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Esquivel, Joshua (Snake bite)

8:am with Heparin lock on left arm Bp. 100/60

Hygiene A.Discussed the importance of daily body hygiene to promote comport

8:30am R. Full bath done by himself and assisted by his mother and the undersigned.


6:00am with heparin lock on left arm BP 90/60 mmhg

8:30am Discharge Planning A. Home medication regimen and follow-up check-up instructed
process of discharging from hospital discussed. Still into settle bills.


Igot,Heidie (Intra Abdominal Mass)

6:00am Receive patient with IV fluid of D5 0.3 NACL IL @ 350 CC level on right arm

8:00am Afebrile,with enlarged abdomen

no complaint of abdominal pain
Maintain bed rest

8:30am Health teaching A. Adviced the father regarding cleanliness

(Hygiene) full body bath done assisted by the undersigned
6:00am Receive patient with IV fluid of D5 0.3 NACL IL @ 600 CC level on right arm
Afrebrile , with enlarged abdomen

8:00am Diet A. Advised the father to give nutritious food such as food rich in protein, iron
and fiber. To regain strength and energy.

8:30am A. Discussed the importance of daily bath to promote comfort and good
Full bath done assisted by the undersigned

6:00am Received patient with IV fluid of D5 0.3 NACL IL @ 600 CC level on right arm
Afrebrile , with enlarged abdomen
8:00 am A. Full bath done assisted by the undersigned
10:00am examined by Dr. Dela Cruz with orders made
Low hemoglobin D.Hemoglobin 85 g/l
Diet Referred to Dr.Dela Cruz
11:00am Health teaching A. Advised the father to give nutritious food such as food rich in protein,
(Diet) iron and fiber. To regain strength and energy.

Roque,Frances (AGN) Acute Glumerulonephritis

6:00am with heparin lock on left arm

BP:120/80 mmHg
10:am Examined by Dr. Dela Cruz with orders made

10:00am Health teaching Full body bath done assisted by the undersigned

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