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My mentor teacher has many procedures, and all of them help create a flowing learning
environment. I feel that because of all of the procedures that are in place help the children grow
because they know exactly what to do everyday. Because the students are Kindergarteners, they
thrive off of routine. The procedures every morning include the following:
 Come to class: At 11:35, the children sit in a straight line by the side door. The children
sit in their Kindergarten class line. The teachers walk up to their respective class, and ask
them to stand up, and they all walk quietly in the straight line to the classroom. The
students then hang up their jackets, and backpacks on the hooks labeled with their names.
Then, the children take out their binder and any books that they brought home, look
through their binder for papers to return to the teacher, and then put their emptied out
binders into their cubbies.
 Bell Work: Students immediately sit in any chair, and trace and write their own
sentences. Right now we are working on capitalization at the beginning of sentences, and
spaces in between words. The students then read the sentence to a teacher, put their
sentences into their cubby, and then sit on the group time carpet.
 Calendar: Once most of the students are on the carpet, the teacher starts the calendar. The
first thing that she does is ask the students what the next day of the week is. Sometimes,
they sing a days of the week song. Then, she will ask the students what number comes
next (day of the month). They say the number, and then count to that number from 1.
Next, she asks the shape of the paper that the number is on (parallelogram). Then she has
the students say the entire date. For example, they would say “Friday, February 2nd,
2018.” The next thing that the teacher does is she puts a dot on the tens chart. Then the
teacher puts one straw into the ones cup, and if needed the tens cup. Next, she asks how
many days the students have been in school using a number chart. After this, the students
then stand up for the Pledge.
 Pledge: Every morning at the end of Calendar time, the students and the teachers stand
up, face the flag and say the Pledge of Allegiance. After the Pledge of Allegiance, all of
the children sing a song about George Washington. Each month, the song is about a
different president of the United States.
 Math Lesson: After the song, the children sit back down onto the group time rug, and the
teacher starts the group math lesson. Math in Lincoln Elementary is done on the
computer. The use a Pearson interactive math curriculum on the SmartBoard. After the
group math, there children are split into three groups that are always the same. These
groups are: Orange Squares, Green Triangles, and Yellow Hexagons. Everyday they are
in the same groups, and their group will either go to computers, the aide table, or the
teacher’s table. Math center are 10 minutes each, and then they rotate.
These are the procedures every morning. However, there are other procedures for other parts of
the day.
 Going to Specials/Recess: The teacher will pick a popsicle stick near the door that has a
child’s name on it. That child is the line leader for the day.
 Bathroom Break/Water Break: Tell a teacher before you leave.
 Classroom Noise: If the classroom is too loud, the teacher has an xylophone that she
plays a short tune on. All of the children “Freeze!” while the teacher explains why she
used the xylophone. The children are then expected to have a quieter noise level, and
continue on with their activities.
 Leaving for the Day: The students grab their binders out of their cubbies, and put them in
their backpacks. The students then put their coats on, and backpacks on. There are two
lines. One for the bus, and the other for the walkers The teacher takes the bussers, and I
lead the walkers to the side of the school, where we wait on the wall for parents or
siblings to pick the Kindergarteners up. We then wait for ALL of the children to be
picked up.

Being in a Kindergarten class is tough, because while there is only three hours of class,
each day has a different schedule. The students do not have lunch at the school. Because of the
three hour class time, the schedule is rigid for each day. For the purpose of this assignment, I
will only write out the schedule of the Monday and Wednesday that I am in the classroom.

 11:35-11:45: Bell Work (Sentences) and Calendar
 11:45-12:00: Group Math
 12:00-12:30: Math Center
o Worksheets (Teacher)
o Game (Aide)
o Mathseeds (Computer)
 12:30-12:45: Library
 12:45-1:00: Music
 1:00-1:30: P.E.
 1:30-2:00: Art
 2:00-2:15: Introduce the new letter of the week. Introduce new sight words. Use the flip
chart, and learn the new sentences of the week,
 2:15-2:25: Tote and Tell. This is where one student brings an item from home, and gives
three clues for their peers to guess the object.
 2:25-2:30: Get ready to leave for home
 2:30: Walk out of the classroom to get onto the bus or wait for someone to pick up the

 11:35-11:45: Bell Work (Sentences) and Calendar
 11:45-12:00: Group Math
 12:00-12:30: Math Center
o Worksheets (Teacher)
o Activity with the Aide
o Mathseeds (computer)
 12:30-12:45: Second Step Empathy Training
 12:45-1:00 Bathroom and Recess
 1:00-1:15: Reading and Writing Whole Group
 1:15-2:15: Reading Centers
 2:15-2:25: Tote and Tell
 2:25-2:30: Get ready to leave
 2:30: Leave the classroom to go home
This past week, the teacher has been out of town, the schedule has been hectic because the
substitute is still learning.

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