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Dilip Gaontarand Henan Lee Series Ears [AjinAppadurs, Soe at Luge Cult Dean of lbaeaon ARJUN APPADURAT Modernity at Large Cultural Dimensions of Globalization The Production of Locality ‘Ths chapter adses elated questions that have antenna ongoing res of wri about global earl flow beyin with thee sah ue tions, What the ace of lca im schemes abot gb ua low Does amvopoogy retain ay pectoral prvlege ma wold where locality seems to have lon ns ontlogal moorings? Can the mossy consiuinverelanonsip berween anthropology and locality survive in 4 Aramately delocalized word iy argument doe 01 stom dictly ome ‘concern with euher the production space (Lelebwe 1991 othe dc plinry arses of anthopology 2 sch, although they broadly ior my response (0 these questions Rather, engages 4 continuing debate about thelr ofthe navon state chap 8) My concern wih what o- cary might mean i 2 staauon where the sation sae faces partir Sorta ransationl destabilization " wew locality as peimaniy relivonl and contextual rather then ay seaar or saa. set a4 complex phenomenclogiel quali, coma ‘uted by a series of links beoween the ene of oc imeday, the ech nologies of ineractiny, ad the telavty of contents, Th phenomeno- logeal quahiy, which expese inet mn certan Kinds of agency. sity, and eprodciiny, the masn predate of oat a aegary or. sect) that seek co explore In contrat. |e the tem migra to eer to the aenllyexsting sol arms im whch lay, a a dines ot ‘aloe ievarablyvesied. Nehborods sm ths sae, se muned Imunicschaiteraed by chee actualy, whether spaval or va, and ‘hei potenti or socal production” ‘As ato dhe exploration, [address wu rhe questions, Haw des loan an apes socal ie eae eae subyonive al fos? I the relasonsip of lecaliy so nxghbovhoudssubnay a- tere by eee hairy expecially by the wba css ofthe naam sa ‘Asmpler way to caraienze these mull goa 5 hol th as tion: What can locality mean na wer where pal liclzation, qin jam eration and socal sal are ot always somorph? ang the Sb Tes one of the grand clichés of stl theory gong bk w Toca Weber and Daher that eaity a3 property or diac of wal le ‘comes undereye n made societies But ality an sheen Irae social achievement, Even 1 the most incmae. spay conte, ge fgmpheally soled siuations, lealty must be mamamed cacy int anus kinds odds. These ods have a vacus nes an plus been concepnsied diferent Ip many seus, boundaries are zones of danger requiring spec ual maintenance mothers soe secu elavons ave iceily Dave, erating 9 psstent enemy er tem neighborhood dsl. nyt ue statins ecology sre tology date tht houtes and iahabied spaces are forever ding this Conelbuing an endeme ene of aeaiy nd maby socal Me "Much of what we eal the ehnoyrapbse record canbe rewriten aod ‘ered irom this pool view, In heft estance, a reat deal what have Beer ered iso pas concered wth she produto of what ‘we might al al wet actors who propel Belong to a stated cum mut tn, aeighbor, ends, and enemies Ceremonies of namin and fonsur, sanieaton and segregation, circumcision and depevation we complex socal techniques lor the iscnpuon a fay onto odie. Looked at sgl fered, they are way ombud locity 25 well ab to loeate bodies in socially and sptally defined communi, The spa “symbol o ero psig has probably ben pais auenon shan | bodily ard socal symbol, Such nes ae not sly mechanical tech riquc or socal aareytion but soa echagucs or the produc ot “atv, acategery {have dacusted ehewhere Appa 18) ‘What uit of the produion of clave 6 the sthouaphi ‘records as neo he proceses by with loealty ie mately produce The bling of houses, the atgnstion ot ath nd sage the make ing ad remaking of tele and dens, she mapping and negation of ‘eamhuran spaces and hunerqatherer tens the incessant, often hurum preoccupation of many smal communities sued by tah Pologits. These echniues forthe sual production of lea hove bee ‘copiously documented, Bt sey have not ually been viewed es stances ‘ofthe producion of locality both sa general propery of soil ie and at 2 paral valution of that propery Broken down dererigevely ite technoiojes fr bouse balding, grden culovtion, andthe lke, these ‘ater outcomes have been taken a ends in themiles rather than at ‘moments ina gener technology (and teleology) of lain. ‘The production of locality i the oceteshsorcally sued by a thropologists (on islands and in forest, aclu ilies and hunting amp) i nt simply a matter of producing lca subjects well the very neighborhoods hat conrestaize shes subject. Ar some he ‘best work i she socal ope of ral un the pai few decides 40 amply shows (Lewis 1986, Munn 1986, Schein (985), space and tine are shemeles socialized and lcalaed though complex and deliberate pac ‘ces of perfomance, epresenaton, and action. We hve fended teal ‘hese practices comely or ral terme that by dtscting us rm hee czive, tenons, and produce ch sion of mechanical reprodecton (One ofthe most remarkable general features of he rita proces its highly specie way a loelnng duration and extension, of wing these categories nae and properties values and mestngy, spa onde cer cate the dows impr: ‘bly Avast amoun of what we kaow of rival in sal sale vcietes ean be revised fromthe pont new The lrg body o ler on tech ies for naming laces, for protecting fells, animals and other rer civ spice and esource, or making eaonal henge and alr shythms, for property stuating new howe and well, Kr appropriately demareating boundenes (bch donee and communal subatantiiy erature documenting he sociazatonof pace andtie. Mor presse, cic aeecord ofthe spatiotemporal production of fcaiy, Looked the way, Armold van Gennepsexiaardinay andi study of es of passage (1368), much ol James C. Fazer bizare encylopeia (100), end Bron. law Malinowskis monumental study of Trobrand garden male (1981) are subsanally ecorde ofthe myriad ways m which malls fcites do not and cannot ake local aa given. Rather, they seem sue that loci ephemeral unless ard and vegular work funder to The Prodecssen of Lecatity produc nd mantis tery Yet ths very mer yomesmes rmstaken forthe terms of such woe, thus abicrny the more aback eflecs of th work onthe production olay a ance olen ‘Much that hasbeen coneiered los! knowlege ataly heeds oho to produce and reproduce locaty under condone af ansey an truropy, scl wear and, ecologies! uncenany and couicvolaiy, tnd she aways resent qukines of inmen enemies, pints, and guts tall sors The eal offal knowledge aa only, even manly tembeciednes in 2 nonnegotable here and now os subborn dsnterest inching atlage, although thee ate cersily crcl properties as lid Geertz has reminded usm much of his work (Geers 1975, 1983), Local knowledge is ubstanclly about preducing relably local sbjct a well 2 about producing relably lees! neighborhoods within which uch secs canbe recognized and organized In thi ene lea knowles ‘whatt ane peinipaly by conan wih other knowledges—whch rom Se nonocl point of view) the abierver might regres local zed but by vite of sla teleology and ethos. We might sy, aden Many that oa! knowledge nat oly lea in sl bat. even moe ponant, frisel renin the smalls ofsoietes, with he hublest of technolpes and in the mot deslte of ecologies contents, the relaonship between the production ofloa sabjectsand he neighborhoods in whch such subjects can be produced named and empowered 0 at ocly aston an Alecvcalrelssonship, Wrhou reably local subject, the constuction ofa loca train of habitation, production and moral sect would have no terete tached ot, Burby the sme foken, without uch known, named, and negrable eran alrendy aval, the tual echnque or renting lel subjects would be aberac, thus merle. The long-term production afs neighborhood that isstultaneousy preci, valed and taken for granted depends onthe sewnles interaction of locale paces and times vith loel subjects poseted ofthe knowledge to reproduce loci Problems that are property hstonclanse whenever the sam lesness threatened Such problems 60 not arive only with nade, colonia, or ethnography. Isr this pont now becuse wll ics ‘elow the pecial properties of the production of lca ander he cond sion of contemporary urban ile, whch involve acon rege, matt ‘mediation, and intense and eg commoditization, Wa age pct ofthe ethnographic ecard ca be reread and reiten | record of hermulfaous modes forthe praducion olay fallow that ethnography has ben uniting compli this ctty Ths The Preductas of Lacalety pomt about knowledge and represenaton rather thn about gl vo lence. The eshnoraphe project sna peculiar way somorphe withthe ‘ver kaowledges seeks 0 dsconer and documenta bth the eth traphic projet an the socal pojecs it see a descbe have the po: duction of lealiy a the governing els? The marecogation of his tac in both projec, a ovoinny only more hurum and dices 96 thon and esting thous balding eld narnng, boundary als, gee ing rival, sata puriason| 1 the consti mrecogntan that inarancet both the spell appropeateness of elbaogaphy wo cevain tind of description and specular lock of relay as 8 projet of knowledge and reproduction. Drown into the very loaliation ty seek to document, ment ethnographic descriptions have taken localty as round not igre, recognizing either nor ws ehosasa propery ‘frclie Ths produces an unproblemavzed collaboration withthe sense finer on which local, a2 statue of feling, ceili relies. “The vale af econceting ethnography (nd sereading exer ethaog raphy) from this perspective s teelld. (1) shits the hisory of ‘hnogaphy fom a htory uf aeighhorhoode toa istry ofthe tech fugues for the production of loa, (2) it opens up a new way chink thout the complex copraducon of indigenous categories by Oger telleculs, administer, nga, msionanes and nolopsts, which Undergnslnge porns of the manoyraphiehiory of anthropology, (2) st enables the ethnography ofthe modern, and ofthe prdction of local under madern coneivons, tbe pan ofa more gene conti fon 1 the etograpie record cut Together, these effets would help guard asin the too-esty wie ol varus oppositional topes then and now before date ltd lage, bounded ond unbounded, sable Se id, hot and cod) hat plcy oppose ehnographies of and inthe present 1 ethnograghies fad ia she ast. The Content of aca | have sol ocuse on loeaty 2 phenomenclageal propery of socal life smc o eli tht produced by pre formeaf intents] cuit and that yields parcel sorts a materal lees. Yt shi dimen Slonl aspect of locality cannot be separated from the ata seingsin and ‘hough whic racial he reproduced To make the link benwen loa, "et propery o sci Wie and neghborhoods a sacl frm eqs ‘more ciel exposition of the problem ot context The production of neighborhood slays hstoncally grounded and this cntexul Tha neighborhoods aresaherenly what they are Bein they ae poe tosomething cae and derive rom athe, already prada ehh. In he practical consciouness of may human communes. the me thing tes oflen conceptualized exolagally av forest or wean ocean o dese, samp oF er Such ecloyeal Ss often mark bund et that smulteneousy nal the begins ob numa les ad ‘rego oF recognaably human but barbara or denon ors, Fe suenty, theie contents, against whch neghborboods ae pode ne feed rem once scent eal, socal, nd cosmolopeal terns Teimay be uf hereto note thatthe soil par of the content ol neihborhoods—the fact, tha of exer acighborhoods—recals the ‘es of vrcie (chap), tem Fused 1 get ay rom the cd chat troup denies necessary imply that altires need be seen satay bounded, hitarally unselfeonsius, ethnealy hrogeneis lens Inch ealer wage, Lampe tht the eso ethno ape might be ent ‘rpecially to the Ite twerh entry, when human ton the vl iy of mages, snd the consciou entity producing acts of ato sats lends fundamentally wntable and perspec quay to socal hie ‘Yee neighborhoods ae always fo some extent ethnoscapes, soar 3 they invave the ethnic projects of Othen wean comeouanes ol sth project Tats partial nevghborhoods someunes recognize ta ther ‘own lie isa eens log by which Oren ao contrac ecgniable, ‘ct human,saated life words, Such krowledgs can be encoded the bragnatics of rials asacted with clearing lore, making eden. building houses, which always cay an ple sense ol the tlelogy ol Joc building In more comple societies, cpa asnsted with of power ideas, uch knowledges ar coated, a nthe cas ofthe it ale sociated withthe colonisation of new villages by Hahmans i pe Colona Tn. ‘Allloclity bang hara moment of colonzaon, 2 moment bh hs tore and ehonotypi when here i Formal recogntion tht the pro duccion ofa neighborhood equvesdeiseate, my, even ven action ‘in respect othe sl, forests, amas, and ater human bey. A wood dal ofthe wolene sbocated with foundstonal nal (Bach 186) + recognition ofthe force tat requed 10 wrest laity om prewaly Uuncontoled peoples and pices. Put mother tery (de Carta 196), the taslomation of spaces into places requres a conscious moment vehich may subsequently be cemembered ab relatwely routine, The ro action of neighborhoods inherently colomaing nthe ee that The Brodectien of Less sores the assem of rally (oken mally) organized power over dace: and setting that ae wewed 4 poensallychaote or rebellious “The ansiery tha sends many real ol habrauon,ocupaion, o ste iment ra rcogaiton ol she npc waleceo al ch at of colonia ‘son Some of thi asiey remain inthe stu repetition ofthese o- ‘ment, long ater she foundetnal ever of colonization In ths serse the production of 3 neighborhood is inherenly an exer of power over Some srt of hole recaletrant environment which may ak he Fem of another neighborhood. ‘Much of he native mater unearthed by ethnographers working in small commas well ae mich ofthe description of tal ofa Calre, howe bulding and social pase, stresies the sheer mater Fragility etointed with producing and manning laity. Nevertheless, however deeply such description ss embedded inthe particularities of pace, sl and al technic nvarably contain or implies» theory Sf content theory, n aher words, of what eighbehood is produced Fram, agit net of, and in elton to. The problem ofthe relation ship benwen neighbashood and context requires mach filler tenon than canbe alforded here. Let me sketch the general dimensions af ths problem. The cena emma i tha neighborhoods both av contests fri atthe sme time require and produce conteats. Neighborhoods are Contexts the sense shat they provide the frame or eting within which ‘ari knds of human secon raduceve reproductive terete er Toxmative) eon be intntedand conde nearly, Benue meaning fa ieswold require legible and reproducible patterns of ction, hey ae fextlike and tha equ one or many conten From another point of wre, 2 reighborhod i+ content, oF 3st of conten, within which ‘meavingal soc action canbe both generated ae ierpeted. In chi ‘ve, neighborhoods are context, and contexts 2 neighborhoods. A neighborhood snug nerve si. Insofar ar neighborhoods are imagined, produced, and mainained ina sme orl ground (oil maceil ervarnmental, they alee ture and produce contents agit whch thew own intl taker shape. Thi contexe generative dimension of neighborhoods is an impor ‘antmater because provides the begins of theoretical angle on the relationship between loa and global resives, Hew so? The way i which Teighborhoods are produced and reproduced requires the contouous onsrinon, both rst! ad dscusive, ofan ehnoscape (necessary nonloal agent which ical practices and projects ave imagined to ake place. Fhe Pradectias af Lacelety In one dimension, a one moment, ad rom one penpetne, neh bochoode senting contexts ae prereqses or the production of oad sujet. Thats, exiting pices and space, hina stonelyprodoed {pstemponl neighborhood and with» eco acaed uals 0c tego, exper practioner, and vlormed aiienes, are requ toner for new members babes, angen, sve, prisons, gests, thes) tobe made temporary or permanent local abject, Here, we telex ie Its tkerfor granted commansensia, habs damenion In tbs denen sion, neighborhood appears te simply a sto conten, stony received, mately enbedded, ocly appropiate, naturally unpre ie fathers yield sons, gardens yield yams, sorcery yee sicnes, ba rs yield ment, women ye bubs, land yields vemen, shamans yold ‘ions, ad 0 forth. These coments concer appear provide he un problematzed sing forthe techs! production of local abcess 2 regular and regulated manner Buta thet local abject engnge nthe sock actvies ol prction, sepreentation, and reproduction {at the work of culture), they co true, generly unwittingly, tthe creation of conten that might ex ceed the exiting matenal and conceal Boundaries ofthe neighbor hood. Afra epination extend marnage network to new vilges: hing apeiion eld efnements af what ar undertood to be navigable and fri water, hasngexpedons extend the Sense ofthe foes 2 spomive ecologies fame, scl eons force new stages o exit and {ecolnization ding stviies yield new commodity words and thus ew partnership with yet unencounteredveloral groupings, ware ‘elt new diplomat allancer with previny Hoste ewhbors. And all ofthe ponies conte to ble his in angunge,werdoe {hl practice and collective elfundertanding Put summary, loca ect ery on the coining ask of reproducing ther neighborhood he Comingencies el history, environment. ad imagination contin the po tential fornew contents, sc, and imaginative) ob produced Ines way, trough the vagaries socal ation by loa ube, me Sorhood as context prodies the context of nexghborhood. Over une. this dletc changes the conditions ofthe production lca ae sick. at another way, his i how the subjects of istry become histor sb ject ao that no human community, however apparently stub, sate, bounded, or lated can atfly be reunded a cool or ouside hiory Thi oberon converges with Marshall Shlinss view ofthe dams of cnjancrural change (1985) ‘Consider he general reliondip among various Yanomam oun" The reduction 4) Loveity the run fori of asd aed Venezuls The eatonshp among ste ‘ment, population shits. predatory walt, nd sexaleompetisoncan be sewed as process in whch specie Yanan villages neighborhood), ina through ther sons, preoccupations, and sates, actualy pro «duce a wider eo contents or theives sd ech ther Th creates 2 ‘hich any even vilage esponds o a material comet wider than ll ‘ie simultancously conning the ceaton af cht wider content ln igeracaleperopective, the overall ctor of space and ie in which the Yenomami produce and generate vecgrcal contents or rece 36 tf locakzaen(vilge building), the produces some of the coments in ‘whch dhe Yanomam aa whole encounter the Bran and Venezuelan Taton-ete. In this sees, Yenomami locay-producng ace ate tot only conte dnven but rahe content generative, This tr of all Toeaiy- producing agus. “Thun neihborhoods sem paredoniclberzuse they both consute and equ coments As ethmascapes, neighborhoods wsetbly amply # ‘elton conecwaneto ther neurodes, be they 23 the ame time a autonomous neighborhoods a tegration value and mater pact, Thus, ocaluy a3 reltioalacheverent aot the rae ao aly 35.2 pracocal value nthe quoodian production a sbjet and clo ization a space. Locality production newly contest generative to the Felaionships between the contexts tat ehborhoods create and those they encounter Ths attr} scl power and athe dilerent teas of argantnn and conrl win which pra sces (nd places) are embedded, ‘Although the pracuce nd proc ol she Vanomar ae conten dicing forthe Bron sae tw even tur that dhe pacts ofthe Brazian naionatinvolve han, ven ovcrvhelming ore of lary Imtavention, geil envronmentl explosion, ad sateponsored Imagravon and colometion tha the Yanomans corns gn bagel un pal terms nhs seme, wh | wl poraue i he nest secon onthe conditions of loeaty producuon va the eof the naomi, the anomam are beng sen dla un he seme ol encaved, elie eapr even cleaned the context ol the Bealan polity Ths, whe they ar sli a postion to generate contents a they produce snd repr duce thrown neighborhooss, thy are increasingly prisoners nthe con texeproduing aovites af the aatontate, which makes thir own tors to produce locality seem feeble even doomed “Ths example has wide yeneralappabity The eapabty of neg bothoods to produce cones wrthin which their ery Toelzng oct ses acquire meaning and hier potemtal anda produce lal bets ‘sprooundly aed bythe locality producing capable ol larger sale social formations nation sats, Kingdoms, missionary empires, and a ing cats) to determine the general shape of all she newhborhods ‘within the reach of thei ower Ths, power i abeys key etre o the conte elation of neighbarods, nd evn" contac sleays involves dillerentraratives of res rom the wo sieved i “The pall ecnomy tht links neighborhoods to ontets 6th both methodolopealy aad historically complex. Oude of conto de ‘ve largely from linguists. Uns recen contest is been opportuni cally died 19 make sense of speci sentenes, sta, pertornances, and other sore of ext. While the production ol texts has been cacy considered fom several difleren point ol view Bauman nd Bega 19%, Hanks 1989), ce sracture and morphology of contexts as oly ate be come the foro ny systematic tension [Durant and Goodwin 1992) Beyond anthropological linguistic, context remains poorly defined idea inert concept indexing an inet etronment When social snthropalo sss appeal co content i genet looely understood sense athe social rae within which specie actions or representation ean best Be tndertood Sociolinguistics, especially as derived from the cthnoerphy of speaking (Himes 1974, hasbeen the min source fr shi general proach, The structure af ontets cannot and should not be denned ently from thelogicand morphology of tents. Textprodiction and context ro duction have diferent logis and metpragmatc fates Contens are produced nthe complex mbestin of dcueve od nanducnive pte ces, ands the sense in which ont imply other contents, sth each context plies global network of contests, diflerent om he sense thick tents imply other texts and event all ets. Interentalrel ions, about which we now nwa fr amount, are not key to work in the sume way as mtconeral elavons. Lax, ad most daunting the prospect that we shal have find way oconnes theories of imenox ality to theories of intercotexliy. A stony theory of lobakeaton from a sociocultural point of ww is ikely to require romething we ce: tiny do not now have: theory of intercontexta lations hat score ‘ates our exiting sense of teens, Buca tly anther project The relaionship between neighborhood ss conser andthe cane reighborhoods, mediated by the action of loc! historia subjecs, = The Predectos of beselity ques new complexes nthe orto world which we now veka ths ew sort of word, the preducton ol neighborhoods ceasing oces under condone where the sytem fran tess the normative hinge forthe production of bot oa and walcal activites, Tis suation in hich the power elton that et the roducon of och ae nde mentally asl, the exnrlconcem a he net section. The Gil Pads of ality What hat been dacuned thu fara 3 swe problems lcaty and neighborhoods, text and context, enoicapes an ieworde) aes row to be expliclyhstoncise. | ave sniested sendy thatthe el ‘onship af oeslty (and newghborhoods) to context stra and ecu and bathe contest generative mension of pcs (in ther a pacity 2s thrascpes) dint rom ther content providing features Gin theicapscty as neighborhoods, Haw de thee cam help ro understand what happens to the production of localay nthe contemporary wore? ‘Contemporary undestanding of lbslztion alia and Wallen 191, Fethentone 1990, King 1991, Roberton 1952, Roxenau 1990) seem 0 india ashlar an emphast o the gla ouneys of ap fait moder of thought and organization to somewhat dillrent empha- Sis on the spread of the nanon Form, especialy a8 diated bythe con ‘urentsted ol colaniahim and print capralsm H one problem now appears be the dominant concer he human ence, tha fh ‘onalsm andthe aauon state (Andenon 1991, Bhabha 1990, Chaceree 1986, 1993, Calne 983, Hobabawr 1990) ‘Wie ont me wil el whethr oe errr presecupsions with the rations ae ste, the begonmgs of an anhvopelogeal engage iment with hs soe are eden the ncrsengcontbaton of ahve polos tothe problemas othe aston state (Borneman 1992, Moore 1993, Handler 1988, Herzfeld 1982, Ksperer 1988, Tab 1986, Ubon and Sheer 191, van der Veer 1984) Some ofthis work explty com Sides he global context of rational ull formations Homer: 1982, Basch et al 1994, Foste 1991, Fredy 1990, Capt nd erpson 192, Rouse 1991, Sable 1992). Yet emework or elaung the global, the ational, and the local ha et oemerge In this ston, | hope to extend my thought about oa abject ad localized contests o sketch the sulin on agument about she spec problems that bese: the production of lcaty sna world hat hs become eterntonaized Deleuze ord Gata 1871, daspon, ad vasnation! “This » wold where electron med ste tanning the elaine between information and medatn, fd where nanonsaen at sag sling 0 rein contol over the pepsltons the lew ol ht ‘national nd asnationl movertets sid onganiauons A allcomdra "on ofthe challenges tothe production of kxalay in such a ward would require extended treatment beyond the scope of tha chapter a some ‘elements of an approach this problem can be culined Put simply, the tak of producing lcaliy as sna ol lek 8 prope of sci il, and an cology of usted communis) res lnaly #sevggle: There are many denensons to ths strug, and I hall focus here on three) he steady increase ithe ellos the men na Sion sate 1 defn all neighborhoods under the sg of storms fle _Bance and sfilntion, (2) the growing uncut Beowen ery, so. Jectiy and collective sail movement, and (3) the steady conan rneply duet the force and form of lecture mean, the ea ‘omhip Between spat and viral seihbochoods. To make things yet ‘mor complex, thee thre desing ae themselves interactive ‘The nation-state rele for ts legtimacy onthe vent of is wean ‘nel presence n a continuous body of bounded terry It work By polling i borders, producing is people (Eaibar 199), consrctng tens, defining its capitals, monuments, cies, waters and soya by onsracing locales of memary end commemoration, sch as pave ‘yarsand cencraphs, mausoleum nd mascums Te ation tte ont "hrowghout ts errs he barely contiiry projet ol ceang As, contiguous, and homogeneaus pace of mationnes and snulancasy 4 set of places ad sacs (pros, rks, sun ads stony ee, "arias, parks, marching grounds, procenaral ote) caked to eat ‘he ntera ditincins and dvssons neces) fr vat ceemony, are lance, disciine, and mabation. These Inter ae alo the Spey and places that create ae perpewatethe dictions besween ler an ale ‘minal and officals, crowds and leader, acon and ube “Through apparatuses a diverse a museums and wile dpensines, ost ofces and police sutton, tolboohs and ielephone boot the na on-state creatsa vast network of formal nd normal echngue forthe nationalization ofall space considered o be unde Is sovereign auton States vary, of cous, in thee ality to pence she noks and erties of everyday ie. Subvenion, evation, and estan, smetinessatlop «al (Mbembe 1992), sometmes ion (Camaro snd Comal! 19320, sometimes cover (Scott 1990), sometimes spontaneous and noma Panne, ae very widespread, nec the nes ol natn ties os coe The Pradastine of Locality tain ard define the Ives ol ther cient are wt lange inthe growth of Shadow economies, pete and qua -prvate armies nd consuls, secesonary rations, and 3 vancty of nongovernmental organi instar provide alternanves tothe national conta ofthe meas of sub ‘tater vary at wll inthe nature and extent of ther ters in ea Me td the eal ons ia which they vest thee deepest gaara of 0 ‘eianry and coal Spting onthe set very dangerous in Singapore and Papua New Guinea; public gatherings ae a problem in Hai and Cameroon, diespct fo the emperors not good in Japan, ad ineting 10" Muslim sentiments cba news comtemporary Ini, The it could bbemulipied:nationstterhave he spec ste of sacredness, he spe- al tes of loyalty apd weachery, the speci mesures of compliance tnd dsr. These ar inked el and perceived probes of wee ress, reigning delogies of liberizatn oF pest, eltve commit ‘rents oincermations respectability vray deep revlon about mm late predecessor regimes, and specal stones of ethnic aagonsm or coltboration. Whatever cs te othe wo after 1989, there do nt ‘eem tobe any very eableinks Between sate deoogies of wel, mar et economies itary power, and etic puri. Yet whether one consid: cer the ubulent post Communst societies o Easter Europe, the gars tive estates of the Far East (sich as Taoran, Singapore, and Hoag Kong), the complex postmitary pales of Lan Amerie, the Bankrpt seme economie of uch of su Saharan Alc, othe able anda nena sttes of much ofthe Mid East and South Ai, they appear to pore rather sil se of challenges co the production of neighborhood by loca sbjee. From the post of view of madern ravonais, neighborhoods exist principally 10 incubate and reproduce complint national cient not foe the production of local subjects. Locality fo the modern nation state isethera site ofnatonallyapproprated nostalgs, celebrations, and Eommemorations ora neesany condition of the pradacion of ational Neighborhoods a social fomacions represent anwetis for the naon sat, as they usualy conan argeo eid pacer whece he techie ff matonhood (bith con, lingu uniformity, economic dsiglne, ‘communications efciency, and politcal loyalty) are likely to be ether sweakorconterted. At the tame tine, ne ghborhood a the source ol po lca workers and party alia, teacher and sles, teerison vec ‘cansand producve farmers. Nghbothoods ae not dspenable even they ae potentially tracherun For the projec of the ation state nigh The Pradestias of Lecelsty bothoods representa perennial surce ol etry andlppage Uy el tobe policed almost thoroughly a borden “The work of producing nexhbochoods Me work cartuaed by reatney able asocitons, by reltvely hnowe and shared hires fn by csllecively traversed and legible spaces and places ten at swith he rote othe nation-state Ths pany beause the com tmitments and wachmen sometincssabeedpnmorda | ha char rear lool subjects are more presing, more comtiuows, and some times more dating than the aon state ca ford I ako beac the memoresandactachmens hat oal subjects hae of and to thee sop Signs and street nares thst fvonte wallways and streetscapes, thee times and places for congregating and escaping ae ten at odds wih che needs ofthe nation-state for eeultd public hte. Farther, the nacre OToa if o develop payin conta. ooiereeghborbooss, by po thcing its own cones of aleriy (spat socal and echnical), cones that my not meet the need or pata and sea standbdiation that prerequisite forthe daipined national tizen ‘Neighborhoods are idealy rages lor thie ove selheepoduction. 3 proces hat fundamentally opponed tothe smayinary of the nat State, where neighborhoods are dese tbe instances and exenpl o 2 gereralable mode of belonging f0 3 wader wertnal tmagnary The modes ofIelzaton most congenil the aation state havea ds ary aaliy about them in saraton and ret leaning, prson nd Slam Gearance,n refugee camps and oer of ever kin, the natonstate localizes by fut, by decree andsometines by the over wea ore Tho ter of location center severe const, even det obstees, she ‘sovival of lcaliey tr context generative rather shan a contexdaven proces. "Yet the isomorphism of people, terror, and legimate soverenty hac constuer the normative char o the modern ration wate ell under threat rm the fome of cilton of people characters the ‘contemporary world Iie now widely conceded that human motions frie of oc fe more often thin tis excepuona ia ar contemporary ‘wold, Work, both ofthe most sphistnted intelectual sort and of the ‘most humble proletarian sort, dives people o migate, often more than ‘once in theiifetimes, The police o tonnes, particule vward populations regarded as poventally subversive, ceae 2 peypeal movon Imachine, wher eugee From one maton move another, resting net Instablie there tht eave further sacl unrest and chs futher soc cit, Thus, che people production needs ol one ravionsiate eat mean rhe and socal unrest far neighbor, creating open-ended eyes of ‘che cletoung, ed myraton,xenophoba, sate pran,aed ther ete cleaning Eastern Europe eer and Boss Herzegovina vn pariclar are petops the most agi and complex examples of sch statererugee domino process. In many such as, people and whole ‘ommuniter ar tuned int eto, figs camps, concentration eps, orresevations sometimes without anyane mong sal ‘Other forms of human movement are cette bythe rai o ie of economic oppor, the rue a much Avan matin othe och Fara the Miele Est. Yr oe arm o movement ar crested by per ‘manealy mobile group species workers (Unie Nations oer, cil techlogs, development pili and yell labore). Sil oer fons of movenent, particulary in sub Sharan Aa, involve major rough ad famines, often ued wo sso liancerberween cor Tupt sates and opportnetc weerationl and global agencies. In yet oxer communis, te loge af moverent provided bythe lest in fisnes, which crente tourists snd lacatns around the word. The tchnogapy of these ours oetion: at beaming 2 be wren bo sera but wha nl we do know suet that many such ean rate omplex conditions or the production and rproduenon of acl, in which ues of marraye, work, busines and lesre weave together vaour Circulating popsltons with kinds ot locals crete aeghborhoods tat belong in one ene to pata natin-tts, but tha re rm another point wew what we might all tauiaalin The challenge 10 producing neighborhood i thet sens devs Hor the ihren inal focal relationships, the power tendency tor laa abject el to be commodiuized nd the tendenics for nsvonstates, which tometinet bin ngnicant venus fom ch es, eave stella yan ‘through externally imposed nodes of elation credential n, ad sage prodcton, 'A much darker version a dhe rable of producing 3 aeghborhood «canbe seen in she gus permanent eter camp ha now characte ‘many embatled part ofthe worl, sich as the Ocepied Terrie in Palen, the camp onthe Tholund:Cambods bade, the any United Nawons crgonaed carps in Somalia, andthe Athan ehgee camps in Norwest Pakan. Combining the wort eatues of urban sums, con eurauon cap, prisons, end whee, there re places where, nonthe les, marsages ae omiaced and celebrated, hve ate begun and ended, social eon made and honored, carer Inunched and broken, money trade and spent, youth produced and exchanged. Such rehee comps af the sakes examples ol the condos of uncertany. poverty, dspace ren and despairunder which localuy canbe produced These ae the ek treme examples of neighborhoods shat ae context produced ater than context genertive. These we neighborhoods whose hlewords oe pr ‘ced nthe direst circstancs, with poson and concentration camps beng ther most babar examples ‘Ye even these brutal examples only push ean enreme the quovdian “thor of many cites Inthe conden of ethic unrest and ub ware that chastenze ene such Bellas and Los Angeles, Amedabod and Saree, Mogadishu and Johaonesbur, urban zones ar becoming armed cap, diven wholly by nls res (chap. 7) tat lta neighbor: hoode the mot wolent and problematic repercasons of wider ewan rations, and slab processes, There a, of couse, many porn ferences bene these es, their stores, ther populations and thee cultura polis. Yer together they represen 2 new page i the ie ot ‘ities, where the concentration of ethnic populations, te avalabliy at heavy weapon and the crowded condition of civic Me create turat forms of warfare (rmuniscet of Rie ike Raa! Warr, Bie Ruse, 20d many other), ad where 3 genera desolation ol the national and ylbal landscape as wransposed many barr aca eyous, and gst en ines no sean of relieve wba eon “These new urban wart hve became o sme extent dvrced rom her sswiona and tonal eclope and ned into rel ropling, mplosive swam between crimis|, prema, and evan mas, ved w obscure ‘ays to tansnntiona lio, economic, and political forces. There ae of eoue many carer forthee forms urban breakdown nthe Fist nd ‘Third Wore, bot npr they ae det the ead erosion ofthe ca bil of uch cite to control the mens of ther own sllreproducton. 1 dese not to essoctessgncant part of thee probers withthe sheer ecalion of person, tena a est of ware, tavaton, nd ‘hic leamsng, chat dives people nto such cites nthe st lace, The brodton of cay in hese urban fooatine acs the related problems of placed and deteitriaized populations of sae policies that rexrt neighborhoods as context producers, and of oeal subjects who canna be nything other han cational cise nthe most hah ces, such neg bothaods hardly deserve the name anymore, given that dey ae barely rote than stages, holding companies tes, an barks for populions ‘eh dangerouy thin commitment othe redaction of locality Last hi ee too dark vison tight be aed that the very tre ofthese les pleasant urban dramas drives inde and wre to mare The Predestoas of Leselity peace locavons wher they are willing brng tv wit kl, and pas son for peace. The best moment fu ie in che Uned States and Europe ae owed to these migrants who are feng ples lar won than CChiago, Deer, Los Angles, and Mant Yet we know thatthe rode ton of aly in South-Cental Las Anges, on Chagos West Sie, and ‘n sila ar of age Amencen ces highly embaled proce “The thud and final factor to be adresse here w the fle of matt media, expecily in ts electone lrms, in creating new or of dune tar Between spaal and vital eghborhoods Thi dayne as both uopan and dystopian pote, and there ino easy way tell how these might play themselves out n regard 10 the ue ofthe production collect. For one thing, the eletone media themselves now vary inter sully and constitutes complex fay of technolopeal mens for prod. tng 2nd dsstminating news and entrainment Fil tends to be dom sated by major commercial interes in 3 lew work centers (Hollywood, [New York, Hong Kong, Bombay, skhouh major secondary sits for com ‘mercial cinema are emerging in ether part of Europe, Asa and Ade (sucha Meco City, Bangkok, and hart) At cinema (pay bul on 9 ving transnational network of mess, exons, and commer esl auction) i pred both more broadly snd more shiny crore the ‘wold but rossover Him uch as Rear Daj, Tein Ga 3 well Sala Boab ad El aac) aon the nea Televison both nt convention! brodent forme a well as hough ew fons of aeite hookup, nce leaploge the pub paces of ima viewing ad comes nt lors o ntenae often i the poorest shuns of the word suchas those of Rio de ane and Sto Polo. The relationship betwee ils viewing i theatre and on videoaueis in lomesi seins itself rests very import changer, which have Been sngucd co sanal the end of cinema viewing 3 3c form of specter. ship (Hanser 1991) Asthesame tine, the avalabilty of deo-production technologie 10 small communes, semecmee nthe Four Worl, has made i possible for these commanties to create ore effective national and global steps of ell epesenction and curl survival (Cian 193, Tuer 1992). Fax machines, electron mal and ether forms of ‘ompuermediated communsation hive created new pose for ‘ransrational forms of communition, tn bypsting the ntrmedie sarvllance ofthe nation state and of maormeda canglmeates Eachof these developments, of ours, steric with the eters rating compl ‘ated new connections beeen producers, audiences, nd publics aca ind nutioral, sable and darpoce lei mposubleo yr through thn Belden plethr of change st the medi environments tht stround the product ol reahbortoods ue there ae numerous new forms of eormunty and communication a cently lect the eapbilty of neighborhoods tebe context prune athe than lvaly context aven The muchdscaied pac of From cx nd he sme loal and weananeous forms of medion 2 well the roe of tox technologies nthe democratic uphenas in Chins, Este Bucope an the Soviet Urion in 1989 (and since! have ‘mide it posible both or lexders and nonstate, well athe vanoun ‘pposinonal force, to communtate very api aos local and even Sonal nes. The speedo uch communication father eamplted by the grow of electronic billboard communis, sich a shone eabled bythe Interne, which allow debut, logue and lauonship balding song varius eto divide nda, who nevertlee are form: ing communities of emapination an nterest tht ae geared to thee das ‘onc poston and voces “These new forms ol lectoncly mediated communication ae be sing to create val gids longer bounded by terry, pas bons, aes, elections and other conventional plc dices, but by ecat o both the sofware and hardware that ae requred ts cone (0 thes lige nteratloal compar networks. Thus far, 2cces to these nal (electronic) neighborhoods tends tobe conned fo members ol the Transnationa negen, who, through ther access vo computer ech rologies at univers, Ib, and Vian, can ase socal and polial project on teemnloyies contacted wo salve nfonaton-ow problems Information and opinion Now concurenty chou thew creas, and wie the soc morphology’ ol thee electron neighborhoods shard to asy and hei longed pret, len the ae commun ‘ies of ome sor, trading oforation and balding ink tha aet many areas of fe, From plantropyYomarrage “Thete virtual scighborhoods sccm on the face of 110 represent nt hat abienee of cette links, patil contig, and mul soc ‘eweracton tht the ds ofa neighborhood veems cenlly comply Yet ‘we mast rot be woo quick o oppose hathlyspaaleed neighborhoods to these vimut eighborhoods of itematonsl electronic commacation ‘The relationship beaween thee evo forms of neighbedhood is cane. ably more complex Inthe fit innance, she via! neihborhood are eto mobilize ideas, opinions, money, nd socal kas that end recy flow back inte ved neighborhood nthe form of eumency Hows ams for lol nationalisms and support or vans possions i highly bo ‘alzed pb spheres. Thus, nthe context the desrction ol she Baba ‘Masi in Ayodhya by Hinds exsemats on 6 December 1982, there was mn ntense mobilization of computer a, and eked electronic network, ‘which erated very rp loops of debate and information exchange be. ‘een interested persons in he Und States, Canad, England ad var ‘ous pan of Indi, These electonc Lops have been exploited equally by Indias inthe United Site sanding on both sds ofthe wrest debate ‘ove undamenalism and communal harmony in comtemporary India. Arthe sme time, continuing with the example of he ldian comm ‘iy overseas, both the progressive, secular groupings and thei counter. arts onthe Hind revivalists (embers ofthe Vw Finds Pash and sympathizers ofthe Bharti Janat Party andthe Bajrang Da, some: times refed to asthe Sangh rer or family) are oblzng these i ‘neighborhoods inthe meres of polite rots tht are intensely oes Fang in India The nots tha shook many lain cts alter 6 December 1992 can no longer be viewed in wolton Irom the electronic mili "on ofthe Indian easpoa, whose members can now be invelved dey in these developments in India through electronic meas, This snot en trey a matter of long-distance nationalism ofthe sor tat Benedict An

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