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About MGTOW: - since people keep questioning “My MGTOW”, I decide to make gather information

about MGTOW. The good thing about MGTOW it’s was a “…Decentralized open-source database and
communication system for men…” (Reference: Square.Peg). The information is everywhere and it’s
all thanks to the internet. Which allow me to borrow all other MGTOW wisdom.

M.G.T.O.W – Men Going Their Own Way is a statement of self-ownership, where the modern man
preserves and protects his own sovereignty above all else. It is the manifestation of one word: “No”.
Ejecting silly preconceptions and cultural definitions of what a “man” is. Looking to no one else for
social cues. Refusing to bow, serve and kneel for the opportunity to be treated like a disposable utility.
And, living according to his own best interests in a world which would rather he didn’t.



Noun. Meaning: Supreme power or authority. Autonomy, independence, self-government, self-rule,

self-determination, freedom. Self-governing.


The why of MGTOW:-

It’s has been said MGTOW is century old, its might has already exist before pre-Ancient Roman. If we
read the old scripture, some of the Prophet exhibit MGTOW traits, such as Buddha. And, they all have
one thing in common. They all are bachelor. So, what about the bachelor? Well, it’s seem the society
have shamed and forced them to get married. Here’s the thing, most of the bachelor is not ordinary
person but influential people and regarded as pioneer in their era. This situation has been consider as
epidemic and viewed as “defiance”. While, other’s bachelor simply just want to be left alone in his
own way.

Reference: - (The History of MGTOW)

1) There’s reason behind why most of the bachelor come from influential people, first is education.
Most of the commoner doesn’t received an education. They are indoctrinate by the society since
childhood with one knowledge; “to serve, to marry, and to die”. However, some times, there’s small
percentage of commoners who realize “this is doesn’t make sense”. Yet, they incapable to figure out
because lack of knowledge; to allow them, to have the wisdom of “why”. That’s why the people who
goes MGTOW mostly from those who travelled outside world, and whom is educated.

Just check the literacy rate. As more men become more educated, the lesser men get into marriage.
Basically, more men can read and accumulate knowledge, in same time, educate themselves and bring
out the awareness. Which lead to second why.

Reference: -

2) Noble men realize they have been treated as breeding cattle. Despite the commoners see the
nobleman to have more option and freedom. It’s a truth with a curse. Commoners and Noble both are
disposable to the society. The noble are expect to gain wealth, by using the commoner as work force.
Here is the thing, this system exist in every era, and within the culture, legal system, and in many
different kind of form. And, who benefit the most from this hierarchical system?

Who else other than; the society, the women, and the establishment. Because, the noble men has
more freedom, he quickly realize they simply been used to keep the system going. They are expect to
get married with noble women for political and financial gains, the children will inherent the wealth
and power, and the cycle will keep repeating. Any men will feels frustrated to be used, however, the
society create the word “chivalry” and “nobility”; making it’s futile to change the system. He will
scorned and worse his life will be threatened. The only way, he can save his dignity as “human” from
being treated as tools for the society; is not too reproduce. In the same time, he can fulfil the “nobility”
and “chivalry”.

3) The third of why; as time pass, we have Modern Man, an era where all of the most men are educated,
however, they still indoctrinate with the responsibility to be a man, on how to be a man. This where
is the modern bachelor give a reason why they need to go MGTOW? Because, MGTOW provide the
safe space, where they can be free from all this bullshit. That’s the truth, all they want is simply not to
be forced with the idealization of men, even from the MRA and MGTOW group itself. They don’t want
to be forced by the society, government, women or men; on how to live their life. The reason MGTOW
is their primary choice because it’s align with their intention; not to get into relationship. For that,
they adopt the label, and called themselves as MGTOW.

4) The fourth of why; MGTOW is about self-preservation as individual. This is why MGTOW is appealing
choice for those who believe; relationship and marriage is threatened their sanity, health, and wealth.
And, self-preservation also about being able to say NO. In order word, to say NO towards the society,
women, men, and establishment. That also include any other MGTOW. That’s why MGTOW can’t force
other MGTOW on how to be MGTOW because it will defeat the purpose of MGTOW.

“….MGTOW is used by men to make informed decisions about their own lives, free from gyno society
norm, this allow men to make choice from androcentric perspective….”

Reference: - (What is MGTOW?)

“…it’s about personal responsibility. It’s about taking accountability for who you are as a man…”

“…whatever you are as man, that’s what you need to preserve, whatever you have become over
period of time, or the period of growth, that you come through, to become the man that you are, it’s
about preserving that…”

“…the manifestation of one word NO… that’s the ability to have a personal strength inside of yourself,
where you can look at someone or a situation and go NO, I’m not go to take part in that or I’m not
going to do that, no matter what social pressure tell me I should be doing or whatever or whatever
the situation is…”

Reference: - (What is MGTOW...My thoughts!!)

5) MGTOW is not about saving anyone, we are saving ourselves, and we are simply informed others
who want to learn and accumulated knowledge, in forging their own path as individual at defining
himself as MGTOW. It’s not being messiah or saviour. It’s not being a hero or white knight for men.
It’s not being an alpha, beta, omega, zeta, or any class distinction, that has been made, about what is
man. In the end, it’s all about preserving oneself.

That’s why MGTOW has regarded as Selfish;

“…you as man need to be selfish nowadays or what they claim or deem to be selfish, yes, you need to
be all about yourself…focusing on the number one, you are taking care of you …”

Reference: - (Selfish: The Way of the Modern Man


One of many MGTOW advice I like, is from Ronin Man. He give good advice on how to be successful
in being MGTOW. I noted, it’s up to you, on how you want to take any advice, from other MGTOW.
No one is forcing you to follow blindly because that will defeated the core of MGTOW.

“…the hard work you put in advance of thinking and planning and action and self-personal
improvement and changes that allow you to be that person…”

“…when I start travelling that allowed me to break away from a lot of cultural things and also from my
friends, my friends actually one of the things that held me back the most, if I stay back with my friends
back home, I don’t think any way I could have become the man I am…”

Reference: - (The Key to Success at MGTOW is

Being #Unblackmailable)

Conclusion, MGTOW is appealing to every for different reason, but what attract me to be MGTOW is
because the core of MGTOW. And, I believe MGTOW is the final frontier for MEN. Slowly piece by
piece, Men voice are stripped away from mainstream media. They already done that, and they can do
that again. (Reference: The History of MGTOW). And, it’s not far stretch, any content regarding
MGTOW in YouTube and the internet will be taken down. So, where all this Man can band together
despite having their own way? The answer is MGTOW! Because, the core of MGTOW is what every
Man want. Despite having different principle on how to do things, or seeing things with different
perspective, we all can rally under the banner of MGTOW. The conversation between Jerry Liu and
John perfectly sum up, the importance of MGTOW for every man.

“…recruit everybody and let them know, come and check me out, when you advance, you also develop
a strategy, you develop agenda for taking on the enemy…”

Reference: - (Conversation with John (MGTOW is

Freedom) - The Future of MGTOW)

There’s no need for us to turn every Man to be MGTOW, the importance of MGTOW is the knowledge
and wisdom of MGTOW is wide spread. However, it must be planned situation, we can’t simply drop
em like a bomb that will cause panic. If done right, MGTOW will gain momentum. The problem with
MGTOW, we depend on Red Pill to have more MGTOW. Not every men want to swallow the Pill. And,
not every men that swallow the pill will become MGTOW.

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