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Amanda Cimino

Documentation of Learning Date: _October 27/2017_____________

Observe children at free play.

Complete the chart using your observations (recording; video; notes)
Description- Interpretation-Implications

Setting: Describe the setting for learning. Who? What? Where? When?

During science, we sat together at the carpet in a circle. I prompted Will to discuss his
observation that he had made the day before with the diamond and the light table. He
showed his class the picture that was drawn and then was asked by a student how he
did it. This then moved the conversation to the light table where Will demonstrated
what he did to create the picture he drew. I asked questions like; What did you
notice? What is causing it? Do you have any questions for Will?

Describe: What did you see/ hear? What did children say, do, or represent (i.e. how did
they demonstrate their learning and thinking)?

Will shared his learnings about what he did when he used the prism and what was
happening. He shared how when he put the diamond in from of the projector, it displayed
different lights and patterns on the wall. He was then asked by another student to show the
class what he did to make the drawing. Here the class then moved to the projector. When at
the projector, Will showed the class exactly what he did. He put the diamond at the top light
of the projector and turned the diamond so the lights that were shown would move. I then
asked Will what he noticed and he said that he notices a bunch of pictures. I then followed up
with what is causing the pictures, he then stated that the little flat parts on the diamond are
causing the lights. I then asked the class if anyone had any questions for Will. One student
asked, “How do you make the round circles like a dance party?” It was then brought to the
class’ attention that Tanner was working with Will at the light table and he was the one
making the dance party. I then asked Tanner to show the class what he did. He then came up
and explained how he used the big crystal on the light table and spun it which then displayed
the lights across the classroom. Other students in the class then got excited when they
noticed the lights all around them and on them. One student then proclaimed, “I can feel it
goes on me!” as the light flashed on them. Which meant that they could feel the light on

Interpretation: What might you notice and name? What developing behaviours did you

I noticed that Will was making reflections with the lights but was not using the correct
terminology when explaining. He just continued to say he was making a bunch of them
Amanda Cimino

instead of lights and circles or reflections. The developing behaviours that I noticed were
observation and communication skills because he was able to depict that when he was
spinning the diamond lights were shown on the projector.

Implications: How does this fit within the four frames? How might you respond, challenge
and extend?

1.2 – Listen and respond to others, both verbally and non-verbally, for a variety of purposes
and in a variety of contexts. (BC, DLMB, PSI)
13.3 – Select and use materials to carry out their own explorations (PSI)
13.4 – Communicate results and findings from individual and group investigations (PSI)

To respond, challenge and extend these implications; one could change the materials at hand
and ask deeper questions with concepts and linking vocabulary that was not used by the

Reflection: How might your documentation connect with Conceptual Understandings?

- Curiosity is part of an inquiry stance.

- Wonderings, questions, ideas and theories can be created through inquiry.

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