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Getting To Know


In 30 seconds, answer the following question:

• In your opinion, what are the most interesting and boring jobs?

Speak Up
Answer the given questions in 60 seconds:

1. What are some common problems in the workplace?

2. Do you want to work from home?

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Wear Your Words
Listen and repeat. Then, choose a word to define.

1. Collaboration (n) /kəˌlæbəˈreɪʃn/

2. Isolated (adj) /ˈaɪsəleɪtɪd/

3. Work-life balance (n) /ˌwɜːrk laɪf ˈbæləns/

4. Autonomy (n) /ɔːˈtɑːnəmi/

5. Turnover (n) /ˈtɜːrnoʊvər/

6. Interpersonal (adj) /ˌɪntərˈpɜːrsənl/

Make a sentence using that word.

Example: I felt very isolated in my telecommuting job.

Vietnam: 1800 6885

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Wear Your Words
Explanation of a useful phrasal verb and idiom:

Stand out (as to be much better or more important than

sth) somebody/something

Out of sight, said to emphasize that when something or

out of mind someone cannot be seen, it is easy to forget
it, him, or her

- Four points stand out as being more important than the rest.
- Some people working at home feel they are out of sight, out of mind.

Make a sentence using the given phrasal verb or idiom.

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Essential Structures

As far as I know/ as far as I am concerned, S + V + O.

Example: As far as I know, telecommuting is the best way to improve your work-life

Make a sentence using the given structure.

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Raise Your Voice
Pair Work: In 180 seconds, discuss with your partner the pros and cons of telecommuting.


Pros of telecommuting:
 Employees are more engaged in their work
 Employers retain crucial employees
 It is cost efficient for both the employer and employees
Cons of telecommuting:
 Employees experience issues with work/personal boundaries
 Employees are left out of social activities
 Employees experience less creativity due to lack of collaboration

Vietnam: 1800 6885

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Assessment Form
Here are some comments on your performance.

Student Pronunciation Vocabulary Grammar







Feel free to ask if you have any questions!

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What We Gained

 Vocabulary related to telecommuting

 Phrasal verb: Stand out (as sth)

 Idiom: Out of sight, out of mind

 Structure:

As far as I know/as far as I am concerned, S + V + O.

 Discussions about the pros and cons of telecommuting

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Complete your mission and find more in related lessons.

 Take note of what you need to improve (Vocabulary, Grammar and

Your mission  Search for related lessons in the course browser
 Take those lessons

Job interviews (#0367)

 Customer service (#0370)

Vietnam: 1800 6885

Thailand: 021 054 346
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Indo: +622 129 223 068 9/9
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