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An Analysis into Age Changes of the Human

Dental Arch by a Multivariate Technique

Departments of A n a t o m y and Dental Health, University of Birmingham,
B i r m i n g h a m 15, England

ABSTRACT The dimensions of the maxillary and mandibular dental arches were
measured from 280 subjects aged between 3 and 15 years in a cross-sectional study.
The growth changes were examined by means of canonical analysis, a multivariate
technique. This technique enabled the dental arches to be treated as biological units,
rather than a series of discrete parameters, as is possible using univariate techniques.
The results showed that the size and shape of the dental arches changed maximally
between the periods 5-7 and 11-13 years of age, These periods correspond to the
major phases of permanent tooth eruption.

Size and shape are fundamental con- another. Furthermore, univariate statisti-
cepts in the analysis of age changes in the cal techniques permit only one or two var-
human dental arch. The shape of the iates to be considered at any one time, so
dental arch is affected by a multitude of that the dental arch is considered as a col-
factors (Scott, ' 5 7 ) , including the basal lection of discrete parameters, rather than
dental arches (jaws), inclination of the a biological unit.
teeth, especially the incisors, arch size and Thus, it appears that multivariate statis-
the resultant of all forces, especially from tical techniques would be more appropriate
the oral and facial musculature. Further- for the examination of age changes of the
more, although there is some evidence that human dental arch. Such techniques would
the size of the primary dentition is related
enable the dental arch to be considered as
to that of the primary dental arch (Foster,
Hamilton and Lavelle, '69), there seems to a biological unit. For instance, the size and
be no significant correlation between the shape of a dental arch may be represented
size of the permanent dentition and dental by series of different measurements taken
arch (Moorrees and Reed, '54; Lundstrom, on the arch. One way of representing the
'55). arch is as a single point located in a multi-
Although many stGdies have been made dimensional space. The coordinates of this
relating to age changes in the human den- point are the actual values of each of the
tal arch, the majority have been based up- measurements, and the many dimensions
on comparisons between single variates are the many different measurements. In
measured at different ages (Lewis and such a system, a number of dental arches
Lehmann, '29; Chapman, '35; Goldstein from one age group correspond to a num-
and Stanton, '35; Cohen, '40; Woods, '50; ber of points lying close together within the
Clinch, '51; Sillman, '51; Barrow and multidimensional space. If the same mea-
White, '52; Dockrell, Clinch and Scott, '54; surements are determined on the dental
Knott, '61; Lavelle and Foster, '69). Such arches from a different age group, then
comparisons, however, are of limited value, another series of points will be produced
since they fail to take into account the pos- lying in a similar or different region of the
sibility of one variate being correlated with multidimensional space. Hence, by exam-
another, and therefore not independent. ining the relationship between one series
For instance, arch length between the cen- of points and another, for example the
tral incisors and canines may be correlated Euclidean distance between the centroids
with that between the central incisors and of the clusters of points, i t is possible to
first permanent molars, the two measure- compare the size and shape of the dental
ments being partly dependent upon one arches from two different age groups.

AM. J. P H Y s . ANTHROP.,33: 403-412. 403


Among the methods which are avail- of previous orthodontic treatment; (a) a
able for treating biological data in this normal antero-posterior molar relationship
way is canonical analysis. This is just between the maxillary and mandibular
one of the suitable multivariate statistical dental arches; ( e ) casts in a sufficiently
techniques, which have been reviewed by accurate condition to permit their detailed
Oxnard (’68). It is based essentially upon measurement.
the generalized distance statistic of Ma- In view of these stringent criteria, this
halanobis ( ’ 3 6 ) , which has been devel- was not based upon random sampling.
oped, in the main, by Rao (’52). The orig-
inal method for the calculation of the Measurements
canonical variates was termed the R-tech- The dimensions of the dental arches
nique, and this has since been supplanted were measured using dial calipers.
by the &-technique of Gower (’66), which
is based upon the association matrix ( a ) Dimensions of arch width ( f i g . 1 )
formed from comparison of all pairs of The dimensions of dental arch width
individuals. Furthermore, Ashton, Healey were measured between the centers of
and Lipton (’57) have suggested that the corresponding teeth on each side of the
majority of the discrimination between dental arch.
groups becomes apparent on the first two These dimensions of
canonical axes, provided ali but two of the M1-M1 arch width were mea-
roots of the determinantal equation are (dm21PmZ-Pm2(dmZ) sured as the distance be-
small in magnitude. ( d m l jPml-Pml(dm1 j tween the most buccal
The present investigation was therefore convexities of the teeth
undertaken to examine the age changes of + the distance between
the most lingual convex-
the human dental arch using canonical ities, divided by 2.
analysis. This served not only to treat the (dc)C-C( dc) This dimension of arch
arch as a biological unit, but also maxi- width was measured as
the distance between the
mally separated the dental arches between tips of the canine teeth.
the various age groups. (di2)1212( di2) These dimensions of
( d i l )I1-Il(di1) arch width were mea-
MATERIALS AND METHODS sured as the distance be-
tween the most distal
Dental casts surfaces of the tooth
The basis of this investigation was the crowns + the distance
between the most mesial
measurement of dental casts made from surfaces of the crowns,
alginate base hydrocolloid impressions. It divided by 2.
was a cross-sectional study based upon a By using these dimensions of dental arch
total of 280 sets of maxillary and mandib-
width, it was hoped to minimize the varia-
ular casts from Caucasoid British patients tion arising from changes in tooth position
living within a 20 mile radius of Birming-
(e.g., arising from mesial drift) or from
ham. This total comprised groups of 20 tooth rotation.
male and 20 female sets of casts taken
from 3 , 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, and 15 year old
age groups. The casts were all taken from
patients attmding for routine dental treat-
ment, all of whom were of “normal” stat-
ure, and had no history of previous serious
The criteria for the selection of the casts
were: -
( a ) a full complement of teeth for the
respective age group, any with missing or
unerupted teeth being rejected (with the
exception of the third molar); ( b ) little or
no dental irregularity or imbrication, espe-
cially in the anterior region; ( c ) no history Fig. 1 Dimensions of dental arch width.

( b ) Dimensions of arch length whether, in fact, the teeth were from the
(fig. 2 ) deciduous or permanent dentitions.
The dimensions of arch length were Test of technique
measured as the minimum distance be-
tween the lines drawn between the centers To test the accuracy of the measurement
of corresponding teeth on each side of the technique, the dimensions of the five male
dental arch. The dimensions were: - and five female maxillary and mandibular
dental arches selected at random were
M2 I M2; M1 I M I ; measured five times by three independent
Ml M1 (dm2)Pm2 Pm2(dm2) observers. The maximum variation be-
(dm2)Pm2 I Pm2(dm2); tween the measurements was 2 % , which,
(dm1)Pml P m l ( d m l ) from analysis of variance, proved statisti-
(dm1)Pml I P m l ( d m 1 ) ; cally nonsignificant (P > 0.2).
(dc)C C(dc)
Statistical analysis
(dc)C I C(dc); (di2)IzI IZ(di2)
(di2)12 I2(di2) (di1)Il Il(di1) Initially, the mean dental arch dimen-
sions were computed for both males and
These dimensions were measured on the females at each age group, and compared
left sides of the dental arches only. by means of univariate statistical tech-
niques, i.e., “t” tests.
(c) Dimensions of arch length (chords) The overall patterns of contrast between
The dimensions of dental arch length the dental arches at different age groups
(chords) were measured as the minimum were then examined by means of canonical
distances between the teeth on the left side analysis. Three canonical analyses were
of the dental arch only (fig. 3). performed using (a) the dimensions of the
maxillary and mandibular arches com-
N, distance between the most mesial aspect of bined, (b) the dimensions of the maxillary
the central incisor to the most distal aspect of
the canine; 0, distance between the most mesial arches only and ( c ) the dimensions of the
aspect of the canine to the most distal aspect of mandibular arches only. However, due to
the first permanent molar; P, distance between the uneruption of permanent teeth at the
the most mesial aspect of the central incisor to earlier age groups, every dental arch di-
the most distal aspect of the first permanent
molar. mension could not be determined on each
arch. Hence, the separation between the
All the above dimensions were measured dental arches of the various age groups
from the maxillary and mandibular casts tended to be exaggerated.
of patients within the age range 3-15 These three canonical analyses were sub-
years. However, due to the uneruption of sequently repeated, but using only those
permanent teeth, only a limited number dimensions which could be measured on
of dimensions could be recorded for the all the dental arches regardless of age, i.e.,
earlier age groups. Furthermore, each di-
mension was determined regardless of

Fig. 3 Dimensions of dental arch length
Fig. 2 Dimensions of dental arch length. (chords).
Dental arch dimensions
Age group (years)
Dimension 3 5 7 9 11 13 15
x s.d. x s.d. x s.d. x s.d. x s.d. x s.d. x s.d.
Width 5.11 0.201 5.15 0.127
4.44 0.140 4.72 0.114 4.84 0.166 4.92 0.225 4.86 0.166
3.48 0.296 3.50 0.355 3.68 0.166 3.73 0.109 4.12 0.157 4.15 0.214 4.28 0.157
3.39 0.159 3.35 0.201 3.40 0.061 3.57 0.046 3.81 0.228 3.92 0.223 3.89 0.206
3.27 0.153 3.44 0.128 3.49 0.026 3.70 0.039 3.83 0.202 4.05 0.258 4.12 0.228
2.38 0.061 2.43 0.271 2.62 0.065 2.92 0.206 3.15 0.342 3.18 0.210 3.15 0.242
1.99 0.083 1.57 0.179 2.13 0.377 1.99 0.160 2.21 0.263 2.18 0.206 2.19 0.233
Length 0.77 0.171 0.75 0.302
0.76 0.171 0.69 0.228 0.72 0.293 0.68 0.157 0.72 0.315
0.76 0.122 0.86 0.201 0.65 0.201 0.63 0.214 0.70 0.285 0.68 0.228 0.33 0.346
0.63 0.149 0.63 0.219 0.45 0.271 0.61 0.267 0.47 0.228 0.42 0.258 0.44 0.254
0.41 0.140 0.41 0.166 0.31 0.293 0.32 0.293 0.38 0.258 0.35 0.206 0.33 0.206
0.15 0.070 0.11 0.245 0.11 0.254 0.17 0.263 0.25 0.236 0.24 0.271 0.20 0.131
4.94 0.192 5.08 0.254 5.10 0.254 5.10 0.298 5.15 0.245
2.24 0.083 2.16 0.206 2.29 0.342 2.41 0.171 2.63 0.171 2.54 0.382 2.52 0.214
3.29 0.318 3.42 0.192 3.63 0.157 3.48 0.228 3.55 0.245
Width 5.21 0.245 5.21 0.228
4.42 0.302 4.71 0.314 4.82 0.087 4.75 0.236 4.83 0.293
2.85 0.122 2.90 0.166 3.19 0.228 3.33 0.166 3.42 0.061 4.24 0.206 4.31 0.302
3.15 0.228 3.28 0.280 3.22 0.285 3.26 0.135 3.67 0.135 4.07 0.302 4.16 0.254
3.17 0.206 3.21 0.271 3.36 0,321 3.47 0.206 3.69 0.122 4.06 0.315 4.15 0.214
1.90 0.214 2.16 0.171 2.23 0.323 2.21 0.214 2.27 0.258 2.23 0.323 2.28 0.140
1.11 0.157 1.12 0.184 1.17 0.106 1.20 0.219 1.17 0.214 1.16 0.228 1.18 0.214
Length 0.75 0.258 0.77 0.214
0.71 0.153 0.70 0.201 0.74 0.359 0.73 0.166 0.74 0.197
0.71 0.140 0.69 0.210 0.76 0.267 0.69 0.197 0.69 0.267 0.67 0.157 0.63 0.323
0.44 0.206 0.46 0.219 0.46 0.285 0.42 0.166 0.47 0.293 0.45 0.206 0.44 0.328
0.32 0.214 0.27 0.201 0.21 0.315 0.28 0.083 0.38 0.219 0.43 0.214 0.43 0.206
0.04 0.008 0.05 0.131 0.05 0.311 0.15 0:035 0.19 0.271 0.13 0.197 0.16 0.214
4.54 0.368 4.67 0.175 4.75 0.017 4.79 0.228 4.78 0.223
1.45 0.070 1.42 0.048 1.69 0.359 1.69 0.323 1.72 0.171 1.77 0.214 1.76 0.245
3.24 0.285 3.40 0.171 3.37 0.122 3.40 0.166 3.42 0.214
Width 4.90 0.153 5.15 0.044
4.49 0.288 4.70 0.184 4.79 0.118 4.82 0.228 4.80 0.201
3.51 0.140 3.56 0.162 3.75 0.157 3.84 0.166 3.86 0.166 4.16 0.245 4.31 0.166
3.65 0.179 3.44 0.175 3.50 0.214 3.50 0.171 3.71 0.161 3.77 0.206 3.82 0.228
3.32 0.197 3.38 0.206 3.40 0.162 3.55 0.228 3.80 0.083 3.86 0.214 3.92 0.258
2.39 0.206 2.46 0.210 2.67 0.157 2.83 0.245 3.10 0.092 3.12 0.228 3.18 0.201
1.52 0.166 1.56 0.171 1.74 0.105 1.79 0.206 1.77 0.200 1.81 0.201 1.79 0.166
Length 0.77 0.166 0.76 0.157
0.76 0.135 0.77 0.166 0.70 0.083 0.71 0.135 0.70 0.206
0.69 0.245 0.71 0.228 0.67 0.206 0.68 0.258 0.69 0.087 0.72 0.201 0.68 0.214
0.41 0.047 0.44 0.245 0.44 0.166 0.46 0.293 0.47 0.061 0.44 0.192 0.41 0.228
0.26 0.166 0.23 0.171 0.25 0.171 0.32 0.184 0.26 0.083 0.28 0.166 0.25 0.263
0.14 0.140 0.12 0.166 0.13 0.131 0.21 0.166 0.22 0.122 0.16 0.122 0.18 0.206
4.91 0.114 5.14 0.206 5.18 0.135 5.13 0.285 5.11 0.048
1.61 0.201 1.91 0.206 2.17 0.236 2.27 0.166 2.33 0.201 2.32 0.298 2.28 0.035
3.20 0.293 3.48 0.131 3.46 0.166 3.69 0.131 3.69 0.070
Mandible 2
Width 5.16 0.206
4.31 0.052 4.58 0.127 4.69 0.140 4.77 0.106 5.14
4.68 0.184
0.171 E
3.44 0.256 3.47 0.228 3.55 0.254 3.59 0.206 4.22 0.129 4.13 0.140 4.30 0.122 *
3.24 0.175 3.31 0.166 3.37 0.171 3.52 0.166 3.76 0.192 3.85 0.258 4.11 0.135
3.17 0.157 3.21 0.293 3.36 0.293 3.39 0.179 3.46 0.171 3.84 0.254 3.87 0.201 E
1.83 0.171 2.16 0.228 2.12 0.302 2.16 0.179 2.24 0.166 2.19 0.267 2.19 0.214 t,
1.07 0.184 1.12 0.285 1.19 0.175 1.17 0.155 1.19 0.245 1.21 0.206 1.21 0.140
Length 0.78 0.214 0.78 0.254
0.70 0.140 0.68 0.228m 0.70 0.162 0.75 0.228 0.75 0.254 3
0.72 0.206 0.70 0.166 0.76 0,092 0.62 0.171 0.67 0.166 0.62 0.166 0.71 0.171
0.47 0.166 0.45 0.127 0.41 0.026 0.47 0.179 0.47 0.166 0.44 0.157 0.46 0.087
0.25 0.219 0.27 0.048 0.25 0.061 0.32 0.214 0.27 0.285 0.24 0.175 0.28 0.070
0.05 0.241 0.05 0.026 0.05 0.008 0.14 0.201 0.14 0.298 0.13 0.206 0.13 0.127
4.34 0.171 4.66 0.166 4.66 0.171 4.75 0.245 4.72 0.206
1.40 0.157 1.42 0.166 1.57 0.201 1.72 0.149 1.71 0.175 1.75 0.175 1.77 0.131
3.17 0.179 3.39 0.122 3.63 0.166 3.66 0.214 3.56 0.105
x, mean arch dimension ( c m s ) ; s.d., standard deviation; 20 subjects within each age group.
Abbreviations for arch dimensions:
Width; ( a ) , M2-M2; (b), MI-M1; ( c ) , (dm2)Pm%Prn2(dm2); ( d ) , ( d m l ) Pml-Pml(dm1); ( e ) , (dc)C-C(dc); (f), (di2)12-12(di2); (g), ( d i l ) I l - I l ( d i l ) .
Length; ( h ) , M2-M2; (I), M1-M1: (j), (dm2 )Pm2-Pm2(dm2); ( k ) , ( d m l ) P m l - P m l ( d m l );
M1-M1 (dm2)Pm2-Pm2(dm2) (dm1)Pml-Pml ( d m l ) (dc )C-C( d c )
( l ) , (dc)C-C(dc); ( m ) , (di2)12-12(di2); ( n ) , ( d i 1 ) I l - M l ; (01, ( d i l ) I l - C ( d c ) ; ( p ) , (dc)C-Ml.
(di2)12-12( di2) (di1)Il-11( d i l )

excluding those which could not be deter- were computed from the generalized dis-
mined due to the uneruption of the first tance matrix. This was determined in
and second permanent molar teeth. These order to simplify the interpretation of the
analyses served to examine both the size canonical analysis.
and shape of the dental arches from dif-
ferent age groups. RESULTS
In order to compare dental arch shape From examination of the mean dental
alone, rather than both size and shape arch dimensions listed in table 1, it was
combined, each dental arch dimension was generally evident that the arch dimensions
then standardized according to the area in the incisor region mainly increased up
of ( a ) the maxillary and (b) the mandibu- to nine years of age, and up to 11-13 years
lar dental arches. The areas of the maxil- of age in the other regions of the arch,
lary and mandibular dental arches were thereafter to remain virtually constant.
estimated by calculating the area enclosed However, it was possible to consider only
by the datum points of each arch. one or two variates at any one time either
Using the standardized arch dimensions, by visual inspection of the data, or from
the overall patterns contrast between the univariate statistical analysis. In contrast,
dental arches from various age groups by means of canonical analysis, it was POS-
were again examined by canonical analysis sible to consider the age changes of the
using: - dental arches as a whole.
( a ) both maxillary and mandibular arch Using the raw arch dimensions, the first
dimensions combined together and stan- two canonical axes involving either the
dardized according to the areas of both maxillary and mandibular arch dimensions
the maxillary and mandibular arches; combined together, or the maxillary and
(b) both the maxillary and mandibular mandibular arch dimensions considered
arch dimensions combined together and separately, showed the greatest separation
standardized according to the areas of the occurred between the ages of 5-7 and 11-
maxillary arches; ( c ) both the maxillary 13 years of age. In contrast, there was little
and mandibular arch dimensions com- separation between the arches of the other
bined together and standardized according age groups or between those of males and
to the areas of the mandibular arches; females. Repeat analyses, except using
( d ) the maxillary arch dimensions only only those dimensions which could be de-
and standardized according to the areas of termined on all the arches regardless of
the maxillary arches; ( e ) the mandibular age, showed a similar pattern of contrasts
arch dimensions only and standardized ac- (fig. 4). Thus whereas axis 1 tended to
cording to the areas of the mandibular separate age clusters, axis 2 tended to
arches. separate male and female.
Again, due to the uneruption of the per- Although from the canonical analysis
manent teeth, there were some dimensions of the standardized arch data, excluding
which could not be measured on the dental those variates which could not be mea-
arches from the earlier age groups. This sured on each arch regardless of age, the
resulted in exaggerated separation. Hence, same general pattern of contrasts was pro-
repeat canonical analyses were performed, duced (fig. 5 ) , there was a greater separa-
but using only those variates which could tion between the ages 5-7 compared with
be determined on all the arches regardless 11-13 years. In addition, the variance of
of age, i.e., excluding those variates as- the standardized arch data as depicted by
sociated with the first and second perma- the 90% confidence limits, tended to be
nent molar teeth. less at each age group, compared with that
The canonical coordinates for the dental of the raw arch data. Furthermore, on axis
arches of the different age were then 2, there tended to be reduction in the sep-
plotted for the first two axes, using both aration between the sexes with advancing
the raw arch dimensions and the standard- age.
ized arch dimensions for males and fe- The generalized distances between the
males. In addition, the minimum distance various age groups was determined from
between the coordinates for each age group the generalized distance matrix, and pro-

that variation in tooth eruption times may

have masked some of the age changes in
dental arch dimensions. Furthermore,
exactly homologous points were not mea-
sured in the dental arches from the two
dentitions. Nevertheless, as the aim of this
investigation was to examine the changes
in arch size and shape, rather than to de-
termine absolute arch dimensions, the
present results were considered sufficiently
accurate to warrant overall conclusions.
(Due consideration was also given to the
fact that this investigation was based upon
a heterogeneous rather than homogeneous
population sample.)
In order to examine dental arch shape
only, rather than size and shape combined,
each dental arch dimension was standard-
ized according to the area of the arch. This
was a purely arbitrary decision. An alterna-
3 8 q
tive method would have been to transform
each arch dimension logarithmically, as
suggested by Reyment ('69). This author
Fig. 4 First two canonical axes derived from
the analysis of the maxillary and mandibular
arch dimensions combined (excluding those as- AXI: 1
sociated with the first and second permanent
molars), showing the centroids at each age group
and their 90% confidence limits. //0

vided an indication (in terms of standard
deviation units) of the separation between 158 ..13d
the dental arches of the various age groups.
The generalized distances for the maxil-
lary and mandibular arch dimensions com-
bined between different age groups are
illustrated in figure 6, which suggested
that the spurt of arch growth in females
occurred before that of males. This was
also confirmed from examination of the
generalized distance matrix for the canoni-
cal analyses of the standardized arch di-
mension data.
t 25

The present investigation was based

upon a cross-sectional study, with the den-
tal arch dimensions being measured re-
gardless of whether in fact the teeth were
from the permanent or deciduous denti- Fig. 5 First two canonical axes derived from
tions in the various age groups. Hence, the the analysis of the maxillary and mandibular
transition phase between the two dentitions arch dimensions combined (excluding those as-
was included. Clements, Davies-Thomas sociated with the first and second permanent
and Picket ( ' 5 3 ) , however, noted consid- molars) and standardized according to the areas
of both the maxillary and mandibular arches,
erable variation in the timing of perma- showing the centroids at each age group and
nent tooth eruption. Thus, it is conceivable their 90% confidence limits.

this study, it was possible to consider only

R one or two variates at any one time, rather
I \ than visualize the complete dental arch.
I \ Furthermore, the present investigation dis-
I \
I 1
sociated changes in dental arch shape from
dental arch size and shape. This was sig-
nificant, for dental arch shape is essen-
tially dependent upon the direction of
alveolar bone growth - there always being
growth in a vertical direction, whereas a
variable balance exists between growth in
a forward and lateral direction. Dental
arch size, in contrast, is mainly dependent
d u upon the size and disposition of the teeth.
Thus, the present investigation has dem-
onstrated the advantages of multivariate
statistical techniques for the analysis of
age changes in the human dental arch. By
using such techniques, it is now possible
to obtain a more accurate comparison be-
‘1 tween dental arch growth from different
population samples.
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