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NAME : Silvialis Anggriani

NIM : PO7220112098
LTA TITLE : Nursing In Mrs. N by Ca mammary Dextra Pre and
Post Op Mastectomy in Soka room, dr. Kanujoso
Djatiwibowo, Hospital Balikpapan
SUPERVISOR : Dr. Hj.Nina Mardiana, S.Pd., M.Kes
BIBLIOGRAPHY : 14 books and 4 internet
NUMBER OF PAGES : xiv + 130

Ca mammae disease is the second most cases after cervical cancer. Based on data
from Soka room, Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan hospital starting from April
2014 until July 7, 2015 has 50 cases of breast ca. The purpose of writing to learn
and gain an overview in providing nursing care to clients with dextra breast ca,
pre and post op mastectomy, care uses a five-stage process, namely nursing
assessment, nursing diagnosis, nursing actions plans, nursing actions and the
evaluation of the development, which was held on July 6 – 8, 2015 in the hall
shelled Kanujoso Djatiwibowo Balikpapan hospitals. Writing reports using
descriptive methods and case studies. The process of collecting data using
interview techniques, observation, physical examination, study maintenance
records, medical records and library research. The Client Data obtained focus on
the wound above the right breast covered gauze does not feel pain, the body feels
itching, rash at the foot of the right, the client is hospitalized to do Radical
Mastectomy dextra, BP 140/90 mmHg, Pulse rate: 90 x/minutes, Temperature:
36.1 °C, Respiratory rate 20 x/min, attached a drip on his left hand. Nursing
diagnoses obtained preoperative risk of infection, the risk of damage to skin
integrity and denial infection. For post-surgical recovery nursing diagnoses after
clients in operation, this diagnosis is a collection of some of the problems of
nursing. While nursing actions performed in accordance with the plans that have
been prepared, but there is a nursing actions have not been implemented in the
fourth diagnosis in wound care interventions. Evaluation of the four nursing
diagnoses development, third preoperative diagnosis is resolved and the
postoperative diagnosis has not been resolved. Nurses are expected to provide
information about current medical program before the client home.

Keywords: Ca mammae, Nursing Diagnosis

Year Bibliography: 2000-2015

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