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Food and Shelter for Animals

Choose the correct answer

1. Do animal need house and food to live ……

 Yes  No

2. Why do animals need food …

 To Grow  To Live  To gain Energy  All of these

3. Tick all the animals that eat grass and leaves of plants…

 Lion  Cow  Fox  Deer  Elephants  Giraffes  Hen

4. Which of the following animal eats carrots…

 Lion  Elephant  Rabbit  Rhinoceros  Cow

5. Which of the following animals eat meat of other animals

 Lion  Whale  Elephant  Wolf  Fox  Jackal  Snake

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 1

Food and Shelter for Animals
Choose the correct answer
6. Which of the following animals eat grains and seeds

 Cow  Mouse  Sparrow  Hen  Pigeon  Lion

7. Which animals can eat meat and plants both …

 Elephant  Bear  Cow  Crow  Chimpanzee

8. What does a squirrel eat…?

 Fruits and Nuts  Meat  Leaves

9. What does a dog eat…?

 Meat  Leaves  Dog Food  Roti

10.What does a parrot eat…?

 Fruits  Meat  Dog Food  Red Chili

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 2

Food and Shelter for Animals
Choose the correct answer

11. Why do animals need home?

 To Play  To Eat  To protect themselves from rain, heat and cold

12. Which of the following make their own houses ….

 Birds  Cows  Bees  Rabbits  Hen  Spider

13. Where do birds live?

 Hive  Kennel  Nest  Den

14. Where do bees live?

 Hive  Burrow  Nest  Coop

15. A rabbit lives in a

 Nest  Burrow  Shed  Stable

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 3

Food and Shelter for Animals
Choose the correct answer

16. What does a spider make?

 Hive  Hole  Web  Nest

17. Fish lives in ….

 Nest  Trees  Water

18. Where does whale and dolphins live?

 Nest  Trees  Water  Forest

19. Lion lives in a …

 Den  Pen  Shed

20. Which of the following animals live in a hole

 Mouse  Snake  Squirrel  All of these

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 4

Food and Shelter for Animals
Choose the correct answer

21. Monkey lives on a ….

 Hole  Tree  Burrow  Stable

22. A dog lives in a kennel?

 Yes  No

23. Cow lives in a …..

 Stable  Shed  kennel  Coop

24. Horses live in….?

 Stable  Shed  kennel  Coop

25.Hens live in….?

 Stable  Shed  kennel  Coop

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 5

Food and Shelter for Animals

Choose the correct answer

26. Kennels, stable, sheds and coop are made by …..?

 Animals  Man  Nature

27. I am big and black and I do not have home, I move here and there in a forest. Who am I?

 Lion  Elephant  Cat

28. I am the king of jungle and lives in a den. Who am I?

 Lion  Elephant  Deer  Cow

29. I live in dessert and my name starts with letter ‘C’ who am I?

 Camel  Monkey  Giraffe

30. I eat grass and lives in a shed. Who am I?

 Horse  Elephant  Deer  Cow

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 6

Food and Shelter for Animals
Choose the correct answer
31. What is a shelter?

 House  Fruit  Vegetable

32. Birds, Bees, rabbits and spiders make their own home?

 Yes  No

33. Dogs, Cows, Horses, Hen live in man-made shelters?

 Yes  No

34. Fishes and Dolphins live in nature made shelters?

 Yes  No

35. Can you live a nest?

 Yes  No

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 7

Food and Shelter for Animals
Choose the correct answer
36. What is a cage?

 A box made of iron where animals are kept  A fruit name

37. Should we keep animals in a cage?

 Yes  No

38. Where do we keep fishes in our house?

 Kennel  Coop  Aquarium

39. Where can you see wild animals in your city?

 Zoo  Coop  Aquarium

40. What all animals can you see in a zoo?

 Lion  Elephant  Crow  Giraffe  Mouse  Peacock

The Learning Buddies Evolving Science 8

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