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Name : Guntur Dewantoro

NPM : 11161140
Class : 2FA3

Problem of Diabetes Mellitus

Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycemia that
occurs due to insulin congestion, insulin performance or both (ADA, 2010). According to
WHO, Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease or disorder of chronic metabolism with multi-
etiology that with blood glucose levels dengang disorders of carbohydrate, lipid and protein
metabolism as a result of insulin function insufficiency Insulin insufficiency may cause insulin
production by beta Langerhans beta-cell gastric acid or caused by the lack of responsiveness
of body cells to insulin (Depkes, 2008). Based on Perkeni in 2011 Diabetes Mellitus is a disease
disorder a chronic metabolism with characteristicshyperglycemia. Various complications can
arise due to sugar levels uncontrolled blood, such as neuropathy, hypertension, heart coronary,
retinopathy, nephropathy, and gangrene. Diabetes Mellitus has been the biggest cause of death
fourth in the world. Every year there are 3.2 million deaths caused directly by diabetes.

High per capita income and lifestyle changes especially in cities large, leading to an
increase in prevalence Degenerative diseases one of them Diabetes Melitus (DM). DM is a
collection symptoms that arise in a person high blood sugar levels (Waspadji, 2007). According
to American Diabetes Asociation (ADA), DM can be classified into DM type-1, DM type-2,
other DM type and Gestational DM. Among the types that exist, DM type 2 is the most common
type found more than 90% (Suyono, 2007). In two decades to come increased prevalence of
type 2 DM patients, estimated in 2025 will be present 300 million DM type-2 patients
worldwide (Soewondo, 2007). Increased prevalence Type 2 DM shows the importance of effort
prevention. Prevention of type 2 DM is by seeking blood sugar levels in the body becomes
normal. Efforts to lower blood sugar levels through four pillars of DM management such as
education, meal planning, training physical and pharmacological therapies (Waspadji, 2007).
Monitoring blood sugar levels greatly important because blood sugar is an indicator to
determine the diagnosis of DM disease. Blood sugar levels can be checked when, and when
fasting. Someone diagnosed suffer from DM if from examination results blood sugar levels ≥
200 mg / dl, while the blood sugar level when fasting ≥126 mg / dl (Waspadji, 2007).

Report on the results of Basic Health Research (Riskesdas) 2007, showed the highest
prevalence of diabetes in the City of Bandar Lampung at 0.9% and the lowest in North
Lampung 0.1%, goodbased on diagnosis and symptoms. West Lampung if calculated with a
prevalence rate of 1.2% of the entire population population of nearly 500,000 people, then there
are more than 5,000 people with Diabetes Mellitus (people with diabetes) are scattered in
Lampung West (Riskesdas, 2007). Diabetes Mellitus can not be cured but blood sugar levels
can be controlled through diet, exercise, and drugs. For can prevent the occurrence of chronic
complications, is necessary good DM control (Perkeni, 2011).
Diabetes UK. 2010. Diabetes in the UK : Key Statistics on Diabates. Dorlan’s Pocket

Medical Dictionary.,1995 25nd ed.W.B., Saunders Company, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

International Diabetes Federation (IDF)., 2013. IDF Clinical Guidelines Task Force.
Global guideline for Type 2 diabetes.

Ostman, E, M,. 2001. "Inconsistency Between Glycemic and Insulinemic Responses to

Regular of Produk. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 74 (1): pp. 96- PMID
11451723 100.

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