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Coagulation Disorders in Liver Disease

Lucio Amitrano, M.D.,1 Maria A. Guardascione, M.D.,1

Vincenzo Brancaccio, M.D.,2 and Antonio Balzano, M.D.1


The liver plays a central role in the clotting process, and acute and chronic liver
diseases are invariably associated with coagulation disorders due to multiple causes: de-
creased synthesis of clotting and inhibitor factors, decreased clearance of activated factors,
quantitative and qualitative platelet defects, hyperfibrinolysis, and accelerated intravascu-

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lar coagulation. The bleeding tendency accounts for increased risk of morbidity and mor-
tality in patients with liver disease undergoing diagnostic or therapeutic invasive proce-
dures. Peculiar coagulation disorders are prevalent in patients with acute fatty liver of
pregnancy or undergoing liver transplantation. Emerging evidence shows that sepsis fur-
ther impairs hemostasis in patients with liver cirrhosis bleeding from esophageal varices.
Thrombotic events, even if rare in cirrhotic patients, occur mainly in the portal and
mesenteric veins. The therapeutic approach to coagulative disorders is also discussed.

KEYWORDS: Liver disease, coagulation, hemostasis, bleeding

Objectives: Upon completion of this article the reader should be able to (1) understand the multiple mechanisms of coagulation dis-
orders in patients with liver disease; (2) recognize peculiar clotting abnormalities occurring in specific clinical settings; and (3) evalu-
ate the risk and the benefit of a specific therapeutic approach to coagulation disorders in liver disease.
Accreditation: Tufts University School of Medicine is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education to
provide continuing medical education for physicians. TUSM takes full responsibility for the content, quality, and scientific integrity of
this continuing education activity.
Credit: Tufts University School of Medicine designates this education activity for a maximum of 1.0 hour credit toward the AMA
Physicians Recognition Award in category one. Each physician should claim only those hours that he/she actually spent in the edu-
cational activity.

T he liver plays a key role in the blood coagula- subendothelial matrix.2 A platelet monolayer covers all
tion process because it is the site of synthesis of all clot- the injured area, and additional activated platelets are
ting factors and their inhibitors (Table 1). Liver damage recruited and aggregated to form a platelet plug by the
is commonly associated with variable impairment of linking to fibrinogen molecules via another receptor,
hemostasis. Hemostasis is the process of blood clot for- GPIIb/IIIa.3 Formation and deposition of fibrin occurs
mation to prevent excessive blood loss due to vessel by activation of the clotting cascade concomitantly with
injury. Subsequent to endothelial injury, the platelets platelet plug formation. A sequential activation of a se-
adhere to subendothelial matrix through two platelet- ries of inactive precursors leads ultimately to the forma-
collagen receptors (glycoproteins [GP] Ia, IIa, and VI).1 tion of thrombin that cleaves fibrinogen to fibrin (Fig.
The activated platelets express the receptor GPIb-IX-V 1). As the hemostatic process starts, a series of in-
complex that further strengthens the adhesion by link- hibitory mechanisms is activated to localize and limit
ing to von Willebrand factor (vWF) expressed on the clotting formation to the damaged area (Fig. 2): anti-

Vascular and Coagulation Disorders of the Liver; Editor in Chief, Paul D. Berk, M.D.; Guest Editor, Kunio Okuda, M.D., Ph.D. Seminars in
Liver Disease, volume 22, number 1, 2002. Address for correspondence and reprint requests: Lucio Amitrano, M.D., Via Morghen 92, 80129
Naples, Italy. E-mail: 1Gastroenterology Unit and 2Coagulation Unit, A. Cardarelli Hospital, Naples, Italy. Copyright © 2002 by
Thieme Medical Publishers, Inc., 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA. Tel: +1(212) 584-4662. 0272–8087,p;2002,22,01,

Table 1 Sites of Synthesis and Functions of Clotting Factors

Factors Synthesis Function

Factor I or fibrinogen Liver, extrahepatic sites Precursor of fibrin
Factor II or prothrombin Liver Precursor of thrombin
Factor V Liver, endothelium, platelets Cofactor in the prothrombinase complex
Factor VII Liver Linked to TF activates factors X and IX
Factor VIII Liver, extrahepatic sites Cofactor in the intrinsic-X-ase complex
Factor IX (Christmas) Liver Activates factor X
Factor X (Stuart-Prower) Liver Converts prothrombin to thrombin
Factor XI Liver Activates factor IX
Factor XII (Hageman) Liver Activates factor XI
Factor XIII Liver, extrahepatic sites Crosslinks fibrin polymers
Prekallikrein (Fletcher) Liver Activates factor XII
HMWK Liver Activation cofactor for factors XII and factor XI, generates bradikinins
Tissue factor (Factor III) Endothelium, monocytes Cofactor in extrinsic X-ase complex

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Antithrombin III Liver, extrahepatic sites Inactivates thrombin, factors IXa, Xa, XIa, XIIa
Heparin cofactor II Liver Inactivates thrombin
Protein C Liver, endothelium Inactivates factors Va and VIIIa
Protein S Liver, endothelium Enhances protein C activity
Heparan sulfate Endothelium Links activating antithrombin III
Thrombomodulin Endothelium Thrombin receptor allowing linking to protein C
TFPI (1–2) Endothelium, liver Inhibits TF factors VIIa and Xa
Plasminogen Liver Precursor of plasmin
tPA Endothelium Activates plasminogen
Urokinase Kidney Activates plasminogen
PAI-1 Endothelium, platelets, liver Inhibits tPA
PAI-2 White blood cells Inhibits tPA
2-antiplasmin Liver Inactives plasmin
TAFI Liver Inhibits plasminogen activation
TF, tissue factor; HMWK, high-molecular-weight kininogens; TFPI, tissue factor pathway inhibitor; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; TAFI,
thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.

thrombin III, protein C, protein S synthesised from abnormal clotting factors, decreased clearance of acti-
the liver, the tissue factor pathway inhibitors 1 and 2 vated factors by the reticuloendothelial system, hyperfib-
(TFPI-1 and TFPI-2), and platelet inhibitors (prosta- rinolysis, and disseminated intravascular coagulation.
glandin I2, nitric oxide). Once a clot is formed, fibrino-
lytic mechanisms assure its remodeling and elimination
to restore vessel patency. Plasmin is the key enzyme of Platelet Disorders
fibrinolysis, which cleaves the polymerized fibrin to fi- A mild thrombocytopenia is seen in 52% and 16% of
brin degradation products (FDPs). The fibrinolytic cases of acute hepatitis with and without liver failure,
process is regulated by a series of activators and in- respectively4; rarely a severe thrombocytopenia due to
hibitors (Fig. 2). aplastic anemia complicates the course of acute hepati-
tis.5 Thrombocytopenia is a common feature in chronic
advanced liver disease. It is found in about 30 to 64% of
HEMOSTATIC ABNORMALITIES IN cirrhotic patients,6,7 but the platelet count is rarely
LIVER DISEASE below 30,000 to 40,000/mm3, and spontaneous bleed-
Considering the key role of the liver in the coagulation ing is not common. Splenomegaly due to portal hyper-
process, liver disease results in variable impairment of tension is considered the main cause of the low platelet
hemostasis by multiple causes: quantitative and qualita- count in cirrhosis. The relationship between portal hy-
tive platelet defects; decreased production of coagulation pertension and thrombocytopenia is documented by the
and inhibitor factors; vitamin K deficiency; synthesis of association between a low platelet count and the pres-

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Figure 1 Clotting cascade. Three macromolecular complexes (demarcated by dashed lines) are identified in the clotting cascade.
They consist of a proteolytic enzyme, ; a cofactor, ; calcium ions; phospholipids (PL); and a substrate . TF, tissue factor; PK,
prekallikrein; HMWK, high-molecular-weight kininogens.

ence of gastroesophageal varices.8,9 Even if the platelet reduced in cirrhotic patients with thrombocytopenia.12
mass is normal, up to 90% of platelets are pooled in the After liver transplantation TPO concentration promptly
spleen. However, these are still able to participate in the increases and reaches a peak on the fifth day, and a sub-
hemostatic process. Direct correlation between spleen sequent increase in the number of platelets is observed
size and platelet count has not been demonstrated, within 4 to 6 days after the peak of TPO.13 These data
and decompression of the portal system by surgical or suggest that low levels of TPO due to decreased hepatic
radiologic shunts does not completely correct the plate- synthesis play a role in the thrombocytopenia of cir-
let count.10 A recent flow cytometric study showed rhotic patients. Increased destruction of platelets by im-
a reduced number of reticulated platelets, indicating mune mechanisms has been described: high levels of
impaired platelet production11 in cirrhotic patients. immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, C3-C4, and platelet-
Thrombopoietin (TPO) is a cytokine produced by the associated immune complexes have been found in acute
liver responsible for the maturation of megakaryocytes and chronic liver diseases.14 Furthermore, reduction of
and the formation of platelets. Serum levels of TPO are the platelet count can be ascribed to the coexistence

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Figure 2 Clotting pathway inhibitors and fibrinolytic system. , inhibitors; , activators. FPA, fibrinopeptide A; FPB, fibrinopep-
tide B; tPA, tissue plasminogen activator; PAI-1, plasminogen activator inhibitor 1; PAI-2, plasminogen activator inhibitor 2; TAFI,
thrombin activatable fibrinolysis inhibitor.

of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) during lets, endothelial surface, and coagulation factors, dem-
sepsis, acute hepatic failure, hemolysis elevated liver en- onstrated by impaired aggregation to adenosine diphos-
zyme and low platelet (HELLP) syndrome. Ethanol,15 phate, epinephrine, collagen, thrombin, and ristocetin
folate deficiency,16 and drugs may contribute to throm- have been described in patients with liver disease.20,21
bocytopenia by direct suppression of bone marrow As a whole, their clinical implications remain to be
thrombopoiesis.17,18 Stored blood or red blood cells do elucidated.
not provide viable platelets or Factor V; therefore, the
platelet count decreases when large quantities of blood
are transfused.19 In the absence of any coagulation fac- Decreased Synthesis of Coagulation Factors
tor deficiencies, a prolonged bleeding time with a nor- The liver is the site of the synthesis of all coagulation
mal platelet count is attributed to abnormalities of factors except for vWF. The degree of impairment of
platelet functions. Defective interaction among plate- procoagulants as an expression of decreased liver syn-

Table 2 Coagulation Tests and Their Clinical Usefulness

Hemostatic Tests Useful to Diagnose

First-line tests
Platelet count Quantitative platelet disorders
Prothrombin time Extrinsic and common coagulation pathway
Activated partial thromboplastin time Intrinsic and common coagulation pathway
Second-line tests
Thrombin time Fibrinogen activity, dysfibrinogenemia
Bleeding time Qualitative platelet disorders
Single factor plasmatic activity Specific clinical settings
Thromboelastography Clotting monitoring during orthotopic liver transplantation
Tests of clotting activation
Prothrombin fragment F1+2 Increased thrombin generation
Thrombin–antithrombin complex Increased thrombin generation
Fibrinopeptides A and B Increased thrombin generation
Fibrin monomers and polymers Increased thrombin generation
Tests of fibrinolysis

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Euglobulin lysis time Hyperfibrinolytic activity
Fibrin degradation products Hyperfibrinolytic activity
D-dimer Hyperfibrinolytic activity
Plasmin–2-antiplasmin complexes Hyperfibrinolytic activity

thesis is related to the severity of liver damage, bleeding Depressed levels of procoagulant factors and
tendency, and prognosis of liver disease. The clotting their inhibitors are present in liver cirrhosis. In compen-
factors measured by the common screening tests are in sated liver cirrhosis, PT is usually in the normal range
the normal range until plasma levels of procoagulants or only moderately prolonged. Depressed synthesis of
are reduced below 30 to 40% (Table 2). The measure- extrinsic pathway factors, particularly Factor VII, ac-
ment of plasma levels of single clotting factors, even if counts for these abnormalities.25 Levels of fibrinogen
available for most of them, provides little adjunctive in- and Factor V are normal. As liver damage worsens, Fac-
formation. The determination of Factor V, VII, and tors XII and XI, high-molecular-weight kininogens,
VIII activity is useful in specific clinical settings such as and prekallikrein (i.e., the intrinsic pathway) are in-
fulminant hepatic failure and DIC. Coagulation disor- volved in the deficit of protein synthesis, and activated
ders are not common features of uncomplicated acute partial thromboplastin time is prolonged.26,27 PT pro-
hepatitis. Impairment of hemostasis implies severe liver longation is related to the severity of liver failure and is
functional derangement and it is related to the severity one of the parameters of common prognostic indices
of liver damage. Decreased hepatic synthesis and im- (Child-Pugh, Mayo end-stage liver disease).28,29 The
paired clearance of clotting factors and their inhibitors international normalized ratio (INR) for evaluation of
coexist in patients with acute liver failure (ALF).22 In prothrombin time is commonly used but has not been
these patients prothrombin time (PT) is commonly validated in patients with liver cirrhosis.30 Factor VIII
used as a prognostic indicator of outcome and the need levels may remain normal or elevated even in the
for liver transplantation. In the King’s College experi- presence of severe liver failure, either because of its ex-
ence, PT greater than 100 seconds was predictive of trahepatic synthesis or because of a decreased liver
mortality in 72% and 100% of cases in acetaminophen- clearance of the vWF–Factor VIII complex. Plasma fi-
induced and non–acetaminophen-induced ALF.23 Fac- brinogen, being an acute-phase reactant, remains nor-
tors V and VII have the shortest half-lives (12 hours mal or even increases in chronic liver disease. Its de-
and 4–6 hours, respectively), and have been evaluated as creased levels in severe liver insufficiency are attributed
prognostic indicators in ALF. In the French-language to decreased liver synthesis as well as extravascular loss
literature, a Factor V level below 20% in patients under (i.e., ascites) or concomitant DIC. Only fibrinogen lev-
30 years of age or a Factor V level below 30% in patients els below 100 mg/dL have clinical and prognostic sig-
over 30 years of age were criteria for liver transplanta- nificance.31 In obstructive jaundice and primary biliary
tion in the presence of encephalopathy grade 3 to 4.24 cirrhosis, normal or elevated levels of clotting factors are
Factor VIII and fibrinogen as well as the other acute detectable in the absence of vitamin K deficiency,32 due
phase reactants are increased, and their progressive re- to a nonspecific activation of protein synthesis. A hy-
duction may indicate the presence of a DIC. percoagulative state, evaluated by thromboelastography,

may be present in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis time despite mild prolonged PT, partial thromboplastin
and primary sclerosing cholangitis.33 Natural inhibitors time (PTT), and normal amount of fibrinogen. An ex-
of coagulation, antithrombin III, protein C, and protein cessive number of syalic acid residues on the molecule
S are synthesized by the liver as well. Their levels are re- of fibrinogen interferes with the enzymatic activity of
duced in advanced liver disease.34 Nevertheless, plasma thrombin. Dysfibrinogenemia induced by liver damage is
activity below 50 to 70% is not associated with in- a reversible abnormality due to an increased activity of
creased thrombotic events, possibly because of the pro- the enzyme syalil-transferase because of a reexpression of
portional impairment of clotting activators.35 the fetal gene in hepatic cells.45

Vitamin K Deficiency Fibrinolysis

A further reduction of plasma levels of Factors II ,VII, Increased fibrinolysis is a common finding in patients
IX, and X, and proteins C and S may be due to a con- with advanced liver disease. It is revealed by shortened
comitant vitamin K deficiency. These factors require vi- whole blood euglobin clot lysis time and elevated levels
tamin K as a cofactor for -carboxylation of glutamic of plasma D-dimer, fibrin and fibrinogen degradation
acid residues in their amino-terminal region. Gamma- products. High levels of plasminogen activators, espe-
carboxylated residues allow the binding to calcium ions cially tissue plasminogen activator (tPA), due to de-

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essential for functional activity of these vitamin K– creased hepatic clearance, account for hyperfibrinolysis.
dependent clotting factors. Vitamin K deficiency is not Levels of the tPA inhibitor plasminogen activator in-
caused by liver injury per se but is frequently associated hibitor-1 are normal or slightly elevated but are insuffi-
with liver disease.Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin re- cient to counteract the increase of tPA.46 Moreover, low
quiring biliary salts for its intestinal absorption. The in- levels of 2-antiplasmin and thrombin activatable fibri-
testinal bacteria flora is involved as well, either partici- nolysis inhibitor, caused by progressive liver damage,
pating in the biliary salt metabolism or producing a may be an adjunctive cause of accelerated fibrinolysis.47
small amount of vitamin K. Thus, reduced intestinal ab- Controversy still exists over whether fibrinolysis is a
sorption of vitamin K occurs during intra- or extrahep- primary phenomenon or induced by clotting activa-
atic cholestasis,36 presence of biliary fistulae, and use of tion.46,48,49 Hyperfibrinolysis is seen in patients with ad-
cholestyramine37 and oral antibiotics, especially ceph- vanced chronic liver disease but not in patients with
alosporins.38 Moreover, vitamin K deficiency may be acute liver disease. It is present in 31% of patients with
part of the malnutrition state often associated with al- compensated liver cirrhosis50 and in 93% of patients
coholism.39 High levels of decarboxylated precursors of with ascites51 and it is related to the severity of the dis-
vitamin K–dependent clotting factors are dosable in ease. Elevated levels of D-dimer and FDPs together
plasma in the presence of vitamin K deficiency. These with low fibrinogen and plasminogen have been found
precursors (named PIVKA, for precursors induced by in ascitic fluid of cirrhotic patients, suggesting ascitic
vitamin K absence) are found in small amounts in acute hyperfibrinolytic activity. Thus, it is thought that ascites
and chronic liver disease possibly caused by a deficit of reabsorption into systemic circulation contributes to the
hepatic decarboxylase.40 However, their clinical signifi- hyperfibrinolytic state found in cirrhotic patients.51
cance does not seem to be relevant. Conversely, high These data are in accordance with previous observations
titers of decarboxylated prothrombin (DCP), antigeni- of hyperfibrinolysis-like changes in plasma of cirrhotic
cally identical to that induced by warfarin therapy, are patients undergoing ascites reinfusion.52 The clinical
found in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma.41 An relevance of hyperfibrinolysis in the bleeding tendency
acquired posttranslational defect of -carboxylation in- of cirrhotic patients has not been clearly established.
duced by the tumoral cells is postulated,42 and a DCP Accelerated fibrinolysis may enhance bleeding from
level greater than 100 ng/mL is considered more spe- mucous membranes and increase the incidence of fatal
cific than -fetoprotein in the diagnosis of hepatocellu- bleeding.53,54 In a large prospective study, hyperfibrinol-
lar carcinoma.43 ysis was found as a main predictive marker of the first
episode of upper gastrointestinal bleeding in cirrhotics
with portal hypertension.55

Dysfibrinogenemia is the most common qualitative ab-
normality of clotting factors, found in about 60 to 70% of Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
acute and chronic liver disease and hepatoma.44 It is char- Disseminated intravascular coagulation is a widespread
acterized by abnormal polymerization of fibrin mono- intravascular fibrin deposition due to massive activation
mers leading to a disproportionate prolonged thrombin of the clotting cascade. Intravascular fibrin deposition is

the result of uncontrolled thrombin generation over- Invasive Procedures

whelming natural anticoagulant pathways. Thrombin Patients with advanced liver disease run an increased
activation is mediated exclusively by high levels of tis- risk of bleeding complications because of underlying
sue factor with consequent activation of the extrinsic coagulopathy during invasive diagnostic and therapeu-
pathway.56 Deposition of fibrin in small and medium- tic procedures. Patients with liver cirrhosis undergoing
sized vessels leads to arterial or venous thrombosis abdominal surgery have increased risks for morbidity
and progressive multiorgan failure. The consumption of and mortality.63,64 Bleeding accounts for 60% of all
clotting factors, platelets, and secondary fibrinolysis causes of death.65 PT is related both to bleeding risk
activation are responsible for bleeding manifestations. and mortality; patients with a PT prolongation of more
Moreover, microangiopathic hemolytic anemia may be than 1.5 seconds and more than 2.5 seconds have mor-
due to enhanced erythrocyte destruction by fibrin tality rates of 47% and 87% , respectively versus 7% for
strands. The clinical course of DIC may be extremely patients with normal PT.66 Hence, an accurate preoper-
variable from asymptomatic to chronic and acute forms, ative evaluation of cirrhotic patients undergoing surgery
depending mostly on the underlying cause, rapidity of is mandatory. A PT prolonged for more than 3 seconds
clotting activation, and efficacy of compensatory mech- and a platelet count of less than 50,000/mm3 are con-
anisms.57 The fact that DIC and decompensated cirrho- sidered contraindications to elective surgery.64 More-
sis share similar coagulation abnormalities poses the over, the concomitant presence of portal hypertension
question whether a low-grade DIC is present in decom- contributes to excessive intra- or postoperative blood

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pensated liver disease or hepatic coagulopathy mimics a loss during liver surgery for trauma, neoplasm, or porto-
DIC-like pattern.48,58,59 The issue is still a matter of caval shunts. Hyperfibrinolysis and clotting activation
debate. More recently, the availability of new sensitive occur during resective liver surgery,67 and they are re-
and specific assays, prothrombin fragment F1+2, lated to the extension of liver resection and plasma
fibrinopeptide A, soluble fibrin, D-dimer, thrombin- levels of tPA.68
antithrombin (TAT) complexes, and plasmin–2-anti- Liver biopsy is a widespread tool used to diag-
plasmin (PAP) complexes, have allowed the recognition nose diffuse or focal hepatic diseases. Intraperitoneal
of accelerated intravascular coagulation and fibrinolysis hemorrhage is the main complication of liver biopsy.
(AICF) in liver cirrhosis.60 AICF, previously defined as Significant bleeding, defined as a decrease in hemoglo-
low-grade DIC, is not a part of stable liver cirrhosis but bin level of greater than 20 g/L, occurs in 0.35 to 0.5%
is found in about 30% of patients with advanced liver of cases.69,70 A fatal hemorrhage is reported from 0.01
disease and is related to its severity.61 AICF may be re- to 0.1%71 and is often associated with advanced cirrho-
duced by heparin administration, as already suggested sis or malignancy. PT and platelet count are widely ac-
by previous studies.62 Patients with liver cirrhosis and cepted tests used to evaluate the bleeding risk in pa-
AICF are prone to develop overt DIC in the presence tients undergoing liver biopsy. However, no peripheral
of complications such as sepsis, shock, surgery, trauma, coagulative parameters have been found related to liver
and ascites recirculation. The diagnosis of DIC in cir- bleeding time observed at laparoscopy.72 Several studies
rhotic patients remains difficult and is based on the demonstrated no increased bleeding risk associated with
presence of a known triggering clinical event; the a prolongation of PT until 4 to 7 seconds.69,71,73 On the
progressive worsening of coagulation test results and other hand, a doubled bleeding risk is reported in pa-
platelet counts; a disproportionate reduction of Factor tients with INR greater than 1.5 compared with pa-
V; and concomitant decreased level of a previously nor- tients with INR of 1.3 to 1.5.74 Platelet count values
mal Factor VIII. above which liver biopsy is safely performed range from
56,000 to 80,000 mm3 in different specialized cen-
ters.71,74 The routine use of the bleeding time as a better
indicator of hemorrhagic risk is still debated.75,76 It is
COAGULATION DISORDERS IN SPECIFIC currently used in no more than 30% of liver units before
CLINICAL SITUATIONS liver biopsy. Liver biopsy can be safely performed77 if
Clinical manifestations of coagulative disorders in pa- the platelet count is greater than 60,000 mm3 and PT is
tients with liver disease depend on the degree of hemo- prolonged for less than 4 seconds. If the platelet count is
static impairment. Minor signs of the bleeding ten- between 40,000 and 60,000 mm3 and PT is prolonged
dency are skin hemorrhages such as bruising, petechiae, for 4 to 6 seconds, platelet and fresh frozen plasma
purpura, and ecchymosis, or mucosal bleeding such as transfusions have to be given. If the platelet count is
epistaxis, gingival bleeding, or metrorrhagia. The bleed- under 40,000 mm3 and PT is prolonged for over 6 sec-
ing diathesis may have more severe and life-threatening onds, a plugged, transjugular, or laparoscopic biopsy
consequences in cirrhotic patients bleeding from the should be considered.78 Minor invasive procedures such
gastrointestinal tract or undergoing invasive procedures as paracentesis, thoracentesis, and lumbar puncture do
or surgery. not usually necessitate platelet or plasma transfusion.

Liver Transplantation and liver rupture.96 Moreover, hemolysis due to mi-

Coagulopathy is one of the main problems in patients croangiopathic hemolytic anemia as well as thrombo-
undergoing orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). cytopenia97 is generally mild. PT and PTT are normal,
Intra- and postoperative bleeding is frequent and strictly but FDPs, D-dimer, soluble fibrin, and PAP and TAT
related to the mortality rate of OLT.79 Different mecha- complexes increase as markers of secondary fibrinolysis
nisms are implicated in the bleeding tendency during the and clotting activation.98 An overt DIC may be diag-
various phases of OLT. In the pre-anhepatic phase the nosed in only 20% of cases.99 Plasma levels of coagula-
duration and complexity of the surgical procedure and tion and fibrinolysis parameters have prognostic value
the presence of portal hypertension together with preex- in HELLP syndrome. An antithrombin III level of less
isting impaired hemostasis are the main causes of the than 79%, D-dimer of more than 4 g/mL, and TAT of
blood loss.80,81 The preoperative hemostatic impairment more than 26 ng/mL have been proposed as indices for
is related to transfusion requirements and patient sur- termination of pregnancy in patients with HELLP syn-
vival.82 Coagulation tests are less compromised in pa- drome.98 Acute fatty liver of pregnancy is an acute dis-
tients with primary biliary cirrhosis,83 and a hypercoagu- order during pregnancy evolving into fulminant hepatic
lative state may be present.33 In the anhepatic phase, failure.100 It is characterized by acute hepatic fatty
bleeding is due both to the absence of hepatic clotting microvesicular degeneration, in some cases due to in-
factor production and to hyperfibrinolysis caused by in- herited mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation enzyme de-
creased levels of tPA not cleared by the liver.84 A brisk fects.101 It is associated with elevated maternal and in-

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increase in tPA, PAP complexes, and D-dimer levels fant mortality. Thrombocytopenia and a decrease in
after liver graft reperfusion indicate hyperfibrinolysis.85 clotting factors and their inhibitors are due both to im-
The release of tPA by graft endothelial cells contributes paired hepatic synthesis and accelerated consumption.
to hyperfibrinolysis in this phase.86 Prophylactic admin- DIC is present in almost all patients,102 although bleed-
istration of aprotinin, a broad-spectrum serine protease ing complications ensue in about 25% of cases.103
inhibitor, markedly reduces fibrinolysis and both intra-
and postoperative blood product requirements by at least
30%.87,88 Moreover, tranexamic acid, another antifibri- Sepsis
nolytic agent, can reduce total packed blood red cell use High rates of bacterial infection have been demon-
during OLT.89 Other mechanisms account for bleeding strated in cirrhotic patients with gastrointestinal hem-
tendency during OLT: a nonspecific activation of pha- orrhage.104 It is closely related to mortality and the fail-
gocytic proteases during the reperfusion phase90; an ure to control bleeding.105,106 Sepsis is generally thought
increased intrinsic heparin-like activity91; a transient to be a complication of bleeding; however, it can cause
platelet count decrease because of sequestration and acti- bleeding and rebleeding from esophageal varices. This is
vation of platelets in the graft sinusoids92; and a reduced because of an increase in portal hypertension and a fur-
platelet aggregation due to adenosine contained in Uni- ther impairment of hemostasis.107 A hypocoagulable
versity of Wisconsin fluid.79 Continuous clotting moni- state has been demonstrated in cirrhotic patients with
toring during the different phases of OLT is obtained by sepsis108 and in those with early rebleeding from esoph-
thromboelastography (TEG), which provides rapid in- ageal varices.109 Hyperfibrinolysis is associated with the
formation (within 30 minutes) on coagulation, fibrinoly- risk of gastrointestinal bleeding,55,110–112 and bleeding
sis, and platelet activity. It has proven to be a valuable from esophageal varices overlaps the circadian rhythm
guide for blood product replacement.93 of fibrinolysis in patients with liver cirrhosis.113 In-
fection enhances the production of the cytokines inter-
leukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor that
Pregnancy are able to activate clotting and fibrinolysis114 via
Two peculiar syndromes, HELLP syndrome and acute stimulation of the extrinsic pathway. Endotoxins, pro-
fatty liver of pregnancy, occurring in the third trimester duced by bacteria, stimulate tissue factor expression on
of pregnancy, are associated with coagulative disorders. macrophages and clotting activation via an oxidative
HELLP syndrome, first described in 1982 by Wein- process.115,116 A relationship has been demonstrated be-
stein,94 is characterized by elevation of liver enzymes, tween tissue factor levels and markers of lipid peroxida-
hemolysis, and low platelet count. It occurs in 10% of tion, clotting activation, and fibrinolysis in cirrhotic pa-
preeclampsia and eclampsia, and it is caused by diffuse tients.117 Hyperfibrinolysis delays clotting activation
platelet and fibrin deposition on the damaged sinu- through clotting factor consumption and inhibition of
soidal endothelium. The systemic endothelial dysfunc- fibrin polymerization and reduces platelet adhesion and
tion is determined by an increased vascular sensitivity to aggregation as well.58 Platelet functions are further im-
endogenous pressor agents.95 Fibrin deposition leads to paired by increased prostacyclin levels, which are in-
periportal and portal tract hemorrhages and to ischemic duced by endotoxin and endothelin via nitric oxide for-
necrosis that may progress to intrahepatic hematoma mation.107 How these phenomena induced by sepsis can

trigger gastroesophageal bleeding remains speculative tors such as FDP or dysfibrinogenemia. Administration
and requires further study. of FFP is indicated in cases of persistent bleeding in
order to gather an INR of under 2129 and to correct a
PT prolongation of more than 4 seconds in patients un-
Thrombosis dergoing liver biopsy.77 However, the large amounts of
Coagulation disorders during liver disease mostly re- FFP (>1,500 mL) required to achieve the hemostatic
sults in an increased bleeding tendency. However, the effect could be contraindicated in some patients.130 The
balance between the reduced levels of clotting activators risk of transmission of infectious agents by FFP trans-
and inhibitors may sometimes lead to hypercoagula- fusion, as for other blood products should not be under-
tion and thrombosis. A hypercoagulable state has been estimated.131
found in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis, primary The solvent detergent-treated plasma is effective
sclerosing cholangitis,83 and advanced cirrhosis, in to lessen the risk of transmission of viral infections, but
which an accelerated intravascular coagulation may be it is deficient in Factor VIII, protein C, protein S, and
present. Thrombosis can develop if these patients are 2-antiplasmin.132
suffering from sepsis or trauma. Spontaneous thrombo- Cryoprecipitate, obtained when FFP is thawed at
sis occurs mainly in the portal and mesenteric veins in 4°C, contains Factor VIII, fibrinogen, vWF, fibronectin,
patients with liver cirrhosis. The prevalence of non- and Factor XIII. One unit of cryoprecipitate (20–30
neoplastic portal vein thrombosis (PVT) ranges from 8 mL) for every 10 kg body weight increases plasma fi-

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to 16%,118,119 and it is associated with increased morbid- brinogen by 50 mg/dL.133 Administration of cryopre-
ity and mortality during liver transplantation.120 Portal cipitate is indicated in bleeding patients when fibrino-
vein thrombosis, like other venous thrombotic events, is gen levels are less than 80 to 100 mg/dL because of
due to the concomitant presence of congenital or ac- DIC or massive blood transfusion.
quired, or local or systemic risk factors.121 The slowing Prothrombin complex is a concentrate of Factors
of the blood flow in the splanchnic venous bed due to II, VII, IX, and X, obtained from the plasma of several
portal hypertension represents the local acquired risk thousand donors. The use of prothrombin complex is
factor. A prothrombotic state due to inherited disorders limited by the risk of infectious disease transmission,134
of clotting factors, Factor V Leiden, and prothrombin anaphylaxis, and the risk of DIC because of the pres-
G20210A mutation has been found in PVTs of cir- ence of activated clotting factors.135,136
rhotic patients.122,123 Anticardiolipin antibodies, usually Recombinant Factor VIIa is a promising agent to
associated with antiphospholipid syndrome, an acquired correct hemostatic impairment in patients with liver fail-
thrombophilic condition, have been advocated in the ure.137 In preliminary reports, 80 g/kg dose of recombi-
pathogenesis of PVT.124 However, the association be- nant Factor VIIa (Novoseven, Novo Nordisk Pharmaceu-
tween anticardiolipin antibodies and clinical throm- ticals) normalized PT for more than 12 hours in patients
botic events in patients with chronic hepatitis,125,126 with Child-Pugh class B and C cirrhosis.138 It has been
liver cirrhosis,127 or patients receiving a liver transplant successfully used to restore coagulative parameters in a
has not been demonstrated.128 Further studies address- small number of patients with acute liver failure.139 Lastly,
ing this issue are needed. a single dose of Novoseven seems to reduce blood product
requirements during liver transplantation.140 The overall
potential benefits and risks of recombinant Factor VIIa
THERAPY need to be confirmed in large controlled studies.
Spontaneous bleeding is infrequent in patients with ad- Platelet transfusion is required in patients with
vanced liver disease, and treatment of hemostatic abnor- active persistent bleeding when the platelet count is less
malities is not generally required. On the other hand, than 50,000/mm3.133,141 A platelet count of around
correction of coagulation disorders in patients with liver 100,000/mm3 needs to be attained.27 Prophylactic use
disease has to be pursued in cases of active persistent of platelet concentrates is only indicated in patients
bleeding, before diagnostic or therapeutic invasive pro- undergoing invasive diagnostic procedures or elective
cedures, before major surgery, and in patients with ALF. surgery when the platelet count is less than 60,000/
Different blood and nonblood products are available as mm3.77,133 One unit of platelet concentrate increases the
supportive or repletive treatments. peripheral blood count by about 10,000/mm3, and the
Fresh frozen plasma (FFP) contains all clotting therapeutic dose is 1 U/10 kg body weight.133 Platelets
and inhibitor factors. Administration of 10 to 20 mL/kg derived from a single donor by apheresis correspond to
body weight of FFP may curtail PT prolongation to less six random platelet concentrates. Repeated platelet
than 3 seconds.27 The correction of coagulation para- transfusion induces alloimmunization and refractive-
meters is prompt but lasts no more than 12 to 24 hours. ness to new transfusion.141 This is an important issue in
The lack of correction of clotting parameters after ade- patients on the waiting list for liver transplantation in
quate FFP transfusion suggests the presence if inhibi- which HLA-matched and cross-matched platelets may

be required.142 The use of recombinant TPO for the tPA tissue plasminogen activator
correction of thrombocytopenia of cirrhotic patients is TPO thrombopoietin
still under investigation.143 vWF von Willebrand factor
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