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An Inuit (Eskimo) Legend
Personaje principal: Las estrellas
Personaje secundario: Nanuk
El clímax: En la historia el punto más álgido para mi es lo que dice el siguiente texto:
“En la furia y el terror de la caza, habían llegado muy cerca del borde del mundo, pero
ni Nanuk ni sus perseguidores lo notaron. Cuando por fin lo alcanzaron, se lanzaron
directamente al cielo y se convirtieron en estrellas”.
El conflicto: Como para los esquimales las estrellas son seres vivientes, enviados por
algún giro del destino a vagar por el cielo para siempre, sin desviarse nunca de sus
caminos. Nanuk el oso en un conflicto que tuvo con unos perros esquimales, se
convirtió en estrella y los perros en estrellas fugaces.
Todo sobre lo narrativo:
Narrador: Es una leyenda esquimal
Personajes: Las estrellas, Nanuk el oso, los perros esquimales, Irdlirvirissong,
Aningan, Angakog y los esquimales.
- Lo de Nanuk el oso con los perros
- La representación que tenían las estrellas para diversas culturas del mundo, por
ejemplo: los escandinavos o la gente del extremo norte.
- El episodio de Irdlirvirissong con los hechizeros.
Tiempo: Hace mucho tiempo (supongo que antes de Cristo)
Espacio: Lugar(es) cercanos al polo norte.
El trama: Los esquimales tratando de explicar la ubicación de las estrellas en el cielo,
basándose en su cultura y en otras, relacionando los acontecimientos terrenales con la
de los cuerpos celestes.

b) The Story of Robin Hood
Personaje principal: Robin Hood
Personaje secundario: Rey Ricardo
El clímax: En la historia el punto más álgido para mi es lo que dice el siguiente texto: "I
have kept it these seven years," said the young man; "I have kept it to give to my bride
on our wedding day. We were going to be married yesterday. But her father has
promised her to a rich old man whom she never saw. And now my heart is broken."
El conflicto: Robin never allowed his men to harm anybody but the rich men who lived
in great houses and did no work. He was always kind to the poor, and [29] he often sent
help to them; and for that reason the common people looked upon him as their friend.
Todo sobre lo narrativo:
Narrador: Es una leyenda inglesa
 Robin Hood (protagonista)
 El Rey Ricardo
 El Príncipe Juan.
 Allin-a-Dale
 La doncella

- En el bosque de Sherwood, donde el rey solía ir a cazar ciervos.
- Robin Hood estaba parado un día debajo de un árbol verde junto al camino.
Mientras escuchaba a los pájaros entre las hojas, vio pasar a un joven.
Tiempo: Aproximadamente entre el 1290 y 1322, después de Cristo.
Espacio: Bosques en Inglaterra.
El trama: La manera en la que Robin Hood solucionaba la inequidad económica entre la
gente pobre y la realeza (autoridad), él le robaba a los ricos cuando se dejaban ver junto
con sus amigos forajidos para repartir sus ganancias con la gente más necesitada.

c) Muisca´s story of the milty way

Personaje principal: Las estrellas
Personaje secundario: Nanuk
El clímax:
El conflicto:
Todo sobre lo narrativo:
El trama:
d) The Egyptian story of the seam
Personaje principal: Las estrellas
Personaje secundario: Nanuk
El clímax:
El conflicto:
Todo sobre lo narrativo:
El trama:

e) The story of King Arthur

Personaje principal: Rey Arturo
Personaje secundario: Nanuk
El clímax:
El conflicto:
Todo sobre lo narrativo:
El trama:


An Inuit (Eskimo) Legend

Main character: The stars

Secondary character: Nanuk

The climax: In the story the most critical point for me is what the following text says: "In the fury
and terror of the hunt, they had come very close to the edge of the world, but neither Nanuk nor
his pursuers noticed it. When they finally reached it, they went straight to heaven and became
stars. "

The conflict: As for the Eskimos the stars are living beings, sent by some turn of destiny to wander
through the sky forever, never deviating from their paths. Nanuk the bear in a conflict he had with
some Eskimo dogs, he became star and the dogs in shooting stars.

All about the narrative:

Narrator: It's an Eskimo legend

Characters: The stars, Nanuk the bear, the Eskimo dogs, Irdlirvirissong, Aningan, Angakog and the


- Nanuk the bear with the dogs

- The representation that the stars had for different cultures of the world, for example: the
Scandinavians or the people from the extreme north.

- The episode of Irdlirvirissong with the sorcerers.

Time: A long time ago (I guess before Christ)

Space: Place (s) near the north pole.

The plot: The Eskimos trying to explain the location of the stars in the sky, based on their culture
and others, relating the earthly events with that of the celestial bodies.
b) The Story of Robin Hood

Main character: Robin Hood

Secondary character: Rey Ricardo

The climax: In the story the most critical point for me is what the following text says: "I have kept
it these seven years," said the young man; "I have kept it to my bride on our wedding day We were
going to be married yesterday But her father has promised her to old man who she never saw And
now my heart is broken."

The conflict: Robin never allowed his men to harm anybody but the rich men who lived in great
houses and did not work. I was always kind to the poor, and [29] I have often sent help to them;
and for that reason the common people looked upon him as their friend.

All about the narrative:

Narrator: It is an English legend


• Robin Hood (protagonist)

• King Richard

• Prince Juan.

• Allin-a-Dale

• The maid


- In the forest of Sherwood, where the king used to go to hunt deer.

- Robin Hood was standing one day under a green tree by the road. While listening to the birds
among the leaves, he saw a young man pass by.

Time: Approximately between 1290 and 1322, after Christ.

Space: Forests in England.

The plot: The way in which Robin Hood solved the economic inequality between the poor people
and the royalty (authority), he robbed the rich when they were allowed to see together with their
outlaw friends to share their profits with the people most in need.

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