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] 6+ More Next Blogs Create Blog Sign In Islam FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 18,2016 cadence virtuoso IC616 / MMSIM Installation notes Before we go 4-any redline s2 terminal commane 2- you can download cadence IC616/IC617 and MMSIM ror this ink 3- here i assumed you have successfuly installed centos 6.8 4-my bashrefile |L-CENTOS SYSTEM CONFIGURATION 2) add the current use to the sudoers chmod rw Jetesudoers aecit/ete/sudoers 2 following line LL) ALL under root A chmod u-w /ete/sudoers ) remove gedit warning: ‘sudo mkdir -p root leal/share/ :2. CADENCE PRE INSTAL 2} modify host name for cadence cd fete/syscontig sgecit etc/syscontig/network “used by system boot” ‘change HOSTNAME=0ex ox is the hostname sgecit/etc/hosts. "map host to IP address host format: Ip address /host.domain hostname hostname used by local network - domain name used by internet Example’ yer004 eslam localdomain eslam eslamocaldomain eslam 127.0. localhost [A his point al the necessary changes that needed to be made have been made, you wil networking on your server to make sure that changes will be perslstent on reboot: sudo fetefinit d/metwork restart sudo shutdown -rnow ») Install necessary packages ‘sudo yum update ‘sudo yur install ksh ‘sudo yur install worg-x11-fonts-ISO8859-1-75dpi ‘sudo yur install ksh ‘sudo yur instal IbXext 50.6 ‘sudo yur install iPXIst 80.6 ‘sudo yur install bXts0.6 ‘sudo yur instal ‘sudo yur instal bets. ‘sudo yur instal ‘sudo yum instal ibXp 50.6 ‘sudo yur instal ibXrandes0.2 ‘sudo yur instal Ibo ‘sudo yur instal ibXext 50.6 ‘sudo yur install inuxs0.2 ‘sudo yum install openmotit ‘sudo yum instal Ibstde++.80.5 PAGES BLOG ARCHIVE ¥ 201612) ¥ Noverber o ‘ietoso este) sin bstalation notes > une (4) > 201601), > 201301) ‘sudo yur install xterm ‘sudo yum install eompat-readines ‘create symba ink inthe folder b64 not have ‘sudo In-s ibreadline 50.6.0 ibreadine 50.5 ‘rete symbol ike in the folder Jusrib64 ‘sudo In-s breading 20.6.0 Ibceadline 30.5 ‘sudo In-s lbhistorys0.6.0lbhistoryso.5 instal package for Ibrary path edtor ‘sudo yur install bSNs0.6 ‘sudo yum instal bets. ‘sudo yur instal ibfrestype 50.8 ‘sudo yur instal following packages 1696 for 64bit CentOS installscape ‘sudo yum intal glibc 1686 ‘sudo yur instal ibXext 50.6 ‘sudo yur instal ibXtst 80.8 «Make some necessary folders sudo mkdir frome/use/eda sudo chmod -R 77 Phome/ust/eda 3 C616 C617 INSTALLATION 43} Prepare installation kits ‘Change al the packages to current usr by sudo chown ust /* sudo cherp ust./* uncompress ail install tar les by {or tar in Base_1C06.16.005, x6 *of8tar dotarnvt tardone Uncompressiseape »} Open iscape cassicview cd “/iscape/bin Jiscape sh ‘Then pop-up installscape classic view interface, local drectory/media install ‘rome usr/eda/tmp/1COS 16.005, nx86.Base/CDROML «Software post configuration after the installing completed - Proceeding with configuration of fuhdComp synergy users must install these libraries instal vai Rorary and sim primitives (er=n}n instal XLibrary and gate primtives?(er=n}:n - Prepare libraries for AMS Designer 1) Aad an 1S instalation directory to path 2) Quit choose 2 and press ENTER NOTES:his stop need INCISIVE installation path it have ne INCISIVE choose 2 and recontg after INCISIVE installes. -wolcome tothe Opendccess 2.2 configuration uty? press Enter to continue - Do you want to use a diferent Opendccess installation (ynig) 2] keep OpenAccess installation directory default NOTES:0a_v22(version 2.2) 41(Data Model. 3) 004{low level version number, check eadence_loal_insal_di /docioainstaliainstl pe for more deta 4-MMSIM INSTALLATION (MMSiM141/MMSIMAS1) 2) copy tar files tothe /home/usr/eda/tmp and uncompress al need to change all the packages to usr auth sudo chown usr /* sudo cherp ust /* fortarin 83se_MMSIMIA 10.138 Inx86 tofatardo tarxut Sar;done »b} Uncompress the IScape0820-pOOrInx86..7 inthe COROMI and ru the iscape sh zat PKGNAME | tar-evt «ed /ome/usr/eda/tmp/mmsim12/MMSIN2 10.272_Inx86.8ase/COROMI/iscape/bin Jiscape sh €) Install cary setup inthe classic view interface local drectory/meeia instal, then selec location of media of mmsim ‘rome usrfeda/tmnp/mnmsin12/MMSINIZ,10272_Inx86.Base/COROM - until popup Cadence_oaRedist22.43-p003Inx86_Config window press Enter to continue (qt quia this window will be clase in 20 seconds, + select the o8 Do you want to use a cfferent OpenAccess installation (yiniq)7y] 0 5 LICENSE AND PATCH 2)copy license. dat to the path /home/us/eda/app/cadence/IC616/share/lcense blinstall necessary packages fr patch sudo yum instal libstdc++ 30.6 sudo yum install compatlibstdes 33.1685 sudo. eadence_pateh sh Prome/ustfeda/app/cadence/'C61? sudo / Jnome/ustfeda/app/cadence/MMSINASI 2) Install NCSU pais Some useful Book and design demo inthe following ink hrtpi// him OK Installation 4. Download the NCSU Cadence Design Kit (DK) version .6.0beta from hitp:y/wwwedanesu.edufwiki/NCSU_COK 2. To instal the NCSU CDK: Extract the contents of nesu-edk1.6.0,beta tag ito your home diectory, add following lines bashrefile ‘export SPECTRE_DEFAULTS- ‘export CDS_Netisting_ Mode=Analog ‘export CDS_LOAD_ENV=CWDElseHiome ‘export CDK_DIR_NSCU_V1_6_0=SHOMEIncsu-cak-1.6.0.beta Note that only one CDK_DIR directory canbe exported (not tobe confused with COS_DIR) youcan use my bashrefile /OSTENV SETTING 2) Save the default workspace customize the toolbar needed «save the workspace in the window->workspace-»save as selec the IC5X install directory save the workspace as default using the window >workspace->as default If wantto set the schema editor background to white coula, run the following emd Secho "Opus.editorBackground: whit” | xrdb-merge Secho “Opus. editorBackground: black" | xréb~merge €) Change font/size for C617 by CIW command hsetront{ “label” 2526 12) hisetFont{ “iw” ?size 12) ‘Above command for 1617 4) Adal instance inthe sch eltorin two way options->edltor add instance browser ‘ype library component €@) Virtuoso Schematic Editor change bindkey F scale ‘IWé> Options->binckeys->Schematies> change F function to sehZoamFit(.006) from schZoomFit(1.003) change button zoomtoft ‘cIW:>0ptions->toolbars>Schematie Editor >zoomte fit call back change to schZoomFit(.00.5) fram schZaomFit(2.005) recentused fies istt0zer0 ‘cW:>0ptions->File Preferences-Recently Used File listo zero {TO RUN CADENCE vieuoso& Posted by Islam Abdo al 5:27.PM. or Labots: cadence, 10616, 6817, MMSIM, vituoso 53 comments: gz slddig gomha November 28, 2016 at 11:48 PM Thank you Islam. sorry, | am beginner in Inux, have gome dificuly for inetaling cadence on Centos, when {write thie command “sudo fetcint.dinetwork restart” on terminal, this message has been shown sudo: 99> letesudoers: syntax error near line 112 <<< sudo: parse errarin fetcisudoers near line 112, sudo: na valid sudosrs sources found, quting sudo: unable to intalize policy plugin Please, can you help me? Reply Replies Bl Islam Abdo November 28, 2016 at 7:12 AM ‘acd your username in the sudoers fle wile in terminal the folowing ‘commands ‘enmod urwletcisudoers goal fetelsudoers ‘00 folowing Ine: oc ALL=(ALL) ALL, necis username ‘chmod usw lteisucoor Roply Vivek Modi Decomber 2, 2016 at 6:49 AM > Tig comment nes teer remcved by the euttcr Reply Replies AB trimiarntae beers area 94 ‘Yes vavek modi. Same case here. Roply Ba terete Deena zor t99 “Thank You |Lam an Analog Circuit & Layout Designer. | have only Muency in accessing the Cadence tool. don't have mich idea forthe installation process. would you lke to provide a Virual Machine file for IC816 (Ika the Previous one (10814))? Thanking you Reply Ba tere tates prema zoisa tan H bslam, “Thank you so much 1 Can not extract MMSIM les 1 aro password protected. Plea hele Reply Replies Bl Islam Abdo December 6, 2016 at 12:51 AM Password: wiwdownloadly.ic Roply e Unknown December 8, 2016 at 1:43 AM # “Thank you for this awosome tutorial ploase make one for instaling PKDs & Libray-cells Specially for roePOK4S and CDK ear install them together {No problem for separately) Reply e Unknown December 18, 2016 at 10:17 PM H Islam, tanks 2 lt for your help fan you provide @ help for callre and assura? it Ie necessary to physical verification Reply e MickM January 12, 2017 at 12:23 PM 4 Groat tutorial thanks. 1eant seem to got tho white color working in 10847, although Teworks just ne in 12618. Do you know how to do this for 10617? Reply e GGarle666 January 14, 2017 at 12:58 PM Thank you mw lam Abdo. Ihave instal 10847, but how Do Istartt? Regards Reply Replies Islam Abdo January 15, 2017 at 8:26 AM 3 ‘ype in terminal virtuoso & (Garl6666 January 15, 2017 at 10:53 AM oO ‘Thank you for your quick reply. | have installed everything ard | am almost finished. | guoss | have something wong, When type “vituoso" in the termina, I get the following extor ‘exec: rodlleadencelinstalsiC617oolsidiWbin/64biUviduoso: cannot ‘execute (Exec format error] | went to google and | noticed that my machine 's 326K. How can I run ‘cadence under 32bi instead of 401? thanks in advance Roply Unknown January 18, 2097 at 7:16 PM H blamt fam using VirtualBox ContOS7, [allocated 50 GB for SATA Momory and current have a 38 GB free space. In nstallScape, the available cisk space for install shows 0 MB, How can I resolve this? Reply Shintaro Marzo January 18, 2017 at 7:48 PM This cenmeri hes beer remcved by the euttor Reply Shintaro Marzo January 18, 2017 at 750 PM Helen |lam an Engineoring Student. | only have fuency in accessing the Cadence tool. | dort have much idea on the instalation process. Can you provide a Vitual Machine fle for ICB181C6517 (Ike the Previous one: esta? In Reply 1 for my undergraduate studies. Thank you Islam. Lhope you consider this.) Replies e (Garl6666 January 24, 2017 at 8:40 AM ‘That would be rice would use tio. Yann THK September 9, 2017 at 925 PM ‘Yes nz make virtual machine 108.17 with eran led technology files Reply Unknown February 26, 2017 at 6:57 PM [roote@jewel home} ERROR: $OA_HOMEIoin (lopticadencalinstalsiCé' 7ioa_v22.50.043/3n) isnot a vald OA bin crectory. Check your OA installation ar update the value of OA_HOME to point io a valid OA installation. Soe the “OpendAccess Insallaton and Configuration Guide” for more information, Wiluoso: ERROR: No proper OA22 instalation found, Fix the errors reported by cdsGetOABinPath, Virtuoso: INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phas virtuoso: See the “Openfccess Installation and Configuration Guige” before virtuoso: you complete Ihe configuration stop. This manual is included with virlueso: the Cadence product documentation. Reply Tuan March 3, 2017 at 10:05 Pte How do lads now technology lorry to existing lrary? such as pdk@O, pakes.ote Thanks Reply Replies “Tuan March 3, 2017 at 10:07 PM tsar, Imeantto ask this under your IC614 Via Roply Tuan March §, 2017 at 12:05 Ate nevermind. Igure it out thanks Reply Replies YL Kareem Ahmed March 23, 2017 at 6:26 PA ET) how ois u solve kar Apri'3, 2017 at 5:25 AM rent hos been moc ty Ye aulce Reply rubel sarkar March 10, 2017 at 5:02 AM This ccmmerihes teer remcved ty the exter Reply Rube! Sarkar March 18, 2017 at 5:32 AM an you please provide @ video tutarial for instalation. Reply Mircusx March 21, 2017 at 7:40 AM H, I downloaded and installed (using your insiructon) ICB17. | patched and edited ‘the baste fle. Now when | ty to launch vituoso in the terminal get this errr: WARNING: HOST DOES NOT APPEAR TO BE A CADENCE SUPPORTED LINUX (CONFIGURATION. For More Ifo, Please Run ‘tools InxSéibinicheckSysCon? Virtuoso: ERROR: The command fopUcadenceil6617/shareloalbinisysname Feturned an error status Virtuoso: INFO: Note that OpenAccess (OA) requires running the Configure phase. Virtuoso: See the “Openecess Installation and Configuration Guide" before Vetuoso: you complete the configuration step. This manual is included witn Virtuoso: he Cadence product documentation. Can you ploase help me? Reply siddig gomha Apri 1, 2017 at 9:45 AN 4 [id al steps, when trying fo run (virtuoso &), his message shows In terminal: bash virtuoso: command not found Please, can you help Reply angen franklin AprilS, 2017 at 6:31 AM Reply Leer remeved by the euttor Bond April 14, 2017 at 11:31 PM Fist of al, thanks forall your work, | cownloaded the cantos 7 version and the cadence and MMSIM fies from the given website Later‘ have downloaded all the laeaies and everything i fine ti step: But rom step 3 iam unable to understand the process, Where should | Keep my downloaded fies? 1 have only one user account ereated in contos7. 1 have boon trying many methods trom 1 week. Please help met! wating for your reply Si Reply Replies e \JBond April 14, 2017 at 11:48 PM 1 would be better if you provide a video tutorial for beginners lke us! We're newto centos and linux environments<

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