third time, Take a slow and deep breath through the nose, Fill the
lungs until it feels as full as possible.
Step 3:
1. Cough 2 - 3 times in a row. Try to remove the air from the lungs as much as
possible when coughing.
2. Relax and breathe normally
3. Repeat the above actions as directed.

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